"Stairs! Where are you!" Carl howled and dug out another stone. It seemed as if the heavens had heard his wailing. After the stone broke, a long tunnel appeared from below. This kind of tunnel will randomly jump to several floors. If you are lucky, you may go directly to the fifth floor to open the treasure chest. Carl hesitated for a moment and finally decided to jump.

At this time, the flying snake pounced on Carl again. After a block, it split open. Then a sound effect came into Carl's head. It was the sound effect after the flying snake died, but considering that there was still a flying snake Carl, jumping into the tunnel was still the best choice.

Rolling twice and retreating to the edge of the cave, just as he jumped into the tunnel, Carl was attracted by a colorful thing next to him.

Ah, what is this? What is this? What is this? ? ! So dazzling!

A colorful stone piled up next to the body of the flying snake. The flying snake slowly turned into a group of particles and then turned into the void because of the loss of life, but he made the last dedication in this life, and it exploded into beautiful colorful fragments.

Carl used his sword to steady himself and stood at the entrance of the tunnel. The colorful fragment was about ten meters away from him. As long as he was careful, he would be able to get it safely.

When Carl was thinking about this, red smoke instantly covered the entire space. "Ahem..." He quickly covered his mouth and nose. Just as he was about to ask if 0025 had a bug, he was bitten on the arm by a blood-red bat that came out of the dark.

"Hiss..." Carl waved his arm in pain, and the red bat immediately took off into the air, flying to an unknown place.

Under the red mist, blood-red eyes were hidden in the dark. Carl moved slightly, and their eyeballs moved with Carl's movements. It was impossible to observe carefully, because no matter who came, the hair would stand up.

I just wanted to exchange a fragment for the Galaxy Sword. Who did I offend!

Now there are only two choices. First, a slide shovel with bats and flying snakes, fight! 50% probability of death, 50% probability of holding the fragments, second, be a coward and jump down the tunnel in disgrace.

Although he hated the feeling of death, it was obviously more tempting to choose the former. Carl only thought for three seconds and made a quick decision.

Fight with bats and flying snakes! Carl was not sure whether the smoke had any other de-buff effects, so he did not dare to take a deep breath. He just took a few breaths and rushed to the colorful fragments at the fastest speed.

He could feel the hairy and prickly feeling of the bats flying on his face. It was quite bad. Even if it was just system data, he must wash his face well when he returned to the real world.

After stabbing the obsidian sword into the soil layer and approaching the colorful fragments, he forced himself to slow down, and then took the colorful fragments into his hand. A white particle floated by, and the fragments turned into a small ball of light, which swooped into Carl's fingertips, which meant that the things had completely entered the system backpack.

The sound of bats flapping their wings was ringing around, and the flying snakes were also hiding behind the mist and ready to move. Now he had to think about how to get to the tunnel.

Hmm... Wait, if I use that feature, maybe it can be done? Carl rummaged around in his backpack and finally found a potion to restore his physical strength.

Is it to restore his physical strength and health bar and then fight his way out? Carl said yes, but not completely.

Carl took a sip of the potion in a leisurely manner, but did not drink it all. During the eating period, time will be briefly paused to prevent the player from being attacked by monsters and unable to eat and recover blood, just like when the magic girl transforms, the bosses will not attack the magic girl in transformation.

Then in theory, as long as you eat slowly, you can always freeze time at this place, just like in the anime, the boss will not interrupt the magic girl who transforms for one or two minutes.

Carl drank the potion slowly, and when the potion was finished, he took a quick step forward, and then took out another bottle of potion to continue eating.

It’s a pity that he can’t eat while walking, otherwise a bottle of potion can let him survive to the entrance of the tunnel.

After wasting about five or six bottles of potion, Carl finally reached the cave entrance. It was a mistake. Next time he went down the mine, he should look for raspberries. After all, there were so many on the roadside. It would be a waste if he didn't pick them. And...

It's really expensive to use potions alone! Every time he drank a bottle of potion, there was an automatic sound effect in his head.

-1000 gold.

-1000 gold.


But it didn't matter. Looking at the colorful fragments in his backpack that almost blinded his eyes, Carl nodded his head with satisfaction. It was perfect.

Now he could jump down the tunnel. Carl put the potion bottle in his hand.After a throw and a crisp sound, Carl gently jumped into the tunnel that was not very deep.

The tunnel did not go directly down, but was a slope that slid left and right. As long as you control your strength, you will basically not get hurt. If you use the sword to insert into the wall to slow down for a while, it will be safer.

However, since Carl did not know the depth of the tunnel, he did not slow down specially. After all, if it was too deep, it would probably take a lot of time to slow down, leaving less time for exploration. If it was very shallow, there was no need to slow down at all. After all, the speed had not increased before it reached the bottom, and he had just gone down the mine, so he would not fall eighteen floors.

Carl's idea was correct. After sliding along the tunnel for a while, he saw the faint light again, and the tunnel was about to end.

Steady your body and stand firm first, so that you will not get the embarrassing situation of looking for the ground with your butt when you go out.

After successfully drawing out of the tunnel, Carl stood firm and cautiously took out his sword and looked around, but found that there was nothing else around. When he looked again, a treasure chest not far away blinded his eyes.

The golden bottom of the box, plus the lid covered with thick red velvet, was inlaid with a circle of gems around it. Even though Carl didn't care much about such shiny things, he was suddenly attracted by it.

"0025, can I take this thing away?"

[Host, you can't move it, because the treasure chest is integrated with the granite floor, and a human's wrist strength is not enough to break the granite floor. ]

"Then the gem can be taken away, right?"

[...Similar system treasure chests were distributed to about ten people, and the host was the first one who wanted to take the treasure chest away. ] 0025's tone was a little tired. Carl felt that the longer the time, the more humane 0025 became, just like the last time it played a ghost animal on him.

[But I'm sorry, the main system doesn't have a code that can take away gems. Even if you take them away, they will disappear in space like the bats and flying snakes killed by the host.]

In short, that's not possible.

Forget it, if I can't take them away, there are still things in the treasure chest. I'm so lucky that I can slide four floors directly to the treasure chest layer. It's awesome! Cheers for my luck three times! Wuhu!

Carl rubbed his hands excitedly, wanting to see what good things are hidden in the treasure chest. Although he knew that according to the program settings, the things were destined to be what they were after he entered the mine, Carl still hummed a song of good luck in his heart, looking forward to drawing something good.

"What will it be..." Carl muttered to himself while opening the shiny box. A golden light floated over Carl subconsciously and he felt that he must have drawn something good.

But reality taught him a lesson. After the golden light dissipated, a strange-shaped machine appeared in front of Carl. This machine had two strange mechanical hands.

Carl put down this strange machine. It does not need any energy. The moment he put it down, the machine started to rotate regularly. "...What is this? A perpetual motion machine?"

Carl put his hand on the machine. Five seconds later, the description of the machine appeared on Carl's screen. Carl began to read according to the handwriting on it. "Automatic stroking machine, which can automatically soothe animals and increase their favorability. It was invented by jojamart and applied for a patent."

"..., 0025 Can this thing be used by James?" Carl thought for three seconds and finally asked.

[It can only be used for animals, host. ]

"Look at what you said? Did you open the module that can raise animals for me?"

"That's fine, but it can't even be used to persecute James."



Carl came to the potion class with panda eyes. Why?

Brain: Are you going to sleep?

Carl: Yes, I am going to sleep.

Brain: You worked hard to waste five thousand gold, but in the end, you opened a machine in the treasure chest that you don't know what you can touch.

Carl: Oh! [tearsJPG]

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