
In the dark sky, as another terrifying lightning bolt pierced the sky, slightly illuminating the entire shattered heaven and earth, a dull thunder belatedly echoed in Lin Hao’s ears.

It also reflected Lin Hao’s slightly gloomy and stunned face.

But I saw that at this time, on the Namik, there was still the beautiful environment before.

First of all, there is no need to say more about the sky, even if there is no power of the divine dragon Polenga to interfere, the sky at this time is completely covered by thick black clouds.

Countless terrifying arcs of electricity shuttled through the black clouds, falling towards the ground from time to time, bringing a precious light to a dim world.

Then, with the help of this light illumination, the ground was devastated, as if it was attacked by countless dense meteor showers, and it also slightly revealed some of its current appearance.


It seems that the planet is wailing, and the terrifying roar of the wind and fury roars between heaven and earth, and then one after another huge tornadoes are slowly revealed the tip of the iceberg.

The sea water is boiling, the earth is still cracking further, and a trace of red light has emerged from the depths of the earth, which is the blood that has been pierced through the surface and flowed from the depths of the planet, which is the magma we know.

“Hmph! Is it that you are changing the time, and you dare to wantonly take the king of Ben to find happiness? It really made King Ben very unhappy! ”

Under the background of the end of endless natural disasters, Frieza’s figure exuded an unimaginable terrifying aura, but his eyes were locked on Lin Hao’s body, and he said very remarkable words in a tone full of killing intent.

Obviously, this Frieza in front of him is not the weak Frieza who fought with Vegeta and them before.

It was an extremely powerful one, and even came to stop his mysterious existence deliberately because Lin Hao traveled through time and space.

As for the original Frieza, he was seriously injured at this time, but he was equally stunned to see this guy who suddenly appeared, saved him at the last moment, and looked exactly like himself.

“What are you? Frieza in other time and space? What is the reason for the fact that he appeared here specifically? ”

Countless thoughts flashed in Lin Hao’s heart in an instant, and then he couldn’t help but ask directly.

Go back a little in time.

Because Frieza directly transformed into the final form, showing unparalleled strength, Vic and Neru finally assimilated as in the original book in order to have the ability to fight him, and their strength skyrocketed.

However, even so, Frieza’s strength was too strong, and they were not their enemies at all, and they could easily be seriously injured.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, Sun Wukong finally arrived at the scene in time, and then relied on the outbreak of the Realm King Fist to successfully divert a trace of Frieza’s attention before saving everyone.

However, after all, it is the Monkey King who has just appeared, and his basic strength is the same as the original, only the level of 90,000.

Therefore, just after diverting a wave of attention, he also rushed to the street and was easily seriously injured by Frieza.

Then, at this time, Lin Hao finally struck again, saved Sun Wukong, and asked Dandy to help him treat a wave.

Subsequently, Sun Wukong, who had a deeper foundation than Vegeta, naturally completed the complete explosion of power like the original, directly increasing his combat effectiveness from 90,000 to a terrifying point of nearly 3 million.

Then, with Lin Hao’s indulgence, the plot is similar to that in the original work.

In short, it was Sun Wukong and Frieza who fought all kinds of battles, and then Frieza killed Klin in front of Sun Wukong, successfully transforming Sun Wukong into a Super Saiyan.

Of course, just like the original, the gods of the earth collected the dragon beads and made a wish to revive the dead people on the planet.

Then, after discussing with Sun Wukong, Dandy also made a wish to transfer everyone except him and Frieza to Earth.

Throughout the whole process, Lin Hao did not stop in the slightest, after all, he changed the plot just at the right time, and the main purpose of participating in the plot this time was also to witness the original classic scene.

Therefore, after changing the original plot, he also deliberately corrected it, ensuring that Sun Wukong could successfully break through to the Super Saiyan just like the original.

Now, since Sun Wukong has embarked on the same path as the original, the purpose of his witness has also been achieved, and he doesn’t need to care about these other side details, and he has to change it specifically.

However, it was at this time that Sun Wukong and Frieza finally divided the victory and defeat, and then Lin Hao subconsciously wanted to completely kill Frieza and help Sun Wukong cut the grass and remove the roots.

The accident finally happened!

A brand-new Frieza whose strength is not known to be much stronger than this time and space Frieza stopped Lin Hao and saved Frieza who was about to die in this time and space.

Then, there was the above scene.

“Hmph! Of course I’m Frieza, and your guess is not wrong, and you should know very well why I am here. ”

“So, ready to be destroyed?”

Staring at Lin Hao with contempt, New Frieza snorted coldly and said, looking like he didn’t put Lin Hao in his eyes at all.

And the words fell, and he didn’t listen to Lin Hao’s answer at all, and Frieza was already pointing at Lin Hao.

Laugh at!

In an instant, the purple-red beam of light, with an incomparably terrifying aura, instantly pierced through the void and swept past Lin Hao’s body.


As soon as he struck, Frieza’s originally disdainful expression changed slightly, but he had already felt that his original blow had completely failed.

“Frieza, right! Although I don’t know exactly what time and space you came from, and what the upper limit of your strength has reached, it’s not an easy thing to kill me. ”

Completely silent, a faint voice had already sounded in Frieza’s ears, followed by a terrifying huge force, directly knocking Frieza into the sky.


The scene of meteorite impact once again played out on the earth, accompanied by smoke and dust hundreds of meters high and a huge roar, the already broken earth seemed to sink a little in an instant.

“Bastard, you actually dare to let King Ben be so embarrassed, you are dead!”

In the endless smoke and dust, it seemed that he finally reacted, and an angry loud drink set off a boundless terrifying sound wave, which directly dispersed all the obstacles of the smoke and dust.

Then, a figure shot out from the depths of the earth, and even brought a red fire-colored magma tail flame, and instantly arrived in front of Lin Hao.

“Hmph! Well done! ”

In the sky, feeling the monstrous momentum and terrifying killing intent of this new Frieza, Lin Hao seemed to be inspired by the fighting intent, and he couldn’t help but snort coldly in his mouth, and the strength of his body also exploded in an instant.

Then, a fist also swung out without hesitation.

At this moment, he just wants to have a good time and have a real power contest.


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