I Took Over The Demonic Ancestor

Chapter 688: Devouring the Earth

After Ling Tian killed the man in black, he did not stop, but still rushed in the direction where the men in black fled.

And just as Ling Tian chased him for about half an hour, suddenly a strong **** smell came from the grass in front of him.

After Ling Tian felt the strong smell of blood in front of him, he rushed towards the canyon in front of him.

In his opinion, there should be the group of people in black ahead, so he must arrive at this time and kill all the people in black to avoid future troubles.

After Ling Tian came to the canyon, he jumped directly into the canyon, the reason why he dared to enter the canyon.

The main reason is because he can clearly feel that the group of men in black are constantly shuttled through the canyon. If they don't stop to rest, I'm afraid it will be difficult for him to catch up with them.

After Ling Tian rolled over, he landed on a lawn in the canyon, then stood up, and then began to carefully observe the surrounding environment.

He found that there are actually many humans and monsters in this place, and the area where they live is also very wide, and around the surrounding lawns, there are dozens of caves, large and small, and in each cave, there are A strong smell of blood wafted out.


After Ling Tian saw the bright red liquid in those caves, his face changed greatly, because he clearly felt the **** liquid around him.

It seemed to contain an extremely terrifying toxin, which made him feel extremely shocked, because he did not expect that under such circumstances, it would be able to produce such a strange effect.

This is simply incredible.

Just when Ling Tian was shocked by this strange scene, his ears twitched slightly.

Then he heard roars and screams coming from the front.

Ling Tian's expression instantly froze.

Because he could hear that those screams belonged to the group of people in black, and they seemed to be in danger.

After hearing this scene, Ling Tian immediately jumped over.

When Ling Tian jumped into a cave, he immediately saw stumps, broken arms, and **** human figures all over the place. In front of Ling Tian, ​​there were several men in black lying all over the place. The faces of the men in black were terrifyingly pale.

And their faces are also blue and purple, and there is a faint light around their bodies.

When Ling Tian saw the light circles on those black clothed men, a look of shock appeared in his heart.

Because he felt the extremely rich spiritual energy fluctuations from those halos. Although the spiritual energy fluctuations were not strong, they made him very envious.

These people, they all have the cultivation realm of soul refining.

One can imagine how strong the masters of this group of men in black are. When Ling Tian sighed inwardly, he thought that they should be hunting for something before.

The things they hunted turned out to be the lives of those people, if it wasn't for the fact that they had used the Heaven Devouring Technique at a critical moment.

I'm afraid he has now been captured by those men in black, and has become their food...

After thinking of this, Ling Tian couldn't help but sighed lightly.

Then he squatted down and checked the corpses on the men in black, and Ling Tian scanned the body of the man in black with his eyes, and then suddenly found it.

The reason why these men in black died was because a huge blade was inserted into the man in black, and the long knife penetrated deeply into the chest of the man in black.

Even the heart of the man in black was pierced.

Fortunately, at the last moment, they used their inner alchemy to resist the fatal attack for the man in black.

Otherwise, with their serious injuries, I'm afraid it's impossible to support them for so long, and they will die completely.

After Ling Tian inspected the bodies of the men in black, he pulled out the long knife stuck in his chest, and then threw it directly into the space ring, and he picked up the black man directly from the ground. The jade pendant on the man's waist.

The whole body of this jade pendant was emerald green, as if it was made of a piece of jade. Ling Tian carefully looked at the jade pendant.

He wore it around his neck, and then turned around and swept toward another canyon.

When he rushed to another canyon, he found that the ground of the canyon was also dyed red with blood, and the cave where the man in black lived was also covered with large bloodstains. It seems that when they were fighting just now, They have already lost hundreds of subordinates, but if Ling Tian guessed correctly, those people in black who died should have been killed by a human master with extremely terrifying strength, and that human master must be in the realm of refining souls. 's master.

After thinking of this, Ling Tian followed the bloodstains and continued to search. When Ling Tian found a huge cave, he went straight into it.

Because he believed that the men in black must be here, and their masters should be hiding in this cave, so as long as he lurks in it, he will definitely be able to find him.

After entering the cave, Ling Tian released his spiritual consciousness, and then probed around, but to Ling Tian's disappointment, the human expert seemed to have expected Ling Tian to search in the cave, because the cave was middle.

Apart from the torn openings and the dead bodies of the men in black, there were no other clues, which made Ling Tian's face even more ugly.

\"Don't I have the slightest chance?\"

After Ling Tian muttered to himself, he sat cross-legged on the ground again and began to heal his wounds.

He knew if he continued to procrastinate.

I'm afraid that waiting for me will be captured alive by the group of men in black, and then eaten as food, so now I can only fight to the death.

Otherwise, let alone that human master is very strong, even if his strength is low~www.readwn.com~ he can't resist him.

Because he is only the strength in the middle stage of Huajin, and the human master is the powerhouse in the late stage of Huajin.

His strength is even stronger than those of the soul-refining warriors he encountered before, so even if he wants to escape now, it is impossible.

While Ling Tian was meditating cross-legged there, he was quickly thinking about how to deal with it, but after thinking about it, Ling Tian couldn't think of a way to deal with the human master.

So in the end, Ling Tian could only focus on the black cloth, because Ling Tian believed that that guy would definitely not kill people easily.

If he can really get that piece of black cloth, then his victory is 99% sure.

Now Ling Tian can no longer think about other things, he can only find the black cloth first.

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