"But they too!" James stood up immediately, and looked around, only to find that his friends were studying, practicing Transfiguration, and they were so inward-looking.

James Potter! Isolated by everyone!!!

Especially Carl, who was holding a notebook and didn't look as playful as he had just been. Instead, he looked like a serious and studious boy. "Professor McGonagall, can you teach me some tips on the Transfiguration spell you just used to turn a wine glass? Although it's difficult, I think it's very interesting so I want to learn."

If James had been influenced by China's 21st century Internet culture, he would probably have slammed the table and shouted: Hey! Goblin! Stop talking to me here! You're confusing my master!

Unfortunately, James had not been influenced by culture, so he just looked at Carl with resentment as if he had swallowed a slug.

Professor McGonagall looked at Carl, who was talented and studious, with satisfaction. His eyes were shining with a desire for knowledge [actually, a desire for extra points].

I took another look at James, who was talented but liked to make trouble. He had a resentful look on his face, and he was helplessly wondering why there was such a big gap between children of the same age.

Fortunately, there was a sensible student who diluted the trouble caused by James. She waved her hand to let James sit down and then patiently said to Carl.

"You are very studious, Mr. Coster, but this Transfiguration spell is too cumbersome and dangerous for you at present. I will naturally teach you in a few months."

"Learning should be gradual, don't be impatient."

"Okay, professor, thank you." Carl nodded and agreed without mentioning the matter of learning content outside his scope in advance.

"Carl, you kid, you actually have two faces! You were not like this just now!" James gritted his teeth and said to Carl angrily as soon as Professor McGonagall walked away.

"What are you talking about, James, I don't understand~" Carl's eyes were originally big, and at this moment he tried to open them, with a feeling of innocence and ignorance.

"... Sirius, do you think I can beat him up?" James looked at Carl like this without any mercy, but with a hard fist.

"If you really dare to do that in Professor McGonagall's class... then I respect you as a man." Sirius said sincerely and gave James a thumbs up.

Sirius said this and Professor McGonagall noticed that James started to talk in a whisper, so he swept his sharp eyes over.

James looked at Professor McGonagall and immediately lowered his head and buried his face in the book, pretending that nothing had happened.

After class, they went to have lunch at noon. They came early, so there was no one around. Obviously, they were the first to arrive at the auditorium.

This meant that they could share a table to eat again, but Carl ate a few bites of veal and didn't touch the knife and fork again.

Why is this?

"Why don't you want to play the broom with me? This idea is so cool!" Of course, it was because James was complaining next to him. He grabbed a lucky guy nearby - Peter, and shook Peter's shoulders to try to get his approval.

"James, please spare Peter, he will faint if he continues like this." Seeing Peter, who looked unhappy but dared not refuse James, Lupin kindly reminded him.

Carl rolled his eyes at James and didn't want to answer his question. Not to mention the broom, even if James wanted him to become the Golden Snitch, it wouldn't work. He didn't understand your Quidditch brain very well.

But if he became the colorful fragments and the pickaxe, Carl said he could consider it, of course he wanted to play the noble colorful fragments.

"Carl, Sirius, either of you is fine, play with me, play with me... Every year it's vampires or bat monsters, pumpkin spirits and other tricks, it's really boring." James lay on the long table dying, and he even stuck out his tongue to pretend to be dying.

Everyone was pierced by James's magic voice. Carl slammed his knife and fork on the table and said angrily, "Damn it, who taught him to be like this!"

After Carl's voice fell, everyone turned their eyes to Carl. What they wanted to say was self-evident.

Carl looked around and stood up with his chest folded, feeling guilty, "What are you doing! Why are you looking at me? This has nothing to do with me! It has nothing to do with me at all!!!"

Everyone's eyes still did not come down from Carl. Carl continued to swallow his saliva. The sweat on his face began to increase. He swallowed his saliva.

"Act with me as a broom and a thief! Play with me!"

"Ah, I don't care! It has nothing to do with me at all! This is not my fault!" Carl also lay on the table and started to act like a rogue.

The range of James and Carl's movements is exactly the same. It can be said that even their own mothers can't give birth to two people who look so similar.

Such a funny scene should have caused the atmosphere aroundEveryone was happy, but what Carl didn't expect was that after a long while, no one laughed.

Carl looked up suddenly, but found that everyone was looking at him and James with a smile, because a lot of people had gathered in the cafeteria at some point, and now they were looking at them with a very subtle expression.

Carl reached out and pulled James's sleeve, who was still in the situation. James looked at Carl pulling him and slightly opened one eye, "What are you doing? Why not..."

James looked up and found the crowd gathered in the auditorium.



Silence is Cambridge tonight. I died quietly, just like I lay quietly in the coffin.

Quiet audiences appeared in the auditorium, just like James and Carl were quietly executed.

Carl and James pretended to sit up as if nothing had happened, and then they both picked up a piece of bread and ate it in small bites at the same time, as if they were deliberately covering up something, with very solemn expressions on their faces.

The crowd dispersed immediately after seeing that there was no fun, but Sirius still didn't intend to miss the opportunity to poke Carl and James' heart. He patted their shoulders cheerfully and asked.

"What's wrong, Carl and James, why don't you laugh? Didn't you laugh happily just now? Or are you just not happy by nature?"

"Shut up, Sirius, if you don't want to be mixed doubles by the two of us." James' mouth moved up and down mechanically, without the slightest mood to taste the food.

Carl also chewed the dry bread, and his resentment was almost transformed into a physical entity. "The cold and aloof personality I have established in the past few days has collapsed in an instant. I should have known not to establish this thing." Carl was so angry. In order to establish a cold and aloof image in the new semester, he did everything he could, and even said a few less words. Unexpectedly, just one act perfectly ruined two months of hard work.

"Forget what James said, Carl, why are you sad, have you established this thing?" Sirius held his forehead and looked at Carl.

Let the great dog-headed [crossed out] famous detective Sirius think carefully. Carl's so-called coolness is not just saying one less sentence per minute! But in his normal situation, he says at least ten sentences per minute!

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