I Sell Jars At Fairy Tail

Chapter 103 The Palace’S Past

All the monsters in the war country turned into a rain of blood in an instant. Charlotte struck out with a palm. This time it was not an ordinary palm print, but superimposed with 300 heavy power. It could ignore the space and land directly in front of the opponent. This is Charlotte here. During the few days of traveling, he discovered a new special skill - Kongkong Palm. With the Kongkong Palm activated and Charlotte's already superhuman physical strength and the blessing of bacteria, the mutated dragon turned into a rain of blood within a few palms.

In this state, the surrounding monsters couldn't stop him at all. Charlotte bathed in blood all the way to the Fish-Man Island. There seemed to be something on the Fish-Man Island that made these monsters afraid, and they roared unwillingly and retreated to the sea.

Charlotte quickly used healing to bathe herself. Although these monsters did not hurt Charlotte due to the presence of the Warring States Period, the stench emitted by killing the monsters made her feel nauseous. "Twenty-five zero", and soon Charlotte had another The fragrance came out again, and Charlotte breathed a long sigh of relief, feeling much more comfortable.

Then he carefully observed the surrounding environment. The Fishman Island, which was originally supposed to be bustling, was a little deserted at this time. The plants that were originally pleasing to the eye now turned into monsters with ferocious branches flying in the air. The entire sky was also covered by a layer of black mist. There were waves of depressing breath.

Charlotte's heart was heavy. What happened here to make it like this? There were roars and sounds of fighting coming from the front.

Charlotte hurried forward.

Soon there were more towns around it, because they were close to the fishman royal palace, so the population was naturally larger.

But the bustling streets in the past are now deserted, the ground is covered with blood, and broken limbs can be seen everywhere.

Seeing these stumps, Charlotte knew that these murlocs had also mutated. Charlotte secretly hurried to the murloc palace.

The closer you get to the Murloc Palace, the surrounding scenes become more and more tragic, and you can no longer see the prosperity of this place in the past.

As if she was in a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, Charlotte frowned and finally arrived at the Murloc Palace.

The originally splendid, sacred and inviolable palace could no longer see its former splendor. The body mutated, and ugly fish-men scattered around the palace, attacking all creatures they could see.

Charlotte didn't stop too long and rushed towards the center of the palace.

When Charlotte arrived at the Murloc King's chamber, she was stunned by the sight in front of her.

The fish-man king who was supposed to protect his own people is killing his own people. With the help of the scepter passed down by the fish-men from generation to generation, the fish-man king sends out frightening beams of light. Wherever the light beams reach, everything they come into contact with All disappeared.

Charlotte was full of hatred. She had heard about the ruthlessness of demonic energy before, but she didn't expect to see it this time.

The fish-man king was famous throughout the continent for his tolerance and kindness, but he didn't expect that he would turn into a monster that exuded a violent aura and only knew how to kill.

Just when the fish-man king Nip was killing everyone, Charlotte looked at a place full of sternness and disbelief. The fish-man princess was hiding in the corner and crying softly!

Charlotte didn't dare to neglect and rushed towards the fish-man princess, because the attack of the fish-man king Nip was about to affect her.

Charlotte secretly thought that it was not good, so she struck out with her empty palm and stood in front of the fish-human princess, blocking the beam fired by the fish-man king Nip. Seeing that her empty palm was about to be unable to withstand it, Charlotte hurriedly hit a few more palms and finally blocked the fish-man king. Nip's attack.

Charlotte wiped her cold sweat, but luckily she blocked it. She didn't expect that the mutated fish-man king Qipu and the fish-man clan's scepter would become so powerful.

Without thinking much, Charlotte hurried to the fish-man princess. Looking at the fish-man princess sitting on the ground with her arms and legs clasped, her body trembling slightly, Charlotte actually felt a little sorry for her. She should have been the noble and elegant fish-man that attracted everyone's attention. The princess has now become like this.

Charlotte bent down and lifted up the fish-man princess with both hands. Her delicate face and eyes were slightly red and swollen from crying. Anyone who looked at this pitiful appearance could not help but feel protective. Charlotte was a man, so she was no exception. Thinking about it, Charlotte asked the fish-man princess the cause of the incident.

The fish-man princess didn't expect that there were still conscious humans here who were not contaminated by the demonic energy. Her eyes were full of disbelief, and a glimmer of hope exuded from her originally dead eyes. When she heard Charlotte ask what happened, the fish-man princess fell into memories.

"Some time ago, my father held a court meeting, gathering all the powerful elders of the fish people, and asked to organize the army to prepare for war and prepare to expand the territory of the fish people. Everyone present seemed to have heard it wrong. How could this be said from the always benevolent fish people? The human king Nip said it, but no one dared to say anything more. The fish-man king is the supreme one in the fish-men clan. I had doubts and went to see my father in private. At that time, my father was practicing. When I saw When he saw him, he felt his violent aura that was completely different from usual and wanted to destroy everything. He forgot what to say for a moment. It took him a while to calm down and asked his father. He said that now that my strength has greatly increased, I will naturally give him to him. To provide a better living environment for my people, do I need to report to you what I did? At that time, I was worried and didn’t understand the reason for my father’s sudden change in temperament, but I resigned without saying anything more, but two days ago My father suddenly went crazy and attacked everything he saw around him, and a black hole appeared in the place where my father retreated, constantly emitting black mist. It was the black mist that caused this place to become like this."

After saying this, the fish-man princess showed a painful expression, seeing the people he usually loved dying one after another, which made him suffer in his heart...

"Then why are you not contaminated?" Luo Luo asked doubtfully, "Because I am wearing the Heart of the Ocean, the most precious treasure of my murloc clan. This is also the inheritance of the murloc princesses of all generations. The Heart of the Ocean possesses the purest power in the world. That’s what saved me.”

"Then why don't you use him to save your people?" Charlotte asked in confusion.

"My strength is too low to activate it. I only survived by relying on it to protect my master 3.3"

"I don't know if you can trust me, but I can accompany you to save your people," Charlotte said hesitantly.

"Really? Thank you so much," the fish-man princess said excitedly.

With that said, he took off the Heart of the Ocean from his snow-white neck and handed it to Charlotte with great care.

Charlotte took the Heart of the Ocean and felt the pure energy inside, and was also very curious.

She didn't dare to neglect to activate the energy in her body. Suddenly, Charlotte thought about what would happen if treatment could be used to activate it.

Just do it, Charlotte releases her healing skills and rushes towards the heart of the ocean. The green light mist is gradually absorbed by the heart of the ocean.

After a while, the heart of the ocean stopped absorbing the light mist. Seeing this scene [The fish-man princess became anxious...

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