I use the learning system to engage in technology

Chapter 84 (Chapter 84 (Five in One) contains 2...)

Song Yao refused to give up.

He didn't cry because of this huge blow.

After experiencing the war (watching is also an experience), the child feels that he has grown up and is no longer the crying child before.

He needs to be strong.

Especially after seeing brother Yuan Jiang riding a motorcycle so handsomely, I have to be strong!

Knowing that the possibility was unlikely, the child still tried hard to propose with a little hope:

"You don't need to pedal on a motorcycle. Even if my legs can't reach the pedals, it doesn't affect its running."

He decided not to give up or give up, and went to give it a try himself.

Of course, for safety reasons, the car is not driven.

Song Yao just wanted to demonstrate that even if he couldn't reach the pedals, he could still sit on the car seat.

Then a little child sat on the wild and shiny black motorcycle.

Song Yao refused to let Yuan Jiang carry her up, so Yuan Jiang supported the motorcycle. The child tried his best to raise his legs, as if climbing a wall, and climbed up with difficulty.

When he sat on the motorcycle, raised his chest and looked forward, he felt that he had won.

At this moment, Song Yao felt like an eagle flying in the sky.

Until the county magistrate couldn't hold it back anymore: "Pfft——"

Song Xiongying looked over angrily: "What's so funny! I'm here!"

The county magistrate really couldn't help it.

Song Yao may not have noticed anything yet, but from their perspective, there was a child with short arms and short legs sitting on top of such a handsome behemoth.

In particular, his pair of short legs were stuck on both sides with difficulty, swaying in mid-air.

The county magistrate coughed several times before he managed to hold back his smile.

He asked: "Yao'er, when the motorcycle is parked, it needs legs to help support it."

"You went up, but how did you come down?"

Song Yao was asked.

He is very aware of the speed and weight of a motorcycle. At such a high speed and size, he must use his legs for support when parking. Just like Yuan Jiang did, he parked at an angle and let his legs rest naturally.

But if it were replaced by Song Yao...

First of all, he doesn't have the strength to hold up the stopped motorcycle from falling over. Secondly, this motorcycle was originally designed to be handsome and cool in all directions.

Its height cannot be controlled even by an adult with slightly shorter legs.

Not to mention the kid Song Yao.

The child rehearsed it in his mind and found that he really couldn't use the motorcycle. He could only hum and slowly get off with Yuan Jiang's help.

The county magistrate did not hide his gloating expression at all.

Especially compared to before, Song Yao was like a little rooster with his tail raised. He was so proud in front of him, showing off how awesome his motorcycle was, and even thinking about how to laugh at him.

He: "It's okay. Although you can't use this motorcycle, you can make another toy car hahahahahaha!!"

Song Yao was furious.

But amidst the laughter of the county magistrate, he looked back at the handsome motorcycle he had made, then looked at the magistrate again, and suddenly he was no longer angry.

The child is at peace:

"Forget about the toy car, I think this motorcycle is pretty good. County Magistrate, if you like it, I'll give it to you."

The county magistrate stopped smiling and looked at Song Yao suspiciously:

"Really? Are you really giving it to me?"

Song Yao nodded: "Yes, I'll give it to you."

Although this is obviously a trap, who can resist such a handsome motorcycle.

The county magistrate still couldn't help feeling fond in his heart. Even though he knew that Song Yao must have some tricks up his sleeve, he still stepped forward to take the protective gear handed over by Yuan Jiang, put on his helmet and rode up.

Then his expression froze.

It wasn't like he couldn't reach the pedal, but after getting on it, he found that his legs didn't seem to be long enough.

It's ok to ride, but it may have to be a bit "more inclined" when coming down.

And because of the increased incline, the entire weight of the motorcycle fell on me. It was such a huge thing, and the county magistrate was not tall, so it was really difficult.

Yuan Jiang looks both handsome and safe when he gets off the car.

When he got out of the car, he was in a hurry and could only care about one end but not the other.

County Magistrate: “…”

He fell silent and returned the protective gear and helmet to Yuan Jiang.

Song Yao was already laughing and laughing while holding her belly.

"Hahahahaha, County Magistrate, why are you down here? Hahahaha, why don't you continue to try your motorcycle!"

The county magistrate went over and pinched the child's chubby cheeks:

"Only you cum!"

Song Yao announced cheerfully:

"I think this motorcycle is pretty good. If I don't change it, I'll just keep it this way!"

Although he couldn't ride, Song Yao was satisfied that the county magistrate couldn't ride either.

He is a child anyway, so he can let Brother Yuan Jiang take care of him.

If the county magistrate is willing to be led by someone, of course he has no objection, hahahaha! !

The child asked the county magistrate happily:

"Then you can't ride this car anymore, so don't you want it?"

The county magistrate chuckled: "Who said I don't want it? I want it."

He can't ride, but he can be ridden by others.

"The speed of this car is pretty good. Does it take into account the fuel consumption?"

Song Yao, who was still gloating about his misfortune, finally remembered that he had not done anything serious yet.

He turned to look at Zhao Xiaodong, who was already familiar with the way and took out a pen and paper:

"bring it on!"

Yuan Jiang spent this day handsomely riding a motorcycle.

Although the venue the county magistrate found for them was a little remote, it was really big, and he didn't feel bored even after riding down it in circles.

On the contrary, because the motorcycle is fast, it feels good to ride on it, and it feels quite high-spirited.

Of course, there are also two children who scream with excitement every time they see him riding back. Their eyes are filled with admiration.

The county magistrate also thought it was cool, and he had other considerations about this kind of motorcycle, so even though his eyes were filled with words like "I'm so sore", he still insisted on staying here and watching their experiments.

At the end of the day, Yuan Jiang felt very happy riding his motorcycle.

Song Yao and Zhao Xiaodong also obtained the most basic data.

The two of them murmured while discussing and testing, and almost filled the entire notebook in one day.

Of course, this does not rule out the reason why they also like to type in notebooks when drafting.

When the sun was about to set, they finally announced that the basic data recording was almost complete.

"We will continue to try it in the next few days. We have to make sure it is really safe before we can give it to you."

"Okay, okay, you can try as long as you want. If you need anything, just come to me."

The county magistrate was not disappointed either.

He wouldn't be at ease if two kids tried it for a day and then gave it to something that was so fast that someone on it would have a high chance of getting into trouble if he lost control of it.

His focus now is on one thing: "Has the fuel consumption come out?"

Song Yao handed him the notebook: "This is the data that has been obtained for the time being."

The county magistrate took the book and looked at the numbers on it carefully, his eyes lit up.

"This consumes much less fuel than other motorcycles."

Song Yao thought it was amazing: "How do you know the fuel consumption of other motorcycles?"

The county magistrate looked at him with a look like "Why do you know other motorcycle information if your legs are so short?": "..."

He said: "Other motorcycles are not as tall as yours. Can everyone ride it?"

The child's eyes lit up: "Can you do it?! What about me!!"

The county magistrate looked down at his short legs: "...Children can't ride."

Song Yao hummed a few times:

"What's so great, my parents are both very tall, and I will definitely be very tall when I grow up. By then, I will ride a motorcycle every day!"

The county magistrate looked at him several times and resisted telling him that his parents were actually quite tall.

Although the county magistrate explained it, Song Yao still felt it was amazing:

"But most people don't pay attention to accurate fuel consumption when riding a bicycle, right?"

He took it for himself. If it were him, he would at most remember how many barrels of oil it would take to ride for a few days.

The county magistrate said: "I am a county magistrate and I have a secretary."

The secretary brother stood aside holding a pile of information related to motorcycles and smiled at the child when he looked over.

Song Yao guessed this.

He pulled Zhao Xiaodong and pushed him over:

"Brother Secretary, can we take a look?"

The secretary glanced at the county magistrate and saw him nodding before handing them the information in his hand.

The two children looked through it immediately.

The county magistrate went over to join in the fun:

"Didn't I tell you just now? Your motorcycle is better than other motorcycles in terms of performance, speed and safety. Rough tests show that it is better than other motorcycles. Why are you looking at this?"

Song Yao answered him without raising his head:

"The teacher said that if there are three of us walking together, we must be the teacher. We can't look down on those who come first.

If other people's motorcycles were developed before ours, they must have their strengths, and there is no harm in learning from them. "

After finishing speaking, he took the time to look up at the county magistrate and said with disdain:

"I see that you didn't listen to the teacher carefully when you were in school."

County Magistrate: “…”

Being despised by the child, he turned to look at his secretary, quietly trying to get some affirmation:

"Children are ignorant and talk nonsense. When I was in school, I was very serious. I ranked first in the school and still stayed up all night to study."

The secretary said calmly:

"That's right, even now, you still stay up late every day reading, even though you are reading martial arts novels."

County Magistrate: "...Didn't you read it too?"

Secretary: "I'm not bragging to kids."

County Magistrate: “…”

He silently shut up.

Song Yao and Zhao Xiaodong have quickly scanned the information.

The child suddenly realized: "So that's it. No wonder those motorcycles are not that fast."

Zhao Xiaodong nodded: "Look at this page. Although its internal structure is very similar to ours, there are various differences, such as here..."

Song Yao's eyes sparkled.

"Why didn't we think of doing this? Sure enough, if we are a threesome, I will be our master."

The secretary had found all this information urgently. Fortunately, their county had tried to build a motorcycle factory before, so all the information was quite complete.

It's a pity that Xinghe County is too poor and has limited funds to support the motorcycle factory. The other party came over for an inspection. Even though the whole county showed great sincerity, they still did not choose Xinghe County.

Although the county magistrate was disappointed at that time, he also knew that he had nothing to blame.

Nowadays, those who open a factory can basically get support from the local government. Who wouldn’t want to go to a place that can give more support?

I just didn't expect that the efforts I put in at the beginning would actually be used at this moment.

Whenever the county magistrate thinks about the possibility of a motorcycle factory in his county, he becomes so excited that his dream comes true.

After seeing Song Yao and Zhao Xiaodong talking to each other, they looked like they wished that an ordinary motorcycle would appear in front of them so that they could take it apart and study it.

He gritted his teeth and said, "I can buy a motorcycle on the market for you to study."

The eyes of the two children lit up immediately.

Song Yao didn't hold any grudge against him for laughing at his short legs (he laughed at him anyway), and looked over excitedly:

"Wow! This is so good!! Thank you, County Magistrate!!"

Zhao Xiaodong was also super excited: "Didn't you say motorcycles are expensive? County Magistrate, you are so rich!"

"Of course!" At this time, Song Yao remembered that he had befriended the county magistrate over the years, and said happily: "The county magistrate is the richest person in the county!"

He is the third generation of rich people!

The county magistrate, who was still a little bit worried about his own little treasury, felt less distressed and uncomfortable after listening to the compliments of the two children.

He even said happily:

"It's nothing, it's just a motorcycle. I can afford two of them in different styles."

As soon as the words left his mouth, the county magistrate came to his senses.

Sure enough, the two children's shining expectant eyes immediately met in front of them.

County Magistrate: "...Okay, buy two."

At worst, he rides one and the secretary rides another.

Although the county magistrate is no longer the super generous magistrate who didn't take four cents seriously.

But he still means what he says.

He asked someone to buy a motorcycle for him that day.

It will take time to transport the car.

During this period, Song Yao and Zhao Xiaodong worked hard to experiment with their own motorcycles. Because they still had to go to school, the experiments were a bit intermittent.

Fortunately, Teacher He knew that they were busy recently and did not give the two children any extra homework.

Father Song and the others are also busy.

He had already saved a sum of money by relying on cicadas, and with the "experimental mountain funds" provided by Song Yao, the group of people started working in full swing.

Drawing on the experience of the spy going up the mountain smoothly last time, the soldiers all suggested that Father Song directly keep all his bees on the experimental mountain.

Professor Wang felt that he had experience in architecture. After listening to their needs, he actively participated in helping design the experimental mountain.

Although he is not good at aesthetics, his wife Li Danshui is very good at architecture.

If it really doesn't work, Professor Wang still has the books left by his wife here, so it's okay to just do it temporarily.

Of course, he was getting older, so his way of cramming it was to have the book sent over and then throw it to Dad Song to read.

In addition, Song Yao and Zhao Xiaodong would sometimes come over enthusiastically to join in the fun. After revising it several times, everyone finally figured it out.

The next step is to discuss and refine it.

First of all, the outside must be used as a beekeeping site.

Not only do you need to put beehives, but you also need to build wooden houses and arrange for people to live in them, creating the appearance that the outside is already the entire activity space.

The interior was the top priority. In order to block people who went up the mountain intentionally or unintentionally, they adopted Zhao Xiaodong's suggestion and filled a circle with thorn branches that easily appeared on the mountains around Dashu Village.

Yes, it was the thorn branch that Song Yao wanted to eat before, but because the fruit tree grew among the thorn branches, he had to regret it.

At that time, in order to get close to the fruit tree, Yuan Jiang almost cut it with a dagger.

Even though he has a strong body and has been to the tropical rainforest, he can't help but have some scratches on his body.

If it is deliberately arranged with thorn branches, it will take a long time to at least get inside.

Moreover, thorn branches are a very common mountain plant around Dashu Village. It is normal for them to grow in places that are not often visited by people, so there is no need to worry about arousing suspicion from others.

But Song Yao has a small problem:

"If there are thorn branches all around, how can we get in by ourselves?"

Brother Bing soon answered.

It's simple. They just need to find a road that people would naturally ignore and make arrangements. If that doesn't work, they can dig a tunnel.

If conditions don't allow it, it would actually be better to build a testing ground underground.

But this kind of project requires a lot of manpower and funds. Even if the mountain in Dashu Village is suitable for digging, it will take too much time to complete.

Song Yao listened with great interest.

There are a lot of darkrooms in martial arts novels. You can’t just dig an underground testing ground, but you can just dig a darkroom!

"We can put important things inside, and then when needed, just press the button and boom, the door will open."

Just imagining such a cool scene makes the child very happy.

Father Song ruthlessly interrupted his son's thoughts:

"Even if you can arrange mechanisms, it's damp and stuffy underground. If you put an iron in it, it will rust. And how many things can be put in such a small room."

Dashu Village actually has an underground darkroom.

I don’t know which generation of ancestors dug it, but it is under the village ancestral hall.

Until now, no one knows whether this darkroom was used to hide people during war or to store food during famine. During the war in the early years, the women and children of their village hid in it 24 hours a day.

The people who stayed outside were all young and middle-aged people who ran fast. As soon as they heard the sound of the plane, they immediately dropped their things and hid inside.

Nowadays, although there is peace, the elders say that the dark room is still there. The ancestors dug it and sheltered their descendants for who knows how many generations.

By keeping it now, they might be able to protect future generations in the future.

When Dad Song was a child, he secretly went to "explore" it with his friends after hearing it from adults.

It turned out that the dark room under the ancestral hall was nothing like they imagined.

Not to mention it's a tall place, as soon as you enter, you will feel a different feeling of depression from outside. The inside is filled with dirt and there are light holders for candles hanging on the walls.

There is not even a bed, but there are some tattered wooden boards. When you lift the wooden boards underground, you can see that there are many "small animals" that like the underground environment hidden there.

Father Song described the real darkroom to his son:

"It's dark and stuffy. You can't see clearly even if you light a lamp. Everywhere you put your hands, there's dirt. Besides, things are very easy to break if you put them in there. The steamed buns will get moldy faster."

"It's still underground. You can't even put big things in there, such as your motorcycle."

Seeing that the child was still unhappy and didn't want to give up, he took out his trump card:

"A place like this can easily attract snakes to make their nests."

Song Yao: "..."

snake? ? ?

Children who are afraid of snakes will give up immediately.

Father Song picked him up and coaxed him:

"Dad is currently learning to read architecture books. In the future, if I find a way to create a darkroom underground that won't be damp, dark, stuffy, or snakes can get in, can we give it to our son?"

Song Yao was still easy to coax, so she stretched out her hand:

"Then we need to pull the hook."

"Okay, pull the hook."

Father Song smiled and hooked up with his son.

He really felt that he could fulfill his promise in the future.

After all, the teacher had brought so many architectural books to him to read. If he didn't have confidence in him, why didn't the teacher read them himself and show them to him?

Professor Wang didn't know what Father Song was thinking.

You will definitely laugh a few times if you know this.

If he could read it well, this book would not have become dusty after being kept by him for so many years.

Of course, Father Song didn’t know the truth.

So he was very confident.

Although the underground darkroom could not be built, a soldier brother suggested that it could be used as an indoor darkroom.

It's the kind that looks like a wall on the surface, but actually is a room inside.

Song Yao sounded very yearning:

"So after installing this darkroom, will spies not be able to find it? Then we will use it to store weapons and important things?"

Brother Bing: "Basically every spy can search a darkroom. As long as a spy comes, 90% of them will find it."

Song Yao was confused: "Then, why are we pretending?"

Brother Bing smiled gently at the child: "Although it is useless, it can be pretended and it doesn't take much effort."

Song Yao: "..."

This means that although this darkroom can only have some psychological effects, if the children want it, they can also get one for them to play with.

This is treating them like children!

Song Yao straightened his chest: "I am eight years old, I am not a three-year-old child anymore! Brother, you don't have to coax me like this!"

Brother Bing continued to smile gently: "Shall we pretend to be in this darkroom?"

Song Yao: "...pretend!"

Brother Bing was not surprised at all. He smiled and patted his little shoulder: "Okay, do you want to put two more small beds in there?"

Song Yao and Zhao Xiaodong nodded with bright eyes: "Yes, yes, yes!"

Hey hey hey, darkroom!

They can have a darkroom too!

The kind with a bed!

They can even sleep in it!

The two children happily went to imagine.

The soldiers continued to improve the experimental mountain based on their professional experience.

They also specially moved common trees nearby to create a blindfold.

Dashu Village is a small village. Everyone in the village knows each other. Within an hour when a stranger enters the village, the news can spread throughout the village through the gossip group in the village.

So unless you are like those spies last time, walking on a mountain road, touching all the way, and there are few people, otherwise you will definitely be discovered.

If there were too many people, people would have warned them before they reached the bottom of the experimental mountain.

If there are few people, even those few can't beat the soldiers.

Everything went perfectly, and after another round of large-scale discussions, everyone got to work in a lively manner.

Father Song was very magnanimous and even invited his cousins ​​to help build the external house.

The whole village knew about it. The rain stopped and Song Youcai finally continued his beekeeping business.

He has many relatives and brothers, and after working together on and off for more than half a month, the simple beekeeping site was ready.

It was not appropriate to give money, so Song’s father would buy supplements for the elderly and food for the children according to each family’s situation. He would also tear off a few pieces of fabric and send them door to door to express his gratitude.

The cousins ​​all happily accepted the gifts.

People from the same village are also members of the same clan, so we should pay attention to the same spirit.

Father Song wants to build an apiary, and even if he only treats them to a few meals, they will still come to help.

But Father Song not only entertained guests, but also carefully gave gifts according to the circumstances of each family. Even if they were relatives, who wouldn't be happy to receive gifts.

The cousins ​​all refused to accept it.

Father Song’s eldest cousin squeaked a few times and said embarrassedly why he didn’t accept the gift:

"Youcai, can you help us talk to Ashun and the others about letting your nieces and nephews go to school in your village?"

Father Song was stunned.

"Brother, this matter is really difficult to handle."

If it were just the children of relatives coming to school, that would be easy to say.

But the problem is, Grandma Song’s natal family is from Xiaoshu Village.

Xiaoshu Village and Dashu Village have always been at odds with each other. When Teacher He went there to collect firewood, people from Xiaoshu Village surrounded him.

At that time, they wanted to bypass Dashu Village and directly tell Teacher He about going to school, which made the people of Dashu Village very angry.

If there hadn't been a forest fire later, and everyone was busy fighting the fire and rarely cooperated and united, there would still be a quarrel about this matter.

The Song family is very prestigious in the village, but they can't go against the whole village.

His eldest cousin also knew the difficulty, and said with a red face and embarrassment:

"We also know that it is not easy for your village to build a school. Several of our families pay tuition fees. We don't take advantage of your village. The children are also grown up.

Seeing that the children like the youngest are becoming more and more sensible day by day, the ones in our family can't even do arithmetic clearly. As parents, we are really anxious."

He looked at his nephew who was doing homework with Zhao Xiaodong in the yard with envy:

"I watched the youngest grow up. Although he was smart before, he was not so sensible. When I came to help yesterday, the youngest poured water and gave me fruit to eat. This was to thank me for my help."

Adults may not be so understanding of the ways of the world, and thanking people should be open.

Song Yao is an eight-year-old child, but he has done it quite naturally.

And he didn't do it deliberately, but he felt from the bottom of his heart that he should do it because others helped him.

The youngest child used to be well-behaved, but there was no one to teach him many things, and he couldn't learn them by himself.

Especially regarding the various expenses for building a house, Song's father was too busy to handle it, so he directly gave it to Song Yao to calculate.

The brothers saw with their own eyes that such a young child calculated quickly and well, much better than them.

These days, when walking around Dashu Village, I saw that the children in the village spoke more systematically than those in their village.

Song's eldest cousin sighed:

"When you were a child, you often came to our village to play. You also know that the atmosphere in our village is really bad. The adults are not harmonious and the children are not at peace.

It's okay for your nephews and nieces to be restrained by us, but they are not as strong as aunt and Taohua when they were young. Although they are not bullied in the village, they have few playmates."

"Many people in our village are jealous of your village's school. Seeing that they can't come to school, they want to build it themselves, but they have been tossing for several months. Some people want to build it, and some don't want to build it. There is no peace." Song's father can guess this.

His grandmother likes him. When he was a child, she often took him to Xiaoshu Village to play. He also witnessed what kind of atmosphere the neighboring village has.

However, his mother is powerful, and he has a good friend like Xiang Taohua. In addition, there are several cousins, and he is smart, so no one can bully him.

Xiang Taohua can go to junior high school because she has an uncle who works in the county.

Her aunt liked her and was willing to let her live in her home to go to school and provide her with food and accommodation, and even willing to help her pay part of the tuition, so that she could finish her studies.

Except for Xiang Taohua, no one in Xiaoshu Village could graduate from elementary school.

Before leaving Xinghe County, Song's father had never suffered from lack of education. It was not until he went to Lecheng and studied with college students at Professor Wang's home that he realized that lack of education really made him inferior to others.

He was fine, he was eloquent, and Professor Wang was partial to him, so he didn't suffer any grievances.

But think about those nephews and nieces, they are all stupid, now they don't go to school, and when they grow up they are uneducated and can't communicate. If they had been farming before, they would have been fine.

But now seeing that the children in Dashu Village are all smart and healthy, it's no wonder that his cousins ​​are anxious.

Song's father is also a father himself, so he can understand his cousins' feelings. He hesitated for a moment: "Teacher Xiao He should have no objection, but I have to ask the villagers. If they come to school, they have to list the rules to avoid those in your village..." He didn't say the rest, and Song's cousins ​​understood. There are many dishonest people in Xiaoshu Village. If the conditions are not set firmly, someone might come to make trouble. Seeing the uncles leave with many thanks, Song Yao put away his homework and curiously went over:

"Dad, are Brother Pingping and his family going to our village to go to school?"

Song's father: "It has not been decided yet. It depends on whether the villagers agree."

Song Yao has watched the two villages fight since he was a child, and he is also worried:

"If everyone disagrees, let Brother Pingping and his family live in our house and I will teach them."

Zhao Xiaodong has not seen these cousins ​​of Song Yao very much, but since they are Song Yao's relatives, he naturally includes them in "their own people":

"I don't think everyone will agree. There are many bad kids in Xiaoshu Village. Usually, adults don't let us play with the kids in Xiaoshu Village."

Song Yao defended his cousins:

"Brother Pingping and his family are different from those bad kids. They are very nice to me."

How can a village have only good people and no bad people?

There are also many good people in Xiaoshu Village, such as his grandmother and his mother are from Xiaoshu Village.

Song Yao generously found his various reading notes.

"If you don't agree, let Brother Pingping and the others learn from me. I'm very good at teaching!"

Zhao Xiaodong, who was taught by him:

"...Little boy, let me teach you. Sometimes I don't quite understand what you say to me."

When Song Yao first went to school, it was okay because he was learning the basics and he was patient, so Zhao Xiaodong could understand what he said.

But now he is a child with a head full of knowledge.

He also knows the basics, but Song Yao will subconsciously ignore them.

Because children instinctively think that Zhao Xiaodong can understand such simple things without explanation.

As the study time increased, Zhao Xiaodong became more and more aware of the gap between him and Song Yao. Fortunately, he had a good attitude and was still happy every day.

But he didn't think Song Yao's brothers and sisters could have such a good mentality as him:

"You don't even know how jumpy your topic is."

Song Yao was not convinced: "You're not much better. The last time you lectured your deskmate, you made her cry."

Zhao Xiaodong: "...She is obviously stupid!"

Song Yao spoke for Zhao Xiaodong’s deskmate:

"No way, I think she's pretty good. She even praised me last time. If you say you're stupid, I still think you're stupid!"

Zhao Xiaodong was unhappy:

"You actually called me stupid because of her. Don't think I don't know. You just helped her because she looks good!"

He complained unhappily: "You are always like this! You like whoever is good-looking!"

Song Yao refused to admit it: "I don't. The secretary brother is also good-looking, but I like the county magistrate more."

Zhao Xiaodong: "That's because the county chief is pretty good, and he brings you martial arts novels, otherwise you would definitely like the secretary brother more!"

Song Yao's guilty eyes wandered: "I, I don't know how."

This is obviously the case.

Father Song, who was watching, silently pitied the county magistrate.

Zhao Xiaodong was still angry. The main point of his anger was that "you actually called me stupid for a stupid classmate who couldn't even understand the questions."

"You're just superficial!"

Song Yao felt guilty for a moment, and then felt confident:

"What's wrong with superficiality! When you were a kid, you liked playing with me because I was the prettiest!"

Zhao Xiaodong choked.

He blinked and realized that this was indeed the case.

The nine-year-old child was shocked: "Am I actually such a superficial person?!"

Song Yao proudly touched his face:

"Of course, but I forgive you, because although I am good-looking, I also have inner meaning."

Zhao Xiaodong's focus immediately shifted to:

"Then why are you friends with me? Is it because I look good or because I have substance?"

Song Yao recalled it carefully.

It seems like he is strong enough to help...

The child felt guilty. He felt that Zhao Xiaodong would not like this answer.

"Well, of course it's because you're good-looking and rich. Anyway, we are good friends now. These are all things in the past. It's not important."

Zhao Xiaodong, who was praised, smiled brightly and nodded hummingly:

"Yes, it's enough that we are good friends now."

They happily went out hand in hand to pick fruits and eat them.

Dad Song, who was left in the yard: ...Do you still remember what you were talking about before?

Forget it, children are really unreliable.

This matter needs to be discussed with an adult.

In the evening, Father Song went to Grandpa Song and Grandma Song's house to discuss the matter.

Of course, the old couple also hopes that this can be done.

Especially Grandma Song.

Ping Ping's children still call her aunt.

"If this matter is to be handled, it must be done by Pingping's father and others alone. It cannot be done in the name of Xiaoshu Village. They are them, and the other people in Xiaoshu Village are other people. We must let everyone understand this."

Grandpa Song added:

"Pay the money, prepare two coins."


Grandma Song agreed: "This money should not only be given to Wenwen, but also an extra portion should be prepared for the village. When the school was built, the whole village contributed."

Grandpa Song continued: "Just remember one sentence, no one has any relatives."

Father Song generally understood.

"Hey, I remembered it and will do it tomorrow."

The next day, when Song Yao and Zhao Xiaodong were trying to prove to each other that their speaking skills were actually pretty good, Song's father went out to look for famous people in the village.

When the two motorcycles bought by the county magistrate arrived, Song’s father once said to Song Yao during dinner:

"Brother Pingping and the others will come to our village to go to school next week. It's their first time going to school. Remember to help them get used to it at school."

Song Yao was already ready to teach his brothers. When his father said it was done, he was surprised:

"Does everyone really agree?"

Father Song nodded: "The children in our village are getting more and more energetic. Who doesn't have relatives? There are many relatives who want to send their children to school."

He asked Teacher He, but Teacher He didn't care.

Anyway, no matter how much you teach, it’s just a lesson.

If there is another batch of freshmen, she can still use the experience she has accumulated in the past.

Father Song walked around the village and took the initiative to propose conditions. The Song family is now very respectable in the village, and his cousins ​​are indeed pretty good people, so the matter was settled smoothly.

Now that the matter was done, he taught his son:

"Yao'er, do you know why everyone agrees?"

Song Yao: "Because you also want your relatives' children to come to school?"

Father Song nodded: "Yes, so everyone doesn't want to block the way for children from other villages to come to our village to go to school. This is the same as the market transaction taught by your teacher.

We have relatives who want to come to school, and so do they. They are all on the same page. At this time, your uncle and the others will step back, and the village will also step back for the sake of their relatives and children. "

Professor Wang replied: "This is called looking at the issue from the perspective of the other party's interests."

"You told your neighbor that you wanted to demolish the road in front of your house, and he definitely wouldn't agree. But if you told him that this road would trip people, and would trip the children and the elderly in the neighbor's house, he would hesitate more or less."

Song Yao suddenly realized.

But his little head couldn't apply this new principle for a while, so the child went back to the house after dinner and wrote down what his father and master had just said.

It doesn't matter if he doesn't understand it now, he can take it out and read it every day.

One day he will understand it.

The day before Song Yao and Zhao Xiaodong went to the county to dismantle the motorcycle, the village held a meeting and set the rules for children from other villages to go to school.

The first one must be money.

The amount they discussed was quite reasonable. The big part went to Teacher He, and the small part was saved in the village. When enough was saved, everyone would share it.

Those who came to school had to bring their own tables and chairs for their children, and they had to pay for anything the school needed to pay. If the children bullied others in school, they would return it immediately, etc.

Song Yao shared this with the county magistrate when he arrived in the county.

The child said happily: "My brother Pingping and his friends will be here soon, and we can play games together."

As Zhao Xiaodong grew taller, Song Yao didn't like playing games with him anymore.

In the past, he could win by playing cockfighting, but recently he couldn't do that anymore.

The county magistrate thought for a while and said, "I think your village should be lively recently."

Song Yao didn't understand what he meant at first, but after a few days he understood.

Since Dashu Village Songzui began to accept students from outside the village, all the families with children of school age were tempted.

They couldn't see other students, but they had Song Yao as a living signboard!

Before going to school, Song Yao was also famous, but at that time he was famous for his good looks.

How long has it been since he went to school, he has been commended by the state.

Although this is the only one in Dashu Village who has been commended by the state, the fan clock that has benefited the whole county was made by him and Zhao Xiaodong.

Zhao Xiaodong was also famous before, to be precise, it was his father who died in the flood who was famous.

So everyone knows better that Zhao Xiaodong was a naughty kid before he went to school.

In everyone's eyes, these two kids became so great after they went to school.

Especially Song Yao also received a bonus from the state, which really means that knowledge is power and knowledge is money.

Teacher He has a high school degree and came from a big city. In addition, he has taught these two kids. Anyone who hopes that their children will do well wants to send them to Dashu Village.

Dashu Village has been very lively recently. Either this family or that family has relatives coming. Song Yao's family has also come several times.

He calls this uncle today and that grandma tomorrow. Basically, every day he has to keep the process of being looked at, touched on the little face, and praised by all kinds of relatives.

The child soon couldn't stand it, and took Zhao Xiaodong and Yuan Jiang to live in the county magistrate's house during the two-day holiday.

The county magistrate, who had a lot of experience in dealing with relatives, gloated: "Did they give you a red envelope? Did your family say no, but they still said yes?" Song Yao: "..." They really did. The adults on both sides said yes and no, and the scene was so big that it looked like a quarrel. He was stuck in the middle with a look of despair on his face. Zhao Xiaodong was similar. The two children looked at each other, and both of them looked sympathetic. Fortunately, no one could find the county magistrate, so they continued to dismantle the two motorcycles at the county magistrate's house. Song Yao was really familiar with dismantling things. Even if he could make this thing himself, he just wanted to dismantle it when he saw others'. When the county magistrate came back from get off work, he kept a complicated expression on his face, watching the two children put the motorcycle down, sit on a small stool and dismantle it like a corpse. Song Yao also assured him: "Don't worry, we will definitely install it exactly the same as before." The county magistrate looked at the piles of parts on the ground: "...I believe you...right?" Song Yao and his friends hid in the county magistrate's house every week. They hid there for a month. Winter was coming, and relatives from the village were still coming in waves. Because there were so many people coming and the noise was loud, the county heard the news. When Song Yao went to the county government to play, there were cadres and uncles and aunts who asked him: "My son, I heard that there is a famous teacher in your village who is very good at teaching children. People from ten miles away want to send their children to her for teaching. Is it true?" Song Yao was excited when he heard it. He liked the teacher very much. Such a good opportunity to brag about the teacher must be seized. The child started to brag confidently:

"Really, our teacher is very good. Zhao Xiaodong and I were taught by her."

"And our teacher likes reading books very much. She never forgets to study every day. The last time the government came to commend me, they also praised the teacher.

And the teacher is also very serious when teaching. Her lesson plans and homework are all based on the level of each of us..."

Baba ba ba, ba ba ba, Song Yao bragged for more than half an hour.

Zhao Xiaodong also followed and added a few words from time to time.

But they didn't lie. Teacher He is very good and teaches students very seriously.

The cadres of the county government spread the word.

Song Yao was in front of them every day, and everyone watched helplessly as such a young child went from not being able to understand more complicated books at the beginning to being able to follow Wang Bo's words now.

Although everyone knows that he is smart, how can a smart kid make such rapid progress without anyone to guide him?

In particular, the final exam papers and results of Dashu Village have also been released. Maybe Mr. He, a first-time teacher, did not realize it, but intellectuals with children at home can estimate Dashu Village by taking a look at it in their hands. The children's level is indeed higher than that of the same age.

What are you waiting for!

Anyway, it's just a primary school. The children can be released to attend class first. If it doesn't work, they can just go back to the county. If this is taught well, it will be of great benefit to the children.

Therefore, Teacher He, who had not been idle for more than a day, welcomed various guests again.

This time I am from the county and I want my children to come and attend the class.

Everyone should not forget to bring this sentence:

"We heard from Yao'er and Dongdong that you are a very good teacher."

Teacher He, who met one parent after another every day as if rushing to a party: ...It’s too sloppy, I should assign more homework.

What did those two children say to others in the county?

Why are parents from the county even here?

She is right to teach more, but the problem is that the school cannot accommodate so many people.

People came to request so politely, and she had to explain the reasons for not accepting them in the same polite way. Teacher He was so busy that he didn't even have time to cook.

If it weren't for Grandma Song's help, she might not even be able to eat a hot meal.

Song Yao and Zhao Xiaodong didn't know that Teacher He was thinking about giving them homework.

They were also very proud that they had said so many nice things to the teacher.

Song Yao was very confident: "The teacher will be very happy if he finds out!"

Zhao Xiaodong was also confident: "Yes! The teacher will definitely praise us for being great!"

The two children were very happy for a while, and then continued to study motorcycles.

The motorcycles they made themselves have been tested many times and they are guaranteed to have no problems. As soon as the county magistrate heard that they were OK, he immediately ordered ten of them in one go.

Even Song Yao, who had always admitted that the county magistrate was very rich, was shocked:

"County magistrate, are you rich?"

Zhao Xiaodong was also surprised: "Didn't your father not give you pocket money?"

The county magistrate was busy writing, and while busy with his official duties, he took the time to answer them:

"I didn't buy it with my own money, this was approved by the county public security bureau."

In order to get others to agree to do this, he has been talking all the time recently, and he can only work overtime to do other things that he is busy with.

Song Yao doesn’t quite understand:

"Are you going to let Brother Ah Jiu and the others ride motorcycles? But wouldn't ten be too many?"

The brothers and sisters in the Public Security Bureau all have long legs, so they can control this handsome motorcycle monster.

But if we buy ten such expensive cars at once, will the county still have money?

The county magistrate also confirmed Song Yao’s minor concerns, so he said:

"How about you give me a cheaper price? Just as supporting the development and construction of the county?"

Song Yao, a stingy boy, really hesitated for a moment, but now he is no longer the kid who would immediately help when he heard the slogan.

He had learned from his master and Grandpa Wen that he had to be careful when spending money:

"Tell me first, why does buying a motorcycle have anything to do with the development and construction of the county?"

When the county magistrate heard that there was something going on, he immediately became energetic.

He put down his pen and told Song Yao his plan.

"Isn't our county now known as the hometown of wood products? Although, you all know how this spread, but no matter how it comes, the quality and price of wood products in the county are indeed good now. "

"I just thought about holding a wood products exchange meeting in the county and inviting some cadres, businessmen from other counties, and the surrounding people to have a good visit."

Song Yao understood: "Are you trying to crucify our county's reputation as the hometown of wood products?"

The county magistrate nodded: "Our Xinghe area is not suitable. I have thought about opening factories and encouraging entrepreneurship before, but they are not suitable for Xinghe."

There was nothing we could do about it. Xinghe had been bombarded by artillery fire before, and the culture was directly disconnected. The common people did not have the courage to do business. They preferred to make money through labor rather than talking about business with others.

This time, an opportunity finally came to the land of wood products, and the county magistrate was determined to seize it.

"The first exchange meeting is especially important. We must leave a good impression on those people. Our county wants to build roads, houses, etc., but we will definitely not be able to get the money, so I want to do something different."

Song Yao suddenly realized: "It's different...you want to rely on the good looks of the brothers and sisters from the police to attract people!"

County Magistrate: "...it's a public image. Don't make it sound like I'm letting them rely on my reputation."

Although it seems that it is correct to say so.

This is the situation.

Building roads requires a lot of money, and the county cannot afford it, so the county magistrate can only rack his brains and try to show the strength of Xinghe in other directions.

No, just in time, Song Yao's handsome motorcycle was made.

Anyone who has seen Yuan Jiang riding a motorcycle with his own eyes knows how eye-catching it would be if a row of long-legged police officers patrolled the streets on this motorcycle.

Moreover, the Public Security Bureau has recently transferred a lot of comrades with tall legs and long legs, and they have a lot of cards when they are brought out.

The county magistrate’s calculations were particularly good:

"What kind of place makes people feel at ease? Of course it is a safe place. What kind of person makes people feel at ease just looking at them, like Comrade Yuan Jiang!"

If Yuan Jiang hadn't left Song Yao's side 24 hours a day, he would have wanted to discuss with this military comrade, who had broad shoulders, a thin waist, and long legs, who made people feel particularly safe, to show up on the day of the exchange meeting.

Yuan Jiang felt the county magistrate's hot gaze: "..."

He stood silently behind Song Yao.

The county magistrate regretfully looked away and continued to say to Song Yao:

"Think about it, if you went to another county and saw a dozen police officers with tall legs and long legs wearing police uniforms and helmets riding big motorcycles passing by, would you feel at ease?"

Song Yao had always had a good imagination, but now his eyes were wide open: "How cool!"

He simply wished he was one of those "passed by".

The county magistrate said proudly: "It's cool. We want to put the security strength of our galaxy on the bright side. At least those businessmen will dare to come here."

He's not bragging, their security in Xinghe County is truly top-notch.

Look at the fox spirit next door, how chaotic it is. If people who go there to do business have a lot of money, they won't dare to go there without a few strong men by their side.

Of course, the county magistrate refused to consider the possibility that "because Xinghe County is poor, thieves don't like it".

Anyway, he must use the remaining money in the county to let Xinghe County show off at the exchange meeting.

Whether Xinghe County can develop economically by relying on the title of "Hometown of Wood Products" depends on this time.

This is really to develop the economy of Xinghe County. Song Yao is no longer stingy this time:

"Well, let's do this. You buy all the necessary parts and I'll do it for you. There's no labor fee."

Zhao Xiaodong also patted his chest: "I won't accept it either!"

The county magistrate was very happy:

"Okay, okay, don't worry, I will tell everyone that this motorcycle was made by you, and I will promote it to you."

Yuan Jiang's expression moved slightly, and when he was about to say something, Song Yao was already discussing with Zhao Xiaodong.

After the discussion, Song Yaocai told the county magistrate:

"No, we don't have time to make it anymore. My father and grandfather are also very busy, and even my grandmother is busy going to school to help. You can make this motorcycle for Grandpa Fang."

The county magistrate brainstormed for a while and realized that the grandpa Fang he was talking about was the factory director who had been helping Song Yao and the others make various parts and components.

"Since when did you and Factory Director Fang get so close?"

Song Yao and Zhao Xiaodong were confident:

"He is our friend. Although he is not a good friend, we still have a good relationship."

"Yes, Grandpa Fang helped us a lot."

Factory Director Fang not only lent them the workshop for free, but also went to great lengths to ask people to help them find hard-to-find parts, and stuffed them with snacks every time they went there.

Although brother Yuan Jiang said that it was probably because the country had placed an order in the factory before, Factory Director Fang was really kind to them.

No matter what his original intention was, he didn't have bad intentions towards them and was willing to help them find ways and means. Song Yao and Zhao Xiaodong still quite appreciated his affection.

The two children are not short of money now and have no time to deal with the follow-up of the motorcycle. In this case, they might as well leave it to the factory director Fang.

It seems that Xinghe County needs development now, and they are willing not to charge labor fees.

For them, it was just a raise of their hands, but for the county government, which was under great economic pressure, and Factory Director Fang, who needed orders, it was a super surprise.

Why not do it.

The county magistrate was relieved when he saw that they knew clearly and didn't look like they were being coaxed by Factory Director Fang.

"Okay, you just have to figure it out yourself."

Seeing that the matter was settled, Yuan Jiang breathed a sigh of relief.

If word spread that Song Yao was responsible for the big motorcycle, he was really worried that it would attract spies again.

Although the two children did not take this matter to heart, he still silently recorded the development time of the motorcycle. After all, one day, their glory will be made public.

Director Fang was so happy that pie fell from the sky.

"Hey, I knew Yao'er and the others were thinking of me. We are friends."

He was overjoyed, but he didn’t accept everything:

"But this motorcycle still has a lot of technical content. Even if I'm a friend, I can't take advantage of such a big bargain. Let's just calculate it according to the share.

Just treat them as technical investors and give them money according to the share of the motorcycles sold. "

After hearing this, the county magistrate was completely relieved: "Director Fang is sensible."

If he was really confident and took advantage of everything, he would tell the two children to stay away from each other.

It's one thing that Song Yao and the others don't care about the money.

If others think they are good at their age and naturally take advantage of this, that is one thing.

Director Fang cheerfully said:

"The county magistrate has been overrated. I believe anyone with a brain would do this."

He's not stupid.

He could see how smart these two children were, especially Song Yao. This child would definitely be even more powerful than he imagined.

Now that the child is still young, he is lucky enough to hook up. If he doesn't build a good relationship, it will be a shame for his shitty luck. He is crazy to get himself into a corner.

When Song Yao and Zhao Xiaodong ran down happily.

The two old fritters, who had been immersed in the adult world for many years, looked down at each other and said, "You really have a lot of thoughts." Then they both looked at them with a smile:

"Run slowly, come on, let me tell you about sharing the money."

After the negotiation was completed, the factory director did not forget to praise the two children again and again.

"I really want to thank you all. Seeing that the factory's efficiency is getting worse day by day, I am worried. You have saved our factory."

"Originally, I said we would reduce the number of workers, but now it's better, and several families can be fine."

This is true, but the workers are all old, have families to support, and they all look familiar. It will be a headache to lose anyone, so the factory director is particularly excited about this big pie. .

Song Yao originally gave up the production of motorcycles because he was too lazy to do it himself and wanted to thank the factory director. After listening to the factory director Fang express his gratitude a lot, he discovered:

"Did we do something good again?!"

Factory Director Fang nodded: "Yes, you have saved several families."

"You can have such great merit at such a young age, and the big leaders will definitely bless you."

Song Yao and Zhao Xiaodong both like to listen to good things. After being praised a lot, they both feel happy when they return home.

Especially after returning home, the adults also praised:

"If workers lose their jobs, it will be difficult for every family. It will also help the county. When the county's economy improves, everyone's life will also be better. It seems that you have really grown up."

Song Yao, who had always wanted to become an adult, was even happier.

That night, he was lying on the bed and said to 005:

【005, I think I can be considered an adult now. 】

He worked hard and said: [I studied hard, helped the county, entertained relatives at home, and took care of my brother Pingping and the others at school. Grandma went to school to help, and I also helped grandma make lesson plans. 】

It’s not that he didn’t know. After doing the math, the child was shocked to find that he was really, really powerful now.

005 also praised: [Host, you haven’t even cried in a long time! 】

Song Yao was reminded and felt proud:

【right! I haven't cried in a long time! I didn’t cry when I couldn’t ride a motorcycle last time! 】

If he had worked hard for so long before and found out that he couldn't ride, he would have cried on the spot.

The child was delighted: [Hehehe, I am indeed a precocious genius. 】

He happily fell asleep instantly.

When she woke up the next day, Song Yao felt that she was an adult, hummed a song, brushed her teeth and washed her face, then touched her belly and went to her grandma to complain that she was hungry.

Grandma Song handed him half a steamed bun:

"The porridge is not ready yet, please eat some white flour steamed buns first to cushion the meal."

The child happily took the steamed bun, took a bite, and shared it with his grandma while eating:

"Grandma, have you noticed that I haven't cried for a long time because I am a precocious person..."

Just as he was talking, Song Yao's expression suddenly froze, and he opened his mouth to bite the steamed bun with a look of confusion on his face.

On the white steamed bun, there was a small bloody tooth stuck.

Song Yao: "..."

He pushed it with his tongue in disbelief. The position of his left front tooth was hollow, and there was still a vague pain.

Grandma Song lost her voice when she heard what he was saying, and turned her head strangely:

"Why are you so precocious?"

Song Yao looked down at the tooth with tears in his eyes, and then pointed it at the place where it should have been: "God, genius..."

Grandma Song was a little leaky when she heard what her grandson was saying, so she took a closer look:

"Hey! Yao'er, did your front tooth fall out? Does it hurt?"

At eight years old, it’s time to replace the front teeth. Isn’t this too sudden?

Originally, Song Yao was still holding it in, but once her grandma got involved, she couldn't hold it in any longer.

Tears fell from his eyes, but he kept his mouth shut and said nothing.

Grandma Song was startled and quickly picked her up and coaxed her:

"Does it hurt? Don't worry, it's just a replacement of teeth. Do you remember that I have had them replaced before? Come on, wipe your tears and stop crying."

Song Yao sobbed while trying to suppress her cries:

"I'm like a precocious genius. I won't cry!"

Grandma Song: "...Isn't your leaking words a bit serious? Doesn't it really hurt? You might as well cry if you don't hold it in, it looks so pitiful.

It's okay, just cry, cry, grandma won't tell others. "

The child was sobbing. He looked around first and saw that there was indeed no one else in the yard at the moment.

He sobbed cautiously and trotted over to close the courtyard door.

Then he returned to grandma's arms and burst into tears:

"Ooooooooooo it hurts!!!"

"Why do geniuses have to change their teeth?"

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