Chapter 206 TVA! Transform the Void into a Transformer!!



A deafening noise echoed. Void Land.

A world-famous wonder of the universe. Suddenly came to life.

All the electronics are transformed into another form! Unprecedented activity and ever-changing abilities! It also made the collector Tagliatiwan look horrified! I almost suspect that I am hallucinating!

“What’s the situation?”

“Has the Void revived?”


“Coming soon?!”

Tanyatiwan was horrified.

Immediately rushed to a spaceship in his collection. However.

Not yet close to the spaceship.

The spacecraft actually disintegrated by itself, merged with the Void, turned into metal particles flying in the sky, and spread rapidly in all directions!

It constitutes a large tendon and meridian. It’s also like a blood shuttle.

Starting from the skull, it continues to branch, the caliber becomes thinner, and the walls of the tube become thinner. Then.

Billowing metal particles are attached to it.

This is followed by a huge skeleton that is intact! Like a mighty giant spirit god!

Stand in the depths of space. Up to nearly a million feet!

Able to walk freely on the surface of the planet! Of course.

Since his driving energy comes from the source of fire. I did not inherit the power of creation before my death!

It’s like a mechanical titan that destroys the world! Even deep-sky objects can be caught alive!


“The Void Land has actually been resurrected?”

“Who did it!”


“It turns out that the existence of the Cosmic Celestial God Group did not come out of nothing?”

“This is our Creator!!”

After a short silence, hysterical noise suddenly resounded in the long sky!

Space villains and interstellar pirates moored in the nearby area evacuated almost non-stop to millions of kilometers away!

For fear that I will become the food of the mechanical gods! Exposed to a vacuum!

Died tragically on the spot!

Even Temple 2, where the Mad Titan rides, is in front of the mechanical gods, like a children’s toy made of plastic, without a trace of domineering and deterrent

The next moment!

I saw the mechanical god raise his palm!

He grabbed Temple 2, which was not far away. In an instant!

Temple 2 fell into the hands of the mechanical gods! Burst by him hard!

The twisted and deformed cold hard shell then turned into a torrent of metal, abruptly enhancing the majesty of the mechanical god.

It also made Thanos heartbroken.

It was as if I heard the sound of my own heartbreak!

“Temple 2…”

“You actually destroyed Temple 2?!”

“The shelter that the Titan scientists have spent their entire lives creating has been destroyed by you!!”

Thanos looked hideous.

The whole body exudes a powerful and unmatched astonishing momentum. Nor did it continue to hide and converge.


The strength displayed by Venom seems to have reached an incredible point.

The scales of the goddess of victory have tilted towards Duye’s side!

If he continues to maintain the status quo, I am afraid that he will never be qualified to touch the Infinity Stones.

Fulfill your ambition and ideal of purifying the universe! For!


Dull but powerful footsteps echoed.

Thanos wielded the Tyrant Blade and slashed at Duye! The deafening sound of breaking the air suddenly resounded in all directions!

The powerful blow completely overtook all the enemies that Du Ye encountered. Even the Green Hulk and Thor, the god of thunder, may not be able to compete with his strength! Even the Normal Saint Lord could lose to Thanos!

After all.

As an eternal family, Thanos naturally received the empowerment of the supreme god Aritham and possessed the power of the heavenly gods that ordinary people could not imagine!


Due to errors in the design process, Thanos’ body also showed the characteristics of the mutant.

The vitality is extremely tenacious

The skin is almost indestructible!

Even if you don’t eat anything, you can survive.

No matter how extreme and dangerous the environment, he can walk on the ground! Boom!

Bang!! Tyrant blade slashes horizontally!

It seems that the curtain of space has cracked and distorted! The power of the gods is also boiling and roaring!

Anger condenses into substance.

Du Ye couldn’t help but smack his tongue.

It seems that the collapse of Temple 2 still successfully stimulated Thanos!


“Poor bug.”

“You have no idea who you’re fighting against.”

“You boast of destiny.”

“But I don’t know what heaven is!”

A loud intimidation exploded.

The black fluid was like a gauze and suddenly enveloped Du Ye’s body. Countless whiskers converged into a sharp immortal black blade! The divine radiance flows.

It also raised Duye’s all-round attributes to an unprecedented level! Black Death Sword!

Annihilate the edge of all things!

To be able to receive such titles and honors, there must be corresponding special features! Then.

Du Ye once again opened the straight death horizon! The pupils glowed red and blue.

Everywhere you look, there is a scene of the end of the world! Graffiti lines everywhere.

Symbolizes the end of things and death!

As long as it is a living thing, even God can kill you! Besides, Thanos?!

I saw Du Ye suddenly swing his sword!

The speed is so fast that even Thanos can’t capture the attack trajectory of the Immortal Black Blade! Try to block entirely on instinct!

While! Dangdang!!

A loud and melodious bell echoed.

The burly and powerful sturdy figure flew upside down to an extremely distant place, and also crashed into the continuous wall, and then smashed to the ground!

He is the notorious emperor of the universe! Thanos!

How can he match the indestructible body of steel?!

“Damn it!”

“He doesn’t even have weaknesses?”

“The attacks of the soul gems have also failed!”

“Could it be…”

“I’m going to die here?”

Thanos’ eyes widened. Pupillary knocking.

He felt a cold chill and murderous intent in an instant!

Fortunately, at a moment, he reversed his position and barely escaped death!

Even so………

He still felt a burst of coolness! Coiled around his neck!

Almost all the whispers of the scythe Grim Reaper were heard.


“I have to say, you have great courage.”

“Fight against the Cosmic Celestial God Group with your own strength.”

“The snapping fingers you want to make have been successful in other worlds.”

“It’s just…”

“It’s not that simple to stop the hatching of the Cosmic Celestial God Group.”

“Infinity Stones.”

“It should be used to accomplish greater things.”

Du Ye spoke eloquently.

With an absolute chance of winning, he also wants to talk to Thanos. After all.

What Thanos did is also a kind of righteous deed! Make the Avengers all villains!

Thanos……… What exactly happened?

Will you have the exaggerated idea of destroying half of the life in the universe?


“The end times.”

“Energy depletion.”

“I went through everything.”

“Including the Cosmic Celestial God Group you mentioned!”

Thanos had a deep voice.

There is a faint hint of pathos. However.

He did not indulge in sadness and rushed towards Du Ye again! Don’t speculate more than half a word!

He also knows the truth that the villain dies from talking a lot! But at this time.

A translucent door to time and space suddenly opened on his path. Immediately drowned his figure!

It also made Du Ye can’t help but widen his eyes!

“The Gate of Time and Space?!”

“Time Change Authority!”

“They actually rescued Thanos?”

“What’s going on?”

Duye’s pupil earthquake.

I can hardly control my emotions. TVA!

Forced meddling?

Extradited Thanos to, Quantum Realm!

What are the intentions of those who live in the castle of the end of time? Want to strengthen Thanos and get the Sacred Timeline back on track?

Kill yourself as an uncertainty? A series of ideas and speculations swept in. Let him all freeze in place.


“Where did you put the purple sweet potato essence?”

Hela paced over, snuggled into Du Ye’s arms, resting on her solid and powerful chest, and couldn’t help but wonder.


Du Ye did not speak.

Consciousness sinks into the dark plane. Start the Crashjade engine.

Docking with large celestial computers!

Start measuring the intentions and decisions of the Time Change Authority! As for the pursuit?

He still doesn’t have the courage! After all.

The Time Change Authority is located in the quantum realm.

Regardless of magic or magical powers, it is impossible to exert the corresponding power. If only the Man of Steel would fail.

It is completely tantamount to throwing oneself into the net.

“Soul Gem…”

“Also taken to the Time Change Administration by Thanos.”


Du Ye exploded on the spot.

The time change bureau’s sideways also caused Du Ye’s plan to be completely disrupted!

It seems that for the time being, it can only be considered in the long run.



“It seems that the Time Change Authority cannot limit mechanical life?”

“It’s better to shrink the mechanical god to a normal size through the Pym particle and let him test the TVA’s intentions!”

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