I was exposed for mining on Mars

Chapter 113 Quantum Signal Transmitter

Everything that happened at this time was very different from what Luo Xiu had planned.

In the original plan, although the antimatter annihilation bomb would explode with huge energy and might erode towards the core of the solar system, it would never be in this rapid state.

If the current speed and energy are used, let alone invading the orbit of Uranus, the orbits of Saturn and Jupiter will also be eroded.

As gaseous planets in the solar system, Jupiter and Saturn are much larger than other planets. Most of it is liquid and gaseous hydrogen.

Once these two gaseous planets plus Neptune and Pluto are swallowed up, no one knows what kind of region they will create in the solar system.

Maybe a small black hole will appear?

Thinking of this, Luo Xiu was also shocked. If it was what he thought, then he had to leave here quickly.

"The thrusters are activated at full power and return to the asteroid belt."

Since that weird and violent area may envelop Jupiter, the outer orbit that Luo Xiu is currently in is even more dangerous.

"The thrusters are on full power."

"The antimatter annihilation zone is still expanding rapidly."

When the base control system issued instructions to tens of thousands of spacecraft to evacuate at full speed, Luo Xiu received another extremely bad news.

"The expansion speed of this area is close to 30% of the speed of light."

Thirty percent of the speed of light, this speed has exceeded all ships in the solar system at this time, including the Cygnus Civilization Warship that was swallowed by the annihilation energy of antimatter.

Although the warship's explosion at the last moment increased its speed to 24% of the speed of light, it still did not escape the fate of being trapped in the antimatter annihilation zone.

This black hole-like area that was created by chance is opening its gluttonous mouth, swallowing up all the matter and energy it can swallow.

When Luo Xiu raised his eyes to observe, the Xia Qi-class battleship that had retreated after firing the anti-matter annihilation bomb had been overtaken by the energy area, and disappeared from the screen the moment Luo Xiu observed it.

Three hundred thousand warships disappeared into thin air and disappeared in just a few seconds.


Because the 300,000 Xia Qi-class battleships disappeared too quickly, Luo Xiu had to use playback to see clearly what happened just now.

"Slow down the playback speed."

Under Luo Xiu's instructions, the large screen in front began to play back the disappearing picture of the Xia Qi-class battleship and gradually filled it up. The picture of the Xia Qi-class battleship being engulfed by anti-matter energy was played frame by frame.

"Before the Xia Qi-class battleship was engulfed by the antimatter annihilation energy, the hull had already been distorted."

While Luo Xiu was still observing carefully, the base control system had already given an analysis conclusion.

"It was the cruising fleet's space folding weapon that first acted on the ship, and then the antimatter annihilation energy swallowed the warship."

With the introduction of the base control system, the entire process of the hundreds of thousands of Xia Qi-class warships being swallowed gradually became clear.

At this time, in the antimatter energy space, there is no longer only antimatter annihilation energy exploding. The space folding weapon activated by the warship has been integrated with the annihilation energy, forming a more terrifying energy.

Before each piece of matter is contacted by antimatter energy, the space will be folded and compressed first, and new antimatter will be produced from it, which will be annihilated with the contacting positive matter.

The interaction between the two energies also formed the current situation.

And as they continue to rush outward, the oval area located in that area is also rapidly expanding, and its size has a tendency to exceed the diameter of the moon.

"The antimatter energy region will reach the orbit of Saturn in 9 hours and 39 minutes."

"It takes 16 hours and 18 minutes to reach Blue Star."

This estimate of the base control system is based on the fact that this area will expand infinitely and continue to advance at 30% of the speed of light.

There is no data about this area in the current database of the base control system. Even the principles of its fusion and explosion are unclear to the base control system.

The base control system, which can only follow the rules and rely on existing data for analysis, encounters unknown situations, can only copy the existing data mechanically.

And if you really can't figure it out and insist on constantly using computing power analysis, the system may still be at risk of downtime.

"Always pay attention to the situation in the antimatter energy region."

"The fleet turned, no longer heading towards the core area, and flew behind the orbit of the solar system."

At this time, due to the uncertainty caused by the fusion of antimatter and folded space, for the sake of safety, Luo Xiu could only let the fleet give up retreating to the core area, and instead sail towards the vertical surface of the flat space of antimatter.

Only in this way can we maximize the distance from that area and ensure the safety of the fleet.

"All ships on the Moon, Mars, and Blue Star will go to Blue Star orbit to implement Plan 027 and implement the planetary shield plan."

In Luo Xiu's plan to deal with the advance fleet, if it encounters such a destructive level of attack, the entire planet's resources will be tilted towards the planetary shield system to try its best to preserve the equipment and life on the planet.

However, compared with other plans, this plan does not appear to be so reliable. After all, if that kind of devastating blow really breaks out, even a planet-level shield may not be able to withstand it.

And if this plan is really used, it means that the Blue Star humans have encountered an unexpected situation.

The emergence of the fusion space of antimatter annihilation energy and folded space that Luo Xiu encountered now was the least encountered and most unexpected situation.

At this time, Plan No. 027, which had never appeared in Luo Xiu's choice, became the optimal solution now. After all, the opponent's speed in this area reached 30%, and Luo Xiu's warships did not One can outrun this speed.

Only the planetary shield plan can give Blue Star and Mars a glimmer of hope, while Luo Xiu himself will directly cut out of the orbit of the solar system and maintain a certain distance from the area.

Just when Luo Xiu issued Plan 027, a quantum signal transmitter in the flagship was also activated.

There are more than 500 such quantum signal transmitters on the flagship.

The reason why so many transmitters exist is because the particles in quantum signal transmitters can only change states but cannot transmit information. Through this characteristic, each quantum signal transmitter will correspond to a code, and information is synthesized from these codes to achieve the effect of over-distance transmission.

Any macroscopic observation and interference will immediately change the quantum state of the particles in the transmitter. When the quantum state of one particle changes, the corresponding quantum state of the other particle with quantum entanglement will also change immediately.

When this information was received by the control systems on Blue Star and Mars, the plan immediately began to be implemented.

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