Only five people knew that the flag was still alive, namely Dazai Osamu, Nakahara Chuuya, Mori Ogai, me, and Karasawa. In the eyes of others, the idiots had been killed by Verlaine.

In order to prevent people from noticing that the idiots were still alive, Dazai Osamu proposed to hold a fake funeral, and the parties involved had no objection.

So in the church, everyone wore black clothes, bowed their heads and remained silent. The young men in the choir wore red robes and sang loudly and gently to mourn the dead. In the center of the wide and silent church, there were five coffins. It can be seen that the coffins were very high-end and covered with black cloth. The family members next to them were crying. Nakahara

Chuuya was sitting on the bench.

When Adam came into the church, he shouted:"Hello!" He found Nakahara Chuuya's position, walked over and said,"Mr. Chuuya, I'm here to pick you up."

In order not to be covered by the voice of the choir, he raised his voice.

Sure enough, Adam didn't know how to judge the occasion, and he didn't understand human emotions. No matter how much artificial intelligence develops, it can't understand why humans are sad for the dead, nor the fetters between people.

"Shut up, the funeral is going on."

Zhong Yuan Zhong didn't look at him, staring at the coffin and answered in a low voice.

"How does it feel to attend your own funeral? The pianist and the public relations officer hid in the dark, watching the funeral in front of them.

"How should I put it? It feels strange. He is still alive, but a funeral is being held. The PR officer shrugged,"But it's great that he is still alive."

While the PR officer was talking to the pianist, Nakahara Chuuya and Adam were still communicating.

"You shut up, the funeral is going on." Zhongyuan Zhong didn't look at him, staring at the coffin and answered in a low voice.

Adam thought for a moment and said,"I understand. I have news about Wei Erlaine.."

"We'll talk about it later." Nakahara Chuuya frowned.

Adam observed him for a while and said,"How about some chocolate??"

"I told you to talk later!" Nakahara Chuuya yelled, the floor shook, and the others looked over.

"Chuuya's acting is good, he can become an actor with you."The pianist saw the scene of Chuuya Nakahara arguing with Adam and made a joke.

"I think so too. It is also suitable for Chinese. The public relations officer agreed with a smile.

""I understand," Adam replied,"So how many minutes later is 'after'?"

Nakahara Chuuya took a breath and lowered his voice:"This is why I don't want to cooperate with you. Don't you understand? This is a funeral, the funeral of my friend, everyone is dead, and only I am left. If Shi hadn't arrived in time, they would have been shattered like the group of guards in the leader's office-it's all my fault, I have to send them off, otherwise they will hate me." 1

Adam said:"Don't worry, Mr. Chuuya. After the life activities stop, the living things will not resent anyone."

"What did you say!"

Nakahara Chuuya stood up and grabbed Adam by the collar, and there was a noise around him. Nakahara Chuuya was not acting, he was really angry. Why could someone not feel the emotions of the person involved and seriously add fuel to the fire? No, Adam is not a human, he is a machine. But it is still impossible to calm his anger.

If it weren't for Ryougi Shiki, everyone in the flag society would have really died. Because of Nakahara Chuuya.

Just as Nakahara Chuuya clenched his fists and wanted to hit him,"Forget it, Chuuya." A guest sitting next to him suddenly said.

"The Investigator is right. The dead no longer have any feelings. Funerals and revenge are all for the living.

It was Mori Ogai, who had an overwhelming aura of a ruler."Chuuya, take action. Before the next dead person appears - you said you have information about Verlaine, right, Investigator?" Mori Ogai looked at Adam, and the black mud in his eyes surged.

"Yes, please tell me how many minutes I have to wait, about five minutes?" Adam replied.

"It doesn't take five minutes. Verlaine can't wait that long. We have already suffered a lot because of the 'Assassination King' Verlaine. Flag Association has died, and my secretary Ryougi Shiki is still in a coma because of him." Mori Ogai said in a gentle tone,"We don't have much time."

"……"Adam was silent, he was thinking.

Nakahara Chuuya did not give him time to think, he grabbed Adam's arm and walked out the door:"You can't talk here, come with me."

Adam obeyed the order and followed Nakahara Chuuya's steps out of the church.

They stopped when they came to an open space a few meters away from the church.

Nakahara Chuuya turned around and looked at Adam and said:"Toy boy, I don't like it at all. But in order to deal with Weilun, I need your help. So I agree to act with you. But I have a request, that is, you must obey my orders and put my orders first. Otherwise, I will not act with you"

"Do you want to adjust your permissions to the primary permissions?"

"That's right.

Adam thought about it for a while and agreed.

"Acknowledge the order and adjust Lord Chuuya to the first authority of this machine." He knelt on one knee and bowed his head to Nakahara Chuuya."Lord Chuuya has now been reset to the highest level commander of this machine. Please give orders at any time."

"Is that all?" Nakahara Chuuya showed a surprised look.

"Yes, according to this machine, Lord Chuuya will not give orders that will embarrass this machine. Lord Chuuya is a good person."

Nakahara Chuuya covered his face and sighed deeply:"Who said that the mafia is a good person?! And what kind of a name is Lord Chuuya??"

"The initial name for the person with the highest authority"

"Can you change this name?"

"Sorry, Master Chuuya. Cannot be changed"

"That's it, let's talk about Verlaine now." Nakahara Chuuya showed a disgusted expression.

Adam wanted to help Nakahara Chuuya relieve his emotions, so he took out a chewing gum:"Proper sweets can relieve people's emotions. Do you want some, Lord Chuuya?"


So Adam tore open the package and swallowed it himself, swallowed it...

Nakahara Chuuya looked at him with strange eyes:"Who taught you?"

"This machine discovered it by itself. Has Master Chuuya changed his mind?" Adam handed him the gum again.

"No, I don't need it." Nakahara Chuuya covered his eyes, unable to watch this operation directly,"Let's continue talking about Verlaine."

Adam began to talk about Verlaine's intelligence.

Verlaine is an assassin, and he is also wanted by two countries, so he needs to enter the country in disguise, but because he is a lone ranger, he needs to entrust a smuggling company to handle the procedures for him.

Adam swallowed a piece of gum as he spoke. Nakahara Chuuya looked at him and groaned softly. Adam looked at him with a little worry.

Most smuggling businesses are related to Mafia, and the largest mafia organization in Yokohama is the Port Mafia. Verlaine will not use Mafia's salesmen, so as long as the Japanese police's list of smugglers is compared with the list of smugglers managed by the Mafia, he can be found.

Nakahara Chuuya asked Adam curiously:"How did you find these lists?"

Adam replied:"I hacked into the system and found the practitioners who assisted Verlaine."

"Did you interrogate him?"

"No, if I treated him roughly, Verlaine would find out. But I found out that Verlaine had commissioned his practitioner and supplier to purchase three items."

"A hiding place??"

"Unfortunately, Verlaine didn't tell anyone about this. But we have a clue for our next move. First of all, this." Adam took out a photo of a birch branch as thick as a wrist.

"Is this the iconic item that Shiki mentioned was left in the chief's office?"

" Yes, this is Verlaine's work signature. After killing someone, he would leave this carved cross, and he purchased five birch branches. One of them was found at the scene of the billiard bar."

"In other words, there are still three more targets to go?" Nakahara Chuuya frowned..

"Yes, according to our investigation, Weilun got two other things from the supplier, one is a pass to the auto parts equipment factory, and the other is an old model of blue folding mobile phone. He took out the photo

"Does Master Chuuya have any idea?"

"Factory... I know who it is."1

"Toy boy, let's go." Nakahara Chuuya pulled Adam and ran towards the destination.

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