Chapter 1039 CC’s Growth


As soon as he opened the door, Yui wearing a white dress instantly plunged into Xie Ming’s arms. Both hands, clinging to his clothes, did not loosen them.

“Huh? What happened to Yui?”

Some Xie Ming squatted down instantly and gently stroked Yui’s long hair, who did not reflect, “What happened?”

“Also asked what happened…”

Angrily stepped on the tiles and made a sound of ‘Da Da’, and a white palm directly grabbed Xie Ming’s collar and directly picked him up. In the amber pupils with tears in them, in addition to anger, there is a trace of undissipated suspense landing.

“Do you know how we felt when you handed over the ownership of Yui to me at that time!?”


Now, Xie Ming remembered. At that time, in the space-time tunnel, thinking that he was bound to die, and when he was preparing to change the limit, Xie Ming transferred the ownership of Yui to CC. After all, Yui is his own spirit, and if he dies, Yui will disappear with him.

As a follower of CC, even if she died, she would be safe. Instead, they will inherit their own number 23333, as well as all the props and equipment in their portable space.

It can be said that Xie Ming had clearly arranged his funeral at that time, and was afraid that others would not know the rhythm of his imminent death. But after successfully getting out of trouble, he couldn’t contact the two of them because of the problems caused by the turbulence of time and space.

Afterwards, several years passed on the plane of Xuezhan City, and the wave after wave of events naturally made this incident be forgotten.

It’s no wonder that the witch who is not good at expressing her feelings in front of her will show such excitement in front of her.

How should Xie Ming answer her question? How to explain?

No matter what, he couldn’t explain it, because his behavior really made him worry about the existence of his family. But even if it was another time, he would still make that choice.

Therefore, at this time, instead of using words to explain, it is better to use actions to express.

Gently hugging her and Yui into his arms, Xie Ming said with a bitter smile.

“Sorry, and…”

“I am back.”


In fact, CC and Yui are not very complaining about Xie Ming, the most important thing is the anger caused by worry. After all, both of Xie Ming’s character understood that Xie Ming was injured because of such things and fell into a desperate situation. It was not a matter of once or twice.

The main reason is that they are angry with themselves. Because they couldn’t keep up with Xie Ming’s footsteps, and they couldn’t face the risk of taking responsibility together with Xie Ming. Therefore, they can only worry about uselessness here.

In fact, at the moment when Xie Ming’s collar was pulled up, CC had already regretted it. But the anger in her heart still made her say something that was not like her style. She didn’t expect that she could still have such a excited emotion.

I thought that the long time would have wiped out these things.

From this point, is it a good thing?

“What a shit.”

CC couldn’t help but complain. But his face remained the same, listening to Xie Ming calmly about his experience during this period.

“In short, that’s it…”

Gently stroking Yui’s head, who was unwilling to let go, Xie Ming smiled bitterly and said: “My adventure this time is a good thing. At least I know what the Sprite Clan’s attitude toward me is.”

“It’s better to be detonated before the danger than to give me a fatal blow at the most unsuitable moment.”

Of course, Xie Ming is talking about outcome theory. But even if Yui and CC knew this, they wouldn’t break it. Originally, this man just returned from a catastrophe. Are the two of them still adding chaos to him and making him trouble?

Under the pressure, whether it is Xie Ming or Yui and CC, it is the same. Even Xie Ming bears more pressure and responsibilities than them.

The so-called family members need to understand and care for each other, respect and tolerate each other. Instead of forcibly intervening when the family makes their own choices, or adding chaos to the family when they return from exhaustion.

That way, no matter how many alliances and each other, your feelings will be exhausted because of your willfulness and mischief.

Sometimes, people just don’t know how to write or pronounce the four words ‘just enough’.

But CC and Yui are still very clear. If you can’t help, then at least don’t make trouble. However, appropriate willfulness and revenge can indeed enhance the relationship between the two.

“I want to eat pizza.”

Suddenly, CC came up with such a sentence.


Xie Ming was stunned for a moment, and listened to me so much, what do you think?

“I want to eat pizza.”

CC’s amber pupils stared at Xie Ming calmly: “Now, immediately.”

“…What kind of flavor?”

“Give me a copy of all flavors.”

“Can you finish eating…”

“It’s my business to eat or not to finish it.” A trace of badness appeared in CC’s eyes: “But it’s your business to do or not.”


After a moment of silence, Xie Ming looked down at Yui: “What do you want to eat Yui?”

“As long as Dad makes it, I want to eat it.”

Yui raised her head and said softly, “It’s been a long time since I had eaten Dad’s cooking.”

“Um… alright.”

After patting Yui’s back lightly and letting her leave, Xie Ming stood up and smiled.

“Then today, just work a little harder!”


“Ahhhhhhhhhhh, I didn’t expect that so long passed…”

Looking at the stars in the sky of personal space, Xie Ming stretched out, with a wry smile on his face.

He really didn’t expect that on his trip, CC and Yui had waited for five or six mission worlds, and even CC had crossed the second-tier advanced mission and entered the third-tier.

Her five attributes have even caught up with herself. The highest agility, even reached 270 points. The lowest physique also had 200 points.

Different from his own full attribute plus point, the main side of CC is agility and energy, followed by strength and intelligence. Prior to the second-level advanced mission, CC was an advanced mission that controlled his agility at 195 points, and then went through several mission worlds to fill up all three attributes of energy, strength, and intelligence before starting the advanced mission.

And the artifact that I gave her: the lament of the unfortunate, was successfully turned on by CC. The Queen of Sword suit on her body was also successfully upgraded to a Tier 3 suit.

It can be said that if the current CC breaks out with full strength, it can even defeat his first stage state and barely touch his second stage. In other words, the full burst of CC has entered the low-end level of the fourth stage.

Needless to say, you can feel how much effort has been made and how many crises have been passed.

After evenly distributing the 90 data points he obtained this time, Xie Ming’s current five attributes have reached 283 points. In other words, after a mission world that has reached the Ex evaluation, he is about to face a third-tier advanced mission.

Therefore, before proceeding to the last mission world of Tier 3, he needs to go back and solve some of the remaining problems in the personal world, as well as his own physical injuries.

Returning to the personal world is the same as responding to the request for assistance in the Book of Followers, which requires one day of the seven days of rest. He had already decided on the first world he would go back to. So before going back, he still has one thing to try in his personal space.

Silently took out the secret book: Thousands of souls, Xie Ming began to read with the light outside the house.

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