ATLAS Group Headquarters

Agent Training Center

The special training personnel serving in the entire training center, including the instructors, as well as the actual agents, were all carefully cultivated by the giant god company in the past ten years.

In terms of personal combat ability and counter-espionage level, skills and other capabilities, they are quite good, and they are one of the main sources of agent force composition in the entire ATLAS group company.

At this time, a test is underway.

Thirty men in casual shirts lined up in five columns, four people each, each standing proudly.

In front of them lay a table with parts for various pistols.

“The actual combat training assessment of the General Administration of Special Agents, the third subject is night special forces combat, the number of participants in the assessment is thirty, and the actual number is thirty.”

On a high platform, Xiao Cheng looked at the assessment scene below, and couldn’t help but sigh, he didn’t expect that he could actually become a behind-the-scenes boss, looking at the assessment subjects of his subordinates.

“You look like you’re doing pretty well these days.” Belmode was still as charming as ever, dancing his sexy and charming body to Xiao Cheng’s side, and said: “However, to get back to the truth, in fact, the qualifications of these trainees are generally good, as long as they have passed the assessment, they can accept the task.” ”

“Hmm.” Xiao Cheng glanced at Belmode and said lightly: “Anyway, I’m idle, I’ve been on vacation recently, just to see how your training center of the General Administration of Special Services is doing?” ”

“So what happened? Isn’t it bad? Did you disappoint? ”

Although he said it casually, Belmod still cared about looking at Xiao Cheng.

“Well, it looks like everything is pretty good.”

Xiao Cheng looked around lightly, looked at the actual location and environment, and said, “Okay, I should also leave and prepare to go to a place.” ”

“Then I’ll send you?”

“No need, I’d better leave.” Saying that, Xiao Cheng turned around, walked to the door, and walked outside.


EU Newsletter: In the Middle East, the war in Uzbekistan continues, and there is a Resident Evil outbreak in the northern region.

Uzstein Radio: General Barkov claimed that the biological attack was the work of a third state and a terrorist organization.

“All this has nothing to do with our just cause, this is all slander, blame, we will not admit it.”

After turning off the TV, Xiao Cheng lay on the sofa in the office, smiled coldly, and said: “It’s all to avoid the problem, to put it bluntly, I dare not admit it.” ”

At this time, the little assistant Guan Guan walked in with a stack of documents, put the documents on the president’s desk, and said: “Mr. Xiao, this is the latest cooperation project contract recently, take a look.” ”

“Oh? These contracts were all reviewed by Mr. Liu? Xiao Cheng sat up from the sofa, stood up, walked to the table, picked up several of the documents, and flipped through them.

“Oh? There are actually TV advertisements and bus advertisements in major cities in China to attract investment? ”

“Mr. Liu said that this project can make our group’s reputation in Xia Guo go to a higher level, which is very helpful for expanding and strengthening the domestic market.”

“yes?!” Liu Liang, they are all pulled out by themselves, their own talent and character are undoubted, and the contract itself that has passed through their eyes over the years is not much of a problem.

It seems that you can continue to expand and strengthen the domestic market, after all, the domestic market is also very important, although the ATLAS Group is very large, but when you can make money, do not hesitate.


The next day, Xiao Cheng held the first high-level video conference of business and administrative staff at the headquarters of ATLAS Group.

“Qu Minjing, let me just ask you, how is our business in the Yandu area in China?” Xiao Cheng looked at Qu Minjing, general manager of ATLAS Group and Xia Guo Branch in the video, and asked.

“The development is very good, our business in the north of Xia Guo has expanded to base station construction, road construction construction, mobile phones, chips, semiconductors and other high-tech industries, and now the ATLAS Group Science and Technology Innovation Industrial Park in Yandu has been put into use and operation.” Qu Minjing reported.

“Do you still need the money there?” Will the business not be able to operate normally due to the disconnection of funds? Xiao Cheng added.

“Not needed for the time being, the northern side can be self-sufficient, and even create better economic benefits for the group.”

“Oh? And what about the South? I remember that the headquarters of the Xia Guo branch was in the magic capital. Xiao Cheng stood up at this time and said.

“In the Age of Exploration, John became the organizer of global trade because it mastered a complete industrial chain.”

“Similarly, if our ATLAS Group wants to continue to develop within Xiaguo, it must have three or four industrial parks and master one, or even several complete industrial chains, to lay the foundation for the company’s long-term development in Xiaguo.” Xiao Cheng talked about this, and everyone who was meeting together suddenly realized that Mr. Xiao’s vision was more long-term.

Xiao Cheng continued: “Shopping malls are like battlefields, this is the summary of the experience of countless predecessors throughout the ages, so we just need to remember, what to do next, how to do it? ”

“Now that the Modu Industrial Park in the south has also been operated, if all goes well, it will create more and better benefits with Yandu to the south and north, laying a better foundation for us to continue to deepen the domestic market and improve economic income.”

“Then Mr. Xiao, are we going to continue to build industrial parks in the northwest and southwest?” At this time, Liu Liangti asked everyone’s doubts.

“There is no need for the time being, because the company’s main business is still based on military resources, and other businesses are auxiliary industries, only in this way can we create a real business empire.”

“By the way, Nanbao, the neon branch should step up the layout and construction, we can’t simply focus on one country.” Xiao Cheng ordered Liu Liangti.

“Okay, Mr. Xiao, I’ll arrange the plan,” Liu Liangti recorded as he returned.

“By the way, Mr. Xiao, do you have any orders on the layout of the entertainment industry industry?”

“We need to focus on user experience and develop new products and businesses, not limited to the service industry.”

“Many so-called traffic stars, in my opinion, are not of much use at all, what you have to do is to actively deepen cooperation with major art academies, not only in quantity, but in quality, understand?”

“Our users are very picky, especially now that many people in the market are not only based on their appearance, but also on their character and talent. If the hardware facilities are up and the software facilities are not keeping up, nothing will be achieved. ”

“The reason why I hate traffic stars is because of this, in this regard, I think our media and entertainment agencies under the ATLAS Group must focus on quality and supplemented by quantity, otherwise, don’t mix this circle.”

“Do you have any other questions about this?” Xiao Cheng paused, stopped his speech and looked at everyone, and said.

After seeing that everyone did not have any problems, Xiao Cheng was eloquent and gushing again, and he talked nonsense for an hour.

While Xiao Cheng was closely carrying out his commercial layout, far away in the Telalte Federation in Africa, a conspiracy against the giant god company was slowly unfolding.

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