I Sell Devil Fruits At American Comics

Chapter 152 Luo Xia: History Of Tony Stark's Life And Death Have Nothing To Do With Me


"Barton, how's the situation?"

Black widow's inquiry sounded in the communication channel.

Hawkeye Barton glanced at Lucien, who was unconscious on the ground, and took out a special binding device, binding the opponent's hands and feet firmly.

"What do you think, Natasha Romanoff?"

After finishing all this, Hawkeye Barton picked Lucian up casually, and replied to Natasha Romanoff, "If I can't even handle a large bat, isn't my falcon too useless?"

"Okay, I was the one who asked nonsense."

"You do!"

The two sides made a simple nonsense, and then agreed on a meeting place. Hawkeye Barton didn't say any more nonsense, flapped his wings, and flew into the sky with Lucian.

Just like that, it flew quickly in the sky, and after a few ups and downs, it finally came to a deserted intersection and landed there.

And Black widow has long been waiting for him here.

A transport vehicle was also ready early.

The two didn't say much nonsense, they carried Lucian into the compartment of the transport vehicle and locked him up, then started the car.

"Sir, the man has been caught, where are we going?"

While driving, Black widow contacted Nick Fury and asked for Nick Fury's opinion.

"Go to the 'Red Horn' safe house, and I will send you the exact coordinates."

Nick Fury's voice immediately sounded in the communication channel.

Red Horn Safe House?

Well, it's another place where Black Widow has never even heard of. God knows how many secret forces that Braised Egg guy has established behind S.H.I.E.L.D's backs.

But these Black widows don't care either.

On the contrary, as the director of S.H.I.E.L.D, Black widow would feel strange if a person of this level didn't even have some secret resources of his own.

Black widow is just a little curious, S.H.I.E.L.D obviously has so many bases and safe houses, but Nick Fury doesn't use any of them!

The officer is suddenly cautious to such an extent, what is the reason?

You know, the chief is the boss of S.H.I.E.L.D!

If Black widow knew that At the moment Crossbones was watching her with binoculars and reporting his tracks upwards, she would understand why.

"Sir, the animal-type Devil Fruit Ability user has been captured by Black Widow and is being escorted."

"Besides, we can confirm Hawkeye Barton's Ability. Like Lucien, he is also an animal Ability user."

"We still need to investigate what fruit he ate, but his Ability can transform into a falcon."

Crossbones reported through an encrypted channel with a straight face.

Turn into a falcon?

On the other side, when Marco heard the words, a solemn look began to appear on his face.

Even if he doesn't know about other devil fruits, this ability to transform into a falcon sounds very powerful, okay?

And Hawkeye Barton, like Black Widow, is a die-hard Nick Fury loyalist, so things may be a little bit troublesome.

It was precisely because of this that the caught Lucian became more and more important.

"Sir, what are we going to do next?"

After Crossbones reported the situation, he immediately began to ask serious questions.

"No need! You just need to keep an eye on them."

"Remember, don't startle the snake!"

Marco tells Crossbones heavily.

Anyway, basically the entire S.H.I.E.L.D is now controlled by their HYDRA, and the people captured by S.H.I.E.L.D are really no different from those captured by HYDRA.

While they were a step behind with HYDRA and left people in Nick Fury's hands, it wasn't really a big deal.

No matter where Nick Fury locks people up, there are eyes and ears of HYDRA, or they are completely controlled by HYDRA.

With HYDRA's huge and infiltrating relationship network, with a little operation, it is easy to completely control Lucian.

"Yes, sir!"

The voice of Crossbones sounded, and he replied heavily.


Devil Fruit House.

"It has been a full week since Tony Stark was attacked. The military, FBI, CIA and other departments and agencies have all been involved in the investigation, but so far, no department has released the results of the investigation."

"Although no body has been found yet, the general attitude of the mainstream media is that Tony Stark has been attacked and killed."

"Relevant authorities are still looking for Tony Stark, but we have to wonder if they will find anything after such a long time."

"Next, we will use five minutes to briefly review the legendary and wonderful life of Tony Stark..."

Looking at the news on the TV screen, Luo Xia couldn't help showing a touch of emotion.

This day has finally come!

In the past few days, the news that Tony Stark was attacked and killed in Afghanistan can be said to be directly on the screen.

On TV, on the Internet, on the news, everywhere, everyone is discussing frantically.

After all, Tony Stark is the most controversial superstar of this century, and in terms of topicality, he is no worse than those top stars in the entertainment industry.

Originally, Luo Xia thought that Pepper and Happy, the two closest people to Tony Stark, had come to buy Devil Fruits. Definitely, Happy hadn't collected enough gold to formally complete the transaction, but at least he had seen Devil Fruits The magic.

In this way, the devil fruit will naturally come into Tony Stark's sight.

So will Tony Stark come to the store to buy devil fruits because of this?

So, has his original destiny changed?

Luo Xia is actually quite looking forward to this.

He was a little curious, what would the future be like if Tony Stark hadn't spent those three months in a cave in Afghanistan?

But who would have thought that under such circumstances, Tony Stark would still be attacked in Afghanistan.

From this point of view, Iron Man will still be born again.

But think about it again, how boring would the Marvel world be without Iron Man?

As for rescuing Tony Stark or something, Luo Xia has no such plan.

For one thing, Tony Stark is not dead.

Secondly, the life and death of Tony Shi and Stark, in the final analysis, have nothing to do with Luo Xia.

No matter how famous this person is, he has nothing to do with Luo Xia.

This is for no reason, why does Luo Xia want to save this person who has nothing to do with her?

For Luo Xia, this matter is purely a super big melon.

He just needs to eat melons in silence.

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