At this time, 'Iron Man' also noticed that the hair on Doctor Strange's forehead was shaking.

"You're not using any weird magic, are you?"

Stark pointed to the few hairs on Doctor Strange's forehead.

Doctor Strange almost rolled his eyes.

Azu was too lazy to pay attention to them. He had transformed into a spiritual state and passed through the wall of the temple like a ghost and came outside.

On the street, people fled in panic from the intersection ahead.

There were screams, cars honking, and police sirens blaring.

Azu transformed into a physical entity, flew into the sky, and saw a donut-like spaceship hovering over the street.

It's what creates the turmoil.

The corners of Azu's lips raised: "You are the one waiting for me."

He immediately transformed himself into an information life state, turned into a data stream and invaded Thanos's spacecraft, and found a corner to hide in the spacecraft's system.

According to the plot, this spaceship will later take Doctor Strange to Titan, and Iron Man and Spider-Man will also come.

By then, they will team up with the weird Guardians of the Galaxy to ambush Thanos on Titan.

Thanos will also get Doctor Strange's Time Stone there.

In the movie, Thanos at that time had already collected the Space Stone, Soul Stone, Reality Stone, and Power Stone.

Coupled with the Time Stone, all he needed was the Mind Stone on Earth, in Vision's head.

But in this universe.

Thanos now only has one space gem on hand that Azu deliberately left for him.

Yes, on purpose.

Azu thought carefully about it on the refugee ship in Asgard.

The six Infinity Stones are easy to get, but the Time Stone and Soul Stone are not so easy to obtain.

The former will be hidden by Doctor Strange, and no one can get the gem unless he volunteers.

The latter requires a 'sacrifice'. If you want to get the soul gem, you need to sacrifice your most beloved person.

Unfortunately, Azu has no so-called lover in this universe.

If he were asked to get the Soul Stone, there would be basically no chance.

So Azu deliberately gave the Space Stone to Thanos. With the Space Stone, Thanos has a high chance of searching for his precious daughter Gamora.

After learning the clues to the Mind Stone from Gamora, he was able to use the Space Stone to teleport there.

Although Thanos is a villain, he is also a strategist.

Azu didn't think that he would take the risk to come to Earth if he knew he was on Earth and had not collected other gems.

Thanos is no fool.

This can be seen from the fact that he gave the Mind Stone to Loki and asked Loki to invade the earth on his behalf to test the earth's defense power.

Thanos is a master strategist who plans and then seizes.

Such a person will definitely not fight an uncertain battle.

Take advantage of this.

Azu felt that he had a great chance to get all the infinite rough stones on Titan except the Mind Stone.

Just a little bit.


I have significantly changed the plot, and it is very likely that this universe will be modified by the 'manager', resulting in some other changes.

Just like "Justice League" before it.

Just when Azu was hiding on the spacecraft, on the ground, Stark and others had arrived at the intersection and saw the huge spacecraft.

Doctor Strange used a magic to blow away the thick smoke, and then saw a blue beam of light falling from the spacecraft.

Along with this beam of light landing, there are two figures.

One of the heads looks like an octopus, with one hand behind its back. It looks very elegant.

The other one was a big man, carrying a tomahawk, and looked like he was taking the barbaric route.

These two figures are none other than the ‘Black Tongue Advisor’ Ebony Maw, and Black Dwarf.

After landing on the ground, Ebony Throat said: "Listen to me, everyone will be happy."

"The son of Thanos will die for you with his own hands."

"You should be grateful."

"Your ant body can also contribute to the balance of the universe."

Before he could finish speaking, Stark raised his voice and said, "Sorry, Earth is closed today."

"You'd better pack your things and get out of here."

But Ebony Maw didn't look at him at all, but looked at Doctor Strange: "Guardian of the Original Stone, is this nagging animal your spokesperson?"

Doctor Strange showed two ‘Rings of Raggador’ and said: “Of course not, I can speak for myself.”

"You are illegally invading this city and this planet."

"He means you get out of here, Squidward." Stark added.

"He is really annoying." Ebony Throat said, "Bring the rough stone here."

Black Dwarf held the battle ax in one hand and strode towards the Avengers.

"Banner, it's time for you to perform, and this big guy is your opponent." Stark, wearing glasses, said.

"I don't want to perform at all."

"But when did my thoughts matter?"

Banner laughed at himself, and then shouted: "It's time, come out, Locke."

Stark sighed: "I haven't seen Locke for a few days."

"You'll feel at ease when you're here, buddy."

At this time, the parts below Banner's neck had turned blue, but it was like constipation, and the Hulk was not suppressed.

"I need to focus again."

"come out."

"Come out, what are you waiting for?"

On the other side, Black Dwarf slapped a taxi away with an ax and approached step by step.

However, Banner still couldn't hold the Hulk out.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Are you guys at odds?"

Stark shook his head and said, "You embarrassed me in front of the mage, man."

Banner shrugged and said, "Sorry, either I can't do it, or Hulk doesn't want to come out."

"Okay, step aside."

Stark patted him on the shoulder and said to the king: "Keep an eye on him for me, thank you."

The ground shook.

Black Dwarf rushed over.

Stark took off his glasses, patted his chest, and walked towards his opponent.

He quickly gained a battle suit.

Black Dwarf rushed over and struck with his axe.

Stark raised his arm and an armored shield came out to block the blow.

At this point, the battle between Thanos' generals and the Avengers officially begins.




In the boundless space, Star-Lord's spaceship was running around, and behind them, a group of fighter jets were chasing them.

Fierce battles raged in outer space, with beams and fireballs illuminating the dim outer space.

In the spaceship, Star-Lord was driving the spacecraft and shouted, "How did these guys find us?"

Just after Rocket, Thor and others left, this team of fighters suddenly appeared and attacked them.

"I'm going to kill them!" Drax stood up and said.

But at this moment, right in front of them, the light suddenly dimmed.

Star-Lord raised his head and sighed: "Oh my God."

Thanos' main ship, the Temple, appeared in outer space, its huge hull covering the sky and the sun.

Star-Lord's spaceship is not even dust in front of it!

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