I! Son Goten, Start Bonus Ultra Instinct

248 Godmother: It Turns Out That Master Goten Also Has A Tender Side (Seeking Subscription)

when it appears again.

Son Goten and Godmother have arrived in a world that looks devastated.

Everywhere is riddled with holes and broken walls.

It's as if the whole world has been devastated.

"This... Master Sun Goten, logically speaking, we did not come to the wrong time and space."

"But why did it become like this at this time?"

The goddess looked around, took a deep breath and said.

She was a little afraid that Son Goten would get angry after seeing this situation.

Then maybe you will blame yourself.

"It's okay, maybe it's because of my previous battle with Zeno, which caused the collapse of another dimension Universe!"

"So in this time and space, it has also suffered some ripples."

"But fortunately, I have already felt those familiar breaths."

Son Goten shook his head, a smile forming on his face.

Because he finally felt the breath of everyone.

Burdock, Son Goku, Vegeta, Broly, Trunks and Kling.

Although Kling has now become an artificial human.

It stands to reason that he can't feel his breath.

But Son Goten's current strength has already reached a level that they can't imagine.

So you can easily feel the breath of life of Kelin at 470.

"In other words, we have reached your time and space, right?"

The Goddess hurriedly asked.

The Angels behind him also stared at Son Goten with scorching eyes.

Because they knew very well just now, if there is a mistake.

Then they are likely to be directly killed by Son Goten.

But looking at Son Goten's expression now, they should have come to the right place.

"Well, we have indeed returned to my time and space."

Son Goten nodded.

Then look at the devastated world.

With a thought, the broken world began to recover quickly.

He has already comprehended the power of rules.

This rule implies destruction, destruction and creation.

So the current Son Goten is completely the embodiment of rules.

It can be responsible for both destruction and creation.

The power of this rule has already far surpassed Zeno and Grand Priest.

After a while.

The world that was already dilapidated has been restored to its original state.

Seeing this scene, Godmother and the others were also quite surprised.

But since Son Goten can scare Zeno and Grand Priest into that look.

Even if he has such an ability now, it doesn't seem too surprising.

"Let's go!"


After Son Goten said, his body disappeared in a flash.

The Goddess followed closely behind.

In a short while, everyone has come to the earth.

At this time, Burdock and Kakarot also felt Son Goten's breath for the first time.

Of course, there is also Sun Wuquan.

"It's Goten's anger..."

"Great, I feel the breath of Goten."

"Goten is not dead!! Great, Goten is fine."

After feeling the breath of Son Goten.

Everyone cheered happily.

Especially Chichi and Videl.

They embraced each other even more excitedly.

For the past few months, they have been looking forward to Goten's return every day.

But every day, all that is waiting is disappointment.

Today, Goten is finally back!


In the next second, Son Goten appeared in front of everyone.

Kelin threw himself into Son Goten's arms excitedly.

At this time, everyone had tears in their eyes.

That's because of excitement.

"Goten, I knew, I knew you would come back!"

"You kid, you really made us worry to death."

Kelin said with a runny nose and tears.

Snot and tears were wiped on Son Goten.

Son Goten also looked helpless.

"All right, Clint."

"There are so many people watching!"

"And neither my mother nor my daughter-in-law hugged me, are you too domineering?"

(bgdh) A long-lost smile finally appeared on Son Goten's face.

The coldness and fierce killing intent when facing Zeno and Grand Priest completely disappeared.

"All right!"

"Because I was so excited just now!"

Kling quickly let go of Son Goten.

At this time Videl and Chichi also walked in front of Son Goten.

Videl fell directly into Son Goten's arms.

Only a few months have passed, but to her, it is as long as hundreds or thousands of centuries.

Fortunately, Goten is finally back!

At that time, I heard my father said that Goten might not come back.

She felt like her world was about to collapse!

"Okay Videl."

"I'm back, haven't I?"

Son Goten patted Videl's back lightly and comforted him gently.

At this time, the Godmother and other Angels saw this scene.

Unbelievable look in the eyes!

Unexpectedly, the previous one was above the world.

The man who can casually scare Zeno and Grand Priest into shivering.

So tender at this time!

And in the eyes, there is tenderness.

At this time, Son Goten seems to be a real human being!

There is absolutely no arrogance and strength that a creator should possess.

A husband who truly loves his wife!

"It turns out that Master Son Goten still has such a side?"

"That's something I didn't think of."

Looking at the happy Son Goten at this time, the Goddess also seemed to understand why Son Goten insisted on returning to this time and space?

These people in front of him should be the people Son Goten cares about the most.

Ten minutes later, Chichi and Videl finally stabilized their emotions.

Only then did Son Goku and Burdock come forward.

"Goten, how good you are alive?"

"Before the collapse of the universe, we all thought you had died!"

"It's great that you're back safe and sound?"

Son Goku also said excitedly.

After all, the situation at that time was really too dangerous!

The destructive power produced by the collapse of a dimensional universe is absolutely unimaginable to them!

Even if they know that Goten is powerful.

But it is still very difficult to survive in that situation.

"It was a fluke indeed."

"After all, a dimensional universe collapses, even if I am the destructive force, it is hard to bear."

"However, at the most critical time, I used the ability of space teleportation."

"But after arriving in another time and space, that ability will disappear!"

"So I didn't come back anytime soon."

Seeing everyone's extremely excited expressions, Son Goten explained with a smile.

But it's ok, it's finally back!

From now on, no one in this time and space will be able to disturb them again!.

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