After the trip to Zou was finalized with Kaido, Yakumo Shiro stayed in Onigashima for seven days, and then walked briskly towards his residence in the Flower City.

In recent years, the whitewashing plan of the Beasts Pirates in Wano Country has been very successful, and it looks like a "state-owned enterprise" in Wano Country. Whether it is the sea floor stone mine that occupies an important position, or agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, fishery, tea, rice, oil and salt... The tentacles of the Beasts Pirates extend to all aspects of Wano Country.

With sufficient resources and capital, coupled with deep public opinion, once mobilized, the Beasts Pirates will operate in an orderly manner like a war machine.

Ships, swords, guns, troops... were continuously transported to the border of Wano Country. The explanation to the outside world was that the big-mom pirates also coveted the fertile land of Wano Country. In order to protect the people from harm, Lord Kaido announced that he would keep the enemy out of the country!

Obviously, this is a lie, but under the instruction of Yakumo Bai, a small fleet did sail to the sea where the conflict broke out between the two sides. After all, true and false, false and true, lies mixed with some truth, often can be more deeply rooted in people's hearts.

Moreover, after such propaganda, the people of Wano Country suddenly had a surge in their favor for the Beast Pirates. They helped us sell our goods to the sea and took the initiative to resist foreign enemies. Is there such a conscientious pirate group?

For a time, there were even people who took the initiative to sign up to join the Beast Pirates. People only knew about the Beasts, but not the Big Snake.

As for Kozuki? It has long been forgotten in the corner, and it can only be a topic of conversation after dinner.

Suppressing his excitement, Yakumo Haku decided to visit Yamato and Tianyueshi before leaving. After all, emotions always have to go through separation and reunion to become deeper, right?

On the other hand, Tianyueshi, who had been "left alone" for a week since Yakumo Haku left, was a little empty, full of entanglement and unbearable.

Seven days have passed, and the man has not shown up. Has he abandoned us? Or did he make the other party so angry when he said he wanted to leave? Or did he just save himself and now he has forgotten the orphan and widow?

Either possibility deeply tugged at the heart of this beautiful woman, and her eyebrows were furrowed for a while, and she was in a state of worry.


Tianyueshi sighed quietly, her eyes full of sorrow, and only when she looked at Hiyori who was whispering with a prominent girl with white gradient hair not far away, did she show a faint smile.

Children are children after all. After waking up and experiencing a state of silence and sadness for seven days, Hiyori finally cheered up a little under the influence of the innocent, lively and lovely girl, but that was all. After all, after such a big change, it would take longer to build new ties to heal the wound.

"What's wrong? Madam Toki? Are you still entangled in the identity of the young master?" A tall, slender and graceful woman asked with a smile.

Accompanied by the faint rose fragrance on the other person, Tianyue Toki calmed down a little.

"Don't worry, Miss Maria, I just... was in a daze for a while..."

Tianyue Toki shook his head slightly. This woman was a maid who served the young master. After Yakumo Bai left that day, she came here to take care of the daily life of the two, and brought the energetic girl by the way.

And from Maria, Tianyue Toki already knew the identity of the man who saved her-it turned out to be Kaido's adopted son!

As soon as he heard the news, Tianyue Shi felt dazed.

To be honest, after the destruction of the Kozuki family, he didn't want to escape to the future. Not to mention what the future would be like, when the time came, he and his daughter would be at a loss. How could they deal with themselves in such an isolated and unfamiliar environment?

It's easy for him to say, after all, he has traveled through time so many times, and he has become accustomed to this feeling of helplessness and powerlessness. It doesn't matter what kind of suffering he suffers, but now he has Hiyori, how can he let such a young child experience such a life?

As for reviving the Kozuki family? Haha~ Not to mention the tradition of favoring boys over girls in Wano Country, Hiyori has no inheritance rights at all. Even if she did, if she wanted to become a general or a daimyo, the people of Wano Country would definitely oppose it 100%!

Moreover, with only this only daughter left, how could Tianyue Shi be willing to let her be involved in this deep and dark politics?


Therefore, to be honest, after seeing that it was a young, handsome man like Yakumo Haku who seemed to have a prominent status and seemed to have good strength who saved him, Tianyue Shi was somewhat fortunate. When he heard that the other party was tough to keep the mother and daughter here, he felt that this was his rare luck.

Perhaps as time goes by, he will really regard him as a long-term support...

But now, after suddenly learning that the man was the adopted son of Kaido who once defeated Oden, Tianyue Shi's heart was in turmoil!

A bystander sees clearly. Although the Nine Red Scabbards and Kozuki Oden have always regarded the Beasts Pirates and Kurozumi Orochi as enemies that must be defeated to retake Wano Country, Tianyue Shi knew that the Beasts Pirates were really just a third party, and Kurozumi Orochi was at best a trading partner and middleman.

Tianyue Shi has seen the development and construction of the Beasts Pirates in Wano Country over the years, and he has also seen the prosperity of Wano Country and the smiles on the faces of the people.

Unfortunately, those stubborn warriors could not listen to what they said, nor could they see these changes. After all, the Kozuki family had been the generals of Wano Country for generations, and they were undoubtedly the absolute rulers, but it was interrupted in the Kozuki Oden generation? How could this be possible? It was necessary to take it back from Orochi! Even if Kozuki Oden didn't think so, and yearned for the sea, he would definitely be pushed forward by this will!

However, despite this, after being defeated by Kaido, Oden was imprisoned and then executed by Orochi, which was a fact.

Thinking of this, Tianyue Shi sighed again. How should he face the benefactor who saved him?

While Tianyue Shi was thinking hard, he heard Yamato suddenly shouting-"Xiaobai!"

Then he saw the girl dive into the arms of the nine-tailed man who was walking towards him like a white dumpling.

"Mmm~Mmm~Xiaobai~You are finally back! I can't sleep at night without you~"

Yamato nudged in Yakumoshiro's arms, and seemed to be sniffing something with his little nose. After he felt that there was no strange smell, he felt relieved and slumped in his arms, acting as a pendant.

"Ya... Master Yakumo..."

Watching the man approaching, Tianyue Shi hurriedly stood up, lowered his head slightly, and called him respectfully.

And the young Hiyori hid behind her mother, secretly showing a corner, quietly looking at Yakumoshiro, with a kind of timidity like a small animal in her eyes, and also a bit of curiosity and excitement, as if she saw something she liked.

Yakumoshiro could clearly feel the other party's eyes wandering on her body, especially staying on the ears and tail for the longest time.

Holding Yamato firmly in his arms, Yakumo Shiro gently rubbed the girl's little head, walked in front of the two, stretched out his furry tail, and asked Hiyori,

"Want to touch it?"

"!!!♡ (ू˃o˂ ू)⁼³₌₃"

Hearing this, Hiyori's eyes suddenly emitted a sparkling light, and she carefully stretched out her little hand to touch the furry tail in front of her.

"So soft~warm~flesh~furry~

Mmm~so itchy~"

Hiyori seemed to be cured, and her little face glowed with a different brilliance, while Yakumo Shiro teasingly swept the girl's cheek with his tail, which immediately made the girl giggle.

"Hiyori...seems to like the young master very much..."

Tenzuki stared at this scene blankly, muttering in a complicated tone.

"Madam, do you want to try it too?"

Although the other party spoke in a low voice, Yakumo Haku's hearing was naturally clear. With the intention of teasing, he stretched out several tails around Tianyue Shi, brushing against the other party's mature body from time to time, causing the beautiful woman to tremble slightly.

"Umm~ Master Yakumo... I'm not a child..."

A feeling of electric shock wandered around his body, and the tingling taste made Tianyue Shi blush. Shy, he hurriedly stepped back half a step, looking at Yakumo Haku with a playful look on his face with some shame and annoyance.

"What? Don't you like it? Blame me, seeing that Hiyori was so happy to touch it, I thought Madam Shi also liked furry things... Hey, Hiyori?"

"Yes, mother, it's really good to touch! Don't you want to try it?"

Hiyori showed the tail in her hand to the other party with an innocent face, but in Tianyue Shi's eyes, it was inexplicably shameful.

"No, why do I feel weird..."

Tengetsu Toki took another half step back, and complained in a low voice, "Master~"

Hearing this, Yakumo's tail trembled. Although the other party's words were a complaint of shame and anger,

, but why does it sound so much like being spoiled?

Pulling his tail back from the arms of the reluctant Hiyori, Yakumo Shiro coughed and decided not to play anymore, so he said seriously,

"Mrs. Toki, I'm sorry that there is no follow-up after bringing you here, but now the big-mom pirates are coming, I have been busy with this matter recently, and I only have time to come and see you today..."

"Big-mom pirates? Is it dangerous?"

Hearing this, Tianyue Toki asked worriedly.

"No, it's just a small conflict. I will be away for a short time in a few days. Madam, you can stay with Hiyori for a while... After that... If you must leave... I won't stop you..."

The words were so light and casual, but they contained a lot of information in Tianyueshi's ears, making the woman think,

"Just a small conflict? I'm afraid not? Otherwise, there wouldn't be no news for seven consecutive days...

Is he respecting my ideas? He chose to put down his toughness and support my own will..."


Looking at the handsome man in front of him, who revealed a little sadness between his eyebrows, Tianyueshi felt a pain in his heart. Just when he was about to say something, Yakumo Bai put Yamato down and turned away. It seemed that the situation was very different from what he said.


Looking at the figure gradually going away, Tianyueshi frowned slightly, his outstretched right hand fell weakly, his left hand gently stroked his chest, his eyes slightly closed, and he murmured something silently.

"Eh? Xiaobai! Where are you going? I want to go too!"

Suddenly losing the familiar embrace, Yamato immediately shouted and chased after him, while Maria looked at Tianyue who was bowing his head and saying nothing meaningfully, and silently complained in her heart,

"Alas... Another lost person..."

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