I Want To Be a Nobleman

Chapter 317: War Avoiders

The elf queen received the signal that the elf forest was invaded, and launched the teleportation but failed. What interfered with her teleportation was the space enchantment that could only be opened by the world tree. The queen without a beacon was unable to break through, so she could only teleport to the nearby Quickly return to the location.

Only the first-generation elves can use the World Tree to open the enchantment. Is it Sunflower who made trouble? Bastard!

It's absolutely impossible for Kasim to betray. According to my knowledge, Sunflower should no longer be in the Forest of Elves. Sauron must have done it! That guy was able to escape the Queen's shield and teleport to the Forest of Elves! There are traitors!

Get ready to fight, this time I won't let him run away again, that guy dared to...! The elf queen only narrated the rest of the words in her mind.

Breaking the promise, he promised during the transaction that as long as I don't interfere with the gate of the abyss immediately, I won't make a move on the forest of elves!

Believe in the promise of the betrayer, have an unrealistic desire to become a god, sure enough, I am too naive and too greedy!

This time I won't be merciful, and I won't have any delusions anymore! I will kill you completely, Sauron!

Seriously, how strong is the elf queen who is full of killing intent, and she should not be ashamed of the title of the most powerful person in the mainland, but it is a pity that I still haven't been able to see her outbreak.

Sauron has already broken the seal with Junian, snatched the Moon Stone, and easily slipped away after a fight with the three legendary elves who returned after Shanshan realized that he had been fooled. In the forest of elves, the three legendary elves The elves were afraid of accidental injury, so they didn't dare to cast too destructive spells, and they couldn't keep the extraordinary Sauron at all.

The last three legendary elves all suffered varying injuries, and a large number of ordinary elves participating in the battle were knocked down, but only the bald elf was fatally injured.

Cough, cough, I'm sorry, queen, cough. I'm sorry for the forest of elves, I'm sorry for the world tree, I'm sorry for you! Don't treat me anymore, just let me die like this! Ahhh!

The bald first-generation elf repeatedly apologized, howled in pain, tears and blood covered his cheeks, everyone knew what he did and why he did it.

Knowing what happened, no one would blame him. Instead, the three legendary elves who were led away felt ashamed and remorseful from the bottom of their hearts.

Of course, the Elven Queen would not blame him, she just blamed herself, if anyone made a mistake, the biggest mistake was her own.

Cultivate well, it's no big deal, it's just the moon stone, it's far inferior to the sun scepter, he stole it away! I promise, I will use that guy's life to wash away your shame!

You don't have to follow me anymore, I'll hunt him down alone! Appearing in my territory and leaving so many messages behind, he can't escape!

Sauron, who had already hid in a distant place, suddenly stopped treating his injuries, his eyes changed slightly, and he frowned and said, It's not good, it feels like being locked in! That guy is serious!

Younian, start to separate from me now, I may die once, you are ready to resurrect me! I will make the last arrangement before I die!

Junian nodded, he had absolutely no intention of accompanying the seriously injured Sauron to fight.

He is very clear about how strong the Elf Queen is, but if the Elf Queen has the slightest plan to help him acquire the characteristics of immortality, he will definitely not choose to help Sauron. Sauron has indeed become much stronger after wandering in other worlds for a long time, but he is becoming more and more harmonious with each other. The strength of the elf queen who deepens the relationship between the World Tree will only increase even more!


Harold and a group of high-level human beings celebrated with the Sea Clan until midnight. At this moment, they all had good reasons to indulge themselves.

Human beings have new allies who are powerful and rich and have almost no conflict of interest. The Sea Clan can save the Sea God they believe in. In this case, of course, they must vent their happiness in their hearts.

Brother Harold, you don't need to grow bigger to negotiate! A man like you will not be affected by his appearance!

At this time, Harold's transformation into a giant has long since ended, and Selton now has a very good image of Harold, which of course is all kinds of compliments.

No, we're going to the Sea God Temple tomorrow, and we can't continue to be lively! Harold's rationality is still online, mainly because he has learned that this assistance has unknown risks, and of course he will not let everything go. All enjoy.

Well, well, you are indeed a person who can achieve great things, and you are so serious about yourself all the time!

After the banquet is over, Harold wants to check the answers with Sunflower, who has been spying on the members of the Sea Clan all the time, and ask for more detailed information to see what the danger is.

When she came to the secret room where there was no one, Xiang Yanghua disliked Harold, who smelled of alcohol, but she patiently told her thoughts she had spied on.

Harold's understanding is not wrong, saving the Sea God has uncertain risks! The Sea Clan also doesn't want this kind of risk to happen, but they don't have the ability to eliminate the risk.

And this threat most likely comes from the unstable Poseidon. If the patient cannot be suppressed during tooth extraction, the doctor is likely to be accidentally injured by the struggling patient. When the object of rescue is an unimaginable existence like Poseidon, how can he be guaranteed? How about quietly receiving treatment?

It's a little troublesome. I hope that there are some traitors lurking in the Sea God Temple, and the problem can be solved by manpower!

While having a headache, Harold thanked Sunflower: Thank you for your help, as you can see, I will soon become one of the few richest people in the world, whether it is this thank you gift or Bias's As for the dowry, I will prepare a generous amount!

I thought that Sunflower, who was a money fan, would jump over to hug and cheer, but in the end, Sunflower seemed to have something on her mind, and she didn't have much interest.

What's wrong with you? Worried about my safety? Isn't that the relationship between us? Harold asked curiously.

Didn't you boldly think about why I followed here from the Forest of Elves? You are right, something big has happened in the Forest of Elves, although it is countless times stronger than the worst result I expected!

Harold's expression changed suddenly, What happened? Tiona will be fine?

Sunflower suddenly inserted her finger between Harold's eyebrows, and Harold felt an overwhelming sense of dizziness, followed by an uncontrollable sense of nausea, and was forced to instill a large amount of memories.

Can Sunflower's ability still be used in this way?

Harold saw everything that happened in the Elven Forest, to be precise, he saw everything from the perspective of the flowers planted in various parts of the Elven Forest.

Including the appearance of the traitor, Sauron's teleportation, the robbing of the Moonstone, the battle of three legendary elves and a large number of elves against Sauron.

Ha, ha, ha! Harold panted heavily, still a little dizzy from the huge amount of information hitting his brain.

You already knew this was going to happen? Why didn't you stop it, why didn't you notify the Elf Queen?

I can't stop it. Unionian's thoughts are hidden very deep. I haven't found out that he is the traitor, but the bald head is easy to understand!

It was a bit difficult for Harold to accept Sunflower's irresponsible attitude: Then you shouldn't run away without any burden, if there is you who knew about this a long time ago, if you can deal with Sauron together.

It's nothing more than one more being nailed to the tree. My strength is nothing more than that. Without Sitris, the rest of us can't stop Sauron. If Sitris is with him, he will invite demons to destroy everything!

At the end of the day, it's all Sitris' fault. She didn't resist the temptation to lead to the current situation. I'm not interested in taking on other people's mistakes. Rather, I'm the type who likes to let others bear the consequences for me!

Harold was at a loss for words for a while. From the deal that Sauron himself said, he understood that there was something wrong with Sitris, at least before. challenge!

Sunflower patted Harold's shoulder and said in a very relaxed tone: Don't worry, the sky is falling and the tall man's top has nothing to do with you and me. Think about the reward carefully. I have a share in it. !

Is it all right? Harold clenched the sun scepter tightly, wanting to refute but didn't know what to say.

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