ps: I feel a little uncomfortable today, and I hope to understand that there are fewer updates.

The central air conditioner in the unit is not too hot to wear formal clothes. As a result, when I came out of get off work, I seemed to be suffocated by the heat wave and became heatstroke. Now I seem to have some symptoms of heat and cold.

603. The Secret Key (Part Two)

Ghost spiders and Doberman have every reason to believe that the nails buried in the interior of the Navy have one and only one purpose-ancient weapons.

It would be too unrealistic to say that Wu Lao Xing expected that only a few spies concealed in the headquarters would be able to control the navy.

These spies may be able to help the world government in grasping internal navy information and intelligence.

It will not make Wu Lao Xing's every move towards the navy headquarters fall into a dilemma.

As long as Sakazuki, Kuzan, Karp, Sengoku and others, these high-level combat powers that fundamentally determine the trend of military power control still exist.

Even the spies of the world government dormant all the way to the rank of lieutenant general, taking on the post of base commander in charge of a certain area.

Its role and influence are also local and limited.

But this does not mean that the spies sent by the world government are useless waste or pity.

It was only once inadvertently that the navy headquarters paid a heavy price for its past ignorance of their existence.

This group of spies dormant in the military department proved their existence value with practical actions.

Not only did the navy executives be disgraced, but they also obtained one of the most important ‘keys’ for the world government-the chief shipbuilder Tom, who is said to have kept the plans of Pluto.

That incident almost nailed the several officials who stayed behind at Malin Fando on the pillar of shame.

Not to mention the tough martial artists like Ghost Spider and Doberman, even Kuzan, who doesn't take his face seriously, shivered with anger after learning about it.

And Sakazuki directly after the marshal in power, directly activated several lieutenants of his confidant to take over the defense of Marin Vando and the responsibilities of the base commander of several important naval fortresses in one fell swoop.

Now [Dogdog] Doberman in charge of the G-5 outpost fortress, and [Secret Weaver] Ghost Spider in charge of Malin Vandor's defense are all entrusted with important tasks at that time.

The power of the hawkish group within the navy also led to rumors that the admiral of the navy was partial and deliberately suppressed the doves.

The ‘Eagle’s Nest’, which is now being used as an example by agents of the world government, is a very typical product of multiple versions of this rumors.

Staring at the revealing spy in front of him, the ghost spider's eyes seemed to burn with anger.

It is precisely because of the existence of such "turtle turtles" in the navy that the chief shipbuilder Tom was coaxed to take him all the way to Wu Lao Xing, and he is still "a guest" in the Holy Land.

At that time, the navy headquarters came out with great talents, and the Communist Party also took the [Spear of Arden] to go to Alabastan to start the mighty battle that is now called the [War on the Top] by the world.

And just as the Warring States arrived in Alabastan and Sakazuki and others joined together to prepare for the war, the ships of the world government arrived at Malin Vandor, where the forces were empty and all the principals were on the front line.

"Facing the possibility that the Black Sails Alliance might seize Pluto", the five old stars openly invited Tom to go to the discussion.

And the spy who was dormant in the expeditionary force sequence was at the critical moment when Tom was still hesitating to go. Using the honest murloc's goodwill for the Burning Legion as bait, he coaxed the believers into the holy land of Marijoa.

But even the five old stars did not expect that Tom, as the [custodian], had never seen Pluto's design drawings.

He only has the responsibility of keeping and guarding. This is the rule passed down by the boatmen of the Capital of Seven Waters in the past dynasties.

As for the drawing, it has long been placed in a safe area in the navy headquarters.

Therefore, when this agent took advantage of the departure of Sakazuki, the act of rushing to get in touch with the online was exposed to the eyes of the ghost spider.

The eight-armed Titans can almost conclude that this group of spies came for the Pluto design drawings that are said to still exist somewhere in the navy headquarters.

The actual situation is exactly the same as expected by the ghost spider. The spy who is dormant in the R&D department of the Temple Watcher is really ready to take advantage of the Sakazuki to go out and join other spies to steal it-according to internal rumors. In the Marshal's office, the Pluto design drawings personally protected by the marshals of the past generations.

Little do they know that this rumor that seems to be true is actually a fake news deliberately released by Sakazuki.

The real Pluto drawings had long been placed by him on the Navy’s active-duty Ark-class aerial strategic platform [The Spear of Arden], guarded by a completely unaware green bull.

"So what, if I surrender, can I still eat pork chops in the confinement room?" Seeing the ghost spider and Daubman completed the double-teaming one after the other, consciously there is no spy who hopes to win, his expression becomes more and more worried.

Specializing in technology, he estimated that he couldn't even beat the Dr. Moira. Compared to these expeditionary Wufus who came out of the **** sea of ​​corpses, it was a far cry.

"If you actually recruited it." Daubman raised his palm with a moderately powerful hand knife, knocking it on the back of the opponent's neck and fainting it.

He stared at the ghost spider who was standing not far away, before inviting himself to watch a good show: "What's this?! I originally thought I could fight and fight, but I came across such a soft-footed shrimp."

"What anxious? The guy in the R&D department was originally a technical fan. Being able to get involved in the R&D of Light Edge also proved that his brain is very good." But the ghost spider was not discouraged. He sneered and gave a thumbs up to the fortress behind him. The direction shook: "Among the four major legions, our expeditionary force is the'hardest hit area'.

You and I can't know better, there are all weird people in the Legion that pursues the supremacy of strength, and the spies who can stand firm in the Legion with their strength are enough for our brothers to stretch their muscles and bones. "

When it came to this, Douberman couldn't help showing a hint of worry, and the dog that had always been fearless and fearless seemed to hesitate: "It doesn't matter if we stay in the headquarters, except for a few of us, there are many generals sitting here. But for this mission [Integration Movement], the area we are responsible for is only one part..."

"Are you worried about Robin's side?" The ghost spider instantly realized that Robin, as the most promising and handsome candidate in the new generation of the Navy, is still the second most important resource and effort devoted to her. The focus is to pay back behind her. There are a bunch of uncles who are so short as to explode.

It was hard for the two lieutenants to imagine, if Robin was inadvertently wounded by a traitor hidden in the navy, what would the father-worried man do.

"" After thinking for a moment, the ghost spider shook his head flatly. It's not that Nizi hasn't discussed with him as "Big Brother Ghost Spider" recently.

Although he ultimately defended the ranking with a slight advantage, the two sides did not come up with a killer move, and only used a point-to-stop method to finalize the battle.

In the most recent issue of the Legion Battle List, Sakazuki was not included in the count because Sakazuki became a marshal, so everyone in the entire list has been ranked up by one.

[Ghost Bamboo] Vergo was abruptly beaten by Robin from the eighth to the eleventh position on the official list, falling out of the top ten for the first time.

While Doberman and Ghost Spider, who ranked third and fourth respectively, ushered in a long-lost list battle in the long wait-a translocation battle initiated by these new generation members who have only made the top ten list. .

Many people in the legion doubt whether the promoted general [Peach Rabbit] Gion can really beat the killer deputy commander Yu Zhiliu, although the latter’s ranking is currently only occupied." Second place", slightly inferior to Gion.

The expeditionary army pursues a unique power supremacy, which leads to even Gion, who temporarily leads the Burning Legion, is currently higher than Shiliu in terms of military rank, but there are still voices of dissatisfaction within the Legion.

"No. 5 on the list, [Son of Devil] Robin.

No. 6 on the list, 【Killing Weapon】Rob Luchi

No. 7 on the list, [Fire Fist] Ace

The 10th place on the list [Code: x] Drake. "Doberman's voice was a little bit irritated: "A few other old guys who are also seven generals of the Legion were actually squeezed out of the top ten?" ! Is this new generation too fierce? Or did they not train seriously? ? "

The ghost spider glanced at this guy obliquely, and he thought Lu Qi could drive Doberman down.

The result was a little unexpected. Not only did Lu Qi fail to get past the G-5 base commander who was'the new world is chaotic, the flathead has the final say', but he was inferior to his defeat in a shameful way of losing the battle. Robin competing for fifth place.

It is said that when the two passed by, Robin handed it to his ear with a whisper.

Author's message:

ps: Tomorrow, an Australian boss who is engaged in education will ask me to go out for dinner. I will not sleep in tomorrow and try to pass the chapter codes up in advance.

Also... my throat hurts so much today... it seems to be really hot and cold.

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