Chapter 284 Secret Word! Golden Legend! Super Jackpot!!

Night falls.

The Chaos Illusion Realm fell into calm again.

The birth of Tommy and Billy also added a bit of happiness to Wanda and Duye’s love nest.

Busy serving twins every day. In time.

Both of them were tired on the bed.

Close contact, a hint of a welcoming atmosphere bypasses. The two sides once again had a deep exchange ~ flow.

The whole process, naturally, was not broadcast to the cameras of the sitcom show.


“The title was changed?”

“It seems that the background of the times has been updated again!”

“Tommy Billy has grown into something ten?!”

“Oh my God!”

“What’s going on? At the same time. ”

A sound of chickens and dogs jumping sounded. Aegis temporary stronghold.

Everyone couldn’t help but gasp.

I saw that time flew by, and Tommy Billy had grown into a half-size boy full of vitality.

Moreover, he has awakened incredible magical abilities!

For example, Tommy, who can run quickly, also has extraordinary endurance and reflexes!

Like his uncle! Quicksilver!

The maximum movement speed can almost reach supersonic speed, and even penetrate the walls to destroy the atomic structure of matter!

As for Billy.

It is the inheritance of the magical talent of the Scarlet Witch. You can also listen to the sound of all things!

Sense the minds and wills of other people! Distort reality!

Launch an energy blaster! Examine!

Even, he has the power of words, and the words he says will be more than that, and both of them have inherited Du Ye’s steel body!

Conventional physical and magical damage will hardly cause the twins the slightest negative impact, and no matter what extreme living environment, it can be flat!


“My dear sister!”


“Halloween is coming, have you decided on a role?”

A burst of cynical laughter sounded.

Quicksilver wears a classic suit.

Then he unfolded his super speed and rushed from his place of residence to everyone. After the Chaos Illusion Realm and the real world are connected, the innate mutant abilities of all residents are gradually revealing!

Of course.

When Captain Marvel and Shockwave Girl did not fully recover their abilities, Du Ye had quietly completed parasitism!

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the host for successfully parasitizing the shock wave girl Daisy Johnson! ] 】

[Congratulations to the host for successfully parasitic Captain Marvel Carol Danfoss! ] 】

[Congratulations to the host for successfully parasitizing Melindame! ] 】

[Congratulations to the host for successfully parasitic spectrum Monica Rambo! ] 】

【Rewards have been distributed】

[Pay attention to check in time! ] ] Parasitize four people in a row!

He naturally received a surprise reward from the parasitic system! Open the system backpack space.

First of all, the prop reward that catches your eye is a mysterious inscription! The inscription is grand and magnificent, flowing with strange brilliance.

The gods are blazing.

It instantly attracted Du Ye’s eyes! Let his whole person breathe tightly! Because this is!

【Secret of the Word】: Healing secret method, instantly reverse all injuries! (Note: Nine secrets in one, invincible in ancient and modern)


One of the nine secrets of the Sky-Covering World! Secret!

It is said that it comes from the Immortal Heavenly Venerable, which can reverse injuries and heal all abnormal effects, and is almost invincible.

Nor can anything sanction the owner of the secret of the word!

The super recovery ability of the Iron Body, and the heaven-defying healing effect of the Wordsmith’s secret, Du Ye can almost be invincible!

Of course.

The secret cannot be used indefinitely.

Every time you cast, you need to consume the essence and blood you have accumulated! That is, life for life!

The next moment.

Du Ye once again threw himself into another item reward. Suddenly.

His eyes couldn’t help but open to the maximum! It’s just…

Horror as if so!

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