Yun Ting does things simply and neatly.

Since he wanted to bring A back and knock on the roots by the way, after learning the information about the roots, he quickly organized people to go there himself.

In addition to himself and the Shadow Guards, he also brought four Anbu squads with him on this trip.

In addition to the strong momentum, it also prevents Danzo from jumping over the wall in a hurry.

After all, the latter has a case of planning to assassinate three generations.

Anyway, it's the root's old lair, who knows if there will be any weird sealing and forbidden techniques similar to the same death.

Although he is powerful, but some precautions are still necessary.

"Master Hokage, we're here."

After a while, a ninja who had probed the roots in Anbu spoke, and then led everyone to a shaded area.

This place seems to be the same as the surrounding scene, but after another Anbu ninja in the team formed seals with both hands and untied the blinding seal barrier, soon, an iron gate deep into the ground appeared in everyone's sight.

"Go in!"

After Yun Ting finished speaking, Yima immediately opened the door and entered.

Others followed.



Soon, the root ninjas stationed inside the iron gate questioned and even the sound of swords being unsheathed.

However, when they heard "Master Hokage is coming", especially when they saw the conspicuous Hokage Imperial Robe and Yun Ting's face with their own eyes, their thoughts of making a move stopped instantly.

Although they joined the roots and swore allegiance to Lord Danzo, they also knew that they were Konoha ninjas after all, and naturally they did not dare to be presumptuous when facing Hokage.

Of course, this is under the condition that Danzo did not order to attack.

If the other party really did this, I am afraid that these root members who have been brainwashed will attack Hokage without hesitation.

Because in their view, Master Danzo is the real leader who supports Konoha.

Just like now, even if these root ninjas didn't dare to stop Yunting's progress, the attitude that vaguely surrounded them was quite different from the attitude of the Konoha ninjas that Yunting had seen before.

Seeing it, Yun Ting laughed mockingly.

Really... As the shadow of a village, he was treated as an enemy by his own people in his own home. If the shadows of the other four major ninja villages heard about it, they would definitely laugh out loud.

Yun Ting's expression was as heavy as water, leading a group of Anbu to continue to go deeper.

Soon, they came to a huge underground well.

On the suspended steel bridge that runs through the four directions, the owner of the root, Shimura Danzo, is leaning on a walking stick, leading a large group of people waiting there quietly.

Yunting strode forward and waved his hand, and the Anbu ninjas behind him quickly spread out and took advantage of the favorable terrain.

In this way, one side is Anbu ninja with animal masks as the main part, and the other side is root ninja with more colorful mask lines.

The two confront each other faintly, and there is quite an atmosphere of tension.

Under this kind of silence, Shimura Danzo, who was caught off guard by Yunting's sudden arrival, kept calm on his face, took a few steps forward with a cane, and said in a deep voice: "The fourth generation suddenly visited the root base, I don't know what to do?"

This is the first time Yun Ting has met the famous Shinobi Ninja after he became Hokage. After looking at his right eye and right arm wrapped in white cloth, he said with a faint smile: "As Hokage, you should understand Everything about Konoha. Genbu is a training institution under Anbu, so I should have a look. In addition, Elder Danzo is a member of Konoha Advisory Group, and as a junior, I should also take the initiative to visit Yi Er."

Shimura Danzo took a deep look at Yun Ting and said: "Rong Sidaimu is worried. Genbu has been busy with affairs for a while, and the old man has no time to take care of him, but the fourth generation came to the door on his own initiative."

"It's okay, I'm bored staying in the office all the time, and I can relax by walking around more." Yun Ting said with a smile, then looked around and exclaimed, "The root base is really extraordinary, it seems that Elder Danzang has failed in this aspect. You put in a lot of effort! I don’t know if Elder Danzang is free now, but he will lead me to visit here. After I go back, I can let Anbu learn from him.”

"Since the fourth generation said so, the old man is naturally willing to cooperate."

Danzang didn't refuse, and he also understood that since Yunting came here, he wouldn't be able to send him away with just a few words.

Although I don't know the real purpose of the other party's trip, but after I have already prepared to remove all the outdated things at the root, I am not afraid of what the former sees.

So, in the following time, Danzo led Yunting around with a walking stick like a real tour guide.

Afterwards, as Danzo said, Genbu Ninja was very serious about dealing with the traces, and Yunting did not find anything wrong along the way.

But he didn't care at all.

When he came here this time, his target was never those illegal experiments or materials, but real people!

Danzo was able to move away from the experiment, but for people, especially the boy named Jia who accidentally obtained Mudun, he was always with him.

Although the latter can't exert the full power of Mutun, but when it really grows up, it can also become the best among For Danzo, whose roots are in the land of rain and suffered heavy losses, he will never let it go This good seedling must be carefully cultivated by the side.

Therefore, during this period of time, Yun Ting was not so much observing the base, but rather observing the members of the root.

A is only in his teens now, and even though he has put on a root uniform and a mask, his thin and short figure should be said to be very conspicuous among the ninjas.

Especially if the other party has a wooden escape, even if it is only a broken version, his body still has a faint breath of life.

Outsiders can't perceive this, but only Yun Ting, who owns the authentic Wooden Dungeon, can perceive it.

With the combination of the two, after a period of time, Yunting finally found Jia who was on alert in a corner of the root base.

So, he stopped.

At this time, Danzo also noticed A who was performing a security mission not far away.

But he didn't care much, because apart from him, only a very few people knew about A's ability.

It is impossible for the outside world, including Hokage, to know.

It's just that what Yun Ting said next made his heart tense up suddenly.

"Elder Danzo, I've heard a piece of news that Orochimaru and Genbu have cooperated in taboo experiments before. I don't know if there is such a thing?"

Yun Ting, who stopped here, suddenly raised this question.

Danzo calmly denied it: "Nonsense! You also read the root base in the fourth generation, and there is no basis for any experiment at all."

Yun Ting said with a half-smile, "Oh? What if it was Orochimaru who said this? You must know that he said a lot to me before he died."


Immediately, Danzo's complexion finally couldn't help but change slightly.

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