“”…” POPPY smiled awkwardly at the patient, Beichuan. He obviously let go of his big talk before, saying that as long as the doctor in their CR performs an operation, the disease will be cured, and the result is such an ending…”
“”Well, Mr. Beichuan, you don’t have to worry. Although there are a few minor problems in the operation now, in the end, we will definitely find a way to complete the operation for you and cure your game disease! “”
“Hehe…it’s no use at all. Facing Poppy’s guarantee, Bei Chuan just smiled and shook his head, “My illness doesn’t need treatment at all. “”
“”Really, Mr. Beichuan, you say this again, saving patients is the mission of our doctors. So stop talking like that, we will definitely save you! “POPPY comforted Beichuan with a smile.”
“But Beichuan still had that expression as if he could see through life and death, he shook his head and said, “It’s really not necessary, let me go through the discharge procedures. “”
“Excuse me, why do you keep saying that there is no need for treatment? It must be better if you can survive, right? “Tu Jianbu bit her lip and asked softly, obviously her brother didn’t even have a chance to live…why would there be people in this world who obviously have a chance but still don’t want to live? She can’t accept it!”
“Bei Chuan was silent for a while, his expression of seeing through life and death finally couldn’t be maintained, his eyes gradually turned red, and he choked up as if he was about to cry and said, “If I can live, I want to live too what! However, before I got game sickness, I had pancreatic cancer! “”
“Hearing this, the expressions of Bumi Doma and Poppy froze immediately.”
“Afterwards, they heard Beichuan continue to say, “The cancer has developed to a certain stage, although the previous doctor told me that as long as the excision operation is performed, I can survive…””
“Before the Beichuan dialect was spoken, POPPY’s eyes lit up, and he quickly continued, “Really? Then just perform surgery! “”
“”It would be great if the operation could be performed. “Speaking of this, Bei Chuan whimpered twice, “I wish that doctor hadn’t told me this sentence, if I didn’t have this sentence, I wouldn’t have hope, and if I didn’t have hope, I wouldn’t be in despair… …The cost of this operation is simply beyond what I can afford! “”
“After wiping his tears, Beichuan smiled again, “That’s why I said that there is no need for treatment at all. Even if the game disease is cured, I will die. Instead of doing this, let me save a little bit.” Leave the money to your family. “”
“Hearing this, both of them fell silent.”
“On the other side, Palad was looking at Kohei Imamura who returned without success, and laughed softly, “I was so confident before I set off, but I didn’t even bring back a single cassette. “”
“”Humph! Kohei Imamura also had a look of hesitation on his face, and lay down on the sofa, “If someone hadn’t rescued her, I would have recovered the cassette buried in the soil!” Anyway, facing three knights at the same time is too troublesome. “”
“”Although the three of them together are not my opponents, if they support each other and escape, I can’t stop them! We must find a way to take advantage of the knights when they are alone! “”
“”That’s it. “Palad nodded reluctantly, and then said, “Then when will my cassette be ready?” It’s been a long time since I last urged you. “”
“”Don’t worry, I said you need a system that can control huge forces. Kohei Imamura sat back to his seat, then picked up a pure black cassette and handed it to Palad, “It still needs to be inserted into the body of the Bengen body to obtain experimental data. “”
“”Experiment…” Palad looked at the pure black cassette with great interest, “If this cassette is stolen by the knights, it will be very dangerous, right? “”
“”Ah. Kohei Imamura sneered, “If a knight really wants to steal this cassette and use it, then I will be relieved.” Because, as long as human beings use that cassette, they will be infected with a large number of Bengyuan virus, and the result is——death on the spot! “”
“”Huh? “Palad raised his eyebrows, and the smile on his face became brighter, “He died on the spot, it sounds very interesting.” “”
Chapter 164: Senpason Head
“Buried Doma returned home, recalling the patient today, she once again felt useless, “Brother, I can’t save… Now, I can’t even save the patient. “”
“Then don’t be a doctor. “”
“Besides Domabu, another voice suddenly appeared in the empty room.”
“”who is it? “Tu Jian buried Xun Sheng to look, when she saw that figure, her pupils suddenly dilated, she was very familiar with this figure in front of her! There is no doubt that this figure is the one she usually shrinks at home What a look!”
“”another me? Am I hallucinating? Why do I see another me? “Tugma shook her head vigorously, trying to shake the illusion out of her mind, but found that the figure in front of her, no matter how she shook her head, was always in front of her eyes!”
“”Don’t throw it away, I am not an illusion, but a real existence. “Seeing the movement buried in the soil, Palade couldn’t help laughing, “My name is Palade, please talk to me. “”
“”Palad? Who are you? “Tu Jianbu felt incomparably confused, why did she appear in front of her when she was usually smaller!”
“Don’t worry about that little thing. “Palad jumped onto the table and said with a smile, “Speaking of which, humansIt’s really fragile, no matter what, there is only one life, and it can’t be extended, saved or restarted, no matter how rubbish the game is, it won’t be like this? “”
“So, don’t be a doctor anymore, join me and enjoy the game to the fullest! In your favorite game, you can continue playing even if you die. “”
“” What nonsense are you talking about! Although he is not a qualified doctor, but…” Domabu seemed to think of his brother’s death again, and his eyes gradually turned red, “But, I don’t want to see anyone die anymore! “”
“”Hehe~ that’s it, hehehe, not bad, really good. “Although he was reprimanded, Prallard was not angry, but smiled happily.”
“Afterwards, Palade put a pure black cassette into Doma’s hand, “If you don’t want to see someone die again, then use this cassette, use this cassette to defeat GENM, and change your destiny for me. “”
“After speaking, Prallad jumped off the table, jumped out of the window ledge, and disappeared into the night.”
“”Changing fate…” Doma buried her in a daze holding the cassette, when a figure of her usual size suddenly appeared in front of her, not only talking to her, but even gave her a cassette, all of which seemed like It’s like a dream…but the cassette in her hand tells her that everything is real!”
“Murder! This is murder! This Palad wants to murder me!” Doma buried his brother with tears in his eyes, hugged his neck vigorously and shook him, “Brother, I’m going to die!”
“Don’t shake, don’t shake!” Taiping Tujian was almost knocked down, and he couldn’t pull his sister down even though the boss had lost his strength, so he could only comfort him, “Don’t forget, you are the protagonist, the protagonist How did you die halfway?”
“You’re talking nonsense! The protagonist who died in the first chapter of the novel, I can see it much more!” Doma burst into tears, “Someone must have robbed me of the title of genius player UMR, he is the protagonist !”
“You have too much imagination…”
Downstairs in Xiao Bu’s house, Hai Lao Ming Cai Cai’s red eye sockets have not gone away, and they are about to turn red again, “My brother is already dead… Could it be that Xiao Bu is going to die too?”
“The next afternoon, as soon as Arima came to CR, he said to everyone, “I thought of a way to deal with Kamen Rider GENM, but I’m not sure if it will work. However, we have to try. If we don’t get rid of that knight, we won’t be able to carry out the follow-up surgery. “”
“”It makes sense, and that guy’s goal is actually all the cassettes, which coincides with my goal! So, I won’t let that guy go! Tangerine Hilfenfort asked after expressing his wishes, “Then, what method are you talking about?” “”
“”That guy’s target is all cassettes, so he will definitely attack us! But before, when he faced us three knights at the same time, although he had the strength to crush us, he couldn’t stop us from escaping! So, I think, next time he will definitely show up when one of our knights is alone! “”
“”So, we need one person to act as a bait in the open, and another person to hide in the dark and sneak attack, and we need to accurately hit the driver on his waist! No matter how strong his strength is, as long as the drive is damaged, he will be unable to transform! “”
“Mr. Arima turned his head to look at Tachibana Hilfenford and said, “Silfen, your cassette is a long-range attack type, which is more suitable for sneak attacks. I will be the bait later. “”
“Tachibana Hilfenfurt neither boasted that success was certain, nor did he evade, but just nodded calmly, “Leave it to me. “”
“At this moment, Poppy said in a low voice, “Well, actually, the patient didn’t want to spend money on medical treatment and has already left the hospital. You don’t need to be so anxious to solve this GENM. “”
“”What did you say? “Mr. Arima looked at the bed in the CR in astonishment. Sure enough, there were no patients. Why would someone be sick and unwilling to be treated? When Kaoru got sick, there was no Kamen Rider to treat her at all. what!”
“Arima Kosei & Tachibana · Hilfenford” I can’t accept it! “”
“”Eh? “POPPY froze for a moment, as if he hadn’t thought that the synchronization rate between Arima Kosei and Tachibana Hilfenford was so high, it was almost Semperson’s head.”
“Don’t talk about her, even Arima and Tachibana Hilfenford didn’t think of it. They looked at each other in surprise, and then looked away. Tachibana Hilfenfurt said, ” All Bengyuan bodies born from humans must die! This is my code of conduct! “”
“”So, even if the patient doesn’t need to be treated, I will definitely kill the collapse body! And Kamen Rider GENM is the obstacle for me to solve all the collapsed bodies! Since it is an obstacle, I have to defeat him too! “”
“”This, so…” POPPY, who is also a Bengyuan body, felt cold, and even felt the death star on her head flickering. She was suddenly a little afraid that she would be killed in a dream one day… …Even though she was born from a computer, she is still afraid of things that should be feared!”
“So, why does Sylfen hate Bengyuan body so much? Poppy tilted her head thinking about it, she was very curious about it.”
Chapter 165 Genm, let me beat you
“Let’s not talk about her, I’m also very curious about Dessert.” Tachibana Hilfenford observed himself in the video like a curious baby, trying to find out why he hated Bengyuan body so much.
After all, she’s just an average high school girl with a lot of energySheng, you don’t hate the Bengyuan body like this, unless…
Tachibana Hilfenford’s eyes shone brightly, unless, there was a collapse body that snatched her favorite food!
“After discussing the specific matters, Arima Kosei and Tachibana Hilfenford plan to leave CR to lure Kamen Rider GENM into being fooled.”
“Wait, are you going now? “POPPY hurriedly grabbed the hands of the two and persuaded, “Wait for a while, at least wait for Xiao Bu to come over and see how she is doing. If she is calmer, I can ask her to help too. One more People have more combat power. “”
“So what if she’s still like that? Wouldn’t the time waiting for her come be wasted? Arima Kosei said rather coldly, “Besides, she is usually the first one to come, but she hasn’t come today. Maybe she thinks that since the cassette is gone, even CR doesn’t want to come.” “”
“After finishing speaking, the two of them shook off POPPY’s hand and left CR, leaving only POPPY pouted, and said sadly, “Is it true that Xiaobu won’t come to CR? “”
“Afterwards, Mr. Arima came to a small park near the hospital according to the steps he had said before, and walked alone on a remote forest path.”
“He doesn’t know if the other party will come, but judging from the fact that Kamen Rider GENM appeared in the game scene almost a little later than them last time, the other party should have a way to know their course of action.”
“So, he let Juicy Hilfenford lie in ambush at a place far away… This is a more risky action, because it means that he must first ensure that he will not be killed before Juicy Hilfenford arrives. Kamen Rider GENM needs to be dealt with.”
“”It’s really daring to appear alone with a big swagger. Sure enough, within a few minutes, Kamen Rider GENM appeared in front of Mr. Arima, he stretched out his right hand, and the GASHACON sparrow bow appeared in his hand, “Give me your cassette!” “”
“” If you have the ability, come and get it! After Arima saw the appearance of GENM, he showed a little smile, “Transform!” “”
“”You really dare to talk big, and I don’t know who the guy who ran away like a bereaved dog before is! “Kamen Rider GENM sneered, switched the GASHACON bird-shaped bow to the sickle shape, and rushed towards Ma Gongsheng with a stride!”
“Although he doesn’t know Arima’s plan, he knows that another knight is nearby! If we don’t get rid of this Kamen Rider BRAVE as soon as possible, maybe we will be rescued again!”
“He slashed down heavily with a sickle. Although Arima tried to block it with his sword, his knees were bent with just one touch!”
“This guy’s strength is so strong! No, you can’t go head-to-head with him! Arima Kosei immediately understood that GENM is stronger than him in every aspect!”
“Mr. Arima turned sideways, but the next second he was kicked in the chest by GENM!”
“”Uh! “Mr. Arima grunted and was kicked several meters away, leaving a big hole in the ground.”
“”You don’t want to distance yourself from me, do you? Don’t be delusional, my speed is higher than yours! “Kamen Rider GENM laughed wildly and was about to raise his scythe to launch his special attack.”
“”Decisive skill! JET CRITICAL FINISH! “”
“Suddenly, a high-pitched mechanical sound sounded, and Kamen Rider GENM was a little stunned. He hadn’t activated his ultimate move yet? But in the next second, he realized that it was Kamen Rider SNIPE!”
“However, it’s too late for him to dodge at this moment! A powerful energy bullet has already aimed at the malfunctioning driver on Kamen Rider GENM’s waist at a terrifying speed!”
“The moment the energy bomb hit GENM, it exploded with a bang, producing a huge explosion shock wave and thick smoke!”
“” Finished? “Tachibana Hilfenfort, who transformed into Level 3, landed on the ground, looking at the huge cloud of dust expectantly.”
“But! The next moment, that zombie-like Kamen Rider rushed out of the smoke, and two scythes slashed at their bodies, knocking them both to the ground!”
“”Hehehe. “Kamen Rider GENM smiled triumphantly, “It’s really dangerous, I have been fighting with you, and I can’t check the positions of other knights. “”
“”When I noticed the bullet, I immediately blocked it with my hand. Fortunately, I blocked it. If the transformation is canceled, the problem will be big… But now, it seems that this is a good thing. I will accept both of your cassettes. “”
“Kamen Rider GENM merged the two sickles into the GASHACON Sparrow Bow again, and he intends to kill both of them with one nirvana!”
“”stop! “”
“The buried man in the earth is still running on the road, but her anxious voice has already been heard. After hearing about the plan of Mr. Arima and the others from Poppy, she asked clearly about the location of the plan, and ran over quickly.”
“Seeing the two of them lying on the ground and almost being killed, Doma felt grateful from the bottom of his heart. If it was a little later… as long as it was a little later, she could only look at it like her brother did at that time. They are dead!”
“”EX-AID? “Kamen Rider GENM made a surprised voice, “It’s fine if you’re here, and leave me your cassette too…wait a minute! What is that cassette? “”
“Kamen Rider GENM hadn’t finished speaking, and I saw a pure black cassette in Doma Buried’s hand! It was he who gave PaLadd’s cassette! ”
“”Palad, you bastard…””
“At this time, Palad, who made Kamen Rider GENM feel helpless, was sitting on a tree not far away. She looked at the earth buried below with great interest, “The time has come to decide your fate, UMR. “”
“”I want to change my destiny… GENM, let me defeat you! Buried Doma looked at Kamen Rider GENM with hatred still in her eyes, but she managed to control her emotions this time, she pressed the button of the pure black cassette, “Transform!” “”
Chapter 166: A Brand New Game
“I want to defeat you! I want to see your true face! Then, avenge my brother!”
“With such emotions, Doma buried the pure black cassette into the player drive!”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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