Ye Ling no longer hesitated, and took advantage of the night that night to move the Purple Light Stone back to the peak of the Spirit Rock Mine.

He buried it with some rocks, disguised so that he couldn't see any traces, and then Ye Ling left.

Back in the cave, Ye Ling continued to concentrate on cultivation as if nothing had happened.

After a night without words, Ye Ling had broken through to the seventh layer of Jindan, and in comparison, there were only two small realms of difference between him and his senior sister Tang Wanzhi.

But he knew that the ninth layer of Jindan was complete for others, and his ninth layer was just a fledgling.

Thinking of this, Ye Lingzhi directly refined the 100,000 spirit stones sent by Gao Hong, but the result was like a mud cow entering the sea, unable to stir up any waves.

Ye Ling sighed lightly and got up slowly, but heard someone outside the cave read: "If he succeeds Ling Yunzhi one day, dare to laugh at Ye Ling is not a husband?" What does it mean that this is ......?"

"Is it Master!?"

Hearing that it was Yun Tian's voice, Ye Ling frowned slightly, thinking about Gao Hong's incident last night, he was somewhat complaining.

But he knew that if there was a glimmer of hope that this cheap master would change his mind, he would choose to forbear.

But if he could target it, he wouldn't mind letting this master learn a lesson......

"Disciple Ye Ling, I have seen Shizun.

Ye Ling walked out of the cave and bowed to Yun Tian respectfully.

"It's all a family, why are you so polite. With that

, Yun Tian walked into the cave.

Ye Ling followed behind, and he didn't see Tang Wanzhi's figure, and he didn't dare to ask.

However, from Yun Tian's voice, he could tell that Shizun might be in a good mood.

When Yun Tian sat down on the stone bench, he finally mustered up the courage to ask, "Master, why didn't Senior Sister come with you?"

"Oh, she is cultivating, the Seven Summit Martial Arts, it is imminent, so he must reach the Jindan Consummation before the Seven Summit Martial Arts, and it is best to be able to break through to the Yuan Infant Stage." "

So don't you think about disturbing him, understand?"

The light veil covered his face, and he couldn't see his joy and anger clearly, but after this question, Ye Ling could clearly feel that the anger of the master was ignited.

However, Ye Ling didn't want to accommodate her.

If you can't bear it, you don't need to endure it anymore, Master, should you just bully and suppress the

disciple?" "Why don't you speak?" I know you have a grudge in your heart......

"The disciple doesn't dare


Seeing that he was going to make a fuss, Ye Ling weighed the pros and cons, and for the sake of himself and his senior sister, he decided to swallow this breath for the time being.

"Hmph, forgive me for not daring, I'm here to tell you this time. Your master has already issued a mission, so go to Blazing Sword Peak right now to obey the assignment. "

Yes, Master.

Ye Ling agreed, took the Traceless Sword, and walked away.

He had already received the news from Gao Hong last night, so he was not surprised to hear it again today.

Always feeling that something was going on, Ye Ling walked to the entrance of the cave and turned back, and bowed to Yun Tian respectfully.

"Master, this experience is unpredictable, before leaving, I hope to see my senior sister.

Yun Tian snorted coldly: "I didn't expect you to be really an infatuation seed."

"Master misunderstood, my sister and I are just a simple sister and brother relationship, and we get along well with each other, not as complicated as Master imagined. "

Hmph, you can only deceive a three-year-old child, if you really want to see your senior sister, you must accept my palm." "

Palm by you?!"

Ye Ling felt Yun Tian's cultivation, almost half a foot into the Transformation God Realm.

If she exerts all her strength, I don't know if her body will be blasted by her and there will be no scum left?

Just as he was hesitating, Ye Ling heard a sneer coming from his ears......

"I know you don't dare, sure enough, the men in this world are all virtuous, they only know sweet words, coax women, and when they get serious, they all become turtles with shrunken heads. "

Master, I didn't say no, is it possible that if I accept your palm, you can let me go to see my senior sister?"

"Okay then......"

As he spoke, Ye Ling stood still in front of Yun Tian and slowly closed his eyes while giving up all resistance.

Yun Tian saw it in his eyes, and his heart suddenly wavered.

Could it be that I was wrong?

Looking at the appearance of this miscellaneous spirit root, it is clear that she is sincere

in her late childhood!

But all kinds of experiences in her youth told her that she should never easily trust any man's ......

Soon, the paranoia in her heart once again took over, condensed her spiritual power, and gently waved out ...... in her palm

With a low cry, her jade palm was imprinted on Ye Ling's lower abdomen.


After a muffled snort, Ye Ling immediately felt a tingling pain in his body, piercing his heart.

He staggered back two steps, and with great difficulty it was time to stabilize his figure, when beads of sweat the size of beans rolled down his forehead, and his whole face looked extremely pale.

"You have already been caught in my spring palm, if you dare to have a tryst with a woman, the palm power will attack in an instant, and you will shatter your dantian and die

, understand?"

"Master, I understand that I understand, but you do this, ......"

Before Ye Ling's words could be finished,

he was strongly interrupted by Yun Tian.

"Shut up, this Yunyu

Peak, are you a master, I am a master?" "Of course you are!"

"Count your acquaintance, okay, you go to see your senior sister right now, and go to Blazing Sword Peak immediately after a few words, understand?"

"Understand, Master Xie, the disciple is ......

to retire."

Ye Ling endured the severe pain, staggered, and walked in the direction of the Chengyu Palace.

Behind him, Wu Zi heard Yun Tian cursing ...... in a low voice

"Hmph, how long can I see how long you can last?"

Ye Ling pretended not to listen, sensing the tricky spiritual power in his body.

At first, he didn't feel anything, but as soon as he thought of his senior sister, the pain in his heart would follow.

Only then did he realize the true meaning of the so-called spring.

This old witch, sooner or later, I will let you know that I, Ye Ling, am not something you can handle casually, hey, ......

Ye Ling was in great pain, so he directly summoned the Traceless Sword and moved forward.

Fortunately, this is a traceless sword, and it can fly even if it is not driven by spiritual power.

If it had been replaced by an ordinary sword, I am afraid that he would have been released a long time ago.

On the way, he silently ran the "Sea of Swords" and tried to dissolve that spiritual power, but after trying it, he realized that it had no effect.

Subsequently, the five exercises of "Flower Shifting and Grafting Technique" and "Ice Spirit Technique" were tried again and again, and they were all given in vain.

Just when he wanted to give up, the "Miscellaneous Spirit Divine Technique" in his body automatically worked.

Ye Ling's eyes lit up, at the critical moment, it was you, brother!

He hurriedly found a secluded place to meditate, and at the same time looked inward at his body, and found that within the dantian,

a stream of five elements spiritual power turned into a filament.

The filaments were extremely condensed, wandering between the seven meridians and eight veins, and launched a siege and interception of Yun Tian's tricky spiritual power left in his body.

Once touched, it is absorbed and refined.

The spiritual power left by Yun Tian was extremely rich, and it was really vast.

It can be seen from this that this cheap master of his own does not like to see him.

After about a quarter of an hour, most of the spiritual power was absorbed and refined, and at that moment, Ye Ling felt that his cultivation had actually improved qualitatively.

The barrier of the seventh layer of Jindan shattered with a clatter, reaching the eighth layer of Jindan.

At the same time, the pain that had just wandered around his body disappeared in an instant.

"Miscellaneous Spirit Divine Technique", it is really powerful! From now on, can you no longer be afraid of the old witch's bullying?

Soon, Ye Ling found that he was too superficial ......

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