I, the Creator, cultivated a civilization of monsters

Chapter 405 The torture of human nature

When Liu Biyue learned the identity of the other party, she even felt calm in her heart.

Losing to Lin Han is not considered a loss.

After such a long period of development in the world of creation, people have gradually understood what the concept of the former 3.1 billion reputation points was!

Not to mention now, I am afraid that in the next few years, 70% of creators will not be able to reach that level!

Although Liu Biyue is not the 70% creator, even though she is unparalleled in intelligence, she is still limited.

The gap with Lin Han's creation is obvious.

"Lin Han, Lin Han... As my enemy, you want to surrender to me now. Why don't you hide your name instead of exposing it to me?"

Liu Biyue asked.

I have to say that her brain circuit is very strange.

A cosmic monster-level gift was placed in front of her, but she didn't talk about it at all. Instead, she asked about it.

In the agreement, the winning party has the right to remain anonymous.

Not to mention hiding the name, even if one were to kill a creator in this vast universe, no one would know who did it.

Signing an agreement can be considered a quite peaceful method.

But Lin Han did not hide his name from Liu Biyue this time.


Upon hearing the question, Lin Han replied casually: "Because it's not necessary."

Liu Biyue didn't ask again.

She won't ask for trouble anymore.

The change of hands was certified on the agreement panel, and after review by the main system, the agreement took effect on the spot.


This giant cosmic monster in the sky belongs to Liu Biyue.

At this point, it seems like a fair deal.

However, Liu Biyue actually owed Lin Han a favor.

That is, Creator Power!

When Liu Biyue was defeated, she had lost all power.

She should have been exiled, but Lin Han was 'allowed' to stay on this planet.

Now, not only alive as a human being, but also, unknowingly, restored to creation!

The symbol of restoring the right of creation is the sentence [Creator Liu Biyue] in the system prompt!

It is she who has the right to inherit this creation!


Lin Han did this secretly and did not openly promise to reopen her creation rights.

Because he felt that he had brought this place down with force after all, so he had better not talk about it openly, lest he tear up the resentment in his heart for the second time!

Therefore, he did not write it in the agreement, nor did he say it explicitly. He only secretly granted her the right to create as a sovereign.

It's like the landlord rented out the house for free.


Liu Biyue didn't think so.

She just sat on the ground and thought about her situation countless times.

If she were to treat this matter with personal emotions, then she should commit suicide now to apologize.

But since she has not committed suicide to apologize, it means that she has not used her personal emotions to resolve the matter.

After experiencing a catastrophic disaster and a mental dimensionality reduction blow, her way of thinking sublimated again.

If she treats this matter rationally, then this ending is the best ending for her.

Castrate human nature, respect only reason, and weigh the pros and cons!

Liu Biyue raised her head.

Looking up at the huge creature that looked like a canopy, she couldn't even believe that such a huge creation now belonged to her.

"Can you loosen it?" Liu Biyue asked.

Hear the words.

Lin Han gave the mechanical lion god a signal, and the mechanical lion god immediately released the chain.


Liu Biyue then ordered: "It is forbidden to get close to the ground, fly outside the atmosphere, and orbit the planet."

She made the Troll a living satellite.

There is no way, the body of the cosmic giant monster is too huge, and it will have no effect if it falls on the ground. On the contrary, it will damage the surface environment.

at the same time.

After having a creation that can span planets, Liu Biyue will also be able to easily earn authority points!

As a re-empowered Creator, her pockets are empty, and her creation rights only have meaning after regaining authority points.

After placing the cosmic monster, Liu Biyue didn't even spare a glance and asked: "Lin Han, your conditions have been met, what do you need me to do?"

A smart person will not keep asking for it. She knows what price she has to pay for what she gets.

Now she has such a powerful creation. This creation alone is ten times and a hundred times stronger than all her previous creations!

What a huge benefit this is!

So, what's the cost?

The agreement says it needs to be effective, but how should it be effective?

Lin Han replied: "I don't need you to do anything right now, you can develop yourself first."

How can any company just entrust core projects to new employees as soon as they recruit them?

On your first day in the company, why don’t you feel the pleasant atmosphere of the company?

Doesn’t there have to be a trial period?

Therefore, Lin Han asked Liu Biyue to develop by herself first.


After possessing such a creation, the civilized route Liu Biyue chose was no longer up to her!

This small space giant whose body has been taken away is essentially a monster.

She must take the same civilization route as Lin Han, or the civilization route of a branch of Monster Civilization, so that she can successfully condense the cornerstone of civilization, otherwise, civilization will collapse!

As the Creator, she certainly knew this.

In addition, she also noticed something.

That is, she has regained the authority to become the Creator, and her current godhood has reached 52% of the low god level!

You know, she only has one creation under her banner now!

Those green crystal fighters before belonged only to Liu Biyue in the past, not to Liu Biyue now.

She has the authority to recall those green crystal fighters and modify them, but she hasn't done so yet.

Just one creation had sustained her divinity to such an extent!


Lin Han, who can freely give away such creations, has reached what level of divinity?

Liu Biyue immediately came up with an answer: "Are you already a demigod?"

"Yes." Lin Han didn't hide it.

"What authority do demigods have?"

"You will know when you arrive."

"I'll be there soon."

"I look forward to it."

Lin Han is keen on cultivating demigod creators.

Having a demigod under him makes things very economical.

The demigod from the neighboring star system will take some time.

The demigod of this distant star system probably won’t be around for long.

It's a pity that the inhabited star system has no Creator.

"The creation planet in the same orbit as my planet belongs to my eldest sister, you..."

"Don't worry, I didn't do anything to her."


Liu Biyue wanted to ask Liu Yuan something, but she couldn't.

She didn't know what it was like to ask such a thing in her current status and mood.

Even if Lin Han answered yes or no, so what?

Could it be that because he is, he will become hostile to Lin Han again?

Is it because he is not that he admires Lin Han a lot?

This is human nature being roasted on the fire!

Liu Biyue only knows one thing now: After calculating Liu Yuan's death probability in her heart, she feels much more relaxed.

[Author's digression]: OTZ!

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