The desert was filled with yellow sand, and when Yun Xi heard the sound, she sat upright.

She looked at the man who appeared very suddenly and said, "If you could be more patient, I might just walk in."

The fact that the oasis is a trap is just Yun Xi's guess. She actually can't guarantee that her guess is correct, but she is more patient than this man.

The man sat on the ground, his head slightly lowered, but his eyes moved upward. He glanced at Yun Xi but did not answer Yun Xi's words.

Yun Xi didn't try to provoke him, but just looked at the place carefully.

The oasis disappeared and was replaced by a huge open space. Four towering stone pillars grew out of the open space. The stone pillars were widely spaced apart, so the space surrounded by the stone pillars was also very large.

If Yun Xi hadn't seen it with his own eyes, it might have been hard for Yun Xi to imagine that such a large space could only hold such a person. Of course, this person looks like a human being, but in fact he should be a transformed monster.

Yun Xi stared at him carefully. He was wearing a yellow hooded robe. The robe covered his head, but he did not deliberately lower his head very far, so Yun Xi could barely see his face clearly.

A very mediocre face, with some shiny scales on it, like fish scales.

‘Is it a fish demon? ’

Yun Xi made some guesses in her heart.

"You are the first human being I have ever seen who dares to enter Hanjing Abyss with only a minimal amount of spiritual cultivation."

Perhaps seeing that Yun Xi had not spoken any more, this man took the initiative to speak to Yun Xi.

Yun Xi said: "I don't want to come either, but there is a demon among you who is looking for me."

The man nodded. As a great demon in the Luck Spirit Realm, he was also quite familiar with the methods of the demon clan and knew that some demons did have some strange abilities.

He said: "Then you went to the wrong door. It's not me who's looking for you."

"I know, I knew it the moment I saw you."

She didn't lie. The moment she saw this man, Yun Xi felt in her subconscious that "he was not the monster she was looking for." It was like some kind of intuition.

And she didn't doubt the reliability of this intuition.

The man raised his head, and his face looked clearer now. Just like what Yun Xi had just seen, there were indeed some scales very similar to fish scales growing around the corners of his eyes.

He looked at Yun Xi and asked, "What's your name?"

Yun Xi thought for a moment and didn't hide anything: "Yun Xi."

Since her appearance has been seen by these monsters, it actually doesn't matter whether she tells her name or not. In fact, if she can think more and act more cautiously, she can disguise herself and then come here.

It's a pity that there is no if.

The man nodded and asked again: "From the Tianling Alliance?"


"Where were you born?"

"I was born...huh?"

Yun Xi came back to her senses and looked at the other party in confusion: "Why do you ask this?"

The man was silent for a moment and said, "No one has been here for more than three hundred years..."

As a top level monster in the Luck Spirit Realm, he has been locked up alone in the Cold Mirror Abyss for thousands of years. Only every time someone breaks in here by mistake, he has someone he can talk to. Such a life is indeed extremely difficult. .

In fact, it is not that there are no other creatures in this desert, but those creatures are low-level monsters that are used as food for him and do not have the ability to communicate.

Hearing what the man said, Yun Xi couldn't help but feel a little sympathy. These monsters in Hanjing Abyss would be considered monster kings in any mountain range, but they have been locked in the world in the mirror for hundreds of years. They haven't seen each other for thousands of years, and their loneliness can be imagined.

But sympathy is sympathy, and Yun Xi will not try to rescue them, because for humans, once these monster beasts are released, they will bring a huge disaster to the entire heavenly spirit.

Yun Xi said: "I can talk to you, but I need to leave soon."

The man was a little surprised, but he didn't ask meaningless questions like "Aren't you afraid of me?"

He said: "My name is Han Yi, and I am a Han Carp. Before I was imprisoned here, I was a Han Carp beast outside Hanjingyuan..."

Listening to Han Yi's story, Yun Xi gradually understood the situation of the monsters in Hanjing Abyss.

It turns out that the Hanming Mountains are divided into two parts. One is the Hanming Mountains, which is well-known to the world, the largest monster mountain range in Tianling that stretches for thousands of miles; the other is the Hanjingyuan.

Hanjing Abyss is located in the Hanming Mountains, but it is a relatively independent space from the Hanming Mountains. Starting from that abyss, Hanjingyuan is a huge self-created space, and the people living in it are the ancient ferocious beasts. Descendants.

Before Lun Ling, these monster beasts would live on the periphery of Han Jing Abyss. Once they successfully overcome the tribulation, they would be subdued by the strong men of the Tianling Alliance and imprisoned in the mirror deep in Han Jing Abyss.

For the monsters in Hanjing Abyss, they have rarely seen the outside world, and even many monsters do not know what humans look like from birth to death.

The only way for them to leave Han Jingyuan is to sign a contract with humans and become contracted beasts for human spirit masters.

However, the reason why ferocious beasts are ferocious beasts is that they are vicious in nature and extremely difficult to subdue. Therefore, there are many Tianling Spirit Controllers, but few of them can sign Han Jingyuan's monster beasts as their own contract beasts.

Han Yi is a descendant of the ancient Han Li. He is more than 4,000 years old. More than 2,300 years ago, he successfully survived the catastrophe and became a powerful spiritual powerhouse. However, it was also the day when he successfully survived the catastrophe. Trapped in this mirror.

According to Han Yi, the world in each mirror is different in order to seal different monsters.

Just like him, his body is a cold carp, he likes cold and is afraid of fire, likes water and is afraid of drought, so the Tianling Alliance locked him in the desert.

Here, his power will be greatly reduced. If there are not some small beasts living here, and the Tianling Alliance will come here every five hundred years to release their restraints, it may have died in this desert long ago. bingo.

But even so, Han Yi is still having a hard time for more than two thousand and three hundred years. There is no pool that can accommodate his body, so he can only transform into a human form to avoid large-scale exposure to the sun; there is not enough spiritual power here, Therefore, its power needs to be properly controlled, and spiritual power cannot be used unscrupulously to transform all kinds of things.

"...During the two thousand and three hundred years of being imprisoned in Han Jingyuan, I have seen a total of thirty-two people, and you are the thirty-third. Of the thirty-two people in front of me, I ate six."

Hearing this, Yun Xi blinked her eyes. She met Han Yi's calm eyes and asked, "Do you want to eat people again now?"

Han Yi said honestly: "The moment I knew someone came in, I thought about it, but now... I don't think about it anymore."

"Why?" Yun Xi asked curiously.

Han Yi squinted his eyes and thought carefully: "The last time I ate humans, I felt that the taste of humans was not as delicious as those monster beasts. In fact, I no longer wanted to eat humans at that time. It's just that it was so far away from that time. It’s been so long that I’ve forgotten what humans taste like.”

Yun Xi smiled: "Even if you forget, there is nothing you can do. I can't give myself to you."

Han Yi also smiled: "I don't want to eat it now either."

Yun Xi asked: "Why did those thirty-two people you met come to see you?"

"Most of them come to me to sign a contract, and a few of them want to take something from me. Of course, there are also some who break in by mistake."

Perhaps because he had encountered so few humans, Han Yi remembered them very clearly, so he answered quickly.

"Sign a contract?"

Yun Xi was stunned for a moment, and quickly figured out: "Did you sign a contract to become a beast?"

Han Yi nodded and said: "I heard that there is a profession among you humans called spiritual masters. Some spiritually powerful cultivators will come to Han Jingyuan to find me and try to sign a contract with me. Ha! Are they worthy?"

After hearing what Han Yi said, Yun Xi could understand.

Tianling has many spirit masters. For the spirit masters, finding a suitable contracted beast is more important than improving one's own cultivation level.

When it comes to the Tianling territory alone, the most perfect targets are undoubtedly the descendants of the ancient ferocious beasts living in Hanjing Abyss. Their bloodline strength is comparable to that of the ten major Sky Beast clans, and has a very high upper limit. They are the best choice for spirit masters. select.

It's easy to see from Han Yi's performance that these ferocious beasts despise human spirit masters and would rather live alone in this desolate place for thousands of years than submit to others.

Yun Xi thought of Yi Meng in her consciousness. If it weren't for the desire for this world, and if it wasn't for its youth, Yi Meng, a nightmare beast, might not have signed a contract with her.

However, Yun Xi can probably understand from this incident why Han Jingyuan did not completely restrict the entry and exit of outsiders. He must have considered the needs of some spirit masters, right?

Having said so much, Yun Xi has some understanding of Han Yi and Han Jingyuan. In fact, from Han Yi himself, this great demon in the Luck Realm has lived for more than four thousand years, but his past experience is Nothing good to say.

Thousands of years of daily life make it not as exciting as Yun Xi's.

Yun Xi looked at the time for a while. Only half an hour had passed since she entered the mirror. She was not in a hurry, so she didn't mind staying with this lonely old demon for a while longer.

She said: "Since you have told me so much, let me give you something back. In the more than three hundred years since no one came, Tianling has undergone many changes..."

Yun Xi controlled the speed of her speech and told it about the transformation process of Tianling Continent from the agricultural era to the technological era, and described to it the prosperity of Tianling and the colorful life of the people today.

I also told him some of my past experiences, including the Dragon and Phoenix Competition, Hunyuan State, Lingzhong, Fengyun Competition, Tianling Appreciation, Martial Arts Conference...

Her life so far has only been a short period of more than 20 years, but it has been enough to write a multi-million-word novel.

Han Yi would ask curious questions at first when hearing some novel things, but gradually he became quiet and listened to Yun Xi's story without saying a word.

Yun Xi was talking about it, but when she came to her senses and stopped, she realized that she had been talking for several hours.

She smiled slightly apologetically: "I'm sorry, I've been talking for a long time, it's almost time to leave."

Han Yi, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke: "So the Tianling Alliance has changed so much in these years... In fact, every time the Tianling Alliance released me from my bondage, they would take me to the mainland to have a look. I have seen the appearance of the former Tianling."

If the Tianling Alliance wants him to sign a contract with humans, it will naturally try to seduce him with the beauty of the world, but he has never been fooled.

Everyone has their own choices and pursuits, and so do demons.

He asked, "How old are you?"

Yun Xi replied: "Twenty-five."

Twenty-five is not even a fraction of his age, but the time she spends telling stories is several times longer than his.

Yun Xi suddenly thought of something. She touched the storage ring with her fingers, and several streams of light flew out, revealing several books.

"Do you know human writing?" Yun Xi asked.

Han Yi nodded: "I learned it before, but I may have forgotten a lot now, but if I can see those words, I might be able to recall them."

"That will do."

Yun Xi smiled, reached out and gently threw out the book in his hand. His spiritual energy carried the book through the void and stopped in front of Han Yi.

"These are some of the storybooks I have collected. If you find them boring, you can take a look. There are not many of them, so just make do with them."

Han Yi was stunned for a while, and finally reached out and took the books in his hands. He put the stacked books on his lap, opened the top one, and took a few cursory glances.

Like a fish suddenly appearing in a desert that has been dry all year round, the appearance of new things made him sigh and his mood became extremely complicated.

"Thank you."

he said softly.

Yun Xi waved his hand: "It's just a few books, no thanks at all. It's a pity that this is my first time coming to Hanjingyuan, and I don't understand the situation here. If I have a chance next time, I can give it to you Bring more books."

Han Yi opened his mouth, hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded lightly: "Okay."

Yun Xi stood up from the chair, took the things back, and said, "In that case, I'll leave first."

Han Yi put down the book, looked at her quietly, and suddenly said: "When I untied my restraints and left the mirror last time, including me, there were a total of twelve big demons imprisoned in Hanjing Abyss. Did you know that there was someone looking for you? What characteristics?"

Yun Xi was stunned for a moment, then immediately said: "I don't know, but when I was in the Hanming Mountain Range, I would often feel my heart suddenly tightening, which was very painful."

"Sudden heart attack..."

Han Yi thought about it carefully and said: "I can think of only one person who can do this through the layers of formations in Hanjingyuan. It is called Qiongwei. It is located in the mirrors on the right, but specifically in Which side, I don’t know, you can only try your luck yourself.”

Yun Xi was overjoyed when she heard this. It was an unexpected joy to get this answer. She bowed slightly to Han Yi and said sincerely: "Thank you for letting me know!"

Han Yi said calmly: "Just think of these books as a gift in return. You can see the exit of the mirror world behind the stone pillar."

He pointed at the towering stone pillar behind him on the left.


Yun Xi saluted him again and flew towards the back of the stone pillar. Sure enough, after arriving at the stone pillar, Yun Xi saw a water mirror that was exactly the same as what she had seen outside before.

Without hesitation, Yun Xi stepped in and disappeared.

There was no wind blowing in the desert, and everything seemed so quiet.

However, after a pause, there was a slight sound of pages turning.

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