"Do you think that you will be very powerful if you become this state?"

Seeing that they continue to entangle, Charlotte feels that she should focus on other places. The cooperation of these people should be able to win. Although it will be a little difficult, the victory should indeed exist. Now the real let What moved him most and found it interesting was not this so-called battle.

Another man is also marching here, he is a man with an almost afro head, and he is also somewhat capable in this Grimoire Heart.

The well-deserved number one among Grimoire Hearts is Hades Ultear who possesses some special abilities. When it comes to fighting, it is difficult to judge whether her fighting power is strong or weak. However, recently, with the help of Charlotte, Ultear The fighting power has risen in a straight line.

Don't even think about Meredy walking with Ultear.

This man with an afro-like head is called Azuma.

His appearance is very rough and powerful. When he walked over there, 25 did have an unusual strong spirit. He only wanted to fight people, so when he came to Sirius Island, he was looking for some strong people. He had already defeated some people just now.

Charlotte can already feel the failure of Wendy and the others, the strength of those three people is simply not enough to compete with this guy, and now he has to follow Hades' order to destroy the Sirius tree with super strength.

However, he has no intention of destroying this big tree in his heart, so the speed of action is very slow. By the way, he is going to find some other enemies to fight on this journey. In the original plot, he will use Lisanna as his own hostage.

Although this woman was used as a condition for fighting the opponent, it was indeed a bit evil, after all, this in itself was out of the scope of a fair fight.

But in the current plot, Lisa has not returned from another world.

So there will be no such plot, but he really came here in advance.

"It seems that you are not a weak person. In Fairy Tail, I have heard the name of that kind of demon. Are you the existence that Mirajane can become a demon?"

The other party asked quietly, but those eyes always fell on Charlotte next to him. How could there be such an ordinary man standing beside him, which made him puzzled.

"As for you, I don't know your identity, who are you, how can you be qualified to stay here?"

"You guys are quite arrogant, I am qualified to stay here, what does it have to do with you, I like to stay here and stay here, it's as simple as that.

Charlotte didn't give the other party face, just said quietly with her hands on her hips, this guy was not angry, his personality belonged to the relatively silent type, he liked fighting and was a belligerent but respected fighting person.

"I'm going to fight you, Mirajane let me see how the mighty Fairy Tail's Majin is doing?"

Mirajane looked at Charlotte beside her, and Charlotte nodded.

"It's enough to fight with all your strength. These days, you have also obtained some very special strength improvements. It is not difficult to defeat this guy."


Mirajane walked slowly, and immediately turned into a terrifying demon state when she went out for a walk. She can turn herself into a real monster. In this case, she becomes more fierce and brutal.

Demon transformation will indeed change to a considerable extent, a person's character, at least Mirajane is the case now, he liberated the power of Satan, of course he also has many special state changes.

The closer you get to a pure demon, the more power you release.

"No, anyone is qualified to see my attitude. The darkness is mad."

Mirajane stretched out his hand, and it immediately turned into a dark claw, grabbing it, all his power is related to darkness, the attack of sparks, the terrifying claw, plus a burst of rage, all kinds of skill upgrades come .

There is the terror of completely suppressing the opponent in an instant. Although this Azma is considered a top powerhouse, he was indeed suppressed in a very short period of time. He can only use the power of the earth to condense on his body into something similar to a violent armor. s things.

He continuously absorbs the power from the earth, and there is also this big tree on Sirius Island itself, so he can absorb even more power.

In other places, he might not have reached this level, but on the way of constantly absorbing power, he has almost reached another level of rage.

He used those leaves in front of him as armor.

Immediately afterwards, he directly used the branches to extend out to hit the opponent. Those branches twisted and twisted in the air, more like swords after another, coming from all directions

Charlotte saw Mirajane constantly flying in it. She is a strong demon in a state of flying, and she can fly extremely fast, and she can respond instantly, flapping her wings, and she will shoot all these things smash.

Mirajane, who flew to the back, suddenly closed her hands, and an energy ball appeared in her hands.

"Soul Destroyer."

This is the super dark shock wave he produced after gathering a large amount of dark energy, and threw it forward. The ground shattered by this shock wave looked like it was going to blow the opponent into a horrible ashes, but after the explosion, there was no opponent. The other party was able to respond in an instant at 577, and escaped from this most terrifying place. During the entire escape process, the other party seemed to be very confident.

Azuma jumped out from there and fell to the side.

Push your own palm, and suddenly all the branches are creeping towards the enemy, trapping Mirajane well, and it's an almost close fight.

At least from Charlotte's point of view, he likes this kind of battle very much. It's not interesting to completely crush. I don't know how many enemies I have crushed these days, so that they don't even have the ability to resist. Now it seems a bit boring .


Suddenly someone ran over and asked me to take a look. It turned out to be the three strong men under him. They brought over, and there was also a fat man.

This guy is called Hikaru, and he is also the strongest in Grimoire Heart. He can use puppet magic to control himself and control others. The power should be considered not weak. At least in the original plot, Natsu Lucy tried his best to defeat him.

Unexpectedly, these three people knocked down this guy easily, and dragged him all the way forward. This guy put his face on the ground sadly, as if he had suffered a catastrophe there.

"Boss, we have already defeated this guy, he was very arrogant just now.

Angel seemed to be very happy, and said quickly. .

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