245 – Abduction – The reason she lives 1

A person needs a purpose in order to live.

And in that respect…

After that day.

I have only one purpose in my life.


Monsters attacking like ants while making a terrible cry.


Demon-like beings who crawled out of hell, beasts who slaughtered countless people.

They rushed in maddenedly with their red eyes sparkling, and at this moment rushed to bite the necks of those in front of their eyes.

The appearance of a violent predator that stimulates human instinct.

Some of the soldiers who encountered it began to shake their hands in fear.

“Uh… uh… ”


Up until this morning, the new recruits, the C-class Hunters, had been arguing that they would lightly wipe out the Abyss.

However, at this moment, they were seized with deep fear, facing the vivid horror before their eyes.

The wall of arrogance that they had just before collapsed so easily, and the feeling of fear that flowed through it was enough to wrap the soldiers’ minds into chaos.

Those who scream in a state of half-consciousness and are swept away by madness and open fire with heavy firearms.

It was fortunate that the muzzle was not pointed towards the teammate, but it was not efficient in that it could not be expected to aim accurately or worry about overheating of the gun.

and. Watching their clumsy appearance, I naturally let out a sigh.

‘Recruits are always like that. I don’t want to see things like this soon.’

While thinking like that,

I put strength into my hand holding the scythe, looking at the ears that slowly moved forward, and now the enemies who had come in front of my nose.

The Abyss take some damage from the new recruits’ clumsy attacks.

But even so, this was not enough to stop their advance.

The number of them was so innumerable, and the speed was also formidable.

However.. these elements did not need to care so much in my position.

The Abyss are feared by new recruits.

However, those guys I saw at this moment didn’t evoke such trivial feelings at all.

The feelings I feel when I see them…

It was… only the desire for revenge that had been burning hotly until this moment.



The body of the guy who cried out and attacked was split in two.

At the same time, a stream of red blood gushed out.

They poured down on my body as they were, but I had no time to worry about such trivial things.

“Kaya Yaak!”


As soon as I defeated one, other Abyss rushed towards me.

I started swinging my scythe at them again.

Severing their heads, splitting their torsos, and slashing their heads with the parts that would become sack in case of emergency.

As if they had fallen into a trance, I cut off their breath without hesitation.

My family who died by these guys…

And remembering my life, which was no different from being dead…


The hot, fishy smell of blood that became stronger and stronger with each blow.

And… the gruesome screams of those guys ringing in my ears.

As I enjoyed them with my whole body, a smile slowly began to form on my lips.

This feeling of those black lives dying by my hand…

What I’m feeling in it is…

It was a feeling that could be called joy.

Revenge on the monsters who annihilated my precious family.

The sense of the death of enemies felt with each swing of the weapon…

it makes me…

In this miserable life, it was the only thing that made me feel that life was worthwhile.

Watching me like this, the recruits’ faces began to grow pale as time passed, but from my point of view, this was irrelevant.

Delivering a requiem to those who left by killing monsters.

That.. was the only thing I could do left alone in this world, and it was the only remaining purpose of life..



“Hey… ugh… ”


Noises heard in the break room after a big battle.

Inside them were the sounds of someone’s weary breathing, someone’s crying, and someone’s voices containing pain.

However, I had no particular reason to care about that.

It’s something everyone has to experience after coming here anyway.

If you overcome that, you will die shooting your best for your enemies,

If not, you would get on the plane back to your home country and slowly wither to death in self-loathing and blame from others.

The so-called glorious death and dishonorable death

Since they came here, that was the only future left for them.

And this…

It was clear that it was an inevitable future for me as well.

Fortunately, I was still breathing thanks to my knack better than others, but it was a self-evident fact that sooner or later I too would become a lump of rotting meat buried in the cold ground.

Like Josephine, who died a year ago, or Cellivan, who died yesterday.

I don’t know if it will be tomorrow or sometime later, but it was clear that the end was not far away.

‘If that happens… we will finally be able to meet. The people who are waiting in heaven… mother and father… and younger siblings…’

So once again… thinking of those missing faces, I started moving reluctantly toward the restaurant to fill my empty stomach.

Meals were a real chore.

However, they could not fight without supplementing their nutrition.

Before this short life ended, even one Abyss had to be filled with something in order to drag more people to Hell.

at that time..

“Arle Nye?”


Suddenly the voice of my boss calling me.

Regarding this, I stopped and slowly looked back.


“Shit… .”

As I moved on the plane, swear words flowed out of my mouth in a small voice.

This time, the instructions I received from my supervisor.

That’s because it was something I really didn’t like, as I was only aiming to defeat as many Abyss as possible.

Instruction to participate as one of the training officers in the joint training this time

Of course, considering my position, it was not particularly strange to receive such orders.

However, for me, who had set the goal of killing at least one more Abyss as the last remaining goal of my life, with the time to actually die, I was not very happy with this kind of time consumption.

‘It would have been better if I had killed at least one more creature in the previous battle and died as it was…’

With that thought in mind, I listened to the voice announcing the arrival, got off the plane, and started moving along with the troops.

The base where the training is located is located in the rear.

This included not only the U.S. Army to which I belonged, but also the German and a small number of Korean troops temporarily dispatched for special operations.

‘And circumstantial fact, the reason I’m here… is probably because I’m Korean and I can speak Korean fluently.’

Even though I was adopted by Caucasian parents and went to the United States as a child, there were no problems using Korean because there were many Koreans in the neighborhood where I lived.

And due to the nature of joint training, one or two people like me who can act as interpreters are always needed.

So, still in a half-hearted mood, I began to look for information about the Korean soldiers I would be working with to carry out my duties as a drill instructor and interpreter.

‘The 19th Hunter Guild. And.. The 28th Hunter Guild La..’

According to the information, both were hunter guilds that were founded a little over a year ago, and I could not help but frown upon this, automatically recalling the appearances of the new recruits I saw not long ago.

‘Still, isn’t it comforting that you don’t have a lot of practical experience? In particular, they say that the 28th guild has also completed A-class missions…’

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