The current leader of the port mafi, a man who is called a tyrant by the whole of Yokohama.

He made Yokohama even more miserable after the war. Although it is undeniable that he also brought benefits to Yokohama when he was young, he brought disaster to the people of Yokohama when he was old and seriously ill.

So the dark night of Yokohama needs a new master!

Tap, tap, tap.

Footsteps sounded in the empty corridor, and a person came from a distance.

Mori Ogai walked to the door of the leader's office with a medical box, followed by his assistant Ryougi Shiki, and a young boy Dazai Osamu.

After checking Mori Ogai's personal belongings, the guard let him go after confirming that there was no problem. The guard nodded to Mori Ogai and opened the door for him.

Mori Ogai thanked the guard and entered the door.

The heavy door closed behind him.

Mori Ogai walked to the leader's side and waited quietly.

The sick leader lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling with bloodshot eyes. The leader's throat made an unclear sound, and his hands tightly grasped the bed sheet, his fingertips turning pale from the force he was holding on to.

It was as if he was making a final struggle.

"Dr. Mori………"

"Yes, Chief."

As always, the personal doctor responded immediately when the chief called.

"Go kill them!"

"Anyone who dares to disobey me……"

"Kill them all!"

"No matter who I am, I am the master of Yokohama!"

"This is my Yokohama... It belongs to me!"

The tyrant's personal doctor suddenly raised his head, his purple eyes became colder and colder, just like the snow in Siberia.

He raised his hand silently.

A scalpel appeared in his hand silently.

"Yokohama is not yours alone, Chief."

Mori Ogai's purple eyes turned dark, and the blade was against the tyrant's neck.

"Mori Ogai! How dare you betray me!"Xian Dai looked at the private doctor in front of him in disbelief, as if he was meeting him for the first time.


I have never been loyal, so how can I betray you ?———!!!

Blood splashed onto the wall in a line.

The tyrant's pupils almost shrank into vertical strips, his trachea was cut open, he couldn't speak, he tried hard to make a sound. Unfortunately, he could only make a hoarse roar. He stared at Mori Ogai with resentment.

If eyes could kill, Mori Ogai would have been killed thousands of times.

But unfortunately, he lost miserably.

It is God's business to judge sinners, and it is our responsibility to send him to see God. He should not be able to go to heaven, he should be dragged to hell by the wronged souls of the past.

The tyrant who caused countless tragedies in Yokohama ended his life silently on this bed at this moment.

The current leader of the Port Mafia, Death.

The black-haired doctor with blood on his face turned around, with a twisted smile on his lips, looking at the two young men behind him.

"The leader's condition worsened just now, and I performed a tracheotomy on him. But he was unable to recover, and left a will to pass the throne to me, and you are the notary public.①"

Two young men stood behind him, looking at him in silence.

"Is it okay?"

In the dimness and depression, Dazai Osamu's iris-colored eyes were dull and lifeless, and the mud was turning in between. He remained the same, sitting motionless on the chair.

Ryougi Shiki took a step forward and blocked Mori Ogai behind him. In Ryougi Shiki's eyes, an ugly cursed spirit quickly expanded at the moment of the leader's death. Perhaps it noticed Ryougi Shiki's gaze, and the cursed spirit looked at Ryougi Shiki.

At the position of the ceiling above his head, the cursed spirit's gaze intersected with Shiki's upward gaze. There was no exchange of language, not even a common language.

Shiki drew a short knife from the inside of his coat. The blade is six inches wide, and it is more of a weapon with only the blade than a knife.

The cursed spirit roared and attacked Shiki.

Before that, Shiki saw the cursed spirit. Two on the feet and one on the vest. A little to the left of the center of the chest

-A dead cross section was definitely seen. If you want to snipe, it's best to snipe near the chest.

That means instant death. This cursed spirit can be an illusion or something else. As long as the opponent is alive, I will kill him even if he is a god.

Shiki raised the dagger with his right hand. He held the hilt with his backhand and sniped the opponent in the air.

His empty left hand grasped the void. He pulled back, and the cursed spirit shortened the distance with Shiki. The cursed spirit's expression changed. It used all its strength to knock its will towards Shiki. If it were expressed in a common language, its cry would probably be like this.

Fall down.

Completely ignoring its complaints, Shiki replied in a terrifying voice..

"You're the one who's going to fall."

The dagger was stabbed into the chest of the rapidly falling cursed spirit. It was as neat as cutting fruit, without any bleeding. Under the impact of the dagger piercing through the chest and back, the cursed spirit remained motionless, only twitching slightly.

The body of the cursed spirit brushed past the guardrail and fell silently.

It dissipated as it fell.

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