Chapter 1046: The Supreme Bishop of Puritanism

The school city and the British Puritan have reached a cooperation, I am afraid that fools can see this. In the Orthodox Church of Rome, naturally, it is impossible for all of them to be fools.

In addition, the Roman Orthodox Church was defeated by the three right seats of gods, so in order to fight against the Academy City, they naturally needed to make corresponding measures.

The C document is a trap made to obliterate Xie Ming and some harassment of the school city. Then the explosion of the Eurotunnel in Britain was an action taken against the British Puritanism.

The tunnel was bombed, and there must be a pot of Roman Orthodox church in it. No need to think about it, the Orthodox Church of Rome can’t escape. But because of this incident, it is very intriguing whether it is really only the Roman Orthodox Church.

But now that I have come to the UK, it is natural to understand the three major factions that make up the UK.

Royal School, Cavaliers, British Puritanism.

The relationship between the three can be said to be intricate and mutual restraint, but no one can do without each other, just like rock, paper, scissors. Without any faction, stability will collapse instantly.

The royal faction is the active force on the bright side of the UK, masters the direction of the country, interferes in national politics, and is the helm of the big British ship.

The Cavaliers are under the command of the Royal Family. They are responsible for helping the Royal Family to control the army and police, and supervise and use the British Puritanism to prevent the religious power from being higher than the royal power. It is the shield of the entire country.

British Puritanism used public opinion and belief to influence and control the royal family. At the same time, they are doing dirty work. The necessary evil church exists for this.

What is necessary evil is to make people willing to do bad things. If the Cavaliers represent the ‘bright’ side of Britain, then the British Puritanism represents the ‘dark’ side.

The royal school is to reconcile the gray between ‘light and darkness’ and ‘white and black’. This description should be easier to understand.

Xie Ming and Inticus, one belonged to the academy city in name, the other belonged to the British Puritanism in essence. These two people came to London, and who was in charge of receiving them must be guessed without guessing.

Holding the girl in his arms, Xie Ming slowly landed from the air according to the instructions of the artificial intelligence in the communication device.

On the ground, a beautiful girl (?) in a pale pink simple monastic dress was looking at them with a sweet smile.

The white and crystal skin looked beautiful under the not-so-dazzling sunlight, and there was a smile in the clear eyes like sapphires. But what attracts the most attention is the shiny golden hair that can still reach the knee after several turns.

Xie Ming’s gaze was also on the girl(?)’s hair, and a faint cold light flashed in his eyes.

Because of this woman’s hair, he felt extremely disgusted and sick. This feeling is like encountering a disgusting evil god.

No, even Nyarlatotepu and Yug Sotos did not give him such a sick feeling. Because they are evil gods, but they don’t have any specificity. However, this woman’s hair is different.

It’s as creepy as it contains the enhanced and condensed version of the evil of this world.


Xie Ming landed calmly, put Inticus down, and looked at the girl-like woman in front of him faintly.

“His Highest Bishop!”

Inticus didn’t think much about it. After seeing the girl, he directly bowed: “The Necessary Evil belongs to the Church. Indicus, the banned book catalogue, has seen the Supreme Bishop.”

“Thank you, Inticus.”

The girl smiled softly, and then looked at Xie Ming: “Your father, that’s your Excellency Xie Ming. The little girl has long heard of your father’s bravery, and seeing your father today is a fulfillment of the little girl’s recent wish.”


“Ah, I’m extremely sorry, the little girl hasn’t said her name yet. The little girl is named Laura Stewart, and she is among the highest bishops of the Puritanism. The little girl is not talented, please give me some advice in the future.”


At this time, not only Xie Ming, but even Inticus raised his head, with an extremely tangled look on his face.


Laura tilted her head: “Excuse me, is there anything wrong with the little girl? If there is anything wrong, please point out your Excellency Xie Ming.”

“Most…. Supreme Bishop…” Inticus opened her mouth, not knowing what to say. Then he opened his mouth wide and bit Xie Ming’s hand all at once.


Xie Ming was taken aback for a moment, and then raised his hand with a bewildered face, and looked at Inticus who was biting herself, “You, why are you biting me?”

“Who told you not to speak at all!!!”

“????? I’m to blame for this? Let me go… No, let me go, you nun who is a dog food!!”

“Ah! Xie Ming, you finally said something you shouldn’t have said! Ahhhhhhh!!!”

Looking at Inticus who was shaking her hands frantically and biting Xie Ming firmly. The smile on Laura’s face became slightly stiff.

What…what’s the matter?


“Ah… sorry, Miss Lola, made you laugh.”

Pinching Indix’s face, Xie Ming’s eyes twitched and said, “I didn’t discipline this little guy well.”

“No, it doesn’t matter.” Laura covered her mouth with a chuckle: “Well, it’s because the two are extremely close to each other that Inticks will do this to you.”

“…… Then, there is also the reason why I was silent just now.”

The corners of Xie Ming’s eyes twitched again: “Please speak English. No, even if it’s not English, French, Russian, Chinese, anything is fine, please don’t speak Japanese anymore.”

“Your Japanese grammar sounds really stupid.”


Laura blinked her eyes cutely, and then hurriedly covered her mouth, and said in English: “Yes…Is it true!? In order to cooperate with Gakuen City, I also specially learned it from a real Japanese. Japanese!”

“Then the’real Japanese’ who teaches you Japanese is a real Japanese, then he is just playing with you.” Xie Ming said lightly: “I recommend that you use wolf teeth when you meet him again. Great wait.”

“Yes… it’s like this…”

Hearing Xie Ming’s words, Laura’s smile became extremely kind at this moment: “I will accept this suggestion.”

(On the plane, a certain young man with blond hair and sunglasses couldn’t help but sneezed several times, his nose stuck to the face of the hedgehog next to him)

“So, it’s not good to stand here and chat. I wonder if you two would like to visit the streets of London with me?”

Seeing the gentle smile of the woman in front of him again, Xie Ming glanced at Inticus, whose eyes were full of light, sighed inwardly, and nodded gently.

“It just so happens that I am also very curious about the street scenery in London. So I trouble Miss Laura to condescend and act as a tour guide for me.”

“Hehehehe, you are welcome.”

He took a small fan from the entourage next to him and propped it up. Laura walked to Xie Ming’s side and smiled slightly.

“Then, let’s go~”

“Oh! Let’s go!”

Inticus said happily. In response, Xie Ming could only sigh again.

Doesn’t this silly boy know that this woman is the culprit that causes her to be erased every year?

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