The ball was passed to his teammates fiercely!

Yes, Chen Qi chose to pass the ball. The biggest reason was that after passing two people, he had no angle to shoot.

With the golden entry already triggered, he only had a basic shooting value of more than 70.

Chen Qi was not sure of penetrating the small door of a top goalkeeper like Courtois.

Instead of wasting this offensive opportunity with a high probability, it is better to find teammates and maximize the chance of scoring!

What's more, before passing the ball, Chen Qi had communicated with his teammates...

A simple exchange of eyes!

Orsic already understood his intention!

Timely follow-up helped him get a chance to shoot. Facing Courtois who was waiting for him, he shot directly without pausing...

This shot was highly expected by Croatian fans at the scene!

However, Courtois' reaction was too deadly!

He suddenly went down and sat on the ground, which completely shattered Orsic's idea of ​​​​shooting through the small door.


Orsic held his head with both hands, feeling a little regretful...

Fortunately, hope was not shattered, the ball was not held by Courtois, and Croatia still had a chance to attack.

Look at the left side, a stubborn figure rushed in. This is Croatia's No. 4 player, a 31-year-old veteran who refused to admit defeat, stirring up the defense.

What a coincidence, isn't it? The Belgian defense is also a group of players over 30 years old.

Several people with a combined age of over 100 are fighting in the penalty area!

Chen Qi frowned slightly near the baseline. He couldn't get in at all. How could he help?

Suddenly, bang--

There was a loud noise, and when he looked at the goal again.

The ball had already rushed into the net!

Roar! In the chaos, Perisic, who had accidentally completed the supplementary shot with a random kick, excitedly clenched his fists, rushed to the sidelines, and roared in celebration.

Did the ball go in? Damn!


"You are my God!"

Chen Qi chased after Perisic, looking at this veteran who was a little out of breath when running and whose current value was less than one-third of his peak period (60 million), with infinite emotion in his heart, he shouted that sentence.

After coming to the sidelines and standing still, Perisic directly lifted up his right leg shorts and slapped his strong muscles.

What gushed out was endless anger and the sense of satisfaction after venting!

After the European Cup squad was announced, Perisic also received countless malicious comments... saying that he, a 31-year-old veteran, should not be included in the squad, should give way to young players early, and should not occupy a position...

But now, Perisic wants to tell these keyboard warriors on the Internet: Veterans never die! I am still a big shot in the Croatian national team, you can shut up! Watch the show quietly!

Pa pa pa——

The celebration action of Croatia's No. 4 player "showing off his big legs" caused cheers from many fans.

They either applauded, or roared, or praised Ivan's name!

Modric arrived, smiling, "Ivan! How can I praise you, my old buddy, do you know? Your goal defeated Belgium, my God, it was so wonderful!"

Kovacic said bluntly, "It's so fucking amazing! We once again defeated the game! My good brother, it's all because of you!"

Pasalic nodded, "Ivan, can you tell me how you did it? You scored a goal while defending? It's like a dream!"


Chen Qi jumped on Perisic's back without hesitation.

Raised his arms and shouted, "You are a hero!!!"

Hero? !

These two words deeply touched Perisic.

Yes, in the hearts of Croatian fans, at this moment, he is a well-deserved hero! ! !


It's over!

It's all over!

Is the European Cup over again like this! ?

Not far away, De Bruyne, with his hands on his hips and a complicated expression, looked at the Croatian players celebrating wildly, looked at the glaring scoreboard [Croatia 3-2 Belgium], looked at the fans who left the stadium in anger, and the coach who sat on the bench in disappointment...

He knew in his heart that Belgium's journey in this European Cup had come to an end.

But he was still unwilling.

Thinking of this, De Bruyne's eyes gradually turned red.

In total, he has been wearing a jersey and fighting for the national team for 10 years, but he has only won a championship trophy.

How can we not sigh and feel sad when we haven't won it?

Recalling August 11, 2010, Kevin De Bruyne, who was only 19 years and 44 days old, made his national team debut!

At that time, he was so high-spirited!

The boy vowed to win the first international medal for the national team (Belgium currently has only one Olympic medal)!

Ten years later, the boy has grown into the world's top midfielder!

Super value of 120 million euros!

Gorgeous data of 13 goals and 20 assists in the season!

Perfect vision, top pass, top long shot, one goal, multiple major opportunities... and a series of abilities... Even failed to help the European Red Devils go further.


The fatal whistle sounded.

At this moment, Kevin De Bruyne, a 29-year-old Belgian midfielder, had his dream shattered in Munich, Allianz Arena.

He is a tragic hero!


At this time, a gentle call interrupted the Manchester City midfielder's meditation.

Modric asked tentatively: "Are you okay?"

As a world-class midfielder, Modric understood the feeling of powerlessness in the heart of the Belgian core very well. He also experienced this feeling in the World Cup final two years ago.

"I'm fine!"

"Thank you!"

Although De Bruyne has never been a teammate with Modric, he has a good personality and gets along well with many players. At this moment, he responded politely.

Modric sighed lightly, hugged the sad Belgian midfielder, patted his back gently, and comforted: "Kevin, don't be too sad... Take care of yourself, okay?"

"I will."

De Bruyne nodded silently.

At this time, Chen Qi also expressed his concern and asked: "I like your playing style very much. Although this question is a bit cruel, I still want to ask... Kevin, can I exchange jerseys with you?"

"Of course!"

De Bruyne took off his No. 7 jersey neatly and exchanged it with Chen Qi's No. 26 jersey.

"Thank you!"

Chen Qi really likes De Bruyne as a player. Now he gets the off-field jersey, which is like a treasure!

Later, the few people chatted for a few more words and separated.

Watching the young player go away.

De Bruyne suddenly thought in his heart that this little guy has such a strong shooting ability in the penalty area, so can he talk to Pep and dig him over?

In this way, the team's firepower next season is guaranteed, and he can be much more relaxed!

After all, Sterling is too nervous...

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