I was exposed for mining on Mars

Chapter 277 ‘Heavenly Man’


As the war gradually ended, one of Wan Xing's teammates also returned to the team leader's side.

"Is this their marshal?" The team member named Tony Parker looked at the short creature in front of him, a little surprised that such a big head could develop civilization.

It seems that Blue Star's ancestors were right. It is not right to judge people by their appearance.

The task of capturing Vakaru was handed over to the auxiliary robots that followed. The two combat robots took Vakaru and Chilawi and flew to the landing ship that Wan Xing had previously carried.

"It's too simple." Tony Parker said as he looked at the figures flying away.

Wan Ying operated the armor and walked towards the top of the mountain. As he walked, he said: "Easy? There is still a long way to go. The planning and construction of the reservation and the search for hidden resistance forces will be a lot of troubles in the future."

"No matter how troublesome it is, it's the business of the commanders in the sky, and it has nothing to do with us big-headed soldiers." Tony Parker said after Wan Ying.

Wan Ying pushed Tony Parker with his expert hand. Tony Parker stumbled and stirred up countless dust, "Don't complain, you were the one who selected the landing force."

Tony Parker quickly stabilized his body and said with a smile: "Hey, boss, please don't hurt me. It will be embarrassing if I am the only one reporting the battle damage."

"And at first I thought the landing troops were so handsome, they were both robots and mecha exoskeletons. But now it seems that they are just errand boys."

"This is your own business. But if you really want to move, I can help you apply to the fleet commander for transfer." Wan Ying turned his head and said in a threatening tone.

After hearing this, Tony Parker quickly raised a hand and said with a smile: "No, I didn't say I was leaving. By the way, why did we come up here, why don't we go back first? Lunch time is almost over, we can stay later. There’s nothing good left.”

"Look at the scenery."

The scenery of this planet is indeed good for people on earth. It is a blue-purple ocean, the water is blue-purple, the flowers are blue-purple, and the trees are also blue-purple, just like a fairy tale.

Of course, if there weren't a series of explosions and smoke.

When the fleet members first arrived, they thought this was a planet with no vegetation. Now it seems that the plants here are fundamentally different from those on Blue Star.

"Sometimes I have to wonder, are we righteous?" Tony Parker murmured, looking at the endless blue and purple.

Compared to Tony Parker's doubts, Wan Ying's answer was much more certain: "Of course."

"Are we really here to help them?"


"Then why is there war and death?"

"No reason."

Wan Ying turned his head and looked at the sighing Tony Parker and said: "Why have you become sentimental since you came down? Remember, you are a United Civilization starship human. All interests and all justice need to be based on the United Civilization. "

"I don't want you to do anything, and I will defend you in the military court when the time comes."

"Whatever, it makes me feel like I'm going to rebel, but I don't have the time." Tony Parker was confused by Wan Ying's words.

"What are you excited about? This is just a metaphor. Do you know what a metaphor is?"

"have no idea."

"Go back." Wan Ying left an image of the blue-purple planet and prepared to leave.

Tony Parker shrugged and said, "I wanted to leave a long time ago."

Just when Wan Ying and Tony Parker were finishing their battle and preparing to return to the fleet, the indigenous people of the entire planet were experiencing something big.

"My dear fellow citizens, this is an extraordinary moment, an important moment."

"The great 'Heavenly Man' came to our planet and caused some minor conflicts due to some misunderstandings."

"Marshal Wakalu attacked the 'Heaven Man' due to a misjudgment."

"Fortunately, due to our active contact, this misunderstanding was resolved in a short period of time."

"Right now, our marshal is in urgent negotiations with the 'Heavenly Man'. Please stay at home, don't go out, and wait for the conclusion of the negotiations."

Due to Vakaru's arrest and the compromise of the Aquamarine Emperor, the electronic jamming bombs have been stopped and Aquamarine's communications have been restored.

At this time, the images and sounds of their beloved Emperor are being played repeatedly throughout the planet.

The claustrophobic room with dim lighting is still His Majesty the Emperor's favorite place.

In the image of him, the colorful feathers on the back of his head are trembling slightly, and the gorgeous exterior is wrapped around his weak body. The head wearing the crown was slightly lowered, reading to the manuscript prepared in front of him.

Numerous aborigines from the 028 civilization finally felt at ease as they watched their communicators restore their images and the emperor reappeared in front of everyone.

It turned out that it was just a misunderstanding, caused by Marshal Wakaru's recklessness, and the 'Heavenly Man' seemed to be different from what he said before.

And just where they couldn't see, in the direction of the video equipment, those peaceful and kind-hearted "Heavenly People" were guarding their emperor with weapons, watching the performance of the aboriginal emperor at close range.

"Welcome, Mr. Vakaru."

On the landing ship, Wan Ying walked out of the parked armor and greeted Vakaru, who was still being disinfected under the control of the robot.

"Is this your true form?" Vakaru looked at Wan Xing, who was more than twice as tall as him, with twinkling eyes.

Wan Ying stepped forward and said, "Of course, no."

In front of Wakalu, Wan Ying took off his helmet and said, "Isn't this very different from what you imagined?"

The moment Wan Ying took off his helmet, Chilawi beside Wakalu flapped his wings and prepared to fly towards Wan Ying.

Vakaru, who was right next to him, was so frightened that he quickly used his wings to stop Chilawi. But before he could stretch out his wings, Chilawi was stepped on the ground by a combat robot next to him.

"Little guy, you should give up your hostility and learn from your marshal. If you act like this, I'm worried about your future living conditions."

Wan Ying signaled 'Iron Wall III' to let go of Chilawi. 'Iron Wall III' retracted its foot, but it did not relax its vigilance against Chilawi, a dangerous creature. A pair of electronic eyes were always on Chilawi's body, ready to watch at any time. Prepare to capture him again.


"Quiet, Chilawi, he is right, we need to learn how to get along with them." Wakalu shook his head at Chilawi, stopped Chilawi who was about to get angry again, and motioned for him to relax some.

Wan Ying nodded and said appreciatively: "That's right."

"Second Lieutenant Wan Ying, why did you bring me here?" Wakaru asked Wan Ying after comforting Chilawi.

"Because you are still useful." Wan Ying replied without any secret.

"Would you like to sit down for a while?" After answering, Wan Ying pointed to the rest area at the front of the cabin and asked Wakalu.

"No, thank you. Isn't His Majesty the Emperor already under your control? I have no value to you, right? On the contrary, my danger level should be higher, right?" Although he rejected Wan Xing's kindness, Wakalu still Followed Wan Ying to the rest area.

"You'll find out later."

Tony Parker, who had been sitting there for a long time, took the steaming coffee cup and said, "Finally you are willing to come here? Aren't you tired of standing and talking?"

"Compared to sitting down, we prefer standing."

Tony Parker looked at the opponent's uncompromising feet and peculiar body structure, shrugged, and said: "Well, that's your freedom. Well, you still have freedom, which is really good."

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