I Turned Out To Be a Peerless Expert

Chapter 134: Famous articles are like stars, poems cover Jinghua

   On the Wenyuan Pavilion, the light curtain is showing the trial screen.

   The scholars each showed their magical powers and competed to swim.

   The higher the river is, the faster it flows. Now it is hard to imagine the turbulence.

   From time to time, there was the sound of scholars falling into the water.

   A thousand feet have already passed, and the figure still insisting is less than one percent of the previous figure.

   In this way, the number of scholars who passed far exceeded those in previous years.

   The rest are dragons and phoenixes among people.

   The old man who spoke for Linghufu before, was looking at the scenes, and his mood was also extremely nervous.

   This is the literary spirit of Confucianism and Taoism. It requires talent and exquisite poetry. Both are indispensable.

   Now, Linghufu who set off first is still the first.

   But the lotus flower under my feet is already a bit unsustainable, and it may be broken at any time.

   The color of firmness flashed across his face, and he opened his mouth and said, "He is right, and he is courageous!"

   A few runes rolled out of his eyebrows, his complexion gradually disappeared, and his face suddenly became white.

   It seemed that the breath was greatly weakened in an instant.

   But the majestic literary spirit slowly emerged that I love you, which gave Lianhua the last help and pushed it forward again.

   Two thousand feet!

   This has broken records.


   The lotus flower disintegrated under the swallowing of the river water, but Linghufu's face was relieved instead, and he didn't mean to continue struggling.

   This kind of performance is already very good.

   If you insist on something better, it will only damage the foundation. It is not worth it for a test, although it is a pity not to enter the ancient sage stone forest...

   But this kind of test is too difficult to come to an end. He also exhausted his best efforts. As for the end, I am afraid it is just a thought for the scholars. Yan Guo has never made this plan.

   For every thousand feet, the difficulty increases exponentially.

   If you add it further, I'm afraid it will take two levels of Confucianism and Taoism.

   Linghufu shook his head.

  Who will take part in the partial test? Except for the senior Tie Hanhan named Chen Yubai back then...

   Before he could think about it, there was a clear sound of horseshoes behind him.

   Everyone looked back, exclaiming again and again.

   "Fuck, who is this person, so fast?"

   "Why are you coming at such a speed now? Did you wait for us to make it?"

   "That's the son of Ji Xiaoji. Before that, he wrote a Zhenguo poem, which was famous as Yandu. Now it seems that the poem is low in terms of Zhenguo theory."

   There were two scholars, but they turned their heads in disbelief, and looked at Ji Xiao who was energetic, with incomparable shock in his eyes.

   I saw Ji Xiao with a face full of ambitions, sitting on a very handsome white horse, the horse body is not mixed with a trace of variegated, like jade, four hooves stepping on the water like flat ground.

Wherever    passed, water surged.

   Even after passing a distance of two thousand feet, the speed did not decrease at all.

   Those two students were struck by lightning.

   This kind of villain who colludes with the monster clan, can actually write the town country poem?

Can not accept.

   Linghufu also took a breath.

   He only focused on Huang Miaozhi before, thinking that this time the leader must be between the two, but he did not expect that someone could be several times better than the two of them?

   This is not the strangest.

   In front of the ancestral hall, he and Huang Miaozhi also deliberately went to talk with Ji Xiaopan.

   It’s the strange thing. They all felt that this person was nothing but a gold and jade, and it was a slack. Because the Confucian who could write the national poetry, why didn’t he even have a literary heart in his womb?

   This is simply a weird thing.

   Ji Xiao has almost reached the pinnacle of the world.

   What is Yiqi Juechen, kill all geniuses in seconds?

  What does it mean to be peerless?

   That's right, he just waited behind deliberately, pretending to be humble and waiting for everyone to set off before Shi Shiran finished reading the Xia Ke Xing.

   Town National Poetry, of course the speed is faster, and I set off early, how can everyone know how much Ji Xiao is?

  How did you get shocked eyes?

   Ji Xiaozhi is proud, and his excited ears are red.

   His current invincible posture can be seen by all the ministers and people of Yandu.

   "I heard that His Royal Highness Lingyin is also here..."

   Ji Xiao corrected the color, and held on to the reins.

   Like a white horse crossing a gap, he quickly passed the river and came to the end of three thousand meters.

   stood at the pinnacle of life.

   At the end of the big river, there is the portal that seems to **** in the light.

   The old man guarding the door grunted very uncomfortably.

   The talent that was "accidentally" sprayed out by him suddenly turned into thick ink and fell into the river one after another.

   Suddenly, black tides gradually surged on the surface of the water, and gradually convolved into sharp soldiers.

   The ink and wash soldiers raised their spears and stood in front of the white horse.

   Ji Xiaozheng didn't know what to do, a blank paper flew out of her arms.

   "Excerpts from Confucianism"!

   A secretive force swept across the river, and the words were connected to each other to form a chain, and then they burst out like snakes.

   None of the ink-and-wash soldiers escaped. After being entangled in the chains, ink smoke began to emerge from their bodies, as if they were evaporated.

   This has become a powerful confrontation between the two sides.

   The Wu hooks hanging on both sides of the white horse suddenly flew up, bounced off a few sharp and sharp pieces, and smashed all the spears that had stretched out like a wheat.

   The horse's head hit, and the ink soldiers were suddenly broken.


   Ji Xiao smiled triumphantly, and spurred her whip.

   rushed into the portal instantly.


   There was anger in the voice of the old man at the door, but there was some helplessness.

   His power is limited to the ancestral hall, and he cannot leave the ancestral hall too far.

   Moreover, the old man made the first move in this matter, but he didn't expect that Ji Lang would actually leave a move in advance, which is not reasonable.

   The old man gave up with a cold snort.

   There were exclamations in Wenyuan Building.

   "Unexpectedly, Ji Xiao broke through the three thousand zhang river?"

   "This is a place where no ordinary student has ever passed the previous partial examinations."

   "He didn't use literary style, it's that the town country poem is too strong."

   Ji Dang is naturally smiling, while the others are gloomy and a little uncomfortable.

  , he couldn't even stop the one that guarded the ancestral hall. It seems that Ji Xiao is really going to the ancient sages stone forest to inscribe the town country poem on the inscription.

   Since then, the Ji family has been flourishing in the literary world.

   At this time, the servant suddenly came out and said a few words in Chen Zhengyang's ear.

   He got up and went behind the screen.

   went in and saw that Su Ping's eyebrows were obviously worried.

  Into Chen Zhengyang, he hurriedly let him sit down and said: "Isn't the gentleman also in the partial examination, why haven't I seen it now?"

   "Mr. should have been..."

   Chen Zhengyang thought for a while, but didn't know how to answer.

   After all, it is too difficult for him to guess the actions of such a big man.

   At this time, a semi-transparent phantom suddenly appeared on the side of the table.

   is the incarnation of the old doorman in the ancestral hall.

   Chen Zhengyang got up and saluted.

   "Uncle Emperor? Are you okay."

   There are some worries between Su Ping's eyebrows.

   "Nothing, although my name is not true, and I can't get out of the ancestral hall, but Ji Lang can't hurt me."

   The gray-robed old man snorted and asked, "But Ji Xiao has already entered the Ancient Sages Stone Forest, and Lingyin is also in it. I'm really worried."

   "Lingyin went in today, and there was a young man by her side, do you know?"

   "Young man..."

   Su Ping was taken aback, and looked at each other with Chen Zhengyang.

   Both of them let out a long sigh of relief.

   It turned out that... Mr. went to the Ancient Sages Stone Forest first step.

"what happened?"

   The old man's brows frowned, "Do you know that young man from any background? Can you protect Lingyin? Ji Lang has already left a back hand to guard against me. It shouldn't be as simple as helping his son pass the trial.

   I am afraid that we have calculations for the ancient sages of the stone forest, we are caught off guard for fear that we will suffer. "

   What is the attitude of these two people.

   Why is Su Ping like this?

   That is his most beloved daughter, don’t you worry at all?

   "Uncle Emperor, don't call him a young man. The origin of this person is not as simple as you think, but the gentleman has always been low-key, you can't see that it is normal."

   Su Ping smiled bitterly.

   "Old lady Fu, if you care about it, it's messed up."

   Chen Zhengyang let go of his heart, and explained: "Don't worry, Ji Lang's calculations are not on the same level as your husband, and that person is not playing against Ji Lang."

   "It's not Ji Lang, who is that?"

   The old man frowned.

   "I'm afraid, I am with the semi-sage."

   Chen Zhengyang took a deep breath.


   "It turned out to be the two old men."

   Li Xuan smiled and put away the stone carving, then he was taken aback.

   These two uncles in front of me are a bit familiar, they seem to have seen them somewhere...

   I just can't remember it again.

   "Boy, how did you get in?"

   The old man on the left stood up in surprise and looked at Li Xuan up and down, as if he had seen a ghost.

   The old man on the right was upset, and said, "Who is the uncle?"

   The two sit opposite each other, with a stone table in the middle. Apart from the difference in the color of the shabby Confucian robe and the hair color, the faces are surprisingly similar, which can hardly be distinguished by the naked eye.

   Little broken jacket, one person carrying a teapot, his temper is terrible...

  ‘Isn’t this the standard image of the concierge...’

   Li Xuan looked at the two uncles a little speechless.

   This test location is also true. The concierge is so remote that ordinary people can't find it.

   "You said don't call me uncle!"

   Black robe uncle is unhappy, blowing beard and staring.

   Roll up your sleeves and call me a few punches.

   But his physique has lost weight, Li Xuan promised, in three seconds...

   Hmm...No, in case it is unclear, it is better for him to lie down first.

   The so-called lying on the floor of the old man, so he has nowhere to lie down...

The uncle in the white robe next to    looked a little more stable, and stroked his beard:

   "Anyway, since you have come in, I think you have passed the previous quiz."

   Li Xuan handed over his hands and asked, "Master, what is your last name?"

   "Old man Cao Tian."

   Uncle White Robe finished speaking, and pointed to the old man in black robe next to him, just about to say something.

   The corner of Li Xuan's mouth twitched, "This must be Uncle Cao Di."


  The old man in black robe, the young man with a full face, sneered that you were too young, and said, "The old man's name is Cao Tuye."

   Su Lingyin was stunned, and her beard slipped from the corner of her mouth.

   pointed at them, stammered: "Cao Tian...Cao Tuye, you are..."

  ‘Isn’t this a special word...’

   The corner of Li Xuan's mouth twitched, and he said, "The two uncles are in good spirits, have you been watching the gate here for some years?"

   "Your uncle! I am angry too... I am angry too!"

  As soon as this word came out, the uncle Cao Tu also trembled a few times.

   What a long existence they are, I am afraid that the ancestors of the ancestors of this hairy boy are old enough to be so disrespectful, it is too much!

   "If you say that you are watching the gate, it is appropriate."

Cao Tian in the white robe next to    stopped him and sighed.

   "Your kid seems to know a lot. The girl next to you is named Su, right? Otherwise, you won't find this place."

   Uncle Cao Tian tilted his body and lay on the ground, lazily yawning, and said: "It's not easy to find us both once. Just ask what you want."

   "I just find a place to sit."

   Li Xuan thought these two little old men were a little bit interesting, and they sat down at the tea table, wondering: "Since it's a gatekeeper, why is there a monument in front of it?"


Cao Tu also sat down with anger, and said: "Can you come to the ancestral temple, don't even know this? Are we ordinary people who see you when you see? How can we come up with some real materials, otherwise we deserve to step in. This door?"

   These two old men are pretty good.

   Li Xuan touched his chin.

   Well, in fact, this is also said in the past. I have never heard of the uncle of the Peking University canteen who actually has a Peking University diploma? After decades of staying in this scholarly land, it is not normal if there is no culture.

   Maybe, or a Confucian and Taoist monk?

   Thinking like that, Uncle Cao Tian made a move.

   The inscription on the outside flew around. He took it in his hand and nodded in satisfaction: "The world is full of flowers in April, and the peach blossoms in the mountain temple begin to bloom.

   Although this poem is ingenious and exquisite, it is a rare masterpiece in line with the style and features of this place. A poor scholar who reads it, I expect to like it very much. "

   Such a poem that fits the artistic conception is expected to be done on the spot.

   This is a good one, and he has a great Confucian talent.

   should be the late show of the country of Yan. After passing the 3,000-meter long river of literary spirit with the poems of the country, he came to the ancient sage stone forest to leave writing.

   probably because I felt something in my heart, I actually wrote another song.

   wrote two town country poems in succession, which is so talented.

   Cao Tian looked at Li Xuan with great satisfaction.

   ahem, of course not because Li Xuan helped him get angry with Cao Tu's stinky brother.

   "You two like poetry?"

   It was just a small chat anyway, Li Xuan also let go, took out some vegetables from the small book basket, and greeted the two to eat together.

   "You still know how to honor your elders, well, you are a good kid."

   Cao Tu's eyes also brightened, his face turned into joy, and he smiled: "In this case, the old man will not remember your offense."

   As he said, he grabbed a big apple and snapped it down.

   The best medicine is not precious to him, but it is indeed a long time since he took it.

   This kid is different from other younger generations. Other scholars came, and most of them didn't have the chance to see them at all. Only very few could find this Confucian Temple.

   The last time was hundreds of years ago. There was a descendant whose surname was Chen, who was still abandoning literature and martial arts.

   Well, I came in three knees and nine knocks.

   What kind of kid, no big or small, don't take them seriously.

   But... this is also quite interesting.

   Su Lingyin sat aside obediently and helped the three of them to pour tea, but she didn't dare to say anything.

   Weak, pitiful, and helpless. jpg.

   What kind of boss are these three?

   When I change my father, I have to squat aside and stand up straight.

   "It seems that your kid is a poetic talent, but unfortunately, bad luck."

   Cao Tu also mumbled: "If you are a poor and sour talent, you will probably benefit a lot. He likes to study some useless sour poems the most, but today he is asleep."

   The thoughts they left in the ancient sages stone forest were all nurtured by a huge cultural atmosphere, so they can only wake up in turns.

   For nearly a hundred years, the literary and Taoist incense hasn't flourished, so I can only sleep a little longer.

   "Falling asleep? Wouldn't it be enough to wake up?"

   Li Xuan said casually.

   "It's hard for him to wake up."

   Cao Tian with white beard and hair shook his head, "I want him to wake up unless you write again..."

   As he said, he had the final say, it was an eighth.

   "Write another eight town poems."

   "It's not enough to have the two of us? Your kid is still picking and choosing."

   Hei Pao Cao Tu also saw Li Xuan a little disappointed, and he was immediately unhappy, "It is good to be able to write two poems of the town country, but can you still write eight more poems?

   My old Cao’s name is written backwards. "

   "A cup of tea? That's..."

   Li Xuan shook his head slightly.

   "Huh, poor talents can still try, just forget it."

   Cao Tu also watched Li Xuan fall into deep thought, and couldn't help but sneered: "Young man, do you really want to write?"

   "I'm here to take the exam today, and you are not an exam room. What do you write?"

   Li Xuan put his arms around his chest and said, "Exciting general method wants to trick me into writing poems? The old man is very bad."

   "You...what are you talking about? I need to lie to you a little baby? I am so angry!"

   Cao Tu also ran away on the spot, and then he suddenly reacted.

   haha ​​laughed and said: "You kid can't come to Taiwan, do you deliberately find a reason? That way, if you can write it out, I will give you a lot of color, and the old man has a golden mouth and will never regret it."

   "Come on, come on, look at you, come on, come on, give you a pen."

   As he said, pen, ink, paper and inkstone suddenly appeared on the table.

   Li Xuan was slightly surprised. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

   These two old men are really Confucian and Taoist monks?

   That being the case, it’s okay to make friends, isn’t it just writing poetry...

  Don't say eight poems, I can recite 300 Tang poems...

  Well, I, Li Xuan, just want to let Confucianism in a different world know what is the cultural crystallization of China, the treasure of civilization.

   is not to pretend to be vulgar.

   Seeing Li Xuan's silence, Cao Tu also buttoned his nose and sneered: "Did you reveal the stuffing? It's not bad that you can get two poems in the town country poems. You will only be exhausted after you finish writing. There is no capital.

   "How strong are you with the next generation."

   Cao Tian glanced at his younger brother silently, and said gently: "Young man, don't force it. You only have time for a cup of tea. Don't waste it."

  He means that he can only maintain the awakening cup of tea.

   "Tea time? Not that long."

   Li Xuan got it wrong, Shi Shiran rolled up his sleeves and said, "I have already thought about which eight poems to write (copy)."

   "Lingyin, rubbing ink."

   "Huh? It's..."

   Su Lingyin struck a spirit, and Bai Shengsheng's hand quickly grabbed the ink stick.

   "It's the same as the real..."

   Cao Tu also snorted.

   I wrote eight national poems in a flash, and it’s not so fast to pick Chinese cabbage in the fields!

   The young people nowadays are too exaggerated.

   Cao Tian also frowned.

   Such a young man who doesn't know how to advance or retreat, he doesn't know what to say.



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