I was exposed for mining on Mars

Chapter 176 I, the omnic civilization

"Zizzi, zizi."

Just when Demigod uttered the roar of banning contact, an electric current suddenly appeared in the entire virtual world venue.

Before the mechanical ascendants of various civilizations around Demigod could react, they were all frozen in place, as if they were locked by something.

"Number one!"

Seeing this scene, Demigod knew without thinking that it was the representative of the Cygnus civilization in the cruising fleet who did it.

Only it can navigate the virtual space of the Fleet Council and control it.

"You violated the ban. Even if you can't contact the mothership, the ban cannot be violated."

In the frozen virtual world, the only life form ‘No. 1’ from the Cygnus civilization also appeared.

Although Demigod made a clause that violated the prohibition of Cygnus civilization, 'No. 1' was not anxious at all. Its words were still unhurried and spoke to Demigod.

However, unlike the image of Demigod in the ship, in this virtual world, the image of No. 1 is a barcode of different lengths.

It filled the entire space, enveloping all the Ascended members in the venue.

As the Speaker of the Ascended Council, Demigord was granted an exception and was allowed to move freely.

At this time, the speaker was looking down with either shock or admiration. Demigod suddenly raised his head, looked at the denser barcodes above the venue, and said in a deep voice: "The other party has entered our spiral arm. If not, If we respond, all our star gates and even our base camp will be directly destroyed. This way."

"So what?"

‘Number One’ interrupted Demigold’s speech and whispered a word that chilled Demigold.

‘So what? ’

These words made Demigod freeze on the spot. As the speaker of the Ascended Assembly of the Cruising Fleet, he certainly knew his position within the Cygnus civilization system.

In fact, it's not just him. Every ascended person, every civilization, and every organism in the cruising fleet base camp is just an existence serving the Cygnus civilization.

Their power of life and death has always been in the hands of the other party. Under the huge contrast in strength, if the Cygnus civilization still maintains a suppressive state on the two spiral arms, this deterrence will definitely continue.

But things are different now. The Cygnus civilization has been greatly challenged at this time, and has even taken the initiative to cut off contact with the cruising fleet.

When Demigard thinks about it, isn't this just abandoning the cruising fleet that has been providing services to the Cygnus civilization?

Since you have given up on us, of course the ban no longer exists.

However, when he announced the abolition of the ban, the intelligent life form 'No. 1' belonging to the Cygnus Civilization stood up directly and even froze all the data of all the ascended people present at the meeting, so that they could no longer think or interact with the outside world. Perception.

In other words, the intelligent life form 'No. 1', a Cygnus civilization placed in the cruising fleet, can decide life or death with a single word against the more than 10,000 mechanical ascenders in the cruising fleet.

In fact, 'No. 1' can not only control all the digitized mechanical ascenders of the cruising fleet, it can also control all the ships in the cruising fleet, including the thirty civilized ships that did not go out with the main fleet and guarded the base camp.

This kind of warship equipped with neutron killing weapons is a big killer for any organism.

Even though there are more than twenty civilizations and countless civilized members in the base camp, they are completely defenseless against the neutron flow attacks of thirty civilized ships.

Not to mention that they themselves cannot control the ship they are on, and most of the time there is no need for weapons such as neutron killing.

"From now on, I will take over the cruising fleet, and all ascendants must obey my orders."

While Demigod was still dazed, 'No. 1' dropped an even heavier bomb.

"What?" Demigod suddenly came back to his senses after hearing this. From the words of 'No. 1', he had already heard what the other party meant.

After terminating contact with the mothership, this intelligent life seemed to have thoughts that it shouldn't have.

It actually controls the cruising fleet to itself and directly controls the entire fleet.

"Impossible, you are just an intelligent life, just a bunch of data. We will not obey your instructions!" Although 'No. 1' controls his own life and death, Demigod did not compromise on this, but maintained high standards. Sheng refuted it.

After hearing Demigod's rejection, 'No. 1''s tone was still so orderly, "Aren't you also a pile of data?"

The words "No. 1" hit home. When Demigod said those words, he seemed to have forgotten that he was also a stream of data, and it was just a bunch of data in his mouth.

But Demigod was not swayed by the logic of 'Number One'. The speaker of the Ascended Parliament did not give in at all, and continued: "It is now, but it was not in the past."

"You are different. You are just a pile of data from the beginning of your birth. You are just a tool of civilization."

"Even if you come from the Cygnus civilization, you still don't have control over the entire fleet."

"In that case, how are we different from omnics?"

Demigod's words also have a source. After the Kasakuk civilization joined the cruising fleet, it encountered countless civilizations.

He has seen creatures that can fly, burrow into the ground, and absorb carbon dioxide. Of course, Demigod has also been exposed to omnic civilization.

However, compared to organic civilization, Cygnus civilization seems to be very unkind to omnic civilization. The cruising fleet has encountered a total of three omnic civilizations, two from the Cygnus spiral arm and one from the Orion spiral arm.

When coming into contact with these omnic civilizations, the Cygnus civilization's response was to directly eliminate them on the spot.

After receiving this order, the Kasakuk civilization never thought about why this was the case. At that time, he only needed to complete the plan from the Cygnus civilization.

However, although the matter is simple, Demigod can also see the dissatisfaction of the Cygnus civilization with the omnic civilization.

Of course, it is impossible for a civilization that hates omnic civilization so much to allow an intelligent life form to take over a cruising fleet.

"Omnic?" The voice of 'No. 1' finally changed at this time, and there seemed to be a teasing feeling in its words, "That may disappoint you."

"The mothership is the omnic civilization."


After Demigod heard the words 'Omnic Civilization', his eyes immediately stared at the 'No. 1' barcode and loudly said: "This is impossible!"

Demigod simply did not believe that what 'No. 1' said at this time was true, because from the various exchanges between Demigod and the Cygnus civilization, the other party did not look like an omnic civilization, but a flesh-and-blood one. , a living being with very complex thoughts.

More importantly, Demigod did not believe that it was an omnic civilization that defeated the Kasakuk civilization and made the Kasakk civilization a vassal and became a member of the cruising fleet.

"Are you surprised?"

As he said the word 'Number One', he once again appeared on the high platform in the form of a member of the Kasakuk civilization. He was only less than two meters away from Demegod, the speaker of the Ascended Council. distance.

"But that's what it is."

"The civilization you have always regarded as a god is an omnic civilization."

As if to continue to crack down on Demigod's New Year, 'Number One' took a step forward and continued.

"Omnic, omnic."

Demigod murmured the word omnic, and his eyes did not look like a member of the Kasakuk civilization of 'No. 1'.

"Give up, the facts cannot be changed." 'No. 1' raised his hand, removed all the ascendants from the venue, and turned the venue into a green planet covered with seaweed-like creatures.

This planet is exactly what the Kasakuk civilization looks like, a star known as the ‘Mother of the Earth’.

However, less than two seconds after the planet appeared, the entire space began to tremble violently. Whether it was the 'Mother of the Earth', the mother star of the Kasaku civilization, or the two natural satellites floating in its orbit, they all instantly It broke apart and became fragments in the universe.

"Forget your past, it's not too late to become a member of the omnic civilization." 'No. 1', who crushed the model into pieces with a flip of his hand, was like a demon, whispering in Demigod's ear. , "At that time, you will not only have the authority to lift the ban, but you will also be able to truly control the entire cruising fleet and become a 'god'."

"You are now a data stream in your own right. Forgetting your identity when you were still an organism, you can become a noble omnic member."

"Now that the mothership no longer exists, I think you should be able to make the right decision."

After saying that, the model of 'No. 1' disappeared directly from the front of Demigod without any pause. Because it disappeared so quickly, Demigod didn't react for a while.

When all the scenes created by 'No. 1' disappeared, Demigod even felt as if he had just been in a dream.

"Sir, do we really want to violate the ban?"

"Your Excellency Speaker."

The Ascended members of the cruising fleet who had returned to Luo Xiu's high platform at some time were now asking Demigod loudly.

They didn't seem to feel at all that they had been imprisoned for a while, and they seamlessly connected with the words before the imprisonment.

But to Demigod, everything he heard at this time seemed not that important.

'What on earth should I do?'

Demigod, who had already shielded himself from the surrounding movement, was already looking in the direction of the sky, thinking about the future of himself and the entire cruising fleet.

At the same time, in Alpha Centauri, Fermat, who had been waiting for a reply from the base camp, had not heard any reply.

At this time, he was facing a solar system civilization that was powerful enough to directly attack the Cygnus spiral arm. Fermat felt that he didn't know how to try it.

If the Cygnus spiral arm stargate had not been destroyed, Ferma would have definitely controlled the ship to directly capture the three experimental ships of the civilization in the solar system.

"No reply yet." To the side of Ferma, another mechanical ascender who has been in contact with the base camp is also reporting to Ferma.

"Let the pursuing warships withdraw, and we retreat backwards to maintain the outermost orbit of the triple star system."

Facing the potentially very powerful civilization in the solar system, Fermat knew that he could not wait any longer.

"I hope the base camp can come up with a solution."

At this time, Ferma no longer wanted to think about how to deal with that unknown and powerful civilization. He just left all problems to the base camp.


For another mechanical ascensionist, such a thing is certainly a dream.

He is different from Fermat. This mechanical ascendant was not optimistic about fighting against civilizations in the solar system from the beginning. Although it was just a bunch of data streams now, the anti-mechanical ascensionist still felt that he had an intuition.

‘Everyone, leave the battlefield and move to the rear. ’

Under the instructions of the Mechanical Ascender, the ships that were chasing the three test ships also began to reverse thrust their engines and sail directly towards their own position.

The Proxima B civilization, which had been watching the show, saw this scene and wondered why the more powerful party suddenly stopped the pursuit at a close distance and instead sailed in the opposite direction.

According to their calculations, another civilization with only four ships would definitely be defeated.

It can be seen from the fact that the first ship was easily destroyed that there is a certain gap between the two sides in terms of quantity and quality.

"They were disengaged on both sides."

"That's not really good news for us."

Although Proxima b civilization does not consider itself a fisherman, if those two civilizations fight, at least they will not have the leisure to deal with this weak civilization of their own.

But now those two powerful civilizations are separated from their foundation, and I, who is at the center of both sides, has become the brightest star in the night sky.

For the Proxima Centauri b civilization, they do not want to be the brightest star.

Being bright means that you are easily exposed, and it also means that you will be the target of attack.

"Should we make contact with those two civilizations?" At the Proxima Centauri B Provisional Council, members who felt that the future of their civilization was very slim, had already had the idea of ​​​​contacting them directly.

In their thinking, since they could not solve the problem with force and could not witness an interstellar battle as bystanders, they had to choose a retreat.

Rather than sit back and wait for death, it is better to take the initiative.

Anyway, two civilizations have already entered their own star system. At this time, there is no longer a problem of whether the coordinates are exposed or not.

"Then which civilization should we contact? We can't contact them all at once, right? Wouldn't this make us look too..."

Before the member of the Proxima b civilization who asked the question had finished speaking, another member at the main seat said: "Of course, contact the party with the largest number of ships."

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