I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 290: Here is Konoha

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"Is it Li Muye?"

When Qianshou Feijian withdrew his scrutinizing gaze and said something, although he used a doubtful tone, his expression was very sure.

"Konoha? The leaf said Li Konoha?"

Before Shewan could speak, the surprised voice from Senshou Zhujian rang out first,

"Although I really want Konoha Village to look like a face, but it looks like Konoha inside? What about Hokage Tower? Hokage Rock? What about the door marked by Konoha? I remember building it by myself."

"There is Konoha inside! The Hokage Building, the door and so on should be rebuilt. But the Hokage Rock has not disappeared. Although it is covered by various tall buildings from the inside, but if you look closely, you can still find the corners and corners."

Qianshou Feijian is extremely sure at this moment.

Seeing this, Senshou Zhujian, who knew his younger brother very well and knew that he was absolutely serious about this, finally followed suit.

Since my younger brother is so sure, he will never admit his mistake.


Li really Konoha!



A heartfelt surprise rose rapidly in Senshou Hashirama's heart.

When looking at the facing city again, if it was only rewarded with admiration and envy, then this time has completely changed into joy, pride, and sharing weal and woe.

It seems to have seen a sapling that I planted by myself and now it has grown into a green tree.

For a moment, Senju Bashima greedily imprinted the grand scene of Dangkonoha into the depths of his mind, while laughing excitedly:

"Haha! There is only Konoha in the original place! There is also a group of Konoha built together in the door! It's awesome! How did Konoha's juniors do it? It's much better than the real color!"

"It's really amazing."

The more restrained Qianshou Feijian's expression was not as excited as his brother's, but the turmoil in his heart was not at all.

But soon, he suppressed it rationally.

Just because I know the situation very well.

Just as Senshouzhujian danced and danced, Senshou Feijian looked at Shewan again, coldly: "Li Muye Village. And, Konoha's rebellious tolerance. Are you right about what you said?"

Shemaru smiled strangely, and did not deny: "It is indeed Konoha. It was for the sake of the two seniors, and I asked the two to commemorate and reveal the final truth, so as not to be heartbroken. But looking at it now, all the good intentions were in vain. Also, about your identity..."

Speaking of this, Shemaru suddenly sneered, and looked at Senshou Feijian with an inexplicable gaze: "Speaking of, when I returned to Konoha Ninja, the teacher who returned from the third generation of Hokage Hiruza Sarutobi. What do you say, dear The Second Hokage, the master who returned it!"

Three generations of Hokage...Sarutobi Hiruza...

After passing through Shewan's message, Qianshou Feijian quickly realized that his act of entrusting Gu to him back then was a success.

"Look at what Monkey Hokage did wrong." Thousand Hands glanced at the extremely bustling Konoha Village, "Look at the appearance of the guy who claims to be Monkey's apprentice, Monkey is already very old if he is still alive. Logically, Konoha The village should now be in power by the fourth generation. So, seeing everything, did the fourth generation do it?"

Based on only bits and pieces of information, Senshou Feijian has already deduced the fourth generation of Konoha with incomparable accuracy.

Then, he continued to look at Shemaru with a still indifferent expression: "The disciple who claims to be a monkey, although what he said is true. But now he has rebelled, and now he is summoned again, obviously wanting to benefit Konoha. Such a "disciple", I am not interested in admitting .”

"It doesn't matter, anyway, I don't have any feelings for Konoha, master and apprentice."

Shemaru stretched out his **** tongue, looked between the two Hokage Konoha villages, and licked his lips excitedly.

"Comparatively speaking, I am very interested in letting the first Hokage of Konoha Village and the second Hokage attack the Konoha Village that I founded myself!"

Shewan's face was full of anticipation.

In an instant, Qianshou Feijian's face became even colder.

On the other side, Qianshou Zhujian, who finally turned his eyes away from Yiyishe in Muye Village, also looked at Shewan with a frown:

"Senior, since the third Hokage can be accepted as a disciple, then the initial vision must be wrong. Do you know why you chose to defect to Konoha Village? If there is any misunderstanding, please help communicate. If not, I am willing to believe There is still the flame of the will of fire. Stop it now. Even if you complain, you should spread it to ordinary people."

"Reason? Misunderstanding? The Will of Fire?" Shemaru shook his head calmly, "I have lost interest in the Will of Fire for a long time. If you talk about why you defected, it is because Konoha is already full of ambitions! In addition , Hurt the people? Is it true that every ninja is like the first generation of Hokage! Not to mention it is still in the war period."


In an instant, Senshou Zhuma Senshou Feijian, who was very sensitive to words, raised his voice in unison.

Ji Shewan is no longer interested in explaining.

After some exchanges just now, the interest in the history of the first generation of Hokage and the second generation of Hokage has been eliminated, and I decided to get down to business.

"As for the war, let's talk about it when you summon the two again. As for now, let's fulfill the obligation of summoning the two."

After finishing speaking, Shewan made a seal with one hand, and erased the two wills.

Although the technique of reincarnation of the dirty soil has been completed, there are still some flaws.

For example, occasionally there will be some reincarnated people who resist orders and the like.

Unsurprisingly, Shewan also decided to erase the will of Qianshouzhujian and Qianshoufeijian first.

Although the strength that will allow the second to play is lacking.

But the first generation of Hokage and the second generation of Hokage are so famous, Shemaru would rather do this than take more risks.

Anyway, the original purpose is to destroy Konoha. If the power of eye is only to destroy Konoha train station, it is enough.

"Damn it!"

At this moment, Qianshou Feijian, who felt that his will was quickly erased, looked ugly.

The reason why Shewan communicated like that was not only to obtain information, but also to procrastinate, secretly doing everything possible to get rid of the control of the filthy soil reincarnation technique.

My elder brother seems to be free, but in fact Shewan has been extremely cautious and fully controlled from the beginning, and can only move around.

For example, if you want to form seals with both hands, you can completely undo the art of reincarnation from the dirty soil.

"If the quality of the original body can be stronger..." Qianshou Feijian thought with great regret. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

The strength of the Dirty Soil Reincarnation Summoner has a lot to do with the quality of the sacrificed corpses.

When summoned, the strength that can be exerted by the Thousand Hands is not even half of the original.

So much so that he wanted to get rid of the control of surgery, but found that his strength was not enough.

In the end, the Qianshoufeijian, who has enough strength and is short-lived, can only be obsessed with willingness to be erased, and become a puppet who rigidly obeys orders and acts instinctively.

On the other side, Senju Bashima, whose strength has been weakened more than Senju Feijian, followed closely.

Seeing the first Hokage and the second Hokage, whose eyes were already loose, Shemaru nodded in satisfaction, and then looked at the bustling Konoha Village with a faint smile:

"The time has come, then the "Konoha Raid Plan" will officially start!"

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