I was exposed for mining on Mars

Chapter 156 Civilized ship, attack!

The battle had just begun, and the losses of the super-accelerated fleet and the reinforcement fleet had already reached 80%.

Such a loss is certainly not what Ascended Dasara wants to see. When she first analyzed it, she found that the other party used some kind of virtual signal to transmit the opponent's intended picture to the fleet.

It was precisely because of this analysis that Dasara allowed the two fleets to launch an attack into the solar system.

But what she didn't expect was that the opponent's counterattack would be so fierce. Her attack plan had just begun. Not only her own fleet, but also the warlord ship nearby suffered a direct blow.

But at this time, Dasara didn't care to think about these things. She just glanced at the picture of the warship being swallowed by the antimatter annihilation energy zone, and then said to the tribesman controlling the ship next to her: "Our energy shield How long can I hold on?"

"The shield can last for seven minutes."

After receiving the energy from five other ships, the time that Dasara's flagship can last under the constant erosion of antimatter annihilation energy has also increased a lot.

However, even if the shield energy time is lengthened, whether it can survive depends on how long it takes for the remaining ships to rush out of the area where the antimatter annihilation energy zone is located.

"How fast is the energy zone expanding? How soon can we get out?"

Dasara asked the Kasakuk members beside him while looking at the model about the outward expansion of the energy zone.

"In six minutes and seventeen seconds, we will be able to leave the energy zone." The Kasa Cook member who answered Dasara was no longer so nervous. After all, judging from the comparison of time, their flagship was It is completely capable of escaping from the antimatter annihilation energy zone.

"Huh." The temporary commander behind Dasara breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

Such a result at least lived up to the previous five ships that injected energy into the flagship.

"Now is not the time to relax." Dasara relaxed the tense nerves of everyone around him a little, and quickly warned everyone, "The other party can create an energy zone in a very short period of time. This kind of strength It’s very powerful.”

“Even if we escape from the energy zone through the hyperacceleration state, we still don’t know what we will face after leaving.

And more importantly, we are forced to turn on the super acceleration state here.

The shield energy consumes a lot of our energy, and even if we enter a state of super acceleration, we cannot sail too far.

If the remaining energy can no longer support our long-term navigation, and if we continue to sail backwards, when the energy is exhausted, we may even be unable to decelerate and brake.

Therefore, we must decelerate and brake in advance, which also means that the distance we can escape from is not too far, and we will face a secondary attack from the opponent's ship at any time. "

Dasara's analysis is very accurate. After all, she is a mechanical ascendant. She can analyze the current situation from all aspects and predict the future development.

Her analysis was generally very successful. If it weren't for the large number of anti-matter annihilation bombs installed inside those Xia Qi-class battleships by Luo Xu, Dasara's attack plan might have succeeded.

With Dasara's reminder, the Kasakuk members who had already relaxed suddenly became nervous again.

Through Dasara's words, a picture of a powerful ship of an unknown civilization in the solar system waiting for them outside the energy zone was already looming.

If this is really the case, wouldn't the fleet's plan to escape from the energy zone be in vain?

"After the fleet leaves the energy zone, all ships disperse and leave, and still maintain a super-accelerated state. No matter what ship they encounter, don't stop." After the Kasakuk members reset their attitudes, Da Sara then continued to issue instructions.

Although there is likely to be another killer move from the unknown civilization in the solar system outside the energy zone, in any case, the fleet can only use super acceleration to leave this area.

In order to prevent the opponent from annihilating all the fleets, Dasara also made a plan to disperse and leave after all the fleets left the energy zone.

This plan can maximize the survival probability of the remaining ships. After all, the survival probability of the entire fleet breaking through from one side is obviously higher than that of dispersing.

No matter what warships or weapons are waiting for you at that time, there will always be a ship that can find a suitable breakthrough position.

However, these members of Kasa Cook did not know that except for the space warships that were still chasing their fleet, the ships controlled by Luo Xiu in the solar system had no intention of moving to the outer reaches of the Oort cloud.

Because the remaining Xia Qi-class battleships do not have the ability to bypass the antimatter annihilation energy zone and pursue the opponent. Even if they enter the super-accelerated fleet like the fleet controlled by Dasara, the distance these Xia Qi-class battleships have to move is longer than that of the opponent. More.

In this way, the distance between the two sides cannot be shortened. For Xia Qi-class battleships that only have anti-matter annihilation bombs as weapons, the increase in distance means that the attacks of these ships are ineffective.

"What is the situation in the antimatter annihilation energy zone?"

Inside the solar system, Luo Xiu, who was observing the battlefield outside the Oort cloud, didn't know what was happening in the antimatter annihilation energy zone.

At this time, except for the space battleship, no other battleship could provide Luo Xiu with information about the energy zone.

"Your Excellency, Commander, through the space battleship's detector lock, the opponent's ship is in a state of super acceleration."

"When the opponent was moving at super acceleration, it absorbed a large amount of energy from the same kind of warships. I believe that the energy shield time of the opponent's fleet can be slightly extended."

After the space warship crashed into the warship, it quickly rushed towards the remaining ships at high speed. While it was moving, it did not forget to use the detection device to lock the opponent's ship.

"So it's possible for the other party to break away?"

After listening to the explanation of the control system, Luo Xiu had a bad feeling.

If the opponent really escapes from the antimatter annihilation energy zone, it will definitely not be a good thing for the solar system.

The start of the battle means that the opponent has also begun to grasp the true technological status of the inner solar system. If the opponent does not suffer a second strike after leaving the antimatter annihilation energy zone, the cruising fleet is likely to immediately learn that it does not have the ability to carry out a second strike.

Of course, this is only a possibility. It is more likely that the energy erupted by the cruising fleet in the inner solar system will slow down or even cancel the attack plan on the solar system.

But even if this possibility is just one of the other party's reactions, Luo Xiu does not dare to take it lightly.

After all, any decision he makes now will affect the future of the cruise fleet and billions of Blue Star humans.

Once Luo Xiu makes any mistakes in his decision, it means that the Blue Star humans in the inner solar system are likely to be attacked by the remaining additional fleets and the main fleet coming from the cruising fleet base camp.

"Yes, Commander, it is possible to escape."

Through the collective analysis of various aspects of data, the control system came up with a piece of news that was not very good for Luo Xiu.

"The remaining Xia Qi-class warships were divided into ten thousand, activated the super-accelerated sailing state, and advanced from the edge of the energy zone to target the opponent's breakaway fleet."

"Wherever the other party flees, they will follow. Don't give the other party a chance to stop."

In order not to deny that the opponent's ship had a chance to slow down and adjust, Luo Xiu directly mobilized 10,000 Xia Qi-class battleships and pursued the opponent's ship that broke away.

As a former member of the cruising fleet, Luo Xiu knew that the super-accelerated state would cause great harm to ordinary life.

If the opponent wants to minimize this damage, the intelligent creature must enter a dormant state.

But just now, from the confrontation to the sudden outbreak of battle, and then to the opponent initiating the super-accelerated sailing state, everything was completed in a very short period of time. In such a short period of time, the opponent probably did not allow the intelligent creatures on the ship to enter. Sleeping state.

The constant pursuit means that the opponent has to reduce the expenditure on thruster energy when using energy to put the intelligent creatures inside the ship to sleep.

A ship in a super-accelerating state is very different from a ship in a normal sailing state. After an ordinary ship reaches a predetermined sailing speed, it can turn off its thrusters and use inertial energy to sail.

They only need to use thrusters urgently to avoid stars and various space traps. Apart from this, the ship has no other energy consumption.

But ships in a hyper-accelerated sailing state are very different. In addition to avoiding various risks, ships in a hyper-accelerated sailing state must also use additional energy to enable the ships to withstand the effects of the hyper-accelerated sailing state. impact.

The reason why the super-accelerated fleet suffered losses before was because the main fleet stopped them suddenly, which did not reduce the damage to the fleet from the impact, causing a large number of ships and personnel to suffer huge losses.

But the Xia Qi-class battleships are different. There is no intelligent creature on board their ships. They don't need to worry about anything. Even if the hull is damaged, as long as the anti-matter annihilation bombs in the hull are still there, these ships will still have the same capabilities. Huge lethality.

Therefore, if these Xia Qi-class battleships are used to chase opponents, they are still very effective.

If the fleet controlled by Dasara could see the situation outside the antimatter annihilation energy zone at this time, they would be able to see a large number of ships speeding out of the Oort cloud at the edge of the energy zone. Sticking to the edge of the antimatter annihilation energy zone, it pursued Dasara's escape route.

At this same moment, Dasara's fleet was frantically leaving the antimatter annihilation zone, trying to get rid of the erosion of the fleet by the energy zone.

The space battleship followed closely behind, relying on the particularity of its own space membrane to sail freely in the antimatter annihilation zone, and waited for opportunities to attack Dasara's fleet.

Outside the antimatter annihilation energy zone, 10,000 Xiaqi-class warships were circling at high speed, trying to attack the escaping Dasara and other Kasakuk members.

All this seems to indicate the success of the solar system union represented by Luo Xiu.

In a local war, Luo Xiu, who only possessed an era-changing technology, the anti-matter annihilation bomb, actually suppressed the ships of the cruising fleet.

And this, this is the power of technology.

For members of the cruising fleet like Dasara, they certainly agree with this conclusion.

After all, they are now being chased by antimatter energy. If they are not careful, they will be swallowed up by this technology that they have not mastered.

"In three seconds, our ship will leave the energy zone."




In the bridge of the flagship where Dasara is located, the Kasakuk members who have been suppressed for a long time are finally about to leave the antimatter annihilation energy zone. As long as they leave here, they can get rid of this most direct threat.

"It has left the energy zone and no other ship has been found to intercept it!"

After one emerged from the energy zone, the members of the flagship quickly scanned the surroundings, but to their surprise, they did not find any backhand arranged by the civilization in the surrounding star system.


The emergence of this situation surprised Dasara, "With the intensity of the opponent's attack, shouldn't he mean to let us go?"

Dasara, who had just escaped from the antimatter annihilation energy zone, did not think that the civilization in the solar system would be kind enough to let him survive.

But this is not the time to think about why the opponent did not pursue the victory. Now that he has escaped from the energy zone, Dasara must take this opportunity to convey the situation he encountered to the main fleet, "to the main fleet." A signal was sent from the direction of the fleet, and we were attacked by antimatter energy."

As Dasara spoke, he suddenly paused again. The mechanical ascendant turned his head and glanced at the warship's sailing route, but there was no trace of the warship in that place.

"The warlord ship has been destroyed by the opponent. The weapon that destroyed the warlord ship is likely to be related to space energy."


When Dasara was about to say something else, a huge gravitational fluctuation suddenly appeared on the big screen on the flagship bridge, in the channel where the warship should have appeared.

"It's the opponent's space weapon or ship!"

Dasara, who saw the gravitational fluctuations from the egg knife, also stopped transmitting signals to the main fleet, and quickly shouted to the surrounding Kasakuk members: "Cancel the protective shield, and supply all energy to the thrusters!"

At this time, the fleet has left the antimatter annihilation energy zone. With little energy left, even if the opponent is likely to launch an attack, Dasara has to cancel the energy shield, a major energy consumer.

"Yes, Your Excellency!"

After Dasara's order, the Kasakuk members in the bridge quickly canceled the ship's energy shield and input all energy into the thrusters.

While Dasara was running frantically for his life, not far from the battlefield, three huge ships slowed down and braked, trying to escape from the super-accelerated state.

If Dasara had observed these three ships, he would have definitely recognized them at a glance as the civilization ships belonging to the Cygnus civilization!

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