I was exposed for mining on Mars

Chapter 189 Destroy the star!

For this unknown warship, resisting the attack of the neutron torrent is very simple. With its dark matter shield, it can move forward against the neutron plume without any pressure.

But such a relaxing scene is a great shock to the cruising fleet.

The entire cruising fleet, including the Omnic Life No. 1, stared blankly at the advancing unknown battleship, wanting to see what this battleship had done to survive the mighty, supposedly indestructible Neutron. Survive the flood.

'impossible! What ship can withstand a neutron annihilation attack? ’

‘It should be due to the shield. The neutron killing attack should have been neutralized, annihilated or absorbed by the opponent’s shield. ’

‘Shield? What shield can withstand such a huge neutron stream attack? ’

In the internal virtual world of the cruising fleet, members of various races were also discussing how the unknown warships used to resist their own attacks.

But no matter how we speculate now, it cannot be directly confirmed.

Only by defeating the opponent, or being defeated yourself, may you know how powerful the opponent is.

Compared to the various speculations of those race members in the cruising fleet, Omnic Life No. 1 is analyzing the contact zone between the unknown battleship and the neutron kill.

‘The neutron attack was directly annihilated? ’

‘Is it antimatter or something else? ’

The most powerful energy and annihilation weapon currently being studied by the cruising fleet is antimatter. Even another type of space energy cannot silently absorb the torrent of neutrons.

But even antimatter shouldn't have neutralized so quickly without sending off an explosion of any energy collision.

Your own neutron stream attack is like hitting a huge wall that is colorless and invisible and can absorb all energy. When the neutron stream bombards you, it is like water droplets entering a sponge, disappearing silently, without even a splash. Take half a minute.

'what exactly is it? ’

Faced with such an opponent, even No. 1, an omnic, was at a loss. Although he still possessed the extremely unstable space weapon 'Folding' at this time, in addition to being unstable, the speed of launch of this weapon It's also extremely slow.

Unlike the neutron stream that can advance at high speed, the launch of space weapons can only rely on shipboard kinetic energy weapons, and the best speed of these kinetic energy weapons cannot reach 50% of the speed of light.

Advancing at such a 'low speed', it is of course impossible for space weapons to attack the opponent.

And just when the cruising fleet could not find a way to deal with it, the unknown warship that was approaching the outermost ships of the base camp was also analyzing the extremely large number of star systems surrounding it.

‘The number of civilizations is greater than 20. ’

‘The energy shield level is low. ’

‘If omnic life is detected, it will be attacked. ’

‘In view of the low level of the opponent’s civilization, anti-matter weapons can be used to attack. ’

‘Having not obtained the authority to rectify the agreement, 80% of the area’s civilization has been cleared. ’

Under the quick determination of this location battleship, 80% of the civilizations in the cruising fleet have been listed as clearing targets.

And this was done even though its rectification agreement had not been passed. If the Authentication Agreement is passed, not to mention the many affiliated civilizations and Omnic Life One in the cruising fleet, even the original intention of the Cygnus civilization that has been disconnected will also become targets.

At that time, no matter how deep the Cygnus civilization is hidden, it will be caught by this unknown battleship.

'Anti-matter weapons fired. ’

After picking out the anti-matter weapon, the ship without any emotion directly picked it out and opened the launch window while attacking with the neutron stream.

After an electric arc flashed, an unknown weapon wrapped in a huge amount of anti-matter energy was shot out and headed straight in the direction of the cruising fleet.

"Warning! Weapon attack detected!"

"Warning! Weapon attack detected!"

At the same time that the anti-matter energy weapon was fired, alarms sounded from all the ships in the entire cruising fleet that were in direct contact with the opponent.

However, before these warships started to react, a huge gap had been penetrated through the entire fleet. The speed and strength of the material were evident.

"The fleet has been penetrated! The shield cannot be defended!"

"No! The opponent's target is not us, but the stars!"

While members of the affiliated civilization of the cruising fleet were still inspecting the fleet's losses, the detectors on the ship captured that the weapon that penetrated the cruising fleet was still advancing at high speed.

And the direction of advancement is exactly the huge star wrapped by countless cruising fleet ships.

Obviously, the opponent's target from the beginning was not the cruising fleet, but the star they were orbiting!

If this star, which is larger than the sun, is attacked and destroyed by the opponent, the more than twenty affiliated civilizations cruising in the fleet will have no room for resistance.

Compared with the destruction of stars, how can their civilization have any strength to resist?


After witnessing the power of that weapon when it penetrated the cruising fleet, members of each civilization suddenly felt the desire to escape.

But this thought only lasted a moment. After all, even if you escape, will you definitely be able to escape the opponent's attack range? The opponent's attack only penetrated without any other reaction. This is where everyone was a little lucky.

If it were just a kinetic energy weapon, even if it bombarded the star at high speed, it would not cause a big chain reaction. After all, it's a star

At this time, the members of the cruising fleet, including Omnic Life No. 1, all focused on the high-speed moving weapon.

Even the unknown warship, which was still advancing against the neutron stream, temporarily lost its highest heat.

And while everyone was observing, the weapon wrapped in antimatter energy had plunged into the star, splashing a long flame of thousands of kilometers on the surface of the star.

Although this violent flame carries violent energy, it can engulf any ship, including civilized ships. However, the ships of the cruising fleet are still very far away from the star. Even if they jump tens of thousands of kilometers, they will not be able to cause any damage to the ships of the cruising fleet.

At most, it can sweep out a wave of stellar wind.


After feeling that their ships would not be hit, the cruising fleet civilization seemed to be relieved when they saw this scene.

In their opinion, if it was just a simple kinetic energy impact, even if it happened a few more times, it would only stir up some more flame dragons, but would not cause any substantial damage to the star.

But before the members of these civilizations could really relax, the dragon of flames that was tumbling outwards had no intention of being attracted back by the star. Instead, it continued to expand outwards and moved toward the periphery at an extremely fast speed. The ships swept in.

At this time, the surface of the star began to boil like boiling water.

Obviously, the antimatter weapons emitted by the unknown ship began to act inside the star.

At this time, countless material belts like the flame dragons suddenly surged up on the star's surface. The matter contained in these flame dragons seemed to have reached the speed of escaping from the star, and they were thrown directly out of the star's surface. Scattered into the universe.

At this time, the star is like a burst water ball, expanding outward rapidly and violently.

This expansion rate is extremely rapid, and it even exceeds the calculations of the cruising fleet detectors. The star has already completed its explosion before the detectors sound an alarm.

As soon as this situation occurred, the entire cruising fleet was boiling like the star!

"Supernova explosion?! Run! Run away!"

"Run away quickly!"

"Everyone enters a state of super acceleration! Hurry!"

At this time, the changes in the star have exceeded the expectations of the members of the cruising fleet, and the huge fluctuations on the surface of the star have explained everything. The star has been disturbed by the opponent's attack and has become very unstable.

Although they still don't know what kind of weapons the other party used to cause such huge damage inside the star, there is nothing wrong with escaping quickly now.

Only by escaping quickly can we hope to survive the explosion of the star.

Even though the unknown warship is still approaching, and may have more terrifying power than a supernova explosion, the members of the cruising fleet can't control it so much.

The horrors of the present are more deadly than the unknown catastrophe.

While the ships of the cruising fleet were moving, the fluctuations on the surface of the star further intensified. It throws more and more stellar material outward, and it continues to increase.

Seeing that this star is on the verge of collapse, it is not known when it will completely collapse, emitting violent energy like a supernova explosion.

Maybe, just the next moment?

The members of the cruising fleet did not dare to bet on when more clusters of explosions would come. They could only escape, and they could only flee as far as possible to seek the possibility of survival.

However, although the star has not been completely induced by the antimatter energy to explode, a large amount of its own matter has been thrown out.

These materials originating from stars carry terrifying energy and devour everything they can.

The Ascended ship located inside the star bore the brunt and became the first target to be attacked.

The star matter didn't waste any effort at all. It simply swept past the ships, destroying all the mechanical ascenders who had been promoted for tens of thousands of years, and swallowed them into their own material torrent.

The Ascended Ones, who had been grounded, lost control of the ship, and were imprisoned in the ship, could only watch the star material approach and directly devour the ship they were on.

But the good news is that before the ship was swallowed up, the terrifying radiation had destroyed the data flow of the Ascended Ones, so that they did not have to witness their own destruction.

As the outward expansion of these materials intensifies, from the perspective of the Omnic Life-1 detector, the star wrapped by the cruising fleet seems to be emitting a magnificent fireworks.

But these fireworks are extremely deadly.

However, the detector only observed this scene for a moment, and did not transmit the picture to No. 1 for a long time.

The reason is that the radiation inside the star system has greatly exceeded the standard at this time. Compared with normal times, it has reached a level that can directly damage machinery.

And because of the sudden explosion of this star, the radiation it brings is even more intense. Even if the detector behind it makes observations, it will be affected by the radiation throughout the star system and be directly destroyed.

Those affected by these radiations are not just the detectors controlled by No. 1. Some ordinary cruising fleet ships that are relatively close to the interior of stars have had their internal circuits directly destroyed by such intense radiation, and have lost their ability to observe the outside world.

"Everyone enters a state of super acceleration! Hurry!"

Some ships in the cruising fleet can still send signals to other ships because their communication devices have not been destroyed.

However, after these signals were sent out, they were immediately destroyed by the radiation of nearby supernova explosions and could not be transmitted at all.

And with all the detectors burned, No. 1 also knew that he could not stay at the cruising fleet base camp any longer. The ship carrying all his data has already entered a state of super-acceleration, flying towards the universe at high speed.

This is a race against time and death. Once it falls behind, it will be swallowed directly and disappear from the entire starry sky without leaving any trace.

In this race, the only one flying in the opposite direction was the battleship that was still heading into the star after the internal circuit of the civilized ship was destroyed and the neutron killing weapon stopped attacking.

'The star has been destroyed. ’

‘Civilized ships are escaping. It is estimated that 40% of the ships have escaped, which does not comply with the strike procedures. ’

‘The star continues to erupt, and the fleeing fleet is still in the coverage area, waiting for the coverage to end. ’

‘The omnic life forms are escaping, and there is a 90% probability of escaping from the star explosion area. ’

‘Pursue the omnic life form. ’

After a simple calculation, the ship of Omnic Life No. 1 has been locked by the opponent.

The purpose of this unknown ship's trip is to destroy the Cygnus civilization and 80% of the civilization. Because of such a mission, the escape of Omnic Life No. 1 is certainly something it cannot tolerate.

As the primary target, the unknown ships also temporarily put down 40% of the civilized ships that had fled. After all, the speed of these ships is not very fast, and even if they disperse and escape, even if there is no threat of star explosion, because there are too many, they will be easily hit by this unknown ship one by one.

And this unknown ship will not end its attack on the Cygnus spiral arm until 80% of the number of civilizations has been eliminated.

‘Locked? ’

Omnic Life One, which was escaping from the star system, also observed the ship that was continuing to pursue him. Judging from the ship's trajectory, it seemed that it had locked onto itself.

‘The other party’s target is actually me? ’

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