I Sell Jars At Fairy Tail

Chapter 34: Instantly Open!

There was a slight crack on his katana!

This is not a good thing! For a moment, Charlotte thought of Kisuke and Rukia's Zanpakutō, which shattered into pieces and fell to the ground after releasing the Getsuga Tenshō.

I couldn't help but start to get entangled in my heart. On the one hand, my two swords might not be able to suffer the side effects of the Getsuga Tenchou. If I continued to use my katana to release the Getsuga Tenchou, I probably wouldn't be able to last long...

Seeing that she had only eliminated a dozen Jillians, but there were still countless Jillians approaching her, the problem had become quite serious. After coming out, Charlotte felt that she was enjoying fighting so much.

Kidou cannot cause instant fatal damage to Jillian, and holding Hishi Tessai next to him has clearly proved that "four, seven, seven", and I can't help but feel that Kurosaki Isshin's skills are not suitable for his Zanpakutō at all. Charlotte was helpless and could only start thinking about other ways of fighting for the time being!

Seeing Charlotte stop fighting after an attack, everyone's mentality changed and they couldn't help but start moving towards Chong Luo.

"Is Charlotte injured? Why are you standing there motionless?"

"How do I know! But judging from the skill just released, it is very likely that I have no physical strength! Although the skill Crescent Sky Chong is powerful, the side effects are also quite obvious! The explosive power is quite powerful, but the accuracy and consumption of physical strength are also quite amazing. !”

Just pretending that Charlotte had released her own skills, Isshin Kurosaki was worried. He didn't know how many of Charlotte's own skills she had mastered. If she was forced into the worst possible situation, Charlotte might release the final Getsuga Tensho. !

If Charlotte's death power will all disappear by then, no matter what plans Kisuke and the others teach Charlotte, they will have to terminate!

"Are you okay? If you can't continue fighting, go back to Urahara Shop! You don't need to worry about the fighting on the ground when you go to practice together! It's obvious that these guys are coming towards you! It's best for you to withdraw from the fighting now! Those guys won’t attack you as a group!”

Taking the lead in teleporting in front of Charlotte, Ye Yi directly planned to persuade Charlotte to retreat. After all, it was obvious that Jillian's target was Charlotte. It would not be a wise decision to let him stay on the battlefield.

However, she ignored Yoruichi's warning to herself. Charlotte slowly put the Zanpakuto with a slight crack into the scabbard, and then began to think about it. Since Kidou and Kurosaki Isshin The skill cannot be used, so there is only one last method left!

He began to gather his spiritual pressure and recalled everything Yoichi had taught him in the training ground. Although he had not mastered it yet, the Charlotte in front of him planned to give it a try and use Shun Kai to fight!

In an instant, white light emanated from his back and shoulders, and a powerful murderous aura surrounded Fang Yuan's location one kilometer away.

"What is this guy planning to do? Such a powerful murderous intention is completely exposing his position! It is not a wise decision!"

"Charlotte! You haven't mastered this skill at all. You can only release it, but you can't use it in actual combat! Retreat! I now order you to return to the training ground and hide your spiritual pressure!"

Ye Yi also has a good understanding of Charlotte's instant open skills. She can only perform decent skills, but her vision and brain reaction can't keep up with her body's speed!

And after Charlotte released Instant Open, a very serious shortcoming also showed up!

Normally, like Kurosaki, Charlotte would create a special barrier to hide her spiritual pressure, but once she released the instantaneous release, Charlotte did not continue to hide her spiritual pressure. Instead, she was like an overwhelming beast, even if she was far away. Charlotte's spiritual pressure can be felt from far away!

Since the target of Jillian who came to Karakura Town is Charlotte, why did she do such an attention-grabbing move? She just shouted her direction to the hundreds of Jillians around her.


However, he didn't pay any attention to Yoruichi's constant worries on the side, and didn't even want to act according to Yoichi's plan. He had already broken through the barrier of Grip Tetsusai and rushed out of the house, intending to join the battle. If you are retreating back to your house to seek shelter, it is entirely a matter of dignity!

I calmed down and concentrated on it, ignoring Jillian's roar and the words of the former captains around me...

In Charlotte's mind, as long as she concentrates enough, it is not difficult to drive a skill like instant driving!

After absolute concentration, Charlotte disappeared from everyone's sight in the blink of an eye, and moved quickly around Jillian. Even Jillian didn't realize where Charlotte was at the moment.

I can only feel Charlotte's spiritual pressure, but I can also feel Charlotte herself not far away. It is completely unrealistic to pursue her at such a moving speed!

Frowning tightly, in Yoichi's eyes, Charlotte has not mastered the skill of instant opening at all. It is too early to put it into actual combat now!

Especially when Charlotte bumped into Jillian before she could react, it would be quite difficult to rescue Charlotte.

Slowly opening her eyes, the things around her flew by. In an instant, Charlotte felt like she was motion sick, but a scene different from the last time in the training ground appeared!

Although the things around me were quite blurry, there was no doubt that they were much better than before.

Charlotte could barely realize the distance she had moved and the approximate location of the place she was about to arrive. At least she wasn't just running around like a headless fly!

Now that my senses have begun to slowly adapt to the speed of the instant opening, the next step is to attack.

Just like Yoruichi's previous fighting method, he jumped in front of Jillian in a flash and punched the white mask with a huge nose!

There was a loud noise, and as Jillian's mask shattered, his body began to gradually disappear from the air!

Seeing this scene, Yoruichi opened his mouth in surprise and couldn't believe what was happening in front of him.

Charlotte's learning ability has exceeded Yoruichi's knowledge. It took her hundreds of years to study Shunhe, but Chongluo almost completely mastered it in just ten days!

And it only took a few hours for Charlotte's body to adapt to the speed, and she had reached a state where she could use instantaneous combat!

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