Bang bang bang.

Applause rang out, but it was monotonous because Azu was the only one applauding.

Azu was also confused. According to the routine of hero movies, there should be thunderous applause now, and then Spider-Man left the scene amidst people's warm applause.


In the entire restaurant, he was the only one applauding.

Others looked at him like an idiot.

At this time, an old lady even picked up the wine glass and threw it at Spider-Woman: "Who told you to mind your own business!"

This sentence actually resonated, and people in the restaurant shouted.

"That's right, why do you want to come out and meddle in other people's business?"

"You freak, you are not welcome in Osborne City. Leave this city as soon as possible."

"Come on, we don't want to see you."

Pieces of debris were thrown at Spider-Woman, but of course, none of them hit.

Spider Woman looked at Azu and said, "Thank you."


Her eyes flashed, as if she recognized Azu, and whispered: "You are, you are"

At this moment, sirens sounded outside the restaurant, and then police cars parked outside the restaurant, and a police sergeant shouted with a horn.

"Spider Woman, you are surrounded. Let's capture them all."

Spider Woman looked at Azu deeply, and then quickly left from the other direction of the restaurant.

The police sergeant immediately shouted: "Notify the Green Goblin Guard quickly and put Spider Woman in charge of them."

Then the police entered the restaurant, and the hunters hanging from the ceiling shouted: "Put us down quickly!"

Azu thought he heard wrongly. As a robber, he actually asked the police to let him go. Is this the power of 'legality'?

The police actually let the hunters go. At this time, the old lady just pointed at Azu.

"Mr. Sheriff, he and Spider-Woman are in the same group. He just applauded Spider-Woman."

Several policemen immediately looked towards Azu.

"Sir, please show your identification and follow us back to the police station to assist in the investigation."

Of course, Azu was not interested and said with a smile: "Sorry, I have something else to do. Look, I haven't eaten dinner yet. I can't eat it now, so I can only find another place."

"Why don't we talk about it some other time?"

The policemen suddenly became nervous, pressed their guns, pointed at Azu and said, "You can't leave."

"Now that we suspect you are a dangerous person, turn around and lie on the ground so that we can see your hands!"

A hunter raised his gun towards Azu and said, "What nonsense are you talking to him about? I saw him applauding just now. Maybe he is a wanted criminal!"


He opened fire in public, and the gunfire rang out, startling the police.

The bullet fell into Azu's hand.

He looked at the deformed warhead in his palm, looked at the hunter, and smiled: "I kind of like this city."

Azu flicked his finger, releasing a circle of air waves. The warhead returned at the speed of sound and passed through the hunter's head.

The hunter's eyes were blank, as if he didn't know what was happening, and then his whole head exploded.

One of the policewomen got too close and was immediately covered in blood. She froze for a moment and then screamed.

Seeing this, other police officers shouted: "Fire! Fire!"

Gunshots rang out, and bullets went straight to Azu, hitting his head, chest, and arms.

But they were all deformed after being hit and fell to the ground. In the blink of an eye, Azu's feet were covered with deformed warheads.

Hunters also joined the attack, and their weapons had greater firepower. Especially one of the hunters just used a multi-barreled machine gun to shoot at Spider-Woman.

Now this murder weapon is used on Azu, but they soon discover that Azu is different from Spider-Woman.

Spider-Woman relied on her agility to move freely through the hail of bullets, but the man in front of her stood still and allowed them to attack.

But neither the pistol nor the multi-barreled machine cannon could do anything to the man in front of him.

Soon, the entire restaurant was filled with a strong smell of gunpowder. Both the police and hunters ran out of bullets and could only stop attacking and look at Azu dumbfounded.

A moment later, the police outside the restaurant saw two golden beams of light suddenly shooting out of the window of the restaurant, and then sweeping across.

The beam disappeared.

Then I saw a man with blond hair and blue eyes walking out of the restaurant with a smile. After he walked out, the building behind him suddenly shifted and then collapsed with a rumble.

The billowing smoke and dust immediately engulfed the man. The thick smoke spread to the streets like a tsunami, and the whole world became gray.

The policemen covered their noses and mouths and fanned the air desperately. When most of the smoke and dust dissipated, the man was nowhere to be seen.

At this moment.

Cries, calls for help, and screams rang out from the ruins of the restaurant.

The police quickly called for backup and the scene was chaotic.

Osborne Tower.

Harry Osborne looked at his father.

Even now, every time he sees Norman Osborne, he has an unreal feeling.

In his impression, his father had never been a strong man, and because of a family genetic disease, he was even more skinny.

But Norman, who was eating dinner now, looked like a middle-aged man in his early forties, who was in the strongest stage of his life.

His face was rosy, his eyes were alert, and his hands holding the knife and fork were firm and strong.

Not like myself.

Harry's hands were shaking slightly.

He was not afraid, but the 'curse' of the Osborne family had begun to act, an unsolvable family hereditary disease that began to attack when he became an adult and would gradually erode his body until the moment of death.

Norman Osborne felt his son's gaze. He put down his knife and fork and said with a smile.

"Don't worry, Harry."

"We have made great progress in genetic research in the past few years."

"You see, my condition has reversed."

"I am confident that the curse of our Osborne family will end in our generation."

Harry smiled. To be honest, he didn't really believe his father's words.

He was sent away since he was a child. Although he attended an aristocratic school, he had almost no interaction with Norman during his growth, let alone any feelings.

Now that his father said he could end the curse in his generation, he was only half-convinced.

Harry cut off a piece of veal loin, put it in his mouth and chewed it as he spoke.

"Father, since you have the technology to reverse the disease, why don't you let me use it now?"

Norman smiled and said: "This is not the first time you have raised this issue. How many times do I have to tell you before you understand that the method I am using currently is not mature enough."

"I was lucky to be able to reverse the disease, but in fact, I still have a genetic defect."

"It doesn't matter that I'm healthy now, but in fact, I haven't gotten rid of the shadow of the curse, and I still have a crucial part to go."

"So I hope that the technology will be fully mature and have no side effects before I use it on you."

"You are my child, how can I harm you?"

Harry smiled and said, "I believe you, father."

At this time, the screen on the TV flashed, and a picture of a street in Osborne City appeared. It was not difficult to see from the screen that a building collapsed on this street.

Firefighters and medical staff were at the scene calling for help, and injured people were being lifted out of the rubble and put into ambulances.

A reporter held a microphone and said to the camera: "Dear viewers, I am located on Osborne Avenue. A serious disaster occurred in a restaurant here. Our reporter is reporting to you at the scene."

At this time, the reporter found an old lady who was slightly injured for an interview: "Hello, madam."

"What happened in the restaurant?"

The old lady shouted excitedly: "Devil!"

"A demon attacks us!"

"Just when I was having dinner, the hunting game started. Everything was going smoothly, but at this time, that freak, that damn spider woman came out to meddle in her own business again."

"She captured all those lovely Mr. Hunters and hung them from the ceiling of the dining room like gifts on the Christmas tree."

"It's okay if it's just like this, but there was a damn guy in the restaurant who actually applauded Spider-Woman."

"You heard it right, Mr. Reporter, he applauded Spider-Woman. I'm pretty sure that person is Spider-Woman's companion, maybe someone from the 'Spider Association'."

"Those who are not in their right mind are fans of Spider-Woman, but this guy tonight is scary, so scary, he's a demon."

"The police gentlemen shot at him, but he was unhurt. Finally, light shot out of his eyes. It was so intense that I thought I was blind."

"He just shot out golden light from his eyes, and with one sweep, he cut the restaurant and the police gentlemen in half. In the end, the restaurant collapsed. Fortunately, there was a table next to me."

"I immediately got under the table and luckily escaped. By the way, my name is Catherine. I run a candy shop on Norman Street. Everyone is welcome to try it."

The reporter quickly stopped the old lady who took the opportunity to advertise her store, coughed dryly, and said to the camera: "Everyone in the audience, have you heard that such a terrible disaster has happened here?"

"Just in time, we got a car video that recorded what happened at the restaurant, let's take a look."

Screen switching.

The Normans and his son saw a golden beam of light emitting from the restaurant on the screen, and then swept across the restaurant before disappearing.

Immediately afterwards, a man walked out. After he walked out, the restaurant collapsed.

At this time, the image was played backwards, returning to the moment when the man appeared, and then the picture was frozen and enlarged.

Finally, a man with blond hair and male eyes appeared on the screen with a smile.

at this time.

Harry Osborne heard the sound of the table knife falling to the ground. He turned around and saw his father standing up, looking excited.

His knife fell to the ground.

This was the first time Harry had seen his father acting so rude.

Norman Osborne pointed at the man on the screen, his eyes were wild and he shouted: "It's him!"

"It's him!"

"Harry, he is the key link!"

Ten p.m.

Azu is walking on the street.

After leaving the wrecked restaurant, Azu found another Chinese restaurant to solve the problem of dinner. Now he is walking to the hotel to help digest food.

On the way, he saw a car parked on the side of the road, the door opened, and two men rushed out. They grabbed a woman's handbag at gunpoint.

He has witnessed three similar things along the way.

It would be fine if the crime rate was just high, but what is strange is that the victims did not call the police immediately after their rights were infringed. Instead, they looked happy, as if they had won a jackpot, which puzzled Azu.

In the end, he could only sigh: "Everyone in this city is crazy."

"Well, maybe not every one."

"At least, there's Gwen."

Just as he was walking through an alley, Azu stopped and looked into the alley.

From the shadows of the alley, a figure walked out.

She was a woman, with a slender figure, wearing a windbreaker. She covered her windbreaker hat with only her chin exposed.

"Mr. John?"

she tried shouting.

Azu admitted generously: "It's me. Long time no see, Miss Gwen."

The woman took off her hat, revealing a beautiful face. Although she was no longer the seventeen-year-old girl she was back then, she had a more mature look, which made Azu feel like a ripe apple.

Gwen looked excited and rushed over to hug Azu and said, "It's really you!"

"It's great to see you again, Mr. John."

"I thought I was dreaming, but I didn't expect it."

Under the embrace of a mature woman, Azu naturally reacted and responded forcefully. Only then did Gwen feel something was wrong and quickly let go of her hand.

"Sorry, I lost my temper."

Azu shrugged his shoulders: "It doesn't matter. In fact, I don't mind if you hug me longer. After all, it is my honor to be hugged by a beautiful lady."

Gwen chuckled, then said, "Can we talk somewhere else?"


"Please lead the way."

Azu followed Gwen to an apartment. It was located in a remote place, looked deserted, and had a complicated staff.

Before coming to the room, Azu saw drug addicts, pole dancers in all their glory, and a homeless man wrapped in a coat huddled in the corner.

However, Gwen's room was still very warmly decorated and clean. Apart from a few minor points, there was nothing wrong with it.

"Sorry, I made you laugh. Now I can only live here. After all, I can't afford the rent in those big apartments, and secondly, it will be very troublesome because of my other identity."

Gwen walked to the refrigerator: "What would you like, beer or whiskey?"

Azu was a little surprised: "You still drink whiskey?"

Gwen tucked a few strands of hair that fell to her forehead behind her ears: "Considering the current environment, without it, sometimes I wouldn't be able to sleep, so yes, I still drink whiskey now."

Azu sat down on the sofa by the window: "Then let's have a glass of whiskey."

Soon, the wine with ice cubes came to Azu.

Azu picked up the cup and took a sip, then looked at Gwen and said, "What happened in the past few years?"

Although he learned some information from the Internet, it was only superficial information. Only 'natives' like Gwen would know more deeply. (End of chapter)

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