However, Jiang Ye is not a very showy person.

Moreover, other reporters may just ask casually, but if you start with poetry, you may be suspected of being”pretentious”.

So, Jiang Ye just smiled and said,

“No, I shot”The Qin Empire” just to show the real Qin Shihuang to everyone.

It was not taken to help us buy tickets for the [Qin Terracotta Warriors and Horses] scenic spot in Huzhong City.”


After that, Jiang Ye briefly expressed his views on Qin Shihuang.

Jiang Ye’s evaluation is very objective.

There is no doubt that Qin Shihuang is the only emperor through the ages.

However, the First Emperor did not do well enough in some places, such as failing to govern benevolently.

In the Qin Dynasty, the burden on ordinary people was indeed relatively heavy.

But no one is perfect.

Although Qin Shihuang had some shortcomings, he was still the emperor of the ages and one of the greatest and most influential emperors in the history of China!


After listening to Jiang Ye’s description, the foreign reporters still had some unfinished thoughts.

One of the foreign reporters tentatively said,

“Mr. Jiang.

I have a very rude request, can you satisfy me?”

Jiang Ye didn’t answer, just smiled and said,”You tell me.”

With permission, the foreign reporter rubbed his hands and touched his nose and said,

“Mr. Jiang, can you describe the emperor Qin Shihuang in the form of poetry?

Judging from your evaluation of Qin Shihuang just now, I can feel that you admire Qin Shihuang very much!

According to what I know, all the poets in Daxia have written poems about Qin Shihuang, and without exception, they are critical.

So… we want to hear, if you were to write, how would you write about such an eternal emperor?”


The words of the foreign reporter expressed the sentiments of most people at the scene!

Yes, although there are many famous articles about Qin Shihuang in Daxia now!

But without exception, they all have a critical and critical attitude!

For example, Du Mu wrote in”A Fang Gong Fu”,”Qin’s love is extravagant, and people miss his family, but he takes all the baht and uses it like sand!” This is what Qin Shihuang wrote about”squeezing” the people and taking away their money. The property was plundered cleanly, and the jewels were consumed just like dirt and gravel.

This means that Qin Shihuang plundered all the wealth of the people to build himself the magnificent Afang Palace.

This article can be called an eternal masterpiece!

It was also this article that fixed the image of Qin Shi Huang as a”tyrant”.

However, according to current scientific research, Qin Shihuang did not build Afang Palace at that time.

In other words, Qin Shihuang was scolded for hundreds or thousands of years because of an article written by Du Mu!


In the past, when people didn’t know about Qin Shihuang, they were not interested in reading ancient poems related to Qin Shihuang.

But now, everyone knows the greatness of Qin Shihuang, so they want to find an article that objectively evaluates Qin Shihuang and is catchy to read.

However, everyone searched around in the poetry library and found none!

Some of the more famous poems about Qin Shi Huang are almost all critical of Qin Shi Huang.

There is no poem to evaluate him fairly and fairly!


Therefore, when a foreign reporter wanted Jiang Ye to write a poem evaluating Qin Shihuang, everyone would resonate with him!

If it were Jiang Ye, he would definitely be able to write excellent works!

At this time, in the live broadcast room


“Well, this reporter is good and he spoke my mind!”

“Yes, almost all of the poems written about Qin Shihuang in Daxia nowadays criticize Qin Shihuang. It’s hard to find a positive one.”

“Indeed, the last time I wrote an essay, I wrote about Qin Shi Huang. After thinking for a long time, I couldn’t think of a poem to praise Qin Shi Huang. It’s so difficult~”

“However, throughout the ages, almost all literati have criticized Qin Shihuang. It would be a bit difficult for you to ask Jiang Ye to write an article with a positive image of Qin Shihuang.”

“Yes, everyone is criticizing Qin Shihuang. This will affect Jiang Ye’s writing to some extent.”

“Moreover, Jiang Ye had just finished writing a poem called”Poem from Prince Teng’s Pavilion”, and now he has written a poem about Qin Shihuang… it’s too difficult.”

“Yes, it’s a seamless connection”

“Even if the gods come, it is impossible to write two high-quality poems in a row.”

“Yes, but there are too few poems about the positive side of Qin Shihuang, and Jiang Ye has no reference! For example, when Jiang Ye wrote”Two Poems on Mount Lu”, he had references to other landscape poems. When Jiang Ye wrote”Preface to Prince Teng’s Pavilion”, he had references to other poems about famous buildings.

And when writing about Qin Shihuang… it’s better to write about a positive image.

This has no reference at all!

If you are not careful, your writing may fall into the cliche”

“Wanting to write a poem that can be passed down through the ages and still praise Qin Shihuang… it’s too difficult, too difficult.

Because Jiang Ye has no lessons learned from past mistakes!

All the famous articles about Qin Shi Huang before were all accusations and criticisms.

It’s not easy for Jiang Ye to write a poem praising Qin Shihuang and to surpass the famous poems from the past.”

“So, it’s too difficult”


Some foreign netizens still understand Chinese and Chinese.

They translated everything that people in Daxia talked about, including the poems written by Jiang Ye, to foreign netizens.

However, how can the mysteries of Chinese be translated into English?

After being translated into English, Chinese poetry has completely lost its flavor.

Even just an ordinary article.

Therefore, these foreigners who did not understand Chinese at all were confused after listening to the English translation of Jiang Ye’s poems.

What the hell?

It’s obviously a very ordinary article?

Why are so many people at the scene looking shocked!

Is the Chinese meaning completely different from the English meaning? ?


Why can’t I understand Chinese?

Otherwise, you can understand why they were so shocked.


These foreigners who did not understand Chinese at all had a seed planted in their hearts!

When I have time, I will definitely study Chinese well!

I never understood the charm of Chinese before, but now I can’t understand Jiang Ye’s poems. It’s such a pain!!

However, although I can’t understand it, Jiang Ye’s poems rhyme very well and sound very pleasant to the ears!

This is the charm of Chinese characters!



Let’s talk about Jiang Ye!

After hearing what the foreign reporter said, Jiang Ye remained calm on the surface, but secretly smiled.

I didn’t mean to show off.

You insisted on me pretending.

Sorry, starting from today, I, Jiang Ye, will rectify the name of Qin Shihuang!

I, Jiang Ye, wrote the first poem to objectively evaluate Qin Shihuang!


After Jiang Ye thought for a moment, he nodded,

“Okay, since you want to hear it, I’ll show my shame.”

After hearing Jiang Ye’s words, the reporters on the scene were stunned for a moment, and then became ecstatic!!

They just mentioned it casually. They really didn’t expect that Jiang Ye was so approachable and agreed so easily!

When they heard that Jiang Ye wanted to write poetry again , some reporters at the scene simply abandoned the camera guy and all gathered around Jiang Ye


And the other side.

In the international live broadcast room! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Netizens in Daxia saw that Jiang Ye wanted to write poetry again, and all of them became interested!

“Damn it, Jiang Ye’s talent is really inexhaustible! I just wrote a”Poetry of Prince Teng’s Pavilion” in Prince Teng’s Pavilion, and now I’m going to write it again in [Qin Terracotta Warriors and Horses]】��Write a poem about the First Emperor?

Moreover, both of these are [proposal compositions], both improvised. I can’t find any other word to describe Jiang Ye except immortal.”

“God, I feel like Jiang Ye doesn’t have to force himself. He just finished writing a poem, and now he continues to write it. The quality must have dropped significantly. He might as well wait for a day or two to rest before writing again.”

“Yes, and it is even more difficult to write poems praising Qin Shihuang.”[]

“I also think the quality will definitely be better if Jiang Ye takes a rest before writing.”


Netizens actually do not agree with Jiang Ye writing poetry now.

Because Jiang Ye had already spent a lot of energy in Tengwang Pavilion just now.

If I force myself to write poems now, the quality will be greatly compromised.


However, Jiang Ye didn’t know about these barrages, and even if he knew, he wouldn’t listen to netizens.

Jiang Ye was walking around the Terracotta Warriors and Horses Scenic Area. He was thinking deeply while looking at the Terracotta Warriors and Horses in the pit.

Everyone knows that Jiang Ye has entered the state!

Now we can only look at the quality of Jiangye


After a few minutes, Jiang Ye slowly spoke,

“Emperor Qin swept Liuhe, how majestic it was to look at him like a tiger.

Swing your sword to cut through the floating clouds, and all the princes will come to the west!”

This is a five-character poem, which does not have the strict rhyme requirements of seven-character poems.

However, even if it does not have the strict rhyme requirements of seven-character poems, Jiang Ye’s four lines shocked everyone at the scene!!

【The king of Qin swept Liuhe, what a majestic sight!】


【Swing your sword to clear away the floating clouds, and all the princes will come to the west! 】

As soon as these two lines of poetry are read out, a strong sense of domineering comes over you!!

It seems that after everyone listened to this poem, they seemed to see the mighty and domineering First Emperor, who looked down upon the world!

The description of these two sentences immediately makes the character of the First Emperor vivid and vivid!!


The reporters at the scene were shocked when they heard the first sentence!!

These two sentences are so amazing!!

King Qin swept Liuhe! What a heroic sight!!

In just ten words, Qin Shihuang’s life achievements are clearly described.

In just a dozen words, the domineering power of the First Emperor was clearly revealed!!

And Jiang Ye uses the word”sweep” very well!!

For Qin Shihuang, the Six Kingdoms just wiped them out.

They are not qualified to be Da Qin’s opponents!!

The next two sentences take Qin Shihuang’s power and domineering to a higher level!

【Swing your sword to clear away the floating clouds! All the princes are coming to the west!! 】

This sentence is still domineering and unstoppable.

It still sets off the majesty of Qin Shihuang extremely powerfully!!


At this moment, in the live broadcast room!

Daxia netizens are completely stupid!!

After listening to Jiang Ye’s poem, their eyes all bulged!!

Jiang Ye is too awesome, right?!

I thought Jiang Ye would be a little tired after writing an article in Tengwang Pavilion.

If I write it now, I’m afraid the quality will be greatly compromised!

But now, Jiang Ye slapped everyone in the face with his actual actions!!

The quality of this poem by Jiang Ye is actually comparable to”Poems of Prince Teng’s Pavilion”!!

Moreover, this poem is even more domineering! Even more passionate!!


The live broadcast room is full of barrages!!

Daxia netizens:

“My mother! Can these two sentences be used as gods?!”

“That’s awesome. The first two sentences are completely in line with my imagination of the domineering and mighty Emperor Shi Huang!”

“The king of Qin swept Liuhe, how majestic it was to look at him like a tiger. Swing the sword to cut off the floating clouds, and all the princes will come to the west… I really don’t understand why the human brain can write such poems! so amazing. I’m really convinced this time!!”

“After this poem by Jiang Ye came out, almost no poem written by Qin Shihuang in the future would be even half as good as his.”


Let’s talk about foreign netizens!

After listening to Jiang Ye’s poems, some foreigners who knew Chinese started posting comments like crazy in the live broadcast room (Nonuo Zhao)!!

“Damn it! It’s really amazing!! Jiang Ye is so amazing!!”

“Jiang Ye, this is not a literary giant in East Asia, but a literary giant in the entire world!”

“It’s amazing, poetry can still be written like this, Qin Shihuang can still praise it like this!”

“After listening to Eba’s poems, I think Oda Ichiro is all scum!”

“Jiang Ye is a god. No one in the world can write such domineering poems except Jiang Ye!!”


Seeing that their compatriots were praising Jiang Ye, some foreigners who did not understand Chinese became anxious!

Although they don’t understand Chinese, they understand rhyme!

After listening to Jiang Ye’s poem, they recognized the beautiful rhyme of the poem! It reads catchy.

Therefore, they are eager to know the meaning.

However, how can the charm of Chinese be translated into English?

Some foreigners replied,

“Hmm… I don’t know how to explain it to you, because Chinese and English are completely different languages, and the charm of Chinese cannot be translated into English!”

“Yes, the original flavor is completely lost once translated. All I can say is, if you want to understand, go learn Chinese.”

“Yes, the most correct choice in my life is to learn Chinese”


The words of these compatriots seemed to be like nails, piercing into the hearts of foreigners.

At this moment, those of them who don’t understand Chinese can’t understand Jiang Ye’s poems at all.

It was as if…

I had been abandoned.

Some foreigners have made up their mind to learn Chinese in the future!


Don’t wait any longer, start looking for a Chinese teacher tomorrow

…… the other side.

Jiang Ye was not idle either and continued to recite poems..

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