The Black Panther flew up and kicked several enemies away, then reached out to catch a few multi-armed monsters and threw them out.

At this time, he heard the wind and it turned out that Captain America was beside him.

Steve swatted a monster away with his shield and spoke.


Captain America said solemnly: "Why did Shu Rui do that?"

"Why don't you give the [Mind Stone] to Wangcheng for destruction, my friend?"

He emphasized the word 'friend'.

Black Panther opened his helmet, shook his head and said, "Steve, my friend."

"From the beginning, we never promised to hand over the [Mind Stone] to you."

"We only agreed to help Vision and separate the rough stone."

"The original stone of the universe does not belong to anyone, so I think you have no right to destroy it."

Steve raised his foot and kicked an enemy away, and said in a deep voice: "Techara, I respect you."

"You are a warrior and a good king."

"So I must remind you again, Thanos is collecting the rough stones of the universe. If the [Rough Mind Stone] falls into his hands, think about it, what will happen to the universe?"

T'Challa dodged a monster rushing towards him and said without giving in: "Steve, your vision is too small. The universe is so big that Thanos is not the only strong one."

"Didn't I say before that it was an adult who gave us knowledge that allowed us to make breakthroughs in Wakanda's technology in all aspects?"

"We have improved the defense system, created a 'black iron flow', and can even perform neuronal operations."

"In addition, we already have the capability of interstellar travel. Soon, a spacecraft will take off here to explore the vast universe."

"And all of this comes from that adult."

Steve suddenly looked towards the statue of the 'Conqueror' in the distance: "Is it him?"

T'Challa nodded: "The Conqueror is also collecting the rough stones of the universe. I believe that if he keeps the rough stones of the universe, Thanos will not be able to get his hands on them."

"Moreover, Lord 'Conqueror' is very knowledgeable, and the [Mind Stone] will be more useful in his hands."

"The world will be a better place."


Steve shook his head: "Oh my God, T'Challa, you have no idea what that guy has done."

"Six years ago, he sabotaged SHIELD's helicarrier, causing countless deaths."

"A friend of mine died in that accident."

"Afterwards, he snatched the [Cosmic Cube] and the [Mind Stone] in New York."

"He is a demon. You have been deceived. He is not who you think he is at all!"

T'Challa smiled and said: "You only saw one side of the 'Conqueror' and concluded that he is a demon. This is too arbitrary."

Steve wasn't going to talk nonsense to him, and pressed the radio in his ear with his hand: "Listen, everyone, Su Rui took away the [Mind Stone], find her, get the stone back and give it to Wanda to destroy."

‘Falcon’ and ‘War Machine’ responded immediately: “We’ll go right away.”

Black Widow asked: "Captain, what's going on?"

Dr. Banner's voice also sounded: "Yes, Captain, how could Princess Su Rui take away the original stone?"

Steve looked at T'Challa: "Because Wakanda has pledged allegiance to the 'Conqueror' and they erected a statue for the 'Conqueror', I should have noticed it earlier, but I was careless."

At this time, T'Challa also said: "Wakanda warriors, protect Shuri and shoot down the Falcon and War Machine."

"[Black Iron Current] Guardians obey the order. All non-Wakanda personnel are not allowed to enter the experimental building. I authorize you to attack."

Steve shook his head: "T'Challa, it seems we can't be friends anymore."

T'Challa put his helmet on: "That's a shame, Captain."

Then the two men rushed towards each other at the same time and collided fiercely.

In the sky, the Falcon and War Machine encountered a fierce attack from the Wakanda Air Force.

Those improved fighters are smaller, more agile and faster.

Moreover, the physical ammunition they carry is limited, but the power of their beam weapons is astonishing, and their firing frequency is outrageously high.

These fighter planes are divided into groups of three, and a total of ten groups of fighter planes are chasing Colonel Rhodes and the Falcon in the sky.

Even though these two people were very good at aerial combat, under the pursuit of Wakanda's air force, they could only run exhausted and failed to perform the mission at all.

The Hulkbuster Armor and Black Widow also moved towards the experimental building, and what greeted them was the robot army of [Black Iron Flow].

Facing the fierce attack of [Black Iron Flow], Black Widow can only hide behind the 'Hulkbuster Armor'.

However, a figure fell on the ‘Annihilator’.

‘Winter Soldier’ Bucky!

He used the mechanical arm given by Wakanda, stretched out a vibranium blade from the arm, and cut the "Annihilator" in half.

The Black Panther who was fighting Steve saw it and immediately started the program. Bucky's mechanical arm immediately stopped functioning and no longer obeyed orders.

So the 'Winter Soldier' ​​could only hide behind the 'Hulkbuster Armor'.

Dr. Banner yelled: "This is bad, their firepower is so strong, my armor is almost torn off."

When Steve heard this, he couldn't help but look back anxiously.

T'Challa took the opportunity to knock him down and said: "Steve, give us the rough stone, and I will make the [Black Iron Flow] stop attacking."

Steve pressed T'Challa's arm and said, "We never negotiate!"

Then he knocked T'Challa down with force, and then quickly ran towards Banner and others.


T'Challa yelled from behind.

Steve sensed danger, turned around suddenly, and saw a kinetic energy beam shooting out from the black panther's eyes!

The upgraded Black Panther suit can store kinetic energy and use the clustering devices in its eyes to carry out more precise and longer strikes!

Steve quickly jumped up, curled up, and put his shield forward.


The kinetic energy beam exploded, and Captain America flew out with a groan.

He rolled several times and fell to the ground. Several multi-armed monsters took the opportunity to pounce on Stephen, trying to tear Stephen into pieces.

But a kinetic energy beam swept across and blew them into pieces.

"Steve, tell your people to stop."

T'Challa advised.

Captain America looked at Banner and the others. The Hulkbuster Armor was unable to fight back and could only passively protect Black Widow and Bucky.

If this continues, Banner's armor will be scrapped in less than a minute.

"Why is this happening? Why would Wakanda attack us?"

"Banner, please go first and leave us alone."

"T'Challa, aren't we friends?"

In the headphones, the voices of the three Banners made Steve make a difficult decision.


He was about to say, "We give up the rough stone." At this moment, a colorful light suddenly fell from the sky.

After landing on the battlefield, several figures appeared, the first of which was Thor, the God of Thunder, holding a battle axe.

Beside him, there was Loki in a green robe, the small raccoon Rocket, and the tree man Groot.

"Thanos, where are you!"

Thor yelled as he rushed out of the Bifrost.

A smile appeared on Stephen's lips, he stood up and looked at T'Challa and said, "We can still fight a few more rounds."

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