The director of the broadcasting department likes Chen Qi, who is the favorite player of the broadcaster. Because he is brave enough, he can become the focus! His face-slapping action was caught by three cameras, amplified, and played on the big screen at the scene. Kakakaka---

He is also the favorite player of the media at the scene, because he is arrogant enough and can create a lot of traffic. However, he is not the favorite of the English and the fans who support the Three Lions. At this moment, Chen Qi has aroused public outrage. He has not only become the object of jealousy of the people at the scene, but also the object of scorn of the local fans and the people of England. In an instant, the boasting at the scene became louder, and most of them were rushing to the young players. Beep---

The game is officially over.

Zhan Jun sighed: "Congratulations to Croatia for winning the first group match. They defeated the biggest favorite of this European Cup - England!"

Zhang Lu continued: "That's right. Since the 2018 World Cup, the checkered army has brought many surprises to everyone. When everyone thought that this aging team would become a fallen leaf, there would always be heroes who stood up and told the world about their heroic deeds. It was a wonderful game..."

Roar! Roar! Roar!

After winning the first goal, all the Croatian players rushed to the court and formed a circle near the center circle.

With their hands on their shoulders, they jumped and roared.

Celebrate the victory!

The English players not far away were stunned... Bellingham, who originally wanted to exchange jerseys with Modric, immediately gave up this idea.

Although he had a dream of playing for Real Madrid, he wanted to establish a good friendship with the big guys of Real Madrid.

However, the biggest contributor to the comeback was the Real Madrid boss!

Exchanging jerseys at this time?

I'm afraid you're too old? !


Post-match interview area.

With his blond hair loose on both sides, Modric, holding the best player trophy, had a hard time suppressing his smile.

Reporter: Luka, what do you think of winning the best player of the game?

Modric said modestly: "This honor is not mine, but the honor of the team. What is certain is that without everyone's efforts, we would not have taken the precious three points. Now with these three points, I believe we can go further in the European Cup."

Reporter: Luka, what is your goal for this European Cup?

Modric: I just said, go further!

Reporter: Luka, many people say that Chen's celebration action is too much, mainly provocative, and his character is very bad. What do you think?

As soon as the words fell, Modric's face suddenly changed, the corners of his mouth softened, and the enthusiasm in his tone disappeared, replaced by endless indifference.

The Croatian captain stared at the camera intently, not answering the question, but speaking to all the fans who asked these questions in their hearts.

He said: "Chen has a good personality! I don't think there is any problem, he just expresses too much, never likes to hide his emotions, he is a very emotional player, I like to be friends with such people... As for the character you mentioned? Haha! If you don't understand others, please don't point fingers, thank you!"


After speaking, the Croatian captain, who fiercely defended his younger brother, ruthlessly pushed the camera away and walked out of the interview area.

He opened his arms and hugged Chen Qi and others who hurried over to the court.

The media reporters who were stunned were still trying to digest the information in this passage.


"Let's go! Let's go clubbing!"

"Why are you going? Aren't you tired from playing the game today? Let's go back to the hotel and sleep!"

"Tsk, tsk, are you kidding? It's such a nice night, why are you sleeping? Let's go and find some beauties to talk about life!"

"Brother, don't do that. I'm married!"

"Who called you? I called Chen, little guy. Let's go together?"


Buzz! On the bus, Chen Qi opened his mouth and was about to answer. The steel behemoth carrying them suddenly stopped. Everyone tilted their bodies, and countless unknown liquids appeared on the front window.

Yellow liquid, brown liquid, black liquid, green liquid...all kinds of messy things came from all directions.

The bus, which looked very clean, turned into a graffiti car in just over ten seconds.

This aroused the anger of the players on the bus.

Perisic cursed directly: "Asshole! What's going on? Who is behind this?"


A stone broke through the window near the back seat of the car!

It rolled down to Chen Qi's feet.

It was obviously heading for him.

The chirping noise came in through the broken window.

-[Fuck! ]

-[Let you be arrogant, this is England, you assholes! ]

-[Go, go, go, retreat...]

At the same time, the alarm sounded throughout the street, and the driver chose to call the police as soon as he encountered the accident.

The nearby police arrived late, but did not catch the culprit. The nearby surveillance was destroyed, so they had to close the case hastily.

After returning to the hotel, Dalic issued a death order, "During the European Cup, no player is allowed to go out privately. If they go out for something, they must report to me and must be accompanied by staff. Those who violate this will be kicked out of the national team and will never be hired again!"

Dalić's toughness is more for the players. He is very worried that extreme fans will do something illegal.

This is just a measure to protect the players... In fact, it is more to protect Chen Qi, because this young player who scored 1 goal, created 1 penalty kick, and instigated 1 goal in the first game of the European Cup is too black!

However, no matter what, this is a player of his Croatian national team. As long as he does not do anything that is not conducive to the national team, he should be protected to the end like Modric!


In the room, Chen Qi explained the current situation to Chen Jianguo and others.

I had no choice but to turn down the dinner with my family.

Chen Jianguo and others understood this very well.

Lacafat and Victor also said that they could get together next time and there was no rush.

While Gwadiol was washing up, Chen Qi opened his data panel and counted the negative emotions of this game.

[The first round of the 2020 European Cup group stage is over. Congratulations on getting a total of 3320 negative emotions in this game. ]

[MVP of this game: Southgate! ]

[He contributed 1021 negative emotions alone, and is the best player! ]

[Please keep it up! ]

It was Nanmen? Chen Qi was a little surprised. It seemed that this English gentleman had a lot of hatred and hostility towards him!

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