I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 323 Famous scene, Avengers gathering

"It seems that a lot of people like this thing."

Azu waved the 'Infinity Gauntlet': "But unfortunately, it is not for sale, I will not give it to you."

Carol smiled: "I didn't say I wanted to buy it either."

Then she looked back and said, "Aren't you leaving yet?"

Thor was the first one who couldn't stand it: "Who is this girl?"

"Even that one-eyed friend is too contemptuous."

Captain Marvel shrugged his shoulders: "I'm not looking down on anyone."

"I'm just describing a fact."

Stephen coughed dryly and said, "Thor, Miss Carroll."

"At this time, let's stop fighting among ourselves."

"Since everyone has the same goal, why not work together?"

"Also, Miss Carroll, please don't underestimate the Conqueror."

"He is very powerful, and Thanos also died in his hands."

"He stole the Infinity Gauntlet from Thanos."

Doctor Strange also said: "The previous 'Mage Supreme' also said that he is a dangerous person."

Thor reluctantly said: "He brought trouble to the great Father of the Gods."

"Little girl, if you treat him as an ordinary commodity, you will suffer a lot later."

Carol shook her head: "It's up to you. So, are we going to go up?"

Stephen looked around, his eyes passing over Spider-Man, Doctor Strange, the Guardians of the Galaxy, Banner, Bucky, Black Widow, Vision, Wanda, Thor and others.

Finally, he raised his shield and said in a deep voice.

"The Avengers."

"Show the conquerors our resolve."

"And, power!"

Azu chuckled: "It's a famous scene, but it's a pity it's not in a cinema, otherwise I would have applauded."

"Since you are so eager to fight."

"Then let me give you a desperate fight."

He took out three 'cursed stones' from his inventory!

Seeing what was between Azu's fingers, Thor's eyes shrank: "How come you have that kind of thing?"

Then he added: "People on earth cannot withstand the power of the 'cursed stone'. Don't try to use it to create 'cursed warriors'."

"Dear Lord of God's Realm, I think you misunderstood."

Azu threw out a few 'cursed stones': "Actually, they are a little different from what you know."

Those pieces of 'cursed stones' turned into black smoke in mid-air. The black smoke seemed to have weight. It flowed downward, forming black whirlpools.

In these black whirlpools, two cursed warriors and a cursed general rose up.

As soon as they appeared, the surrounding vegetation immediately withered and lost its vitality.

After releasing the 'cursed warrior', Azu raised his cloak.

Behind the red cloak, a figure peeled off Azu's body.

Thus, another 'conqueror' appeared in the eyes of the Avengers.

It's just that this 'conqueror' doesn't have a cape behind his back, but in other aspects, he is exactly the same as Azu.


After releasing the 'cursed warrior' and the clone with full talents and 80% power, Azu smiled and said: "Come on."

"The party's started."

Stephen immediately yelled: "Go!"

At this moment, he seemed to have returned to the war years and was about to charge towards the enemy.

As he shouted.

Carol rose into the sky first, at an extremely fast speed, and crashed directly into Azu.

Then Thor roared and rose into the sky holding the 'Storm Battle Axe'.

Above the God of Thunder, the wind and clouds suddenly changed, lightning flashed and thunder roared, Thor's eyes shot out with lightning, and the power of the god was like prison!

Wanda, Phantom God, and Doctor Strange also flew into the air and flew towards Azu and Wakanda.

Immediately afterwards, Stephen himself rushed out.

Behind him is Bucky, the ‘Winter Soldier’ whom he has known for centuries.

It was Dr. Banner who shouted and rushed forward bravely.

She is the beautiful and charming black widow.

It’s the Guardians of the Galaxy quintet.

It's Spider-Man who has activated the 'one-hit kill mode'.

Except for 'War Machine' Colonel Rhodes and the Falcon whose equipment was destroyed.

All the Avengers that can be assembled on Earth are now here!


The huge collision sound originated from the fist clash between Azu and Carol.

The moment of collision.

Carol, who had not activated the 'double star form', exclaimed on the spot, turned into a shooting star and flew past Thor.

"Deserved it."

Thor laughed loudly, seeming to be a little gloating about his misfortune, and then his face became solemn. The 'Storm Battle Ax' carried the thunder and struck Azu with all its strength.

However, a clone suddenly got inserted between him and Azu.

The clone's hands were intertwined to hold the 'Storm Battle Axe', while golden flames spurted out from its pupils.

Thor turned his head and dodged, but as the clone's "heat sight" swept across, Thor could only release thunder and lightning, and collided hard with the clone's "heat sight".

When Azu and the clone took action, the three 'cursed warriors' also rushed forward.

Behind them were Black Panther, Shu Rui, King's Guards, Border Army and the 'Black Iron Current' army.

In terms of numbers, Wakanda clearly has the advantage.

Coupled with the fact that tanks and fighter planes were dispatched together, the scene was overwhelming, making Stephen and others feel like they were on the battlefield of a world war.

Soon, Stephen met the Black Panther.

The two collided hard and were evenly matched. After retreating at the same time, T'Challa jumped over nimbly, using his sharp claws in a burst of attack, catching the shield in Stephen's hand and causing sparks to fly.

After blocking a round of violent attacks, Stephen used his shield to knock T'Challa away.

The Black Panther rolled back and landed on the ground, his eyes lit up, and he swept out a purple kinetic energy beam.

Captain America quickly dodged sideways, letting the beam of light sweep across the ground not far ahead.

At this time, Black Widow rushed over, holding two guns, running and firing at T'Challa.

T'Challa's suit was shot out by bullets and sparks shot out.

Suddenly, Black Widow stopped and turned her gun.

But it was Su Rui who rushed towards her.

Shu Rui, who was as dexterous as a lynx, knocked Black Widow down and threw the agent out with both hands.

"Stay away from my brother, you are not his type."

As he spoke, Shuri fired a shock wave from his palm, causing Black Widow to run all over the place.

In the blink of an eye, Black Widow passed by Banner.

Banner charged suicidally towards a cursed warrior.

Of course, the cursed warrior was not polite and punched Banner with one punch.

Banner yelled: "Hulk, if you don't come out, we will be finished together!"

Seeing that the cursed warrior's fist was about to hit Banner's head, a green hand grasped the cursed warrior's fist.

Then Banner's body expanded rapidly, and he laughed loudly: "You are finished!"

The next second, he turned into the Hulk.

The Hulk roared at the cursed warrior in front of him, bumped into him, and immediately knocked the cursed warrior away.

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