I was exposed for mining on Mars

Chapter 152 String theory, wormhole jump!

When the matter continues to move forward and contacts the core area of ​​the antimatter annihilation zone, the matter disappears directly from the observation for just a moment in the picture and disappears.

At the same time, outside the antimatter annihilation zone, more than a thousand kilometers away from the test site, the material suddenly appeared and was directly captured by a nearby observation ship.

This is the second time in the solar system that an object has been directly observed transitioning through the core of the antimatter annihilation zone.

Compared with the first time, this transition was recorded in its entirety, and its disappearance and appearance were directly exposed to the observation footage of the lunar research base.

Through this observation, Cao Guolin and others from the Lunar Research Base constructed a simple model to study the transition.

This model was also displayed in front of Luo Xiu at this time, and the data in it was introduced to him by the control system of the lunar research base.

"After simple modeling, the research base has arrived at a basic transition theory."

"It is different from the 'stargate' jump of the cruising fleet. Its jump is completed directly through space jump. This technology is the 'wormhole' technology that Blue Star often discusses."

"Judging from the two jumps, cosmic strings have been confirmed to exist.

"If the product of the fusion of space and antimatter in the core area of ​​the antimatter annihilation zone can continue to increase, we can use a huge energy field to create a 'string' with huge energy, causing objects within its range to instantly enter into contact with A completely different multi-dimensional space than three-dimensional space.”

"And since there is no so-called time in hyperspace jumps, we can carry out extremely high-speed interstellar navigation and achieve hyperspace jumps."

‘Cosmic strings’ are mainly composed of what is called super large boson spheres. They are based on a basic force field of medium mass and interact strongly with gravitational waves.

In fact, on Blue Star, before Luo Xiu arrived. Blue Star humans are already conducting research on string theory. They believe that the most basic unit of all matter in the physical model is a small section of 'energy string', ranging from interstellar galaxies to as small as elementary particles such as electrons, protons, and quarks. They are all composed of 'energy lines' occupying one degree of space.

Through this string, matter can jump from point to point. Compared with the cruising fleet's technology of using 'vacuum bubbles' to jump, the jump through wormholes now mastered by Luo Xiu is obviously more practical.

It does not need to constantly build star gates. If the energy field is large enough, it can even ignore distance and make super-distance jumps.

In other words, if the energy is large enough, Luo Xiu's fleet can jump directly from the solar system to the base camp of the cruising fleet.

And if it is directly used in tactical applications, the anti-matter annihilation bomb can be directly jumped to the location of the opponent's fleet before the fleet is about to make contact, and a true over-the-range strike can be carried out.

At that time, face-to-face contact warfare will become a thing of the past in space. The situation where the opponent's warships are destroyed without even being observed will gradually come true and become a new deterrent level weapon.

Of course, there is also a drawback to jumping through a wormhole, that is, you must first understand the conditions at the jump site.

If the environment at the jump site is complex, when the fleet jumps, it is likely to plunge into the star system or hit various stars, causing the fleet to encounter a devastating blow just after jumping out of the wormhole.

However, this is not difficult for Luo Xiu. After all, he has the trap star map of the cruising fleet and masters the coordinates of most of the star systems in the Cygnus spiral arm and the Orion spiral arm.

As long as the fleet jumps to a familiar location and avoids stars and large bodies, the fleet's jump will be safe enough.

"Can a jump point be built using this model?"

After listening to the report on the control system, Luo Xiu was very optimistic about this unexpected technology.

If this technology can really be put into practice, it will definitely be a good thing for the entire Blue Star human race.

After possessing the wormhole jump technology, whether it is jumping to the opponent's star gate or base camp, it can continue to deter the cruising fleet. Or just choose a desolate place, jump all Blue Star humans outwards, and escape from the sphere of influence of the cruising fleet. This can be easily achieved.

Interstellar jump technology is the core technology of any civilization.

The importance of jump technology can be seen from the fact that Kasa Cook developed the 'Star Gate' and became the first civilization in the ranking of all affiliated civilizations of the cruising fleet.

"Members of the Lunar Research Base are urgently discussing the summary."

"Judging from the preliminary discussion results, there are two most important materials for building a wormhole jump point. One is the 'folding' space energy that can connect the cosmic strings, and the other is the antimatter annihilation energy that provides the huge energy consumption of the cosmic string jump. "

"The number of our anti-matter annihilation bombs is enough for long-distance jumps, but the 'folded' weapons only have a small piece that can be coated. Other than that, we don't have any space weapons at our disposal."

After talking about the control system of the lunar research base, Luo Xiu also realized a difficulty in space jump.

Now, neither the Starship humans nor the Blue Star humans have any clues about the development of space weapons.

The only objects that can be studied about space energy are the 'folding' weapons brought by the advance fleet.

After a lot of research and use, there is now very little space energy left in the antimatter annihilation zone. Within ten years, the entire antimatter annihilation zone mixed with space energy will disappear directly in the material world.

"Can't a burst of large energy directly stimulate space energy?" Regarding the problem of the urgent shortage of space energy, Luo Xiu proposed a very dangerous plan, "If it doesn't work, just at the edge of the Oort cloud, at the same point, Use massive amounts of antimatter annihilation bombs.”

"The last time we annihilated the advance fleet, the fact that the 'folding' effect was so great was related to the simultaneous explosion of a large number of antimatter annihilation bombs."

"Let Cao Guolin and others conduct a data simulation to see if space energy can be activated directly through the explosion of annihilation bombs."

At this time, the threat from the cruising fleet and the Cygnus civilization has been hanging above the entire solar system. As long as the cruising fleet and the Cygnus civilization have not been defeated, this threat will never dissipate.

"Okay, Commander, the order is being passed on."

Cao Guolin and others were surprised when they obtained the theoretical test of conducting a large number of antimatter annihilation bombs to explode simultaneously. After all, creating an antimatter explosion that can activate space energy would require an extremely huge energy explosion to achieve.

Compared with the use of anti-matter annihilation bombs to annihilate the advance fleet last time, to complete Luo Xiu's instructions, the number of anti-matter annihilation bombs that need to be used will be more than four times that of last time.

Cao Guolin and others did not know what consequences such an energy explosion would have.

Fortunately, what needs to be carried out in the early stage is only a theoretical experiment. They only need to enter the data in Dream and wait for the end of the experiment.

Therefore, although Cao Guolin and others were a little surprised, they still followed Luo Xiu's instructions and created an explosion test of a large number of antimatter annihilation bombs in the Dream.

‘Failed, space energy was not triggered, cosmic strings were not activated. ’

Because the system of the lunar research base is powerful enough, the test data was fed back to Cao Guolin's laboratory within a few minutes of data input.


Cao Guolin looked at the test data returned by the control system, frowned and thought about what went wrong.

"Just increase the investment in antimatter annihilation bombs. You can try to add double the amount of antimatter annihilation bombs." Next to Cao Guolin, Xue He, who was originally studying biology, was suggesting to Cao Guolin.

After a lot of study before, Xue He has mastered seven subjects in addition to the subjects he is familiar with. Among them, there is the ‘Space Jump’ project that Cao Guolin is responsible for.

It is precisely because of this that Xue He joined the project team in charge of Cao Guolin through adjustments.

"Simply increasing the magnitude by an order of magnitude will not have much effect." Regarding Xue He's suggestion, Cao Guolin did not immediately agree, but instead brought out the previous experimental model.

"While increasing the number of antimatter annihilation bombs, we also need to modify the array."

Cao Guolin pointed at the antimatter annihilation bombs that had been squeezed into a pile in the Oort cloud and said to the people around him.

"If we change the placement of the array, we might be able to get it."

While Cao Guolin continued to explain to the people around him, he also waved his hands on the model. The antimatter annihilation bombs that had been placed randomly were now arranged into a circle by Cao Guolin with the assistance of the control system.

I saw that in the area where the antimatter annihilation bombs were placed, the number of antimatter annihilation bombs that had been gathered together and doubled in magnitude continued to increase from the inside to the outside, and they were densely packed, forming a structure that was larger than the average asteroid.

From the appearance, the picture arranged in this way is more orderly than the previous experiment.

But compared with the orderly appearance, the results of the experiment are not so good-looking.

After doubling the number of antimatter annihilation bombs and rearranging them, the result after their explosion still ended in failure.

Luo Xiu, who was far away on Mars, immediately turned off the monitoring screen of the Mars research base after seeing that the second test failed.

Luo Xiu knew that in a technological research and development project of this difficulty, it was basically impossible to obtain complete test data and obtain the finished product in one or two attempts.

The implementation of any technology is not achieved after thousands, or even tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of failures.

If we can really use time and frequency to develop the desired technology, then the Cygnus civilization and the Kasakuk civilization of the cruising fleet will not need to continue to introduce subsidiary civilizations, nor will they have to go through tens of thousands of years to obtain what they have today. science and technology.

Precisely because he knew this, Luo Xiu was not angry at the failure of Cao Guolin and others. Because he knows that this is the normal research process.

But no matter what, Luo Xiu wanted to get this leap technology earlier.

Because whether it is used in war or on the run, it is an extremely powerful technology.

After paying attention to the technological research and development within the solar system, Luo Xiucai set his sights on the warlord ship next to the super-accelerated fleet.

Compared to the super-accelerated fleet that was always ready to move, the warship, which had not made any moves and was just confronting the space battleship on the spot, was what made Luo Xiu most wary.

It is the only one that truly controls the course of the war between the two sides.

"Always observe the opponent's warship. If there is any movement, the space warship will follow."

Luo Xiu stared at the warship model that just appeared and said to the control system.

"Your Excellency, Commander, the current order carried out by the fleet is not to set foot outside the Oort Cloud. Due to the change in the combat plan of the space battleship, are special permissions given to the space battleship?"

Prior to this, in order not to irritate the cruising fleet and the Cygnus civilization, Luo Xiu had been preventing his ships from sailing out of the Oort cloud, and at most they could only confront each other on the fringes.

Precisely because there was such an instruction before, the control system applied for special permissions for that space battleship.

And this special authority is the authority that allows space warships to freely enter and exit the Oort Cloud.

"Give it permission. As long as the opponent moves, it will follow directly. If necessary, the thrusters will be activated directly at super power to hit the opponent."

Since the space battleship has the most powerful shell in the entire solar system, the hull is covered with a space membrane and cannot launch any attacks outwards.

Whether it is a beam weapon or a kinetic energy weapon, it will be blocked by the space membrane surrounding itself.

Therefore, the only way for the ship to attack now is through the most primitive impact. However, the ship possessed by this space membrane has unparalleled lethality, whether it is dealing with warships or civilized ships in the cruising fleet.

"Okay, authority is being delegated."

"Space Battleship No. 1 has obtained access and impact permissions to the Oort Cloud."

Although the space battleship is defined as the number one, there is actually only one under Luo Xiu's banner. If he wants to take out another one, he will not be able to find it.

It is already the most lethal existence in the solar system, other than antimatter annihilation bombs.

However, compared to anti-matter annihilation bombs that have risks of exposure and may be copied by cruising fleets, this space battleship is absolutely unique.

"The shield's screen also continues to be updated, showing the opponent its ability to jump."

"Don't use wormhole jump technology for demonstration, use their stargate instead."

In order not to expose his wormhole technology, Luo Xiu was not prepared to let the latest technology be included in the signals transmitted by the jammer.

After all, compared to the solar system that only has Blue Star civilization and starship humans, the population of the cruising fleet is too much. No one knows whether after being exposed, it will be easily copied by the opponent and used in the jump of the cruising fleet.

If it was developed by the Cruising Fleet first, it would undoubtedly be a huge blow to Luo Xiu. By then, the ships he will face will not only be one hundred thousand, but one million, or even ten million.

In order to prevent this kind of thing from happening, Luo Xiu will never use unexposed technology to block the screen.

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