The weather was very bad, but the weather was very bad.

Because the environment was very bad this time, Cheng Xu was worried that he would be infected after the antibacterial benefits on his body disappeared.

So he spent 3 sets of reinforcement materials to strengthen the door, window, and sewer, respectively, so that the passage connecting his house to the outside world had a strong sterilization function.

He planned to save the remaining materials for emergency use.

For the remaining 2 props self-selection boxes, Cheng Xu chose a "Rescue Supplies Replenishment Card" and "Vigorous Vine".

"Rescue Supplies Replenishment Card", as the name suggests, can replenish a large amount of rescue supplies for Cheng Xu, including food, water, medical supplies, sleeping bags, survival tools and the like.

"Vigorous Vine" is another prop that can be grown.

"Vigorous vines"

"It can devour corpses, decaying matter, soil nutrients, and increase the user's upper limit of physical strength"

This thing is a good thing for Cheng Xu, who relies heavily on skills.

Although Cheng Xu does not know how much physical strength it can provide at present, it is still promising in the future.

Cheng Xu placed the hot spring in his bathtub, intending to take a bath after eating something.

As a result, when Cheng Xu turned on the faucet and wanted to get some water, the sound of mucus surging came from the water pipe...


Then, green mucus gushed out of his faucet.

Cheng Xu was quick-witted and quickly turned off the faucet, then took a basin to scoop water from the hot spring.

"I see... No wonder Tengjia came down to tell me the right choice even if his salary was deducted..."

This made Cheng Xu even more curious, how much did Tengjia buy in the casino to win...

The filthy things quickly melted when they came into contact with the hot spring water, and the stench soon disappeared.

For safety, Cheng Xu washed all the pots and pans with hot spring water, and wiped the kitchen with a towel. Finally, he was still a little worried, so he used a spray bottle filled with hot spring water to disinfect the whole family.

After doing all this, Cheng Xu lay in the hot spring water, feeling the warmth and moisture of the spring water.

Crystal scales have appeared on his body, mainly concentrated on the abdomen and chest, and it feels like glass to the touch.

"Is the end of this game really to become a god..."

Cheng Xu's thoughts drifted unconsciously, which made his mind relax, and he fell asleep unconsciously leaning against the bathtub.

He slept for four hours, and when his body felt uncomfortable, he slowly woke up, and his skin was already wrinkled.

Cheng Xu hurriedly got up, dried his body, went to the toilet, and flushed with hot spring water.

"Wait a minute, if they don't have clean water, can I sell the hot springs in exchange for something..."

After all, everyone has experienced the fighting in the first game, and the possibility of fighting each other when they meet has decreased a lot. Many people should become more cautious about their lives.

Those who can survive to the second round are either smart people, combat freaks, or smart combat freaks.

After all, the official rules have not been released yet, and no one knows what this world will become.

"Setting up a store in a survival game... Can I afford the price?"

The spring generated by the prop cannot be moved under normal circumstances. Only Cheng Xu himself can move it, and the spring water is basically impossible to be stolen.

But the biggest consequence of opening a store is that it will become the target of public criticism, and some people with ulterior motives will take the initiative to cause trouble.

"It's better to keep a low profile... After all, this is a survival game, and I'm not the kind of person who is greedy for wealth."

Cheng Xu packed up his clothes, put on his armor again, put on normal clothes, and began to count his food.

He still had a lot of food left from the early stages of the first round of the survival game, mainly canned beef, with 14 cans left, enough for Cheng Xu to eat for 14 days.

There was also some bread from Zhang Fen, but not much, only seven or eight packs. At that time, Cheng Xu just took some as a snack out of interest.

"Food is also a problem. Although there is emergency food, if it is not enough, I will have to use spring water as a trading item..."

Cheng Xu sorted out the various supplies and put them away, then lay on his bed and fell asleep again.

When the eighth hour came, Cheng Xu sat up instinctively, but found that the bell did not ring.

"...I can't sleep anyway, so I might as well take a look at the specific situation outside the window and make an exploration plan..."

Cheng Xu

He got up quickly, took the "four-layer group" that was left with only himself as his record book, and began to record.

First, he opened the cover of his bedroom glass, and outside was right next to the corpse landfill.

Cheng Xu took a few photos, and then reinstalled the protective plate to avoid being discovered by the monster.

Opposite the bedroom was a breeding farm, where there were nothing else but a group of fat-filled, fat-looking humans.

The group of humans seemed to have no "gender" distinction, and there were no identifiable features on their bodies, only fat accumulated like swimming rings.

Cheng Xu couldn't even be sure if these guys were human.

"Maybe they are not human, after all, those in the landfill next to them are not similar to them at all..."

Cheng Xu walked to the kitchen again and found that it was facing the livestock shed of the ranch, and more than a dozen fat-filled humanoid livestock were lying in it, making low roars.

"Puff... Wow..."

A humanoid animal suddenly began to excrete, a stream of green pus gurgled down, and then flowed along the ditch into the puddle next to it...

"It turns out that the water in the water dungeon is all the excrement of these guys..."

Cheng Xu felt more and more disgusted, so he simply installed a protective plate and vowed never to open it again.

Cheng Xu opened the window protective plate in the living room, took a simple photo and closed it to avoid being seen by the green skinny creature again.

Cheng Xu began to type text as his own record.

"Cheng Xu: Rather than saying this is a water dungeon, it's more like a livestock shed."

"Cheng Xu: We are probably all food, or our corpses are food, so it's not a landfill at all, but a livestock feed processing station?"

"Cheng Xu: The green monster is probably the manager of the ranch, and those guys covered in fat are probably "livestock""

"Cheng Xu: I don't know if these guys are very aggressive, and I don't know how serious the pollution they bring..."

"Cheng Xu: Occasionally recording like this feels like writing a diary"

"It's a pity that I don't know what month and day it is today..."

After recording all this, Cheng Xu changed the name of the group from "Fourth Floor Group" to "Record Book".

"There is no one on the fourth floor, and I don't live on the fourth floor anymore... I don't know if I will have a chance to go back."

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