I was reincarnated as a single school beauty

Chapter 171 Group chat without response

"Time is up."

As the deacon of Fengyun Ling Mansion finished speaking, the noise outside the ruins suddenly disappeared without a trace.

The closed eyes of the invited formation master slowly opened, his face became much pale, and he said weakly:

"With my ability, this can only be solved in one month. Within one month, no matter what your harvest is, you must come out, otherwise the formation will be closed and the ruins will be hidden. I am afraid that no one in this world will be able to find you again."

He used his own power to forcefully open the formation, but the consequence was that the formation would absorb his power and return to its hidden state after a month.

At that time, even the formation master will have a hard time finding it.

This is not because today's formation masters are too weak, but that many ancient formation methods have been lost in the long river of history.

They are extremely difficult to detect.

Furthermore, it is often easiest to break through the formation from the inside, but he is a spiritual person and cannot get in at all. Those who can get in have insufficient formation attainments, which creates an unsolvable situation.

One month is the only time limit.

The formation master continued: "In the last three days, I will notify you through the formation. Now, please be prepared."

Everyone immediately adjusted their breath and got ready to go.

"Array - Kai!"

The majestic power surged out from the hands of the formation master and turned into spiritual seals. The spiritual seals were scattered around the formation like stars, causing ripples.

The ripples spread and made a sound like water drops falling on a calm lake. It was crisp and sweet, with lingering echoes.

The moment the ripples dissipated, the originally thick and intimidating formation gradually dimmed and emitted a dim light.

The protective formation was opened.

Su Su Su Su! ! ! !

No one cares about how these students act. The casual cultivators rush in without saying a word. They are the most defenseless group of people in the face of opportunities. They know very well that time is more important than anything else at this time.

Whoever advances to the ruins will get the opportunity first.

But in the same way, you will also encounter danger first!

Their figures passed through the protective barrier, and ripples appeared on the barrier again, shaking gently, and their figures disappeared behind the formation.

The outside world cannot see the scene inside at all, and the dangers inside are difficult to know.

After Feng Weiyan looked at the people in Tianluo County, he said to the people in Fengyun County: "Let's go too."

Everyone nodded and walked towards the barrier with solemn expressions.

In order to prevent them from getting separated, Yun Xi and the others held hands and stepped in.

The moment Yun Xi stepped into the barrier, Zhang Feng, who decided to act alone, followed decisively, and they entered the barrier almost at the same time.

The ripples spread, and their figures disappeared without a trace.

"Let's go in too."

Tian Ye led the people from Tianluo County and also stepped into it.

In this way, there were only a few spirit beings left outside the ruins that were bustling just an hour ago.

Tianluo County, Tianwumen.

The stone door roared, and there was a dull sound echoing between heaven and earth. A young man with a tall figure and handsome features walked out of the stone room and came to the martial arts field.

"Senior Brother Nangong, you are out of seclusion!"

The men and women in the arena stopped fighting and looked at the young man.


Nangong Yao clenched his fist, and the sound of bones rubbing against each other was particularly clear. A strong momentum burst out from his body, giving people tremendous pressure.

"He has reached the seventh level of Heavenly Level, and the Heavenly Martial Art has also broken through to the third level."

"the third floor?!"

The boys and girls exclaimed: "As expected of Senior Brother Nangong, he has already practiced the Tianwu Art to the third level just nine months after entering the Tianwu Sect."

"It's so amazing. No wonder he was chosen as his direct disciple by the sect master. I remember that it took me two years for senior brother to practice Tianwu Jue to the third level, right?"

"Two years and twenty-three days is the fastest I have practiced before Senior Brother Nangong came. Senior Brother Nangong is two hundred and eighty-one days."

"Two hundred and eighty-one days... this is more than twice as happy as my senior brother. It's really an exaggeration."

"That's natural, that's Senior Brother Nangong!"

"Senior Brother Nangong is out of isolation now and can train with us again. It's great!"

Some girls are saying this in a nymphomaniacal way.

The boys around him smiled helplessly, feeling envious as they watched the few girls in the Tianwu Sect staring at the handsome figure in front of them.

At first, they would still be jealous, but later, they were all impressed by Nangong Yao's powerful talent.

He has unparalleled powerful talent in the art of martial arts.

Nangong Yao smiled slightly as he listened to their unsuppressed discussion. The Tianwu Sect was different from many other forces. Most of the people here had straightforward personalities.

But he didn't explain it, explaining that he had actually broken through the Tianwu Jue to the third level a month ago, and that the subsequent retreat was just to reach the seventh level of the heavenly level.

After greeting everyone briefly, Nangong Yao took out his mobile phone.

After being in seclusion for so long, Xiao Xi and the others must have missed him a lot.

He turned on his phone and entered the group chat.

Xiaoxi’s Lingyuan: Yaozi, where are you? died?

Flying Tide: Has cultivation made your brain so powerful? Do you dare not reply to our messages?

Ye Nianhan: Maybe you went to retreat?

Comrade Nianhan is still considerate!

There were a lot of messages. In the past few months, they had called him attention from time to time, but during the retreat, he didn't look at his phone at all, so he didn't reply once.

Now that I think about it, I wish I had forgotten to say hello to them before retreating.

Nangong Yao couldn't help but smile bitterly.

It seems that I have to apologize properly, otherwise I will have to kowtow to ask for forgiveness from the ladies when I go back.

The "Yun Xi Force" group chat, which had been lonely for a while, welcomed Nangong Yao's long-awaited speech.

Yaozi: I'm back! I was in retreat before, and I forgot to tell you...wuwuwu sisters, I was wrong┭┮﹏┭┮

Yaozi: I suddenly decided to retreat. Because I was in a hurry, I forgot to say, I’m sorry!

Yaozi: I don’t ask for a pardon, but I ask for a light punishment!

I sent several messages in succession, but did not receive any reply.

Nangong Yao looked helpless, thinking that Xiao Xi and the others must be angry with him and deliberately neglected him.

Maybe they are still gathering together now to look at the messages they sent on their mobile phones and curse and laugh at them.

Nangong Yao couldn't help laughing when he thought of this.

The surrounding classmates looked at Nangong Yao, who had always been majestic and handsome, staring at his mobile phone and smiling to himself, and the envy on their faces became even deeper.

Because everyone knows that this senior brother Nangong and Tianling school beauty Yunxi are childhood sweethearts and have a very good relationship.

He usually stares at his phone, most likely chatting with beautiful school beauties.

Damn it! Damn winner in life!

The boys were so envious that they gritted their teeth!

Nangong Yao didn't care much about other people's opinions of him. When he saw that Xiao Xi and the others had not responded, he had to exit the group chat interface and check the messages sent to him by others.

Putting aside the pinned group chat, the latest message he received was from Cheng Kaiming, just an hour ago.

"Huh? What does this guy have to tell me?"

There is also a small group of three people between him and Cheng Kaiming and Li Wu. They usually chat in the group and rarely talk privately, so the news about Cheng Kaiming seems quite unusual.

With a doubtful attitude, Nangong Yao clicked on the message sent by Cheng Kaiming.

The first words that catch my eye.

[Come quickly, Yunxi and the others are in danger! 】

Nangong Yao's expression, which still had a trace of a silly smile, suddenly changed! He scrolled down quickly.

One minute later.


With a loud noise like thunder, Nangong Yao stepped on the bluestone and cracked it. His whole body flew out like a missile, rushing towards the mountain gate as if he was desperate.

"Yao'er, you want to..."

The elder of Shanmen was about to stop Nangong Yao to ask, but was stopped by a ray of light falling from the sky.

"This is his private matter, let him be."

The vicissitudes of the voice of Tianwu Clan Master came, and the Shanmen Elder immediately lowered his head and retreated.


At the quaint attic observation deck, an old man with gray hair and a childish face lowered his eyebrows, looking at the direction Nangong Yao left, with extraordinary charm flowing in his vicissitudes of life.

"Just take a look at the results of your practice during this period."

"Jun'er, please follow me and take a look."

A young man behind him bowed and saluted: "Yes, Master."

With a gentle step, he floated into the air.

In the mountain gate, the disciples who saw Nangong Yao losing his temper for the first time were still discussing what happened.

The place of ruins.

As the ripples spread, the scene in front of everyone entering the formation is also changing.

After it stabilized, everyone saw a huge entrance.

The entrance to the ancient tomb was completely dark. Except for this intersection, there were only dark walls and the barrier behind it.

Yun Xi stood in front of the entrance and looked around, feeling a flash of light, contributing a gleam of light to this place.

Under the aura, they were the only five good sisters holding hands.


Xiao Lingyuan exclaimed.

Yun Xi looked around and couldn't find any trace of other people, so he said: "It seems that as long as you enter the ruins, you will be divided by the formation."

Ye Nianhan breathed a sigh of relief and said softly: "This is a good thing."

For the Yunxi forces, this is of course a good thing, because they are all together and not separated. With the strength of the five of them, as long as they don't encounter the strongest trio in Tianluo County, they don't have to worry too much.

But this may not be a good thing for Fengyun County as a whole, because without them, if something happens to others, it will be difficult to deal with it.

Time would not give anyone a chance to hesitate, so Yun Xi made a decisive decision: "Let's go in."

Yun Xi took out a flashlight and walked at the front of the team. The powerful light illuminated the front clearly.

The entrance to the ancient tomb does not extend downward, but straight forward. The surrounding walls are dark and tall, and the road is wide.

Xiao Lingyuan opened her eyes and observed carefully, and couldn't help but sigh: "Is this really a mausoleum? It's so wide that it can fit a parade convoy, right?"

It was also the first time for Yun Xi to see the ruins of an ancient tomb. She didn't know much about it. She thought for a while: "Such a large tomb should not only bury people, but may also contain other valuable things."

Xiao Lingyuan's eyes lit up: "For example, an ancient gun?"


Moving forward, they could no longer see the exit of the formation behind them.

Suddenly, Ying Nianling, who was eating a lollipop, spoke: "Yun Xi, there is danger ahead."

Ying Nian Ling's spiritual consciousness is stronger than all of them.

The footsteps in the tomb passage disappeared, and several people stopped in place.

Yun Xi shined the flashlight forward. The road was still wide, the stone walls were still dark and clean, everything looked calm, and there was no danger at all.

But she chose to believe Ying Nianling.

Taking out a lighting crystal from the storage ring, Yun Xi threw it forward.


Before the crystal fell to the ground, tiny black holes were scattered all over the surrounding walls, and short sharp arrows shot out quickly.

Dong dong dong...

The crystal stone was hit by a sharp arrow and flew to the ground, bouncing dozens of times.

Yun Xi and others concentrated their spiritual power in their eyes to enhance their vision. They stared at the Pioneer Crystal and found that this small but solid crystal had... no scratches at all.


"( ̄△ ̄)"

Xiao Lingyuan chirped, her little mouth squeaked, and her beautiful big eyes rolled around.

"You think...this hidden weapon...isn't it a bit too weak?"

Only the sound of Ying Nianling eating a lollipop was echoing in the tomb passage. The others looked at the intact crystal in silence with complicated expressions.

Yun Xi thought for a moment, then took out another piece of her beloved barbecue (the immature version) and threw it away.

The barbecue draws a beautiful arc in the air.

call out!

A sharp arrow shot out quickly and passed through the barbecue.


Before the barbecue even hit the ground, it turned into ashes and scattered in mid-air.



Some of the licking sounds also disappeared, and everyone watched in silence as Hui Fei disappeared without a trace, with wonderful expressions.

Whisper, rustle...

Inadvertently, everyone approached Yun Xi, staring fearfully at the silent road ahead. The crystal stones in the road were shining brightly. They were extremely lucky to have Ying Nian Ling accompanying them, otherwise they might not have finished the trial yet. It's over as soon as it begins.

Yun Xi frowned: "Did others encounter the same situation?"

"Hard to say."

Xiao Lingyuan recalled some of her investigations into ancient ruins and felt that she might have underestimated the dangers involved.

"Possessed with spiritual power, just resist."

It can be seen from the endings of the spar and the barbecue that although the poison carried by this sharp arrow is extremely violent, the strength of the sharp arrow itself is not high.

If you can't break through a small crystal stone, you can't break through the defense of a heaven-level warrior.

Wrapping herself with spiritual power, Yun Xi took the lead and stepped out.


A dozen sharp arrows shot out from the wall and rushed straight towards Yun Xi.

Bang bang bang!

A flash of light flashed across Yun Xi's body, and the arrows were scattered and flew away, falling to the ground.

She turned back to her friends and said, "It doesn't matter, we can stop it."

Everyone's eyes were different, and Ye Nianhan felt a little guilty and said: "Xiao Xi, it's very dangerous for you to test it yourself like this."

Yun Xi smiled and said: "Don't worry, I know what's going on."

Xiao Lingyuan only felt that her love for Xiao Xi had deepened.

Wow...Xiaoxi is too yassasi!

Li Zixiao said nothing, but there was an inexplicable feeling and security in his heart.

In this way, they set foot on this tomb passage.

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