I! Son Goten, Start Bonus Ultra Instinct

021 The Temptation To Pass On Bloodlines Is Really Great, Go To The North Galaxy (Asking For Flower

Hearing this, the corners of Paragus' eyes twitched violently.

After showing a terrified expression on his face, a fierce look flashed in his eyes.

Because half a month ago, he discovered the Saiyan hybrid child in front of him through the high technology of other planets.

According to the data display,

He has super strength.

Absolutely surpasses all Saiyans on the Saiyan planet before, including King Vegeta.

So if you want to kill them, maybe you can do it with your fingers.

But he also has big ambitions.

That is to rule the universe.

So this mixed-race Saiyan child in front of him may become an obstacle for him to rule the universe.

Such a terrifying talent and strength at such a young age.

If he is allowed to grow up, the consequences will be disastrous.

So his plan for coming this time is to kill him completely before he can really grow up!

Although this kid is very strong now.

But it is absolutely impossible to be the opponent of his son Broly.

So he wants to use Broly's hand to completely get rid of this half-blood brat in front of him!

Clear all obstacles in his way to rule the universe.

"Are you Kakarot's son?"

"I used to be very good comrades in arms with your grandpa Burdock."

"The reason why I came to you this time is because you have the blood of Saiyan, and you are so powerful."

"I think you have the qualifications and ability to rebuild our planet Saiyan, and then you will be the new king of Saiyan."

"This is also the purpose of my trip."

"Please don't refuse my kindness..."

After Paragas finished speaking, he knelt down on one knee.

It does look sincere.

But how could Son Goten, who is a time traveler, not know the thoughts in his heart?

Although this guy is average in strength, he is ambitious.

With the powerful talent of his son Broly, he is estimated to have ruled the entire southern galaxy now.

And if you want to rule this universe, you must eliminate all stumbling blocks.

Obviously, he has become a stumbling block in his eyes.

"Oh? King Saiyan?"

"Sounds like a pretty good one."

Son Goten smiled playfully.

He didn't care about the so-called King Saiyan at all.

In the vast universe, King Saiyan exists like garbage.

Besides, this status can't bring him any benefits.

In this dangerous world, the best way to guarantee your own safety is the power of superciliousness.


He really doesn't have much interest in King Saiyan.

But he was very interested in Broly.

That guy is of the legendary Super Saiyan bloodline, and even without training, his combat effectiveness will increase day by day.

If he can obtain his bloodline of Chuanchao, his strength will definitely undergo a qualitative change by then!

And this, the system can do.

Through the ability of the system, you may be able to pick up the super bloodline in the battle with Broly!


"As long as you become the king of Saiyan, the entire universe will crawl under your feet."

"We people will naturally follow your arrangement."

Paragas quickly agreed.

In fact, he originally wanted to bring Broly directly to the earth, and then kill the half-blood kid in front of him.

But after Broly went mad, he would completely become a fighting machine without any consciousness!

This earth looks pretty good, very suitable for habitation.

It can be used as his base camp after he rules the universe.

It would be a pity if it was destroyed during the battle...

That's why he didn't bring Broly directly.

"Rule this universe? It's really good!"

"Okay, I agree to your request!"

After Son Goten pretended to hesitate a little, he nodded in agreement.

Because of Broly's super blood, it is indeed very attractive.

"It's... great!!"

"Then...our base camp is in the Southern Galaxy."

"Do you need to prepare again?"

An excited look appeared on Paragas' face.

But in my heart I dismissed it!

The little kid is really a little kid, it's so easy to deceive!

Originally, I thought it would take some effort, but I didn't expect that this kid would be fooled by a few words.

It's really naive, I guess I'm dreaming of becoming a queen in my heart now.

Little did he know that after reaching Blue Galaxy, it would be his end.

"There's nothing to prepare, I can't wait!"

Son Goten responded lightly.

Indeed, he can't wait to feel the power of Chuanchao Saiyan!

By the way, maybe you can pick up the Chuanchao bloodline, and then you can make a lot of money...

"Great, if this is the case, then let's hurry over!"

Paragus was equally impatient.

He really can't wait to rule the universe!

The environment on this earth is indeed good. After this mixed-blood brat is completely eliminated, this place will be their base camp.

As for the humans on this planet, they will be completely wiped out...

"My most respected king, please come on the spaceship with us!"

After Paragas stood up, he put his right hand on his chest again, showing great respect.

It's just that the moment Son Goten turned around, a devilish smile finally appeared on his face.

Everyone is walking into the Universe ship in no time.

Accompanied by the roar, the Universe spacecraft also left the earth in just a few seconds.

Going to the North Milky Way, even a Universe spacecraft made with the most advanced technology, will take a full three days.

ps: Ask for flower evaluation tickets, ask for flower evaluation tickets! ! !

To answer [Magic God]'s question, if it is an ordinary energy explosion, the Cell can indeed recover.

But being destroyed by the power of Ultra Instinct, the recovery ability of the mere Namek people cannot be recovered at all!

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