“The sun of the kingdom?”

“What does it mean……”

When the people in the Wandering Earth world heard this declaration, their eyes were filled with doubts.

“Could it be that they…want to create a new sun for the Earth?”

At this moment, the scientists of the United Government gathered together, and a crazy idea flashed through their minds.

But this time, no one denied its possibility.


“Let’s go, Archie, Mitt”

“The last step……”

“【Kingdom】The glory of revival will begin to shine from this world……”

Talos waved his hand and said.

A vortex of time and space appeared in the void ahead.

“The Light of the Kingdom’s Restoration……”

All the Kingdom guards in the bridge looked up at Talos’ tall back.

That voice was full and deep, carrying a yearning expectation… like a warm current that went straight into people’s hearts.

This was the future they had been waiting for. They stood at attention, hammering their arms hard on the armor on their chests, making a clanging sound of metal and iron.

They paid a high tribute and watched their Archon walk into the vortex of space.

On the road to leading the Kingdom’s revival.

“As you command, Lord Tartarus.”

The two bowed their heads in admiration, and followed closely with excitement and expectation in their eyes.


Three golden beams of light descended from the sky and appeared in the area where the United Government was located.

“【”The Kingdom is coming!”

He Xiaoxi and other members of the United Government learned of this through the space station satellite.

They quickly put on their cold-proof sealed suits and walked out of the building to welcome them.

As soon as they arrived on the ground… they saw three golden giants slowly walking out of the light column on the distant land.

At this moment, the distance was far away, and they didn’t know what the Kingdom was going to do. They only had time to watch from afar.

Talos noticed the people of the United Government, but didn’t pay much attention at this moment.

【Selected area】

【Construction of the Edurawa Spark Tower began……】

The system prompt sounded.

Talos raised his hand and a pure white light floated from the palm of his hand.

Although it was extremely small, the light it emitted was as dazzling as the stars.

At this moment, Archer and Mitt, who were waiting on both sides, also felt an incredible power from it. Their mental power could not help but carefully probe.

Then they showed shock in their eyes. They actually saw the Edurawa Spark Tower from that white light.

The Spark Tower that made the [Kingdom] evolve!

This is not a white light at all, but a dimensional space containing an Edurawa Spark Tower!

【Should we build a spark tower?】


Talos thought in his heart.

The location of the United Government is the most stable area of the largest Eurasian plate on the earth.

It is also the most suitable location for the Spark Tower.

When it is built, the Spark Tower will release the diverted Cascade light. The powerful energy contained in it will promote the ecological recovery of the earth.

With the confirmation of his consciousness, the white light quickly fell into the earth.

Like a seed sprouting


The ground began to tremble.

Golden rays of light broke through the ground, releasing light and heat, and directly dispelling the coldness in the air.

“That is……”

He Xiaoxi walked slowly forward and looked up.

At this moment, in everyone’s eyes, a tower with golden light rose up quickly. It continued to grow upwards.

Finally, it stopped at an altitude of 5,000 meters.

The Cascade light at the core of the tower instantly bloomed.

It radiated into endless energy for the evolution of life.

At a speed beyond human cognition, it instantly enveloped the entire earth.

Humans could not see the sky, and could only see a golden sun rising in the sky.

“So warm……”

He Xiaoxi looked up at the spark tower that reached the sky in the distance, stretched out his hand to feel the light, and his eyes showed an intoxicated look.

Even through the protective clothing, he could still feel the peaceful energy.

The physical and mental fatigue accumulated over the years dissipated in an instant.

“”Don’t do it, Mr. General!”

Then, in the eyes of the people around him who wanted to stop him in surprise,

He Xiaoxi took off his helmet and isolation suit, exposing himself to the cold environment of minus 74 degrees and lack of oxygen…

He immersed his whole body and mind in the light of the Spark Tower.

But there was no expected coldness and pain, but an indescribable comfort.

It was as if the whole person was immersed in a sea of light.


The other people in the coalition government were all amazed at this and took off their heavy isolation suits.

They personally embraced the new sun.


“Our world has become better!”

Everyone shouted, prostrating themselves on the ground excitedly, and bowing sincerely towards the location of the Spark Tower. They bowed towards the direction of Tartarus.

Many of them thought that they would never be able to breathe freely on land in their lifetime.

No one could have imagined that this moment would come.


Equatorial region, southern hemisphere.

Since the earth stopped rotating in 2061, it has been 15 years of polar night.

The sun’s rays cannot reach here, and the endless sea has frozen into an ice field…

But at this moment.

Some mission teams stationed at the equatorial planetary engine for maintenance slowly looked in the direction of the station.

Strands of golden light were rising from the end of the sky.

“Sunrise…are you kidding?”

“The sky is bright……”

Then the whole sky turned into a golden sky, and the energy of Cascade Light shone to every corner of the world.

The glaciers on the earth began to melt, and turned into water again and began to return to rivers and oceans.

The mountains and valleys of the past reappeared.

At this moment, looking from the space station, the whole earth was covered by a golden light curtain, and vitality began to recover rapidly.

“That really is… the sun……”

Liu Peiqiang stood in the space station and stared blankly, with a look of longing in his eyes.


Day 1.

The ice sheets in major cities around the world began to melt, and cities that had been frozen for a long time reappeared on the earth.

The atmosphere recovered 80%.

The surface temperature changed from minus 87 degrees to a constant comfortable temperature.

The United Government notified all underground cities around the world of the changes on the ground and asked the people to wait patiently…

Day 2.

Flowers and plants grew again on the barren land, and there were clouds in the sky. The earth had life again.

Day 3.

The atmosphere was fully restored.

The glacier water returned to its original position, and flowing rivers and oceans appeared on the ground again.

Day 4.

It rained in the area that was once a desert, and the gravel turned into soil. The original climate had been completely changed.

Day 5, May 2, 2075.

The surface environment was stable and the ecology was restored.

Twelve thousand underground cities around the world were completely opened.

All humans returned to the long-lost surface without wearing any protective equipment and saw the shining sun above the tower.

Day 6.

The Cascade light of the Spark Tower continued to radiate.

Everything on Earth is undergoing a perfect evolution that would have taken tens or millions of years to achieve.

From now on, in the future development, humans will record the day of the coming of the Kingdom in history, calling it: the Day of Hope, also known as the Day of God’s Descent



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