I Sell Jars At Fairy Tail

Chapter 111: The Art Of Stopping Time

"Why use the swastika? These virtual men are scouts! If we are the first to let them know our ultimate skill, wouldn't it be giving Aizen battle data in vain?!"

"Then what do you think we should do? Use the huge wave just now to seal this guy too?"

Suddenly, Charlotte's three Zanpakutō began to quarrel. Each had its own ideas, but if you think about it carefully, they also had their own shortcomings!

While the three Zanpakutō continued to argue, Charlotte did not participate in the conversation between the three. Instead, she gradually calmed down and thought about the previous battle against Apollo.

While constantly thinking about attacks, he did not reveal any flaws. On the contrary, every time he attacked, it could be said that when he was unable to act or continued to fight, Apollo would also be very smart to use suicide to appear in front of him again with full status. !

There is simply no way to cripple it and throw it aside and move on.…………

As her three Zanpakutō continued to argue and use their own methods to kill Apollo, Charlotte couldn't help but feel the real trouble of three thousand people.

Immediately, a scene replayed itself endlessly in his mind. When he used Haigai, and before he put his Zanpakutō back into its sheath, Apollo didn't make any move for a long time!

As if time had stopped, Apollo turned his back to him until he inserted his Zanpakutō into the scabbard and then turned around.

After all, Apollo also has ten blades and can be considered a quite powerful opponent. It is obvious that his spiritual pressure has appeared behind Apollo, but he did not turn around at all but still stayed in place and waited for many seconds. !

"Stop arguing now! I have a question for you three! Do you remember when you used Shijie?"

"Remember, that guy was seriously injured and then came back to life!"

"How can we not cause harm? The damage is delayed damage. He was not harmed before inserting you into the scabbard. He even sensed that I was behind him and did not turn around. Maybe we can freeze him in that state forever. .~!”

After hearing Charlotte's conjecture, the three Zanpakutō also fell silent at the same time. Charlotte's attack did have a delay. After causing an indiscriminate attack at an extremely fast speed, the previous damage would be superimposed only if the attack was withdrawn. Present!

According to Charlotte's guess, maybe there is no need to withdraw, so that Apollo will immediately seem to be frozen in place!

The idea is absolutely feasible, but there are different disputes about how to implement it...

After arguing for a while, Charlotte finally came to her senses and turned her attention to the battlefield again.

At this moment, other members have moved to Charlotte's side. Yachiru who was fighting on the side also winked at Charlotte crazily. It would be a wise decision to leave here quickly before other virtual faces arrive!

However, the current Charlotte didn't think that way. She didn't care about other things at all. Instead, she thought about the attack method she was about to launch!

"You guys wait here! It won't take long!"

Once again, he lowered his head and arched his back, making an offensive posture.

Seeing Charlotte preparing for a sneak attack, Arronillo didn't even bother to remind Apollo. After all, Charlotte's skill seemed to be impossible to dodge, and her movement and attack speed were invisible to the naked eye. Even if she reminded Apollo, it would be of no use!

And anyway, Apollo has the ability to infinitely regenerate. Even without any reminder, Apollo will regenerate immediately after receiving fatal damage.

Arronillo instantly became a spectator, observing Charlotte carefully. After all, he didn't see Charlotte at all when Charlotte used this move. Maybe he was careless, but now from this angle And this location is the best place to observe Charlotte.

With Apollo here to delay time, if he has developed all the moves of Charlotte's skills, Apollo and he will not need to hold Charlotte here to buy time for Aizen, but can directly finish Charlotte here.

He instantly released his skills and sprinted towards Apollo in front of him.

Charlotte disappeared from everyone's sight. Aronillo couldn't help but frowned and began to analyze Charlotte's current actions.

It is very likely that she moved and attacked at an extremely fast speed, which directly caused a visual delay in the attacks caused by Charlotte, and it would even take a few seconds for large-scale damage to appear.

While Aroniello was happily analyzing the principles of Charlotte's initial solution, Charlotte instantly passed Apollo and appeared between Apollo and Yachiru!

Immediately he stopped waving the Zanpakutō in his hand, and Yachiru almost slashed at Charlotte's head...

々What about you? Where's the plan we made? You didn't follow the plan we set at all! Everyone ran to you, and you naively released the skill you just released once! It's just a waste of time here. idiot!"

After seeing Charlotte, Yachiru immediately started to curse. After all, he had been delayed here for quite some time.

It was enough for Charlotte to take everyone away, but Charlotte still chose to turn back and attack?

What kind of idiot plan is this? You just fell into Aizen’s trap!

When did Charlotte become so stupid? When she went to Soul Society alone, Charlotte was admired by many Shinigami captains for her combat prowess and tactical resourcefulness. After all, she was able to go to the Bipolar despite being wanted by the Gotei Thirteenth Division ( Zhao Li's) is a miraculous existence!

While Yachiru kept scolding Charlotte for such a reckless approach, Charlotte showed a smile and put the Zanpakutō back into the scabbard. "However, Yachiru beside him instantly saw that A puzzling scene appeared in front of me.

Charlotte's Zanpakutō are quite obvious, one is white, one is purple and one is black. Even the scabbard has the same color.

However, the current Charlotte forcibly inserted different Zanpakutō into the scabbard.

It can be said that none of the three Zanpakutō are in the scabbards they should be in!

However, an even stranger scene immediately appeared in front of everyone.

Time seemed to have stopped at this moment! Apollo even maintained the posture and demeanor of fighting Yachiru. The rags and blood in the air were still hovering in the air.

Falling trend!.

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