[Recite the URL silently three times. Do you remember it? If you don’t remember, I’ll ask again in the next chapter. It’s best to share it on Facebook for me]

We have three platoons here, so who was the soldier who died last night?

Zheng Xiaohu asked in confusion.

Yes! But the bullet is real.

Yeah, the grenades and bullets can't be fake.

The two said with certainty.

As veterans, they can still clearly distinguish between real bullets and fake bullets.

Those bullets were real and not real.

I thought the company commander was crazy! Haha! Zheng Xiaohu seemed to understand something, and then laughed.

The two of them looked at Zheng Xiaohu who was laughing there and were confused.

What does it mean to be true and not true?

That's right! Xiaohu, what other riddles are you playing?

The two people asked in confusion.

Okay, I can't explain it to you two bastards.

Anyway, just know that the company commander won't harm us. Zheng Xiaohu was too lazy to explain to them.

Damn! Second Platoon Commander, who do you think is the boss?

Come on, come on, let's go out and draw! Lu Zhengtao rolled up his sleeves.

That's it! Let's go, let's go!

Zhao Xiaowu also echoed.

beep beep beep

beep beep beep

Quick. Emergency gathering!

Everyone gather at the training ground!

Zheng Xiaohu and the other three were playing around when the whistle for an emergency assembly came.

At this time, Qin Yuan was standing on the training ground waiting for the soldiers of the logistics company.

The soldiers quickly lined up and stood majestically on the training ground.

Not bad, 2 minutes and 38 seconds! But next time I hope you can be faster! Qin Yuan said, looking at the watch on his hand.



Zheng Xiaohu reported loudly.


Company Commander! We all wrongly blamed you last night!

At this time, the soldiers realized that there were no soldiers missing from their logistics company on the training ground.

Every familiar figure is still standing in the same position.

There are still 48 people.

What? Who was the soldier who died last night?

Yes! That blood is so cheap that it's all over my face!

That's right! The power of the grenade explosion is real.

Last night, I saw with my own eyes that a comrade was shot directly through the head!

The soldiers of the logistics company were confused for a while.

No one understands what happened. Someone obviously died last night, but now there is no one missing on the field.

That real feeling is definitely not fake.

Just when everyone was confused, Qin Yuan said loudly:

“What happened last night only happens once.

If we were on the battlefield, the enemy would not give you another chance.

Dead is dead!

Don't fantasize about peace all day long! Because you are soldiers and must always be prepared!

War will only be more cruel than training now.



The soldiers responded loudly.

Only then did they realize Qin Yuan's intentions, and they couldn't help but feel the cruelty deeply.

Next everyone, gather at the Youjiang River two kilometers away from the camp. Qin Yuan ordered.

Set off!

After saying that, everyone lined up and quickly ran to their destination.

15 minutes later, all the soldiers of the logistics company arrived at their destination, the Youjiang River.

One by one, they lined up and stood there waiting for Qin Yuan's instructions.

Everyone, tie your hands and feet and cross the Youjiang River!

Have you seen the dead tree opposite? Swim over there and swim back for me!

If you succeed, stay in the logistics company. If you don't succeed, you will die!

I'm not kidding you! No one will save you this time! Qin Yuan said expressionlessly.

Do you understand, everyone? Qin Yuan shouted again.

I understand!

Okay! Let's start! Those in a row come first! Qin Yuan immediately ordered.


I saw soldiers in the second row and soldiers in the third row tying up the hands and feet of the soldiers in the first row.

You are all tied up for me. If one of the ropes is loose, you will be punished together. Qin Yuan said again.


I saw the soldiers quickly tying ropes to a row of soldiers, and the soldiers in the first row immediately jumped into the water and squirmed towards the other side.

Time passed by minute by minute.

After 20 minutes, a row of soldiers swam to the other side with difficulty and were already swimming back for a long distance.

This river is quite wide, with a straight line distance of more than 100 meters.

It’s only over two hundred meters round trip.

But their hands and feet were bound by ropes, and the soldiers in a row could only squirm and swim with difficulty.

This consumes the soldiers' physical strength extremely.

If it hadn't been for Qin Yuan's cruel training during this period, it would have been pure seeking death for them to enter this river with such restraint.

Come on! One row!

Quick! There are still dozens of meters left! Hold on.

Wriggling squirming

The soldiers of the second and third platoons stood on the shore and continued to cheer for the soldiers of the first platoon.

I saw that many soldiers in a row were swimming slower and slower and began to sink along the current.

Quick! Do you just want to die here? Qin Yuan shouted with a loudspeaker.

Hold on! There are still 20 meters to go!

Keep on holding on!

Come on, everyone in the row!

One row! Come on

Come on in a row

The soldiers on the shore kept shouting, hoping that those who were about to sink could hear their voices.

This kind of training extremely tests the soldiers' extreme endurance and psychological quality.

On the battlefield, all kinds of terrain and areas are extremely cruel.

Therefore, this also improves the ability of soldiers to save their lives when encountering different areas.

Nearly 10 minutes later, a row of soldiers swam to the shore one after another.

The soldiers on the shore quickly lifted them out of the water.

All the soldiers in a platoon passed the test, but the cost was huge.

They had exhausted all their energy, and some soldiers were spitting out water.

Being able to swim back is all supported by faith.

Just as all the soldiers in the first row were carried ashore, Qin Yuan then asked the soldiers in the second row to enter the water.

Just like that, 3 hours later.

All the soldiers, including Zhou Qing and Liu Ye, landed safely.

Passed the assessment tasks required by Qin Yuan.

The soldiers of the last three rows successfully landed ashore under the guidance of Zhou Qing, Liu Ye, and Zheng Xiaohu.

Except for Zhou Qing, Liu Ye, Zheng Xiaohu, and Zhao Xiaowu, everyone else was lying there vomiting water.

Geng Hu was the worst. He fainted directly, but water still kept coming out of the corner of his mouth.

What kind of shrimp! Water plants! It kept coming out gurglingly.

There was nothing we could do about it, he was probably the only one in the company who learned how to swim when he came to serve as a soldier.

[At the beginning of the chapter, I asked you to read it silently three times. Do you remember? Share on Facebook and there may be surprises]

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