Then - the sound from across the corridor was getting closer

"Sister Hongye."I greeted Ozaki Hongye,"It seems that Nakahara Chuuya has been assigned to you. I thought it would be Dazai."

Ozaki Hongye nodded slightly at me as a response. She looked me up and down,"It seems that your trip to Tokyo was not bad." There was a smile in her eyes, and there seemed to be waves flowing in her eyes.

""It's OK!" I responded to Ozaki Koba,"But I'm still used to living in Yokohama."


"Ahhhhh! You!"

The boy's cry filled the corridor. We looked at the two in surprise.


Why do you think I asked you to join the Port Mafia?" Dazai Osamu forced Nakahara closer to Chuuya with an angry voice.

"You are my dog!

If my feet itch, you have to scratch them.

If I want to eat soba noodles, you have to tie up the soba noodle maker.

If I want to watch a show, you have to perform for me.

This is your job!

What is this for you? You are directly under Sister Hongye's command? Are you rising to the top? Is everything smooth sailing? Young people, start from the bottom!

You little creature!


"Shut up, you bastard! I joined the mafia on my own will, I don't want to be your subordinate or your dog! Who cares what you think!" Zhongyuan Zhong roared,"And I checked afterwards, the button of the video game machine I was operating became ineffective because the drink was spilled on it! It's an invalid competition! That kind of thing doesn't count at all.!"………①

"Is that so? If it's Dazai, then it's very possible!" I propped my chin with my hand and made a thinking gesture.

""Ah——ha——?Are you playing dirty tricks? Chuuya? Shiki, why are you defending this guy? It's only your first day meeting him!

He's really a dark little man!

"Dazai Osamu heard what I said and yelled in dissatisfaction,"Are you playing dirty tricks? Chuuya? Do you have evidence to prove that I used illegal means? Or did you know that I was going to send the newsletter with 'This Week's Cheating Chuuya' to everyone in Hong Kong Black, so you wanted to help me provide news materials for the new issue??"

"Wait, what is Dazai's 'this week's deadbeat Chuuya'? How come I don't know about it? Didn't he just come today?"I was a little confused. Is Dazai so quick? I thought the newspaper about Nakahara Chuuya was edited after Nakahara Chuuya joined. So it was so early?

"Ah! Because it’s fun, and shouldn’t Chuuya thank me for raising his profile in the organization? He should be grateful to me! Dazai Osamu took the time to explain to me.

" Who wants to help you do that... Wait, wait! When I joined the Ganghei to say hello, everyone's smiles were very subtle. Is that why?"

Looking at the two boys who kept swearing at each other, Mori Ogai, Ozaki Koba, who were helplessly watching the scene, looked at each other.

"New leader, is it really okay for these two to join the same organization?" Ozaki Momiji asked Mori Ogai.

"I don't think so, they are really noisy." I pressed my throbbing temple,"If this happens every day, I think I will go crazy. Boss, why don't you reconsider it." What's the difference between this and having a hundred ducks quacking around you?

"No problem, Ms. Momiji, Shiki."Mori Ogai smiled. It's good that we are in the same organization."

Mori Ogai looked at the black hat that Nakahara Chuuya was holding in his hand.

This was the black hat that Mori Ogai gave to Nakahara Chuuya as a gift on the day he officially joined the Port Mafia.

"What? A black hat?"

A few days ago, in the chief's office on the top floor of the port building, Nakahara Chuuya was looking at the top hat.

"It's a symbol of joining the mafia. It's the initiation ceremony." Mori Ogai, who was standing opposite Nakahara Chuuya, said with a smile."In the mafia, the person who persuades the new member to join is usually responsible for taking care of the person. There is a custom of buying a thing that can be carried with the person as a symbol of this. I gave Dazai-kun a black jacket and the style is Doujikiri Yasutsuna. This is for you."

Nakahara Chuuya turned the hat over and over to examine it carefully."Although the taste is okay...but the jacket Dazai is wearing is new, and the sword in Ryougi's hand is Doujikiri Yasutsuna. Why is mine the only one bought at a second-hand store? Is it because of lack of funds?"

"This is not from a second-hand store. "Mori Ogai said with a wry smile. He looked a little helpless,"This is the relic sorted out from Randou-kun."

Nakahara Chuuya looked at Mori Ogai with some surprise. Then he carefully took the hat and looked at it again.

"Almost all of Randou-kun's belongings were destroyed and thrown away, but I looked through them all before that." Mori Ogai said, leaning back on his desk."Two months before the incident, he seemed to have investigated his previous mission. And left a traceable record. It was about which secret research institute he had infiltrated, the whereabouts of his partner, and - some government-preserved investigation record reports on 'Arabato'."

Nakahara Chuuya stared straight at Mori Ogai, as if he was judging the truth of this sentence, but Mori Ogai maintained a misty smile that did not allow people to see the depths, and began to continue the conversation.

"Lan Tangjun didn't get much information about this, but even so, he had more or less grasped some clues. The research institute he had sneaked into was a research institute that combined superpowers with biological organisms to conduct military research. In other words, it was a research institute that studied artificial superpowers."

"Military...artificial superpowers?" Nakahara Chuuya's brain was a little out of control. He didn't understand how it was related to the military.

" ‘The name"Arabato" was given by the people who witnessed the explosion eight years ago."Arabato" was called"Test Work A-258" in the research institute.’"

Nakahara Chuuya's eyes widened.

After confirming Nakahara Chuuya's reaction, Mori Ogai opened the drawer of the desk and took out the envelope. He showed the envelope to Nakahara Chuuya,"This is the information about 'Arabato'. Of course, there are other things written in it."

"Is this the truth?" Nakahara Chuuya unconsciously stretched out his hands towards the envelope."Is my life story in here?"

However, when he was about to touch the envelope, Mori Ogai pulled the envelope away from him.

Nakahara Chuuya looked at Mori Ogai in confusion.

""I'm sorry, but I can't show you these things for now!" Mori Ogai said to Chuuya with a smile."These materials should have been destroyed after Randou-kun's death. Therefore, they cannot be simply made public. Only those who are above the cadre level in Hong Kong Black can view this."

Nakahara Chuuya looked at Mori Ogai quietly. Time passed silently between the two of them.

"So is this asking me to produce results?" Nakahara Chuuya said,"Is this a measure taken because you are worried that I will betray you??"

"I'm not worried about that. After all, I still believe in Chuuya-kun." Mori Ogai smiled like a teacher."You are the one who should be worried."


"I'm worried about Dazai-kun. No matter which one of you is very good, from what I've observed, your strengths are almost the same. But Dazai-kun, who works directly under the leader, will become an officer earlier. And there's also Shiki, who joined before you and is also a very good kid. But she and Dazai-kun almost grew up together! If she becomes an officer first, Dazai-kun, please ask Shiki to lend him the information for reference, and then memorize the information and burn it!"

Nakahara Chuuya's face suddenly turned ugly. He seemed to be aware of the terrible future.

"Diamonds can only be polished with diamonds."Mori Ogai smiled with satisfaction."With the contributions of the two of you, the organization will be at peace. Even without violence, terror and killing, you can surpass the original leader. I want to prove this point."

Nakahara Chuuya couldn't tell what kind of mood he was in, listening to Mori Ogai's words

""I," said Nakahara Chuuya, in a voice that seemed to be squeezed out with great effort.

He gently placed his hands behind his back, and the wound seemed to still hurt.

"I used to be the leader of 'Sheep'.

However, all I brought to my companions was dependence and the opposite uneasiness.

Ryougi Shiki said that I was not suitable to be the leader, and also told me that 'Sheep' was not an organization.

She said that the relationship between 'Sheep' and me was like a domino, fragile.

Now I join your organization and follow your orders.

I am not so dissatisfied yet.

But tell me one thing: what is the leader of the organization?"

Facing Nakahara Chuuya's serious eyes, Mori Ogai suddenly hid his smile. He closed his eyes and opened them again. He remembered the night when he invited Ryougi Shiki to join. The boy and the girl had the same confusion. He answered the girl's question before, and now he will answer the boy's question again.

Mori Ogai's eyes were as pure as that night, and he said

"The so-called leader is at the top of the organization and is also the slave of the entire organization. If it is for the survival and interests of the organization, I will happily immerse myself in all kinds of filth. Train subordinates, put them in the most appropriate positions, and discard them if necessary. If it is for the organization, I will gladly implement it no matter how ruthless it is. This is the leader. Everything he does……"

Mori Ogai looked to the side and looked at the street outside the French window.

"Everything we do is to protect the organization and this cherished city."

Zhongyuan Chuuya listened to Mori Ogai's words, and a new look appeared on his face. His eyes began to firm up.

"This is... what I lack."

Zhongyuan Zhongye knelt on one knee, lowered his head, and then said in a firm voice

"Then this passion will be dedicated to you, the leader. Protect this organization that you have become a slave to support, become your slave to crush the enemy. Then let the enemy experience it. Those who despise the Port Mafia will be crushed by the cruel gravity."………②

Mori Ogai looked at Nakahara Chuuya, who was kneeling on one knee with his head bowed, paying him the highest courtesy.

A smile completely different from usual appeared on his face, a normal smile that humans would show when they were happy.

Mori Ogai then said only one sentence,"I am looking forward to it."………②

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