I was exposed for mining on Mars

Chapter 251 Fish and Bait

Luo Xiu always had a very serious image, so that when he suddenly made such a cold and humorous joke, no one else reacted, but Gou Wen felt a little embarrassed. After all, Luo Xiu said this to him.

"Okay, the purpose of this creature is to imprison the consciousness of the Cygnus omnic civilization, so the question now becomes how to control it."

Luo Xiu turned to everyone and said.

Judging from what the former Speaker of the Hack tribe said when the Cygnus omnic civilization 'arrived' just now, it will definitely take away Orion's core technology library from them at any cost. Luo Xiu and the others don't think a mechanical body can say that Come out with lies.

"How are we going to resist the attack of the opponent's huge fleet?" Proxima Centauri Speaker said with a worried look.

From the live projection, it was obvious that the situation on the battlefield was quietly changing. The two huge fleets that had been fighting together were quietly separating.

Even the Zeroing Fleet, which has gradually gained the upper hand, is turning at all costs, and their direction is the direction of the civilization of the solar system.

It seems that the Cygnus omnic civilization has indeed locked the coordinates of the solar system civilization during its 'arrival' just now, and it does not know the existence of the jump ring.

It is precisely because of this that Luo Xiu and the others still have some time to discuss countermeasures here.

However, as the Speaker of Proxima Centauri said, now that the attention of Cygnus Civilization has been completely attracted by them, the next pressure will also be given to them. Whether the United Solar System Civilization can withstand this wave of attacks is still a question. unknown.

Although the strength of the United Solar System Civilization is no longer the same as it was twenty years ago, and the number of warships they reported to the alliance is not all, the important main stars and starships of the United Solar System Civilization cannot be moved.

If their Cygnus omnic civilization is destroyed, it will be an immeasurable loss to the United Solar System Civilization.

"Contact the Alliance and ask them to count the remaining number of enemy ships." Luo Xiu said in a deep voice.

Soon, the statistical results came out. After this month of combat, the Cygnus omnic civilization's ground zero fleet still had about 2.2 million ships.

Although there is a big gap from the beginning, this number still cannot be underestimated.

Luo Xiu even doubted whether his decision was made too early.

"What about the alliance? How many battleships are left?" Luo Xiu continued to ask.

"The Alliance still has more than 400,000 Alliance Ones, but the ghost fleet has not suffered much losses. The Speaker of the Bernie Tribe asked us what happened and why the Cygnus Civilization's fleet suddenly turned."

Xue He looked at Luo Xiu and asked. He didn't know whether to tell the alliance about this news.

The Orion Alliance can now be said to have suffered heavy losses, having lost more than half of its main battleships. It is still unknown whether it can continue to fight under such circumstances.

Luo Xiu thought for a moment and said, "Let's just say we don't know."

Xue He hesitated, but still did it.

"Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, I don't understand this matter. Why do we have to bear the offensive pressure of the Cygnus Civilization alone? This is a matter for the entire alliance."

Proxima Centauri Speaker asked with a puzzled look on his face. Proxima Centauri people, who are known for their rationality, have no conspiracies in their minds, so they have no idea what Luo Xiu is thinking.

If someone else asked this, Luo Xiu might not answer at all, but he knew that Proxima Centauri Speaker asked this question because he really couldn't understand, so he explained: "The Alliance fleet has suffered heavy losses now, not to mention whether they will continue to dispatch Even if the fleet is really dispatched, I am afraid that other civilizations in the alliance will have thoughts about us at this time."

"But even if they have ideas, it's still war time. We have to win this war first before we can solve other problems. Otherwise, if we lose, they won't have an easy time."

Speaker Proxima Centauri continued to ask.

Luo Xiu nodded, then walked to the Speaker of Proxima Centauri, patted him on the shoulder and said: "It is rare for civilizations like you Proxima Centauri people to have no bad intentions. You have to remember the basic design of the universe. It’s suffice to say that civilization is all selfish.”

"Are all civilizations selfish?" Speaker of Proxima Centauri frowned and chewed on these words.

"Yes, but this kind of selfishness is not active selfishness, but more like an instinct. Animals have the instinct to continue their own species, and the instinct of civilization is to let them continue. Once the common risk becomes the responsibility of other civilizations alone, They will then consider whether the results of the rescue will pose a threat to their civilization."

Luo Xiu explained with a smile.

This was the first time that he directly expressed his views on the nature of civilization in front of others.

Not only Xue He and Gou Wen seemed to be deep in thought, but even Qiong looked at Luo Xiu with surprised eyes.

The mysterious idea of ​​this Blue Star man became more and more profound in her mind. Now it seemed that the Kasaku people would lose not because their technology was not advanced enough, but because of the person in front of her.

Thinking of this, she secretly sighed in her heart, but at the same time, a small shadow in her heart finally disappeared, and her last trace of reluctance for Fermat finally disappeared.

The Proxima Speaker's expression changed several times and finally nodded and said: "I think I can understand part of what the Commander-in-Chief said. Are you afraid that other civilizations in Orion will not only not help, but will even add insult to injury at this time?"

Luo Xiu nodded and said: "Yes, we initially contacted these civilizations for 'selfish' reasons, because we did not want the United Solar System Civilization to face the powerful enemy of the Cygnus Omnic Civilization alone. Now our goal has been achieved. The Cygnus Civilization’s Ground Zero Fleet has been reduced by two-fifths, and the rest is up to us.”

"If my prediction is correct, the Orion civilization will fall apart after this war, and we must be prepared for the possibility of falling into war again. This is why I did not set up the alliance command post in the solar system. As long as we hold it Jumping through the circle, we are strategically in the active position.”

"But even though I have said so much, the most important issue now is to think about how to face the Cygnus civilization's offensive. Control the system, count the warships we can mobilize, and let them all gather towards the solar system."

Luo Xiu finally issued combat instructions to the control system.

"The order has been confirmed. There are still 203,122 Alliance One-class battleships and 402,300 controllable ghost battleships. The assembly order has been issued and the fleets are heading to the assembly area."

If we only count the Alliance One battleship on the frontal battlefield, there are actually less than 100,000 battleships belonging to the United Solar System Civilization. However, the United Solar System Civilization has also deployed some warships in other places, but these have not been counted by the alliance.

Not to mention that all ghost battleships are now directly controlled by the United Solar System Civilization. No matter what mission they were originally performing, they are now beginning to gather in the solar system.

Representatives of various civilizations at the alliance command post immediately discovered a strange thing through their respective speakers on their main star, that is, all the ghost battleships that were supposed to protect the safety of their main star had left.

The Speaker of the Bernie tribe soon realized that this incident was no accident. He immediately realized that this incident was related to the United Solar System Civilization, because all the ghost battleships were controlled by them, and now all the ghost battleships left together, Something must have happened.

So the speaker of the Berni tribe and the commander of the coalition forces directly asked Cao Guolin, the representative of the United Solar System United Civilizations in the alliance: "Representative Cao, aren't you going to explain this matter?"

Cao Guolin said calmly: "I haven't received any news so far, so I have no comment."

The Speaker of the Berni Tribe was rejected by Cao Guolin. Thinking about the previous answer from Xue He, he already had a vague speculation in his mind.

The huge fleet of the Cygnus civilization suddenly withdrew from the battlefield and changed its course, which must be related to the United Solar System Civilization.

It's just that the Alliance fleet has suffered heavy losses now. It's too late for him to be happy that the other party has left, and he has never thought about pursuing it.

As for what kind of aircraft the United Solar System Civilization is building, whether they want to fight alone against the remaining fleet of Cygnus Civilization, or more importantly, whether they will destroy Cygnus Civilization, it actually doesn't matter to him.

"Well, now that the war has come to an end for the time being, on the one hand, we must strengthen the monitoring of the remaining fleet of the Cygnus civilization, and on the other hand, we must hurry up with supplies and strive to restore the fleet to its best condition when the next war breaks out."

said the Berni Speaker.

Representatives of other civilizations did not react much to his words. They had long known in their hearts that even if they still have one million Alliance One battleships, they are probably not the ground zero fleet of the Cygnus civilization. opponent.

Not to mention that they only have 400,000 warships left. Some civilizations have already begun to consider whether to implement evacuation plans.

At this moment, the voice of the control system rang in the hall: "Warning, the United Solar System Civilization Fleet has left the combat order organized by the Alliance Fleet without permission."


The warning sounded three times in a row, and the face of the Speaker of the Bernie Tribe finally turned ugly. He looked at Cao Guolin angrily and said: "Representative Cao, you must give me an explanation today, what is going on with your United Solar System Civilization?" ? This battle is not over yet, why are you evacuating privately?"

We must know that the United Solar System's United Civilization still has 100,000 Alliance One-class battleships left. This is a force that cannot be ignored. The withdrawal of these battleships will directly make the alliance's already weak combat strength even more stretched.

Representatives of other civilizations also looked at Cao Guolin with anxious eyes.

Cao Guolin snorted coldly and said: "Hmph, although I still don't know what is going on, but don't you think it is our solar system United Civilization that has taken on all this for you? What qualifications do you have to question with such an attitude? I?"

"What do you mean by this? Isn't it polite for your United Civilization of the Solar System to privately transfer the fleet?"

The Speaker of the Bernie Tribe stared at Cao Guolin with wide eyes and his chest puffed up.

In fact, he has always been dissatisfied with the status and influence of the United Solar System Civilization in the alliance, but he has been suffering from the fact that he has never had any chance to rectify the other party. The other party even gave up the position of commander-in-chief of the alliance fleet. This time, the Bernie tribe The Speaker thought the other party was 'weak and can be bullied'.

He even forgot that in the previous fleet statistics, half of the alliance fleets belonged to the United Solar System Civilization.

Now he only feels that he has grasped the opponent's "handle". If he does not take this opportunity to make the United Solar System Civilization a target, then I am afraid he will not have any chance in the future.

The Speaker of the Bernie Tribe himself has no personal hatred for the United Solar System Civilization, but as Luo Xiu said, for the sake of the Bernie Tribe civilization, he had to do this in the position of Speaker.

Representatives of other civilizations who did not know what was going on also cast suspicious eyes on Cao Guolin. Although the pressure of the war has been alleviated by the sudden departure of the Cygnus civilization fleet, this does not mean that the war is over. If the other party suddenly kills Come back, they are now alone.

Therefore, they also felt a little confused about the United Solar System Civilization's private transfer of the fleet.

Seeing this scene, Cao Guolin shook his head helplessly, but he also knew that from the standpoint of these people, he could not blame them. He could only say that their standpoints were different, so they saw different situations.

Just when he was about to say something, the quantum communicator on his wrist suddenly opened on its own, and Luo Xiu's image appeared next to him.

"If I'm not wrong, are you making things difficult for our representative of the United Solar System's United Civilization, Chief Engineer Cao?" Luo Xiu said with a smile on his face.

"Luo Xiu, you showed up just in time. What do you mean? Why did you transfer yourself from the Alliance fleet privately? What exactly do you want to do?" the Speaker of the Bernie Tribe shouted as loudly as possible, trying to suppress Luo Xiu's momentum. .

But what big scene has Luo Xiu never seen before? He just smiled at the little trick played by the Bernie Tribe Speaker, then waved his hand, and a picture appeared in front of everyone.

That is the huge fleet of the Cygnus civilization, and the direction they are heading in is the direction of the United Solar System Civilization on the star map.

Luo Xiu didn't need to explain anything anymore. Representatives of other civilizations immediately understood what was going on.

Although they did not know why the Cygnus civilization suddenly changed its target, the result was that the United Solar System civilization became the target of the other party, so that the entire alliance fleet on the verge of collapse escaped disaster.

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