The first chapter of this book was released at 15:03 on January 28, 2021, exactly one year ago.

In this year, I went from an ordinary person to an ordinary person labeled as an "Internet writer". After a year, I didn't make much money and didn't achieve any good results, but this was destined to happen. It is the most significant year in my life.

In these three hundred and sixty-five days, I have experienced more things than I imagined. In February 2021, I suffered the first station shortcoming in my life. I successfully signed a contract after the year. I was full of ambitions at the time, and then in After trying the waters, I failed miserably, and from then on I began a lonely coding journey without recommendations. Also in February of this year, I was supposed to graduate from a junior college. After struggling for a few days, I finally chose to upgrade from a junior college to a bachelor's degree.

Before March, I went to study. During this period, I was studying subjects for associate degree to bachelor degree while coding. It was not hard to say. It was just that I had just embarked on this path at that time and paid too much attention to grades. Every time I looked at my pursuit, Looking at the few comments, it feels like being hit hard by reality. The book club created at that time only had single-digit members.

In April, School Beauty was released on the shelves, with an initial order of more than 40, making it a work destined to hit the street. At that time, I was a little desperate. I also saw some people who supported me during the free period, but they disappeared when the paid chapters came. I was not disappointed because I had seen very few genuine ones. I was just a little sad and felt that I It's deserved. At that time, I asked the editor if I could write a new book. The editor said that I should finish my three months of perfect attendance first, and I said yes.

By May, maybe the smart push had some effect. More or less people noticed this book. Qidian had many readers. Some people supported the original version. Some of them subscribed and some gave rewards. The book was slowly being subscribed. The rise was very slow, but I felt a warmth.

In June, I took the junior college-to-undergraduate examination, and the only readers encouraged me and cheered me on. On the day the results came out, I did not let myself down or let down everyone who supported me. I passed the exam and stepped from a junior college student to a college student. Undergraduate Pathways.

When does that start? Maybe it was because I didn’t want to update the code words even when I was studying, maybe it was because the characters in the novel gradually came to life, maybe it was the sincere expectations of the readers, I suddenly made up my mind, even if I lost Quanqin, I must still write this book. Well finished!

I went home for the holidays in June, determined to update readers. But before I got home, I heard the bad news about my grandpa. He was seriously ill in bed. My father said that grandpa might leave, so after getting off the train, I did not go back to my hometown and chose to be alone. Living in the city, I went to the hospital every day to stay with the elderly. This stay lasted until July.

At that time, I lived alone, went to the hospital during the day, and did typing at night. The night environment in the city was not good, and the loud music from the square dance made people upset. My update did not last for a few days before it was interrupted, because it was really too It was painful, my mind couldn't calm down, and I felt like all the words were forced out, so I stopped updating, deleted all the manuscripts I had saved at that time, and started writing again.

If I remember correctly, that was the time when Yunli and Yunze were born.

In fact, at that time, the book club group had already begun to become lively. The arrival of Fuyu gave me great encouragement. LEIlei, who topped the Qidian fan list, had been silently supporting me, as well as Jin Yiwei and Shuang Hanwei. Luo, Luo Ling, Favor, Curry, Jina, Aesop, Meng Ruofanxing, Reader 1417, Yuluosongpan, Sake, Starry Melody, Yun Xiaoxi (who must have changed his number or name!), Infantry, Sanjiu, Liang Yubing, Yimo, Lei Hi, (a certain emoticon ID), salted Rain... there were many others. At that time, there were more readers, and I started to gain motivation again.

It was at that time that I completely woke up. I was still a student. I was not writing books to make money and make a living. I was writing books so that others would read and like the stories in my heart.

Ten thousand people like it, and even one person likes it. After seeing this through, I no longer dwelled on so-called grades, and started a coding life with no distractions.

After that, the Ancient Ruins Chapter, Hunyuan State Chapter, Storm Race, Tianling Shang, Tianling Gaowu, Tianju Continent... I am getting better and better, and more and more plots are presented to you, but they may not be the most interesting. , but it must be more complete and logical than the original plot.

At the end of July, my grandfather was sent to the city for surgery. The surgery was successful and his condition improved. Now he is watching TV and sleeping in the countryside every day. It is unclear how many years he can last. His family said that he will be fine after one winter. Live another year. I have also become more open-minded. People will leave when they get old. This is inevitable for everyone. If I have nothing to do with the elderly, chatting or having a meal with them, they will laugh, and I will be happy.

But I really can’t do anything about urging the marriage. The old man hopes to see his grandson’s wife in his lifetime, but I really can’t find a partner (face covering)

In August, everything started to get back on track, coding, reading, catching up on novels... my life began to feel more comfortable.

The book club group is becoming increasingly lively, and the number of people in the group has increased from single digits to nearly a hundred.

In September, I went to school to start my undergraduate studies. In the new dormitory, I met new roommates. They didn’t smoke or gamble. They would drink a little wine occasionally and they all had good personalities. Speaking of which, it was like a new university. As a roommate, I am very lucky and always meet some good-natured people.

October, November, and December were relatively peaceful three months. I coded, chatted, and the book club group changed from two digits to three digits. My achievements in QReading gradually surpassed my starting point, and Qingcheng appeared. He immediately took the number one spot on the QQ fan list. After joining the group, he became even more active. There is also Emperor Uncle, who reads this book over and over again. I can see his comments almost every day. . And Yue, he sent me a gift, which was a beautiful and delicious candy. There are also Liang Yubing, Ye Xingchen, Yimo, Lei Hi, Yun Xibaobao, etc. They are all the kind of people who don't comment much but have been silently supporting. I remember every one of them.

The boss of LEIlei from the starting point also gave rewards every now and then, and there was also ICEK. This boss should not be underestimated. After all, in our "Genshin Impact" group, he was a real veteran player, and at that time I After dressing up as a woman, he directly gave me a reward of 10,000 starting coins. Thank you very much! The same goes for pampering. He had been giving rewards to Xiao Xi for several months in a row. I am very grateful to Xiao Xi for having someone who supports her like you! And curry, she...she catches me for typos every day (this is a good thing, please continue to help me in the future)!

There are quite a few readers who support me, and the book club has always been very lively. There are always some people whose names I haven’t typed out, but as long as you have appeared in the comment area, voted for a monthly ticket, and given rewards, I will remember them all!

As for January, the most important thing is probably my women’s clothing, right? In order to satisfy readers’ strange XP (no), I dressed up as a woman once, just this once! I'm a boy! Well, as for the repercussions... now I have been deprived of my male gender by everyone...

In short, in this kind of life, I gradually ushered in the end of the first year of publishing this book.

So fast.

Looking back on the past year, it is indeed a year that is difficult to forget and a year worth remembering. So many things happened in this year, each of which has different objections.

The New Year will be here in a few days. Really, thank you all for your continued care this year! Only after I embarked on the path of being an online article author did I understand the hardships here. It’s hard to write, and it’s even harder to persevere with millions of words. I’m able to get to where I am now, not because of how strong I am, but because of your encouragement, and because of my love for Xiao Xi and the others.

Therefore, for the sake of this book, and for those of you who have always supported me during the trough period, I still promise that this book will be completely written! Not a prisoner, not a mess!

In the new year, please continue to take care of us! thank you all!

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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